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Numeri 1. From the hypothetical data grentenenmmoome Method () GNPat market price ‘ulate the following: (u) NDPatFC (ui) Personal Income iv) Personal Disposable Income (Pp) | _—_— IT, ee] Exercise 6.5 | (A1989C} (i) Private income (Rincrore) ; {w) Income from domestic 1.25,748 i restettbeted crema Product accruing to government sector 8,618 (tv) Corporate tax 1,208 | (v) Net indirect tax Lazo | (vi) Personal direct taxes ss | {vtt) Net factor income from abroad a {vlé) Unemployment allowance its (v9) Depreciation 9751 (x) Mixed income “500 (xi) Interest on national debt 4,063 | Ans. (i) GNP at MP = 1,48,671 (NDP at FC = 1,21,996 crore | (tii) Per. Income = 1,22,566 (iv) PDI = 1,20,065 crore 2. On the basis of the following information, calculate PDI. |A1990) @ (i) Private income 2,000 (W) Income accruing to corporation 500 (i) Personal income tax 100 (iv) Dividends 50 50 (v) Miscellaneous receipts of government administrative dept. Ans. PDI= 2,000-500 + 50 dividend - 100-50 = 1,400 3. From the hypothetical figures given below about an economy, calculateNDPy_. (D1991C} | | (®incrore) (0 Private income 10,000 (ti) Income from domestic product accruing to govt. sector 925 (iti) Transfer payments 125 (iv) Net income from abroad (200 (v) Net indirect taxes 250 Ans. NDP, = (t)~ (iit) + (#)—() 10,000- 125 + 925-(-200) = 11,000 help of the following da , wan the . calculate: (a) GDP at MP (b) Private Income and Wy Personal Income, uy Netindirect taxes Since diy Net {actor income from abroad 7,500 uy Savings ofprivate corporate sector (41200 Ww) ONPatrC $ 2800 ip) Income from clomestic product a r oo Corporate tax \ccr uing to private sector 31,000 {o()) Intereston national debt 2,200 tans, (a) GDP GNPyo~ (10) + (0) 900, = 39,500 -(-200) + 7,500 = 47,200 p) Private Income =(0) +(W) +(vi) oe = 31,000 + (-200) + 900 = 31,700: {c) Personal Income= Private Income (it)(00) on = 31,700-2,800 - 2,200 = 26,700 crore 11993) g. wih the help of the following data, caleulate: (a) Persona Disposable Incom (b) Personal Income, and (c) Private Income. y Corporate tax aoe i) Direct tax paid by the households 6.500 Ait) Household final consumption expenditure 24,500 (ww) Savings of private corporate sector 3,500 {v) Interest on national debt 2,000 (vl) Household savings 7,500 tut) + (vd) 24,500 + 7,500 = 32,000 crore ‘Ans. (a) Personal Disposable Incom {b) Personal Income = PDI + (10) = 32,000 + 6,500 = 38,500 crore (c)PrivateIncome = Personal Income + (O+ (wv) = 38,500 + 1,500 + 3,500 = 43,500 crore 9, With the help of the following data calculate: (a) GNP at MR Personal Income. @incrore) (i) Netindirect taxes age {W) NetFactor Income from abroad ieee (iW) Savings of private corporate sector 3. con (w) GDPat FC so Ear pact ea pomesticProduct accruing to Privals Sector 27.400 (vl) Corporate tax be (vt Current transfers from rest of| ‘the world Ans. (a) GDP yy, = GNP yo + (1) + 0) = 38,300 + 2,500 + (-300) = 40,500 crore (b) Private Income = (v) + 0 + (Wid) £27,400 + (-300) +900 = 28,000 crore (c) Personal = private Income - (Ht —(00) Locarno aaconioumauton | (igsaan, following data: (@incrore) (D1 10. Calculate: (a) GDPat MP and (6) Private Income from the 99340) 32,500 (0 National Income 3,350 (tt) Indirect taxes ‘850 (ti) Subsidies 4,250 (@v) Consumption offixed capital "380 {o) NetRuctorIncomefromabroad is, (vd) Income from entrepreneurship and pro} accruing to| eee administrative departments ey (vt) Savings ofnon-departmental enterprises bed (viii) National debt interest (tx) Current transfers from government adm. dept. 1,140 (x) Other current transfers from rest of the world (net) 660 Ans. (a) GDP yp = (6) + (tv) =(v) + (tt) (010) 2,500 + 4,250-330 + 3,350-850 3.920 crore (b) Private Income = (é)~(vi)—(vit) + (vill) + (bx) + (x) = 32,500-950~ 140 + 125 + 1,140 + 660 = 83,335 crore 11. Calculate: (a) GDP,y.and (b) NP). from the following data. (1994; 494) Rincrore) (W Netindirect taxes 38 ( Consumption of Fixed Capital 34 (W) Net Factor Income from abroad os (w) Rent 10 (v) Profits 25 (vt) Interest 20 (vt) Royalty 5 (ott) Wages and salaries 170 (ix) Employer's contribution to S.S. Schemes 30 Ans. (a) NNPj_ = (-3) + 10+ 25 +20+5 + 170+30=257 crore (6) GDPyp = 257 + 38 + 34-(-3) = 332 crore 12. From the following data estimate: (i) Personal Income, (ti) Private Income and (iti) Personal Disposable Income from Set I and IIL Also calculate: lational Income. (W Personal Income, (iti) Private Income from Set Il hake 1 1D1995) (®incrore) (@ National Income Feo I Setmr Set | (i) Corporate profit tax ge 1,300 = (iti) National debt interest 15 10 (iv) Direct personal taxes 2 10 10 (v) Savings of private corporate sector 40 = | (vf) Income from property and entrepreneurship 50 25 6 4 accruing o government adm. departments. 75 (vt) Current transfers from 35 25 | governance departments 70 * Be (viti) Savings ofnon-departmental public: (ix) Current transfers from rest of the world a Fe . 15. Calculate National Income from the following: (© Mixed income of selfemployed (0) Old-age pension (itt) Dividends (@) Operating surplus (©) Wages and salaries (wt) Profits (vit) Employer's contribution toS.S. Schemes (0itt) Net Factor Income from abroad (&x) Consumption of Fixed Capital (x) Net indirect taxes Ams. Domestic Income = 200 +900 + 500 + 50 = 1,650.crore National income = 1,650 + (~10) = 1,640crore 16. Calculate National Income from the following. e888essi 2 s 88 @incrore) ( Rent (ti) Interest (tt) Profits (@) Taxon profits (v) Employees’ contribution to S.S. Schemes (00) Mixed Income of self-employed (ott) Netindirect taxes (out) Employer's contribution to S.S. Schemes (Ge) Compensation of employees (x) Net Factor Income from abroad (w) Mixed income of self-employed (v) Subsidies (vt) Change in stock {ei Consumption of ed capital (vidi) Private | consumption expenditure (ée) Imports of goods and services (x) Exports of goods and services (xi) Net factor income earned from abroad ah GOP = 24 Teterere 2 at CPMEOAM Saeee aa} Westumalinoeme:WNP ac SS) = 28 treecere 5 Seensteiveninin Mntoutsetaaitemaiorates — ae ap Goemmentepentttareon comumpon qo Gueihmestr cagiteitemadon ge Jeoresactar » ers ge) YeeStecor neame tom atrast ae WES Cadre SDE ae WE) GNP ec WP ctor tte aided: Siecrere y Swe cosumcen apentine ase @) Gwermnent samsumpder eqeauinus saue " 2EN (v) Private final consumpti co Netchange in stocks, *Pendtture (uti) Net factor income from ab; 13 (vili) Consumption of fixed Se 5 ‘Ans. (a) GNPat MP ros u0s (abs elaion, 45 5 (-7) + 100 + oe (0) NNPatFC =GNPatMP-(wuy_ty 403 crore = 403 - 45-47 = 311 crore 10, Find out GNP at MP from the following data, (incrore) () Consumption of fixed capital ae} ane —_ (ti) Government final consumption expenditure (ii) Net factor income from abroad 0 G8 eNO in es (v) Exports 50 50 23 (ut) Opening stock 30-20 15 (vii) Imports 60 60 35 (vit?) Closing stock 20 15 10 (ix) Gross stock 20 15 10 (x) Gross domestic fixed capital formation 230 200 120 Ans. GNP at MP (SetI) =200 + 800 + 50-60 + 230 + (-10)--30 + 20 = 1.200crore (SetIl) = 180 + 700 + 50-60 + 200 + (-5) + 15-20 = 1.060 crore (Set IM) = 100 + 400 + 25-35 + 120 + (-10) + 10-15 = 595 crore 11, Calculate GDP at MP and National Income (NNP,) from the following data: (incrore) ‘SetI Set (#) Government final consumption expenditure 100 «150 (Wi) Opening stock 50 80 tt) Gross fixed capital formation 120-130 {(v) Net factor income from abroad ea (v) Indirect taxes os pi (vi) Closing stock a _ (vit) Subsidies Sun ae (vitt) Rent, interest and profits a = (tx) Consumption of fixed capital oa ae (x) Private final consumption expenditure a a (xt) Exports e a fe +50-40 = 660crore = 100 + 80-50 + 120 +400 a oo (sett =-1G0 + 100-20 + 190+ 600 + 60-70 a@0crure National Income (NNPyc) e30.120 + (-10)-60 + 10 = S80crore (Set) = 660-30 (-10)-70 + 10 = 80Ocrore {Set il) = 890 i 12, Calculate GNP at FC from the following date: ean 350 (i) Netdomestic capital formation 700 W) Closingstock 11998) (uh) Govt. final consumption expenditure (iv) Netindirect taxes (v) Opening stock (v1) Consumption of fixed capital vaio! (vit) Netexports 11800 (oitt) Private final consumption expenditure ay ie) Netcorincome rm abroad (10 (x) ctor Income from abr : a 50 + (~ 10) + 1,500 = 2,090 crore ‘Ans, ODP at MP = 350 + 200 + ‘GNP at FC ® 2,090 60 + (~ 10) = 2,030 crore .C pat PO ol data 19, Calculate NDP at FC from the following (eincrore) 400 (i) Private final consumption expenditure re (11) Grows domestic capital formation: 1 (it) Change in stocks 20 (Ww) Direct purchases from ‘abroad by resident households 50 (v) Netindirect taxes 60 (v0) Net factor income from abroad 10 (UU) Direct purchases by non-residents in domesticmarket 150 (vl) Netexports (-120 (Ue) Consumption of fixed capital 20 (x) Govt, final consumption expenditure 100 ‘Ans, GDPatMP » 400 + 100 + 50~ 150-20 + 100 = 480crore NDPathC # 480-60~20 = 400 crore 14, From the following data, calculate GNP at MP through Expenditure method. (NCERT| it () Inventory investment: ‘ md (tt) Exports 20 (tit) Net factor income from abroad (tv) Personal consumption expenditure (v) Gross residential construction investment (vt) Govt purchase of goods and services, (vit) Gross public investment (vitt) Gross business fixed investment (bd) Imports 10 ‘Ans, GDP, * Private consumption exp. + Investment exp, + Govt, Seo ios fe 20": Poe ® + 30 + 20 + 30) + 100 +(20~ = GONPyy, = 550 + (-5) = 545 crore Ee 15. From the following data, calculate GNP. GDP NNR NDP at FC and MP () Gross investment Soa (W Netexports pe (Us) Net indirect taxes 2 ((v) Deprectation i Fi Diaby 5 (6 (vt) Pert expenditure f * (uit) Govt. purchases of foods and services a pone (A) Oi (08) + (0) % (Ott) © 00) (ron, = 200+ 90 4 100+ 10 Somes DIReONE © GOV Serreamin top tocoa ater ‘ae PANEL = Sli I = Sonne a Ot eve tia co ameetee "6 = Met intrest: homlesuttetieent ae (G) NDP y= 805-5 = Sab crore (hi) NMP ye 640-6 = 626 crone 16, From the following data, calewtate CAG at MI ani WP a9 hula (vltf) Inventory investment ‘Aas ONP at MP= 46 + 46 + (-8) + 922 + (-2)~ SORcroee NNP at FC = 4068-44-46 = GiB crore pr er non epentre MeDed re DEE ) + (ttt) = (be) + ON) + (ot NNP,_ (Exp. method) = GDP I(t) + (0) # We +) = Ot 1,700 14800 29,000) + 969. suet cae > 3,800 + 300 2.209 «= (40,000) + 300-3,800 + 300~2:200 = 34,600 crore . On the bass of the following data, calculate (a) Gross value scsi MP by pinay ; secondaryand tertiary sectors and (b) National Income, sampler (0) Value of output oft (a) Primary sector (&) Secondary sector (c) Tertiary sector (td) Value of intermediate inputs purchased by: {a)Primary sector (ttt) Indirect taxes paid by all the sectors (tw) Consumption of fixed capital ofall sectors (v) Factor income received by residents from rest of the world (vi) Factor income paid to non-residents, (ott) Subsidies received by all the sectors Ans. (a) Gross value added at MP = 750 (by pri. sec. 400 + by secondary sec, 100 + by ter, see, 250) {b) National Income = 630 crore ‘8. Calculate National Income by Income Method and Expenditure Method from the (1901) following data: (tx) Net Factor Income from abroad. 400 (x) Consumption of fixed capital » (xi) Mixed Income of self-employed . Ans, National Income = (i) + (tu) + (xt) + (lx) ' Uncome method) = 5,200 + 2,000 +6,400 + 400 = 14,000erore wre ORT 3800 12,000 48 op method) = 1,500 + + 2,500 + 12,000 = 14,000crore see da Yt i 4 00) = TS.RO-NW-4.MD-A. H+ LAW =6L7Wauwe cee a FC gape ected nd OP FC eae ES ad nore penbntse 008 868 (Seti) = 140+220+ 7 00-5200-+ 300+ 1.500 + 40m +20 1-1I8-20O TAR 6. Find out NDP at FC toy ae Expendimrt Method and GDP at MP by income Method Doms De g | gusunnusbebbol poupunerbobBae fovbevoobstuk 6 8 5 ceca) 7+ 500+ 20-904 TON TA =610crore Eee cath sone + 200 ¥758+ Se = 730 anne gob enn dh te 6 6 tat) Net Pato income rom sino Consumption of Fi s ‘asi ational Income = 20 crore (by Exper! eae wa) Se arene this aids Ecpendttisre MARC fron, 4, 10. Calculate National Income (NMP,,) by income Met tom = incre) LD (0) Compensation f employees aa (i) Imports 2 (tt) Mixed Income of self-employed ae (to) Gross fixed capttal formation 329 (0) Private final consumption expenditure 50 (00) Consumption of fixed capital 30 (otf) Net Factor Income from abroad (ottt) Indirect taxes 100 (60) Change tn stocks 2 (x) Subsidies 2 (xd) Operating surplus 0 (xi) Exports 10 (xitt) Government final consumption expenditure wo ‘Aus. NNP,..(Exp. method) =550 + 60 + 120 + 20 + (10-20)-(100-20)-10+20 =670crore NNNP,. Income method) = 350 + 250 + 50 + 20 = 670 crore 11. From the following data calculate: (a) GDP,, by Income Method and (b) NN? Expenditure Method (0 Govt. final consumption expendi (10) Interest, rent and profits (tif) Royalties Rincore) 100 0 2 620 (0) Change in stock: Cio 10 20 S00 120 60 60 £ ‘andother inputs G8a83888 syGe8 g) esSS8aseess (vt) Depreciation of fixea (vi) Salaries and See ssesa jsgashe (xf) Undistributed profits (xt) Corporate profit tax (xt) Indirect taxes ‘Ans. (a) NVA at MP (Setl) = 1,800 + 200 + 200 -600- a eee 360 + 40 + 40-120-20- ipmae cui ) = 1,080 + 120 + 120- z () NVAat FC "Oe (SetI) = NVA at MP- indirect taxes = 1425-50 = 1,375 (Set Il) = 285-10 = 275 (Set Ill) = 855-30 = 825 (b) Factor Incomes (Set I) = 600 + 450 + 75 + 150 + 80 + 20= 1,375 (Set Il) = 120 + 90 + 15 + 30+ 20=275 (Set Ill) = GDP,,, in set 1, Il and National Income in set [I = 360 + 270 + 270 + 90 + 60 = 1,050 S (Not equal to NVA at FC) 13, Calculate GDPy, in Set I, Il and National Income in Set III by (a) Production Method and (b) Income Method. 11999 (@incrore) Set () Intermediate consumption of: tis gee E sesstBEs808 fE 3 (a) GNPat MP (Exp. Method) = 200+ 1,000 (GDP AtMP Uncome Metang 207 "10+ 10 = 1.580% = 360 + 900+50. 16, Calculate GNP at MP by (a) LOOUCIN s OO anem ) Expenditure Method Rincrore} (t) Netexports Setr (q@ Rent 10 10 20 400 30 eo 5 10 100 50 400 20 0 10 bestsicunsiss ‘Ans. (a) GNP at MP (Income Method) 20 + 30 + 45+5+ 10 +400 + 10+50+(-10) = S60erore 4.30 + 45 +5 + 10 + 400 +20+ 40+ (10) ~S80crore +30 + 45 +5 + 10+ 400+ 10+50+ (-20) = SSderare (b) GNP at MP (Exp. method) (Set) = 10+ 400+ 100 + 50 + 10 +(-10) = S60crore (Set) =10+400+ 100 + 50 + 20+ 10=590crore (Seti) =10+400+ 100 +50+ 10 + (-20) = SS0crore Nee i cnosc be 6a) tocar eta a t 4 ebee essbeuss whee eocheves (xtit) Net exports Fa xty) Subsidies 0 (xv) Net Factor In S Ans. (a) National Income (NNP at FC) by M Seti) ak DOHERG 446 + 8D4-100F90F 7ater (b) National Income by Exj etl + (-20)+30+ (0) Wages and Salaries s (i) Mixed income of se it) Operating surplus . Undistributed 5 1) Change in stocks (ott) Netcapttal . iti) Employer's contrib: se * s x) Exports Impo! xt) Net indirect taxes (xv) Compensatio: y * Ans.(a) GNP at (b) GNP at d i ; . 19. a (i) Compensation of employees paid by gove . . (4) Mixed income of setf-em (tu) Wages and Salaries (tv) Employer's contribution to soc: aed (v) Operating Surplus (v0) Indirect taxes a B8aG Ans. (a) NNPat MP Uncome TAO + (td + Wo) + (0) + oe -toen 03 (WNP at En tO? + 80+ 800 + 30-10-10= Sad crere = (Ott) ~(te) + G2) + Gn + cat . vet . 150-10 + 230 + 500+ 15-45 = S40crore 20, From the following data, calculate GNP at MP by in — Dye aco Med andi) Exper (© Govt. final consumption: Rmcrere} (i) Change in stocks F {itt) Net Domestic Capital formation {(v) Interest () Profits (vt) Corporate tax (ott) Rent (vitt) Factor Income from abroad (Ge) Indirect taxes (x) Factor Income to abroad shbsanssavesssiad ‘Ans. (a) GNP at MP (by Income Method) ed ce eigr0 + 100 +20 + 55-40-25 +20+ 450 = s8Ocrore (@)GNPaLMP oy EP NCSD 49 «g9-80'+ 20+500 = 880crore late NNP at MP by (a) Expenditure Method, (O) tacome 21, From the following data, caleul Wess ss business fixed investmen| Gross residential construction investment 40 Inventory invest 100 x) Govt. purchase of goods and services 0 “(x) Reni 40 xi) Exports 0 40 100 (io 10 100 +50 +404 10010104 20 Personal consumption expenditure ‘00 Wages and Salaries ‘00 Employer bution toS.S. Schemes 100 Gross business fixed investment 60 100 dential construction investment 60 ‘chase of goods and services 200 Gross public investment 40 50 40 20 xiv) Net Factor Incoi 0 xv) Mixed income 100 Depreciation 20 Subsidies 10 xvitt) Indirect taxes 20 Ans. (a) GDPat FC (by Exp. Method) = 700 + (60 +60 + 40 + 20) + 200 + (40-20) + (10-20) = 1,090 crore b) GDP at FC (by income Method) 700 + 100 +50 +50 + 100 +20 + 100 =1,120crore NP at Mi me Method es 12004 Geeta's Introductory Macroeconomies i) 4 a (o Mixed Income of setfempy (w) Compensation of employees (ui) Private final consumy {u) NetFactorincometreenespenatare {v) Netindirect taxes (ot) Consumption of Fixed Capital (vit) Net Domestic Capital formation {viti) Netexports (tx) Profit (x) Rent San, (xi) Interest nee ” (xt Govt. final consumption. ‘Ans. (a)GNP at MP Income Metrod ithe (SetH) = 400 + 500-20 + 100 + 120+ 350 + 100+ 150 = 1,700 crore (Set Il) = 300 + 400-10 + 60 + 100 + 250 + 80 +70 = 1,250crore (Set) = 500 + 600-15 + 150 + 115 + 450 + 200 + 250 = 2,250crore (B)GNP at MP (Exp. Method) (Set) = 900-20 + 120 + 280-30 + 450 = 1,700 crore (Seti) = 700-10 + 100 + 120-10 +350 = 1,250crore (Seti) = 1100-15 +115 +375~25 + 700 = 2,250 crore 24. From the following data. calculate National Income (NNP at FC) by (a) Income Method and (b) Expenditure Method, 142004) (€incrore) Set () Compensation of employees (W Net Factor Income from abroad (W) Netindirect taxes (wv) Profit (0) Private final consumption expenditure {v) Net Domestic Capital formation (vi) Consumption of Fixed Capital ve Rent ) Interest e Mixed income of self-employed (30 () Net rts (at) Govt, final consumption expenditure 1,100 Fae cures arate Sy + NPA (eI nto 1,200--20 + 800 + 400 + 620 +700 "= 8,700crore seh e888 eige {Setil) = 600-10 + 400 + 200 + 310 + 350 1,850 crore (SetIIl) = 600-10 +220 + 90 + = 1,300 crore = NDP at MP-NIT + NFI )-30)- 120-20 100 + 400 (b) (Exp. Method) NNP, (Set) = (2,000 + 1,100 + 770 3,700 crore et) = 1,000 + 550 + 385-1 1,850 crore (SetI1) = 900 + 400 + 200 1,300 crore (i) Private final consumption expenditure (W) Net current transfers from rest of the world (Wu) Indirect taxes (Ww) Net Domestic (v) Government final consumption expenditure (vt) Consumption of Fixed Capital (vl Subsidies (ott) Exports (Ux) Net factor income from abroad (x) Imports Ans, GDP at MP = 400 + 120 + 100 + 20 + 30-40 = 630 crore (a) National Income (NNP at FC) = GDP p—Dep. + NFIA- Indirect tax + Subsidies = 630-20 + (-10)-65+5 540.crore (b) GNDI = GDP\, + NFIA + = 630 + (-10) + (-5) =615crore apital formation 2 current transfers from ROW (See this sum with solution as numerical no. 4 on page no. 73} 27. From the fol a (See this sum with solution as numerical no. 5 on page no. 73) 28. ate: (a) NI Cand (b)F : 29. 1 the following data calculate Nationa fe aah Expenditure Metho 2006 (®incrore) (0) Private final consumption expenditure a (i) Net capital formation S400 (iit) Change in stock 50 (Ww) Compensation of employees eed (v) Rent a Geeta's Introductory Macroeconomics (ut) Interest (hin Operating surplus 60 qua) Netindirect taxes 720 {ix) Employees’ contribution of S, 400 ix) Net exports ‘S. Schemes 100 (ul) Net Factor Income from abroad 20 ut) Government final consumptio (120 vat) Consumption of Fixed Guat ane 600 | “fas. National Income (NNP at Fe) by a Income (NNP at FC) (by Income Method) uf a = 2,600 crore (Note: Operating surplus c athe consists of Ba Weanetneal cords byes. Mefiod)(? 7 7 aaa 2,000 + 400 + 20 + 600 + (-20)-. 2,600 crore prin ee (Note: Change in stock is a part of net capital formation.) 90, From the following data, calculate: (a) Private Income and (b) Personal Disposable ie | nea {see this sum with solution as numerical no. on page no. 66) $1, From the following data, calculate NNP at FC by (a) Income Method and (b) Expenditure ‘Method. 42006) Rincrore) {) Current transfers from rest of the ‘world, 100 (ii) Government final consumption expenditure 1,000 (tt) Wages and Salaries 3,800 (w) Dividend 500 (v) Rent 200 (vi) Interest 180 (vil) Net Domestic Capital formation 500 (out) Profits tae) (ix) Employer's contribution to S.S. Schemes oat (x) Netexports. feo sonal (xt) Net Factor Income from abroad ot $0051 (xt) Consumption of Fixed Capital ‘aay (xt) Private final consumption expenditure “300 sable (xiv) Net exports preted ‘Ans. (Income Met 20051 (a) NNP at FC Income MeOPEL 59+ 800+ 200) +(-90) 05C) =5,120cr ea NNP at FC (Exp. Met or { and i (F2B0 + 500 + 4:000-50-90 300 20061 =5,120cr0re nal Disposable Income from’ the following Ba aieutsie: (a) Private Sacome and (0) Feo 1420061 data. .4on page no. 66) 2. ea than gc ad (b) Btwvate Income from the Calculate: (a) Net National D' tp2006c following data. 50npageno. 79) Bre ia sutton asrsnertont no.

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