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Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(5):274-278

Curative effect and histocompatibility evaluation of re-

construction of traumatic defect of rabbit urethra using
extracellular matrix
HU Yun-fei 胡云飞*, YANG Si-xing杨嗣星, WANG Ling-long王玲珑 and JIN Hua-min 金化民

Objective: To investigate the curative effect and histo- slightly rose, but the increase was not significant as com-
compatibility of reconstruction of traumatic urethral defect pared with control group. On postoperative day 10, epithe-
of rabbit using urethral extracellular matrix (ECM). lial cell had migrated from each side and small vessels were
Methods: Urethral ECM was obtained by excision of found in the extracellular matrix. In the 3rd week, several
the urethra in 20 donor rabbits. In experimental group, 20 layers of urothelium covered the whole surface of the matrix
rabbits were resected a 1.0 cm-1.5 cm segment of the ure- tube. In the 6th week, the disorganized arrangements of
thra and artificially made a model of traumatic urethral smooth muscle fibers were firstly observed by Van Gieson
defect, then reconstructed by the urethral extracellular ma- staining. In the 24th week, the smooth muscle cells increased
trix of the same length. The rabbit immunity response was and the matrix tube appeared fairly similar to normal urethral
assessed by lymphocyte transformation test and serum wall components. The urethroscopy and urodynamic evalu-
TNF-α level. The reconstructed urethral segments were ation revealed that the surface of reconstructed urethra was
stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Van Gieson stain and smooth and emiction was unobstructed.
observed by histological examination postoperatively. The Conclusion: The urethral extracellular matrix might be
urethrography, urethroscopy and urodynamic examinations an ideal and safe biomaterial for the reconstruction of ure-
were performed. thral traumatic defect.
Results: There was no significant difference in stimula- Key words: Extracellular matrix; Urethra; Reconstruc-
tive index of lymphocyte transformation between ECM group tive surgical procedure
and control group. The serum TNF-α levels of ECM group Chin J Traumatol 2008; 11(5):274-278

rethral injury is the most common traumatic removal of all soluble proteins in the matrix. There have
disease in urologic surgery. The management been many reports on regeneration of different tissues
of complicated urethral defects caused by ure- in animal model using the ECM scaffold.3-8 Here, we
thral injury has been a real challenge to urologists for report our experimental results of urethral ECM as a
decades. The reconstruction of urethra has been at- repairing material for urethral reconstruction in rabbit
tempted with various indigenous and allogeneic model.
materials.1,2 However, the ideal materials for urethral
replacement have not been found yet. METHODS

Extracellular matrix (ECM) was produced by extract- Animal groups

ing cell components from the cellular matrix through a A total of 60 New Zealand male rabbits, weighing 2.5-
multistep chemical and enzymatic process. This leaves 4.0 kg, were provided by the animal experiment center
behind a sheet of homogenous extracellular matrix, of Wuhan University. The urethral ECM were asepti-
which mainly consists of collagen and elastin with the cally obtained from 20 rabbits. The other 40 rabbits were
divided into 3 groups: ECM group (n=20), in which ho-
mologous urethral ECM graft were used to replace the
Department of Urology, Renmin Hospital of W uhan
defected urethra; control group (n=10), in which the ani-
University, Wuhan 430060, China (Hu YF, Yang SX, Wang
mals were given sham operation; homologous urethra
LL and Jin HM)
*Correponding author: 86-27-88041911-2235, E-mail: group (n=10), in which the animals were transplanted with homologous urethral segment.
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(5):274-278 . 275

Agents cally resected, ground and homogenized by serum-free

The following reagents and instruments were used: IMDM to prepare cell suspension containing approxi-
10 mmol/L phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH=7.4), mately 1.0×106 lymphocytes per ml. Then 100 µl cell sus-
0.5% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), pension was added to 96-well flat plate, 100 µl IMDM
Iscoves Modified Dulbeccos Medium (IMDM, Hyclone, containing PHA (1000 µg/ml) was inoculated to wells in
USA), methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT, Sigma,USA), experiment groups, and IMDM medium without PHA
phytohemagglutinin (PHA, Sigma, USA) and rabbit TNF-α was added in control group. The culture fluid was incu-
ELISA kit (BPB Co, USA) bated in a 5% CO2 atmosphere at 37°C for 48 hours,
transferred to a centrifuge tube and centrifuged at 1000
Urethral ECM preparation r/min for 10 minutes. Discard the supernatant, drop 10
The urethral sections of donor rabbits were im- µl MTT (1 mg/ml) in each tube, then incubate for 5 hours,
mersed in PBS containing 0.1% sodium azide for 12 and centrifuge at 1000 r/min for 5 minutes. Add 200 µl
hours, 0.5% EDTA along with 0.4% trypsin for 5-6 DMSO and vibrate in 37°C water for 10 minutes. Absor-
hours, 1.0% formaldehyde together with 0.2% glutaral- bance was determined with an automatic ELISA reader
dehyde for 10 minutes, 1 mol/L sodium chloride contain- at 570 nm. The stimulative index (SI) of lymphocyte
ing 40 U/ml DNase for 6-8 hours. Subsequently, the sec- transformation was measured with a formula: SI=OD
tions were put in 50 ml of 4% sodium desoxycholate value in PHA group / OD value in control group.
containing 0.1% sodium azide and stirred for 5-6 hours.
The acellular matrix was washed three times in PBS ELISA for serum TNF-α quantitation
and stored in 10 % neomycin sulfate at 4°C.9 Rabbit blood was collected from the left atrium.
The serum was prepared by centrifugation and stored
Surgical technique at -70°C. The serum TNF-αconcentration was deter-
The rabbits of all groups were anesthetized with mined using a rabbit TNF- α ELISA kit according to
isoflurance (0.2% to 3%). In ECM group, 20 rabbits the manufacturer’s instructions. The TNF-α levels were
were resected a 1.0 cm-1.5 cm segment of the urethra. detected at 4 time points: before operation, at postop-
Then a model of traumatic urethral defect was artifi- erative 12 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours.
cially established and repaired by the urethral extracel-
lular matrix (ECM) of the same length. The new ECM Urethroscopy and urodynamic examination
was sutured to the remaining host urethral proximal The urodynamic examination was performed for 4
and distal ends by 6-0 vicryl sutures in end-to-end rabbits each in experimental groups and control group.
anastomosis. An 8-Fr catheter was placed in urethra Four rabbits in ECM group were examined by urethros-
after operation. In control group, we only exposed the copy at postoperative 24th week.
urethral corpora cavernosa and closed the incision
immediately. In homologous urethral group, animals RESULTS
were randomly divided into 5 pairs and homologous ure-
thral segments were transplanted from each other. The Characterization of the urethral ECM
surgical procedure was the same as ECM group. After being de-cellularized, the urethral tissue ap-
peared as a white, semitransparent and wider caliber.
Light microscopy and ultrastructural evaluation Histologically, the implants were confirmed to be acellu-
The reconstructed urethral segments stained with lar before implantation. The structure of the extracellular
hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Van Gieson stain were ob- matrix was regularly composed of many eosinophilic re-
served with light microscopy and scanning electron mi- ticular collagen fibrils by HE staining, which were closely
croscopy at the 10th day, 3rd, 6th and 24th week connected with each other. The fragment of cell was not
postoperatively. Eight rabbits (4 from ECM group and 4 noticed. Under a scanning electron microscope, the
from control group) underwent the urethrographic ex- matrix fibers were fabricated as network and there was
aminations 10 and 24 weeks after operation. no cell fragments in the interstices (Fig.1). Scanning elec-
tron microscopy showed the intact nature of the urethral
PHA-induced lymphocyte transformation test matrix surface and confirmed the scaffold-like structure
In the 3th week, the spleens of rabbits were asepti- of the graft without evidence of cellular elements.
. 276 . Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(5):274-278

Observation of reconstructed urethra in ECM group (2.432 ± 0.287) as compared with control
In ECM group, the surface of the matrix tube was
group (2.136 ± 0.325), but the difference had no signifi-
covered with urothelium 1 week after surgery (Fig.2). A
cance (P>0.05) . The SI in homologous urethra group
minimal infiltration of erythrocytes and mononuclear cells
were seen on day 10, indicating an acute inflammtory (3.315 ± 0.317) had increased significantly (P<0.05).
reaction. Three weeks after operation, several layers of
urothelium covered the whole surface of the matrix tube Serum TNF- α levels assay
more or less uniformly, showing no difference from the The results showed that the serum TNF-αlevels of
urothelium of the host. Six weeks after operation, the ECM group increased slightly as compared with control
matrix tube was composed of several layers of group, but the differences were not significant (P>0.05).
urothelium and some capillaries. The disorganized ar- The TNF-αlevels of homologous urethra group had
rangements of smooth muscle fibers were firstly ob- elevated significantly as compared with control group
served by Van Gieson staining and the ingrowth of (P<0.05 or P<0.01, Table 1).
muscle fibers occurred from adjacent edges of the host
urethra. The matrix specimens showed a lower density Urethroscopy and urodynamic examination
of myofilaments than the normal rabbit urethra. The com- Urethroscopy showed that the urathral wall of rabbit
plete disappearance of the mononuclear cells was ob- was smooth and integral and the inside diameter and
served and there was no evidence of fibrosis or scar in appearance of the urethral lumina was normal in ECM
the urethra. At the 24th week, neo-muscularization was group. There was no stenosis, extravasation of urine or
well developed. The smooth muscle cells were arranged stone formation. Urodynamic examination showed that
in parallelled rows in the longitudinal direction. The thick- differences in bladder capability, maximum bladder
ness of smooth muscle bundles had increased in the cen- pressure, volume of remnant urine and urethral lateral pres-
tral part of the matrix. The number of myofilaments was sure between experimental groups and control group were
significantly increased (Fig.3). The degenerative changes not significant confirmed by the Student’s t test ( P>0.05).
such as fibrosis, calcification or necrosis of the smooth
Table 1. The changes of serum TNF- α levels in 3
muscle layer were not observed. The urothelial lining and
groups (pg/ml)
muscularization of the matrix tube appeared fairly similar Serum TNF -αlevels (pg/ml)
to normal urethral wall components. In control group, there Groups
0h 12 h 24 h 48 h
was no urethral histological abnormality. In homologous
Control 19.9±7.8 25.7±10.3 26.8±9.6 28.5±10.5
urethral group, 6 rabbits died 10- 12 days after operation.
The carcass dissection revealed urethral stenosis and ECM 18.5±8.8 26.9±11.2 27.2±10.2 29.3±12.3

emphraxis resulting from rejection, the broken bladder Homologous

19.2±9.3 47.3±12.7 68.3±11.6 85.5±13.5
and various degrees of remnant urine in the abdominal
P1 0.6736 0.7787 0.9186 0.8617
cavity. The other 4 rabbits suffered from urethra-skin fis-
tulas and the catheters could not be inserted into bladder. t1 0.426 0.284 0.103 0.176

P2 0.8573 0.0006 0.00001 0.000002

Lymphocyte transformation test t2 0.185 0.143 8.175 10.54
Our experiment demonstrated that the stimulation P1, t1:control group vs ECM group; P2, t2: control group vs homolo-
index (SI) of lymphocyte transformation had rised slightly gous urethra group.

Fig. 1. The construction of ECM under scanning electron microscope (SEM, original magnification×900). Fig.2. The surface of the matrix
tube was covered with urothelium 1 week after surgery ( HE staining, original magnification×40). Fig.3. The normal-appearing muscle
bundles were seen 24 weeks after implantation ( Van Gieson staining, original magnification×40).
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(5):274-278 . 277

DISCUSSION Our laboratory has made an acellular collagen ma-

trix derived from urethral tissue, which can be experi-
For many years, the management of urethral de- mentally used for adequate urothelium cell epithelial-
fects or strictures caused by urethral injury is a formi- ization and urethral tissue regeneration.9 We have dem-
dable problem for urologists. Although traditional end- onstrated that the urethral extracellular matrix is suit-
to-end anastomosis is used for short urethral defects able for urethral repair in an animal model. All animals in
or strictures, the defect is too extensive to be repaired the experimental groups showed a patent and functioning
by direct end-to-end anastomosis in some cases. urethra, as evidenced by radiographs, histological exami-
nations of biopsies and urethroscopic examinations. There
Due to the shortage of urethral tissue for urethral was no evidence of infection, graft rejection, fistula, or
reconstruction, various non-degradable synthetic ma- stone formation in any animal in the experimental groups.
terials have been previously tested for urethral Tabularized repair for urethral defects with extracellular
replacement, including silicone, polytetrafluoroethylene, matrix was achieved successfully.
synthetic polyester, textile fabric and collagen tubes.
Vozzi et al.10 had used microfabricated PLGA as a scaf- The urethral acellular matrix used in this study was
fold to reconstruct urethra in animal experiments. These obtained from homologous urethral tissue. The cellular
materials have failed because of generated infection, components were removed, leaving only the collagen-
bio-incompatibility, crystal deposition. based matrix, composed of a complex mixture of struc-
tural and functional proteins, glycoproteins, and
Biodegradable synthetic polymers and naturally proteoglycans, arranged in a unique, tissue-specific,
derived collagen-based materials have been introduced three-dimensional ultrastructure. These proteins have
as materials that may guide urothelial tissue regenera- many functions, including the provision of structrual
tion in experiment and in clinic. The main goal of ure- support and tensile strength, attachment sites for cell
thral replacement is to find a material that allows reli- surface receptors, and reservoir for signaling factors
able regeneration of a functionally normal urethra. The that modulate such diverse host processes as angio-
major problem is how to identify a biomaterial as a suit- genesis and vasculogenesis, cell migration, cell proli-
able scaffold for this remodeling process. Atala et al.11 feration and orientation, inflammation, immune
reported their experience in the animal model with the response, and wound healing.12 In this study, after be-
formation of urothelial structures in vivo from dissoci- ing grafted successfully, the matrix in the experimental
ated cells attached to biodegradable polymer scaffolds groups became covered with urothelium that had mi-
in vivo. They showed that urothelial cells may be grated from host, then neovascularization occured, fol-
harvested, cultured and then bonded to artificial biode- lowed by the formation of smooth muscle cells. The
gradable polymers as scaffold materials for urethral normal and functional muscle lining was observable and
regeneration. Nevertheless, although the idea is no signs of antigenicity were evident. On postoperative
appealing, further studies must be done to investigate day 10, epithelization and vascularization were observed
their initial results. in the urethral acellular matrix. In the 6th week after
operation, Van Gieson staining showed the regenera-
Autologous tissue from various sources has been tion of smooth muscle cells and capillaries and the in-
clinically used for urethral reconstruction, including blad- flammatory reaction had disappeared. In the 24th week,
der mucosa free grafts, scrotum skin, prepuce mucosa, few differences were observed between graft and host
buccal, labial, testis tunica vaginalis and rectal grafts. tissue. Histological, urodynamic and radiographic stud-
Although each tissue type has specific advantages and ies demonstrated desirable tissue regeneration and func-
disadvantages, it is evident that the application is as- tional reconstruction of defected urethra. There were
sociated with additional procedures for graft retrieval, no obvious postoperative complications.
mucosal glandular protrusion, prolonged hospitalization
and donor-site morbidity. Moveover, there are many com- The lymphocyte transformation test is an available
plications such as skin flapor, graft shrink, stricture, way to evaluate the immune function of lymphocytes.
and stone formation. Researchers are looking for more Some unspecific stimulants such as PHA, ConA and
ideal material for urethral reconstruction. specific antigens can stimulate small lymphocytes to
. 278 . Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(5):274-278

transform into lymphocytoblasts. The SI of lymphocyte will result in its maintenance as a physiologic urethral
transformation reflects the level of cell-mediated wall. The detailed functional and molecular biologic ex-
immunity. Our study revealed that the SI of lympho- periments are needed to evaluate the mechanism of
cyte transformation increased slightly in ECM group angiogenesis in the urethral acellular matrix graft.
as compared with control group, but the increase was
not significant. Nevertheless, the SI in homologous ure- REFERENCES
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has the potential for functional neo-muscularization that

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