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ww SSC fonpaz0%s [RoMNo_ Tiwjiicdniwnemunn (For all sessions) [paper coae| [0] 1]2 English Compulsory (Objectivetype) Group-t Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 19 NOTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided/Four possible answers A,B,C & D to each question are given Which answer you consider correc, fil the comesponding circle A,B,C or D given in front of each auestion with Marker or pen ink on the answer sheet provides 1-14) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the respective bubble: 05 1 The teacher___since 8 O'clock {A fs leaching (8) was teaching (C) will bg teaching (D) has been teaching 2. Karim, his teeth (A) clean (8) cleaning (C) clegns (0) are cleaning 3. Amjad the prize (A) winning (8) hes won (©) eve won {0) was won 4. She did not ate, (A) tel (8) tells (©)/teling (0) tol 5. He pay the fine, (A) was (8) shan (9) is (D) shall be (8) Choose the word with correct spellings and fll up the respective bubble: 04 & Correct spelling is: {A} relopse (8) ralapse J (©) relupes (0) relapse 7. Correct spelling is: fi A) choas {B) chaos (C) chaus (0) chous 8. Correct speling is (A) rufuge (8) refuge (C) rafuge (0) rotuge 8. Correct speling is: / {A) pansive (8) pensive / ——(C) pansave (0) penseve {C) Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word and fil up the respective bubble: 05 10. He wanted to protect the values. f (A) corena 8) win (C) devastate (0) develop 11. She remained steadfast and did not reveay'the seoret (A) fiom and resolute (B) patient / (C) ready to face (D) prepared for the worst 12. Keep up your morale / fA) wealth (B) self esteem (C) voice {D) cowardice 'S, Istonbulis the largest oy in Turkey. / (A) smatiest (8) popytetes {C) greatest {D) busiest 14. This response shows the wisdom. / (A) inquiry (8) ayéstion (C)_ sentence (D) answer {D) Choose the correct option acgording to grammar and fill up the respective bubble: 05 15. He came after night had fallen, ‘Phe underlined clause is a / an adverb clause of (A) condition (8) /plece (C) time (B) reason 48. Sagibis leaving____Friday ¢t noon (A) on () at (C) by (0) from 17. The boy laughs loudly The ybderlined word is a /an: (A) intransitive verb fe transitive verb (C)__ irregular verb (©) auxiliary verb 18. We watched nim go. The uhderlined word is a / an: (A) past participle (B) gerund (C) present participle (OD) infinitive 19. The shoe is pressing on my tos. The underlined phrase is @/an:___ phrase. {A) prepositional (8) noun (C) adjective {D} adverb R 21-09-03 Ru od. 9- ree hort 1) 8-9018 Roll No. __tobe filled in by theeandidute (For all sessions) English Compulsory (Essay Type) Group-l Time: 2:10 Hours Marks: 56 2. Answer any five of the following questions. 2x5=10 i What is the highest military award of Pakistan? ii, What type of land Arabia is? ii, How can we become a strong nation? wv. Why was Hazrat Abu Qahafa (27.11%) worried? v. What is an ICU in a hospital? vi, Who was appointed as the architect of maslid(Suitan Ahmad Masjid) vis What are the causes of drug addiction? vill, How do you define noise pollution? 3. Translate any two of the following paragraph into urdu. OR Rewrite into simple English. 08 @. —_Yeswell said. It would not be wrong to say thet media is the most vigilant institution that keeps an eye on every segment of the society. Through debates, reports and talk shows, it makes everyone answerable and accountable. That is why media has become an integral part of aur lives. b, The Blue Mosque has six minarets. Four minarets stand one each at the four corners of the Mosque. Each of these pencil shaped minarets has three balconies, whie the two others at the end of the forecourt have only two balconies c. Drug addiction is a common prablem all over the world today. There are many forms of drug addiction, but the most dangerous of all is the absolute dependence on i, Long-term use of drugs causes permanent mental and physical sickness. 4, Write down the summary of the poem *Stopp ing by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost. 95 Explain the following stanza with reference to the context. I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once | saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils: 5. Use any five of the following words / phrase J idioms in your own sentences. 05 (i) sacritice (i) gave away (i) refuge (iv) man in the street (¥) pass through (vi) falta prey (vil) spacious ——_(vill)_impression 6. Write a letter to your mother who is worried about your health. 08 OR Write a story with the moral,”Haste makes waste" OR Write a dialogue between two students regarding time. 7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. 10 There was once 2 man whose doctor gave him medicine which was quite black. His servant, who was iliteratre, made a mistake and poured out a dose of ink in piace of the drug. He gave it to his master who drank it. ‘After the patient had taken the dose of ink, the servant somehow realized his mistake. He ran back to his master land said,"Sir, | have given you a dose of ink instead of the medicine as both were equally black. What should be done now?" The master replied softly,’Now give me a piece of biotting paper to swallow’ Questions: (i) What was the colour of the medicine? (ii) What did servant give to his master? (li) What did the servant do? (iv) When did the servant come to know of his mistake? (v) What did the master say to his servant? 8. Translate any five of the following sentences into English. 05 Aggie W) -eBshtion Go) UetEFE 5 Ci) uMberZt GD tld ¥ O Laer (vil) eee Lt (vi) bbe wnt Ww Alternate question for candidates whose medium of examination Is English/Foreign candidates only Write ten sentences about "A Meena Bazar 9, Change the voice of the following. 05 {He took away my books. (i) They are buying this house. (ii) Nothing had been gained by them. (iv) The doctor asked her to stay in the bed. (v) Why did she write such a letter? K cen QuyP- Fate If SSC PartetA-2018 ____Tobefitted in by hovanaiaaw, | (FOFall sessions) | paper code| § | 0 | 1| 4 English Compulsory (Objectivetype) Group-II Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 19 NOTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A.B,C & D to each question are given ‘hich answer you consider correct, fill the corresponding circle A,B,C or D given in front of each Zuestion with Marker bc gen ink on the answer shee! oraviced 4. (A) Choose the corréct form of verb and fill up the respective bubble: 05 +L him next Mond’ (A) meet (8) meets (6) met (0) shali meet 2, They always___back homeNate. (a) come comes (©) came (©) coming 3. She _French al present (A) learn (8) teal (6) tearnt (D) is learning 4 | already the letter. (A) post (8) posts (GC) posted (0) have posted Bt to rain an hour ago. \ (A) begin {B) begins “ (€) began {D) begun (B) Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the respective bubble: 04 6. Correct spelling is ‘ (A) enfluance (8) influance (0), enfluence (0) influence 7, Correct speliing is: {A) eredicate (8) eridicate (©) eridecate 8, Correct spelling is (A) twinka (B) twinkle (D) twenkte © Correct spelling is (A) spacious (8) spacius {D) specius (C) Choose the correct meaning of the underlined ward and filhyp the respective bubble: 08, 40, The entie journey of the great leader's struggle was for Muslims of sub-bentinent (A) short (8) long (C) pleasing (0) complete 41, She remained steadfast and did not reveal the secret. (A) patient (B) fiers and resolute’ (C) ready to face \o atraid 42, The little birds are piping yet {A) twittering (8) eying (©) weeping pveting 13, We should face it bravely to save Pakistan (A) repair (®) cope with {C) correct {©) igna 44, ‘adorned! means (A) closed (®) opened (©) decorated (0) washed (0) Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the respective bubble: 08 18. The police dispersed the crowd. The underlined word is (A) proper noun (8) common noun —(C)_ abstract noun (0) collective nou 16, She was singing at a concer last Sunday. The underlined word is \ (A) adver of manner (B) adverb of place (C)_ adverb of time, {D) adverb of frequendy 47, Painting Is @ good fun. The underlined word is: (A) gerund (B) collective noun (C)_ adjective (0) adverd \ 48. Like to see a smiling face, The underfines word is: (A) noun (8) pronoun (C) adjective (0) adverb 49. Ali ran at great speed, The underlined phrase is a/ an _phrase: {A) noun (B) verb (©) adver {D) adjective R as0awe Rip I-2-1F Koll No. _tobe filled intythecandidate (For all sessions) English Compulsory (Essay Type) Group-0 Time: 2:10 Hours Marks: 56 2. Answer any five of the following questions. 2x5=10 i. What normtu! effects noise pollution is causing on human health? i, Why was Hazrat Abu Qahafa (*4H16%) worried? iu, How much confidence did Quaid-e-Azam have in his nation? iv, Why has Helen Keller na time to waste? v, Whe was appointed as the architect of the Masjid? vi, How will you define patriotism? vi, What are the two major means of communication? vili, Why was the Holy Qur'an sent in Arabic? 3. Translate any two of the following paragraph into urdu. OR — Rewrite into simple English. 08 Media helps people to share knowledge af the world. Their feelings and opinions are expressed through it. Media attracts the attention of a very large audience. Have you noticed that the first thing we do soon after entering the house js to switch on the televiston? b. The ideology of Pakistan was based on the fundamental principle that the Muslims are an independent nation, Any atiemipl to yet tines: merge their national and political idontity will ba strongly resisted c. The most important measure to be taken in this regard is the rehabililation and recovery of a drug addict. In many countries including Pakistan, adcicts, their families and friends consider it a taboo to share their problem with others, 4, Write down the summary of the poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth OR 05. Explain the following stanza with reference to the context. The woods are jovely, dark and deep, But | have promises to keep, And miles to go before | sieep, And miles to go before I steep, 5. Use any five of the following idioms | phrases / words in your own sentences. 05 {i) meditation (¥) prosperity fii) pageant —_(v)._ to Keep an eye (v) detect (vi) vindictive {vii}. adorned (vill) popping in 6. Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his mother. 08 OR Write a story with the moral,"Once a fiar, always a liar". OR Write a dialogue between two friends regarding prayers. 7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. 10 ‘One day a git found a cain. It rolled away before her broom when she was sweeping the yard, and fell with 2 lie glate against the wall. Sho ran and picked it up. Someone had dropped it while orossing the yard and poraps nad not even troubled to iook for t It vas werth litle, But it seemed a whole fortune to her, who never had anything of her before. She rubbed it clean on the sieeve of Ker blue cotton jacket and put it into her pocket. Questions: {i} ¥éhat did the girl find? fi) When did she find it? (li) How had the coin been dropped there? divi Why was it a whole fortune for her? (v) What did she do after cleaning it? 8. Translate any five of the following sentences into English. 05 senlMibiebuds luielebo Ge rbeAwniduG doksrea @ Ln ine Seal Wilt) a Sibnle gpr hv) AG Pawel RIL Uh (WD ce Seitiael (v? Alternate question for candidates whose medium of examination is English/Foreign candidates only . Write ten sentences about "Fashions". 05 9. Change the voice of the following, {i) Why did sre write such a letter? (il) They are buying this house. {ii We shall have silled the snake, gq taught by her. (v) He will give you 2 box of chosolats. 204-09-A- Rw Jer -ig {iv) The students were be

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