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English (Compulsory) (Secondary Part 1, Class [X) 118 (II) Paper: I Group: I Time: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE Marks: 19 Code: 5013 Note: You bave four choices for ech objective type question os A, B,C nnd D. The choice which you think is earrecl, ‘ll that cizee in frent of thal question number. Lise marker ox pen to fll the cloclus. Cutting or filling two ar more cineles will eeault in zero mullk in that question, Astempt as many questions as given in objective type question Paper and leave others blank | 1. Choose the correct form of verb from the options and fill up the bubbles; § L. They hockey at that time. (A) shall be playing \(B) played (C) play (D) plays 21 the book when the bell rang. {A) read (B) reads. (C) was reading (D) had read 3. She for London tomorrow, (A) is leaving (B) left (C) leaving (D) leave 4. The earth around the'sun, 4A) will revolve (B) tevolved (C) revolving (D) revolves 5. If since last night. (A) rained (B) rains (C) had been raining = (D)_ will rain. Choose the word with correct spellings from the options and fill up the bubbles: 4 6 (A) chastened (B) chastaned (C) chastunad (D) chasteend 7. (A) adieshn (B) adiesston (C) addiction (D) adiection 8. (A) apointed (B) appointed (C) appeontd (D) apoinntad. 9. (A) madetation (B) medetashn (C) maditashon (D) meditation Shoves the correct messing of the anda Fo Gu GI=|P=1),brip 10. Curstive means. {A) stealing (B) healing Type: Bitmap Image R Size: 949 KB TL. Of easy wind and downy flake. Dimension: 2390 «3240 fA) bard (B) craft pixels 12. Vindictive means. : (A) dedicate (B) revengeful \o experiment (D) text 13. Keep up your morale. i (A) wealth {B) self-esteem (Q), seetion (D) voice 14. The litle birds are piping yet. \ {A) twittering (B) erving (C) weeping (D) yelling ‘Choose the correct option according to grammar from the options and fill up the bubbles: 5 15. The moment which is lost is lost for ever. The underlined word is a / an pronoun, (A) indefinite (B) reflexive (C) possessive (D) relative 16. He is fond of cooking. The underlined word is a/ an al (A) gerund (B) present participle (C) infinitive, (D) past participle 17, like to see a face with ¢ smile on it. The underlined phrase is a / 4 {A) adverb phrase (B) adjective phrase (C) pitiless (0) noua phrase 18. “Valoue"is a/ an noun, \ (A) material (B) countable (C) abstract {D) uncountable 19. He spoke very loud. The underlined word is an adverb of ; (A) manner (B) frequency (C) degree (D) time ‘ GQuj-4-[- is (11}-118-150000 English (Compulsory) (Secondary Part I, Class [X) 118 (I) Paper I Time: 2:10 Hours SUBJECTIVE s iON =) 2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: i, What was the mission of the Rasool #754" 2 vy. What was the Quaid’s 4 concept of our nat (The Saviour of Mankind) What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion? vi. Why did the nurse ask Hira’s sister to come and talk to het What message do you get from the life of Hazrat AsmavJvn? vii. What are the effects of drug addiction? Why was a heavy iron chain hung at the entrance viii. What harmful effects noise pollution is causing of the court? on human health? 3. Translate any TWO of the following paragraphs into Urdu: 4,4 (a) Her grandfather, Hazrat Abu Quhafaa »y% was a eliever at that time. He was very old and had become blind. He said to her, “Asma 644%, 1 think Abu Bakr 24% has taken all the wealth, leaving you and children empty-handed and helpless.” At this, she instantly ran to a corner of the home. (b) The whole joumey of the great leader's struggle for a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent was based on the pivot of the Muslim unity and oneness as a nation. He talked about Pakistan in such clear terms that a common man could understand it. (c) How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour in the woods and see nothing worthy of note? 1 who cannot see can find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. I fool the delicate symmetry of a leaf. | pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough shaggy bark of a pine. OR Re-write any TWO of the above paragraphs in simple English. 4, Write down the summary of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by “Robert Frost”. 5 OR Explain the following stanza with reference to the context: Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. (Turn Over) Gw/-49-(-4 -2 Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in sentences of your own: 5 i) delegation ii) responsible iii) geared up iv) aclick away vy) fit of fury vi) determined vii) spacious viii) care Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his mother. 8 OR Write a story with the moral, The Boy who Cried “Wolf”. OR Write a dialogue asking one’s way. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10 There was once a man whose doctor gave him medicine which was quite black. His servant who was illiterate made a mistake and poured out a dose of ink in place of the drug. He gave it to his master who drank it. After the patient had taken the dose of ink the servant somehow realized his mistake. He ran back to his master and said, “Sir, I have given you a dose of ink instead of the medicine as both were equally black. What should be done now?” The master replied softly, “Now give me a piece of blotting paper to swallow”. Questions: i) What was the colour of the medicine? ii) What did the servant give to his master? iii) When did the servant come to know of his mistake? iv) What did the servant do? vv) What did the master say to his servant? Translate any FIVE of the following sentences into English: 5 we UF Tis eb (it oUt UF belt Ut (i Ee fF (i Bye tug (wi Youd a tu ge JE SEY (iv me & bu Gel (iii pS rey = Wal UF (vii ALTERNATE QUESTION FOR FOREIGN / ENGLISH MEDIUM CANDIDATES. ‘Write TEN sentences about “Basant’. Change the voice of the following: 5 i) She gave me five films. ii) We shall have killed the snake. He praised the boy for his courage. iv) They have not done their job. v) Khurshid helps Noushaba. , 5-118-150000 Guse9e [- (9 English (Compulsory) (Secondary Part L, Class 1X) 117 (11) Paper: 1 Group: IL ‘Time: 20 Minutes E Marks: 19 i ‘Code: 5016 Note: Yau have four choices for euch objective type question as A, fh, C und D, The choice which you think is correct, {fill that cirele in Front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the clecles. Cutting or filing twa or more circles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave otbery blank. 1, Choose the correct farm of verb and fill up the bubbles: 1. She has _ him back, (A) send (B)> sent, (C) sending (D) sends 2, They shall be hockey at that time, (A) playing (B) play (C) plays (D) are playing 3. Do you to school every day? (A) goes: (B) going (C) went (DB) go 4 to rain an hour ago, (A) begin (B) begins (C)_ beginning (D) began 3. Phad the house before it started raining. / (A) leaves (B) loft (C) leaving ) leave Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles: 6. (A) hestory (B) hictory (©) history (D) history 7. (A) milky (B) miliky (C)_metky (D) milkiy 8. (A) senore @B} senior (C) cenoir (D) senior 9, (A) kustom (8B) costum (C) cestum (D) custom Choose the correct meanings of the underlined words and {ill 10, The word “Dunes” means: (A) pieces. {B) strong (EO? sandy hills (D) woods 11. “Adored” means: ‘the bubbles: (A) decorated (B) selected (D) fallen 12, ‘The word “supreme” means: (A) short (A) small top (D) award 13. "Quiver" means (A) to demonsteate (B) to act amusingly AC) noisy (DB) to shake slightly 14, The word “perilous” means: (A) quick (B) dangerous (C) soft (D) prey Choose the correct option according to gepfnmar and fill up the bubbles: 15, My mother becomes if | get hopfe late, (A) anxiety @ anxiovs (C) anxieties {(D) anxiously 16. Salman is absent because he is ill. (Ye underlined word is a/ an peanoun. (A) personal (B) refleptic (C) indefinite (D) relative 17. The boy laughs loudly. The underlined word isa / an wert, (A) helping (B) Atansitive (C) inwansitive (D) irregular 18, Why don’t you go alony you brother?) fA) to B) by (C) for (D) with 19. The dog sat his master. (A) beside (B) along (C) across (D) over 4-(011)-117-138000 Gu-G- 2-19 an 2, Write short answers to aay PIVE of the following questio 3 4 & 6. SUBJECTIVE 2:10 Hours “TION | English (Compulsory) (Secondary Part 1, Class 1X) 117 Papert Group 11 ‘ Marks: $6 i} What was the mission af Rasool As neitizen of Pakistan what are your duties towards your country? What was the Quaid’s k=> concept of our nation? iv. What is an [CU in a hospi Are drug addicts aware of the dangers of drugs? —v Who was Hellen Keller? How do you define noise pollution? ‘Wht is the most important funet (SECTION - I) ‘Translate any TWO of the following paragraphs into Urdu: that media performs’? 44 (a) Another saurce of noise pollution in urban areas is the work on construction sites. onstruction work in urban areas is usually show and tneconsuming. The transport and equipfent used at ‘construction sites, its grilling and piercing sound is a big source of noise pollution. ib) Quaid-e-Azam choo was a man of strong fuith and belie Me firmly lieved that the ew emerging state of Pakistan based on Islamic principles would reform the séciety as a whole. In his Eid message, September 1945, Quaid-e-A.zam <8 said, “Islam is a compile cose regulating the ‘whole Muslim society, every department af lige collectively and indiviclually" te) Media helps people to share knowledge of the woeld. Their feelings 4 opinions are expressed through it, Media atiracis the utteution af a very lorge audience, Have you ngAced that the flrst thing we do soon aftcr emering the house is ta switeh on the television. oR I EST i " ‘Re-write any TWO of the above purigraphs in simple ‘Write down the summary of the pocm “Daffodils” by “Wi 5 OR Explain the fatlowing stanza with reference to the context: Whose woods these are | think | know. His house is in the village though; He will not sce me stoppiag here To watch his woods fill up with snow, Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases /idjéms in sentences of your owt i) determination if) invasion iii) refuge ) reveal the secret Englis! ¥)_ pass through vi) century vii). urge viii) determined Tipe Write a letter to your sister congratulaiing her4access ia the exarnination. MRE OR Size: 9 ‘Write a story having moral “A Priva fed ba Friend Indeed", Dimer OR Write a dialogue between a brother anf a sister euneerning time, peels Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: Ww Gne day a wolf felt very hungry. He wandered here and there in search of Food but he eould nat find anything 1a eat. At last he suw = flock of sheep grazing in a pusturs. He wanted to eat one but they were guarded by & hound. The shepherd's son was also tending the flock vigilantly. The wolf found himself helpless. At last he hit upon & plan. He hid himself in the skin of a sheep and sufely went inte the flock The hound could aot flad out the wolf in disguise. Me killed a sheep and ate it without being caigh Lin this way he ate up many sheep and their number began to fall every day. The shepherd was preadly worried tbut could not find out the thief, Questions: i) Why did the wolf wander about? i) Did be find anything to cut? iif) Why was the waif helpless? iv) How did he get inta the flock?) Why was the shepherd worried’? ‘Translate and FIVE of the followiag sentences into English: 5 eb flow ii ge DBT i BW yl bead (i eee wei ee? ty “eA UL MLAS fiv Feb ree oT vith de dy tC L uuyoh (vii ag 2 ai he Bu EN Change the vaice of the following: 5 i) He took away my books. i) We shall have finished our work by March next, i) Why is he mending the chair? iv) ‘They have bought a horse ¥) Nothing bad been gained by them eS 4-117-134000 = (Oy Sie

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