HoI4 - Air Doctrine

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Air doctrine
Air doctrine is a technology group that allows a nation to specialize the way its air force conducts air warfare. The doctrine tree consists of three exclusive branches that provide different bonuses.
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Air doctrine research tree you are welcome to fix it.

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1 Base time to research

Air warfare
Заглавная страница 2 Doctrine Branches
Style guidelines 3 Definitions and terminology Aircraft
Свежие правки 4 List of all doctrines Air missions
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4.1 Strategic Destruction Air combat
Paradox links 4.2 Battlefield Support Air technology
- Wikis 4.3 Operational Integrity Air doctrine
- Forums 5 Table comparison
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- Twitch

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Base time to research

The first doctrine research has a base time to research of 191 days. All following doctrines researches have 255 days. By spending 100 Air experience the research speed can be increased by 100%. All other research speed modifiers are added to this.
Research time example:
With the 100% research speed bonus from 100 Air experience spent,
and the 10% research speed bonus from Free Trade,
the resulting research time is:

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Doctrine Branches
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Strategic Destruction
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By bombing the enemies factories, either by night, or more dangerously, during the day we can seriously hinder their war machine.
you continue to use this website.
Battlefield Support
By improving how close air support interacts with divisions we can lay waste to enemy divisions with optimal support.
Operational Integrity
Tactical bombers are flexible and can perform both ground support and regular bombing.

The German Reich has enabled the Battlefield Support air doctrine  Formation Flying at game start 1936.

Note: It's possible to change doctrine throughout the game, but all bonuses from the old doctrine are lost, as if completely abandoned, when starting research of a different doctrine tree.

Definitions and terminology

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Fighter Detection: Fighter detection is the chance of finding enemy planes while on an air superiority mission. Reference Detection, Disruption, Damage
Interception Detection: Interception detection is the chance of finding enemy planes while on an interception detection mission. Reference Detection, Disruption, Damage
Air Support Mission Efficiency: Air support mission efficiency is the percentage of an air wing's planes that can actually carry out the assigned air support mission. Reference Missions
Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: Air superiority mission efficiency is the percentage of an air wing's planes that can actually carry out the assigned air superiority mission. Reference Missions
Interception Mission Efficiency: Interception mission efficiency is the percentage of an air wing's planes that can actually carry out the assigned interception mission. Reference Missions
Naval Mission Efficiency: Naval mission efficiency is the percentage of an air wing's planes that can actually carry out the assigned naval mission. Reference Missions
Escort Efficiency: In theory, escort efficiency is the percentage of an air wing's planes that can actually carry out the assigned escort mission. However, the game no longer features escort missions, so this bonus has no effect.[1]
Strategic Bombing Visibility: Strategic bombing visibility is the chance of being detected by the enemy when on a strategic bombing mission. Reference Detection, Disruption, Damage
Night Time Strategic Bombing Penalty: Night time strategic bombing penalty is the malus when strategically bombing targets at night.
Bomber Defense: Bomber Defense is how many hits, represented by hit points (HP), that a bomber can take before being shot down. Reference Heavy Air Frame

List of all doctrines

Strategic Destruction
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Air Superiority
Fighter Detection: +10%

Achieving Air Superiority will make it more difficult for enemy

bombers to be used against our country, to allow our bombers to
be used against our enemies.

Infrastructure Destruction Home Defense

Ground support: +10% Interception Detection: +10%

Training our pilots in the best ways to attack infrastructure, like Spotters on the ground as well as detection and listening posts
railways and bridges, makes for more effective Tactical bombing. work in concert with our airforce to track and destroy enemy

Naval Strike Tactics

Naval Mission Efficiency: +15%

Training pilots in predicting ship movements and coordinating

attacks will make our air raids on enemy ships more efficient.

⇐ either – or ⇒
Fighter Sweeps Dogfighting Experience
Interception Mission Efficiency: +20% Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +20%
Air Wing Mission Experience Gain: +10% Air Wing Mission Experience Gain: +10%
Aggressive patrols of fighters over enemy territory may catch their It's not easy to keep track of the relative positions of friends and
planes taking off or landing, when they are especially vulnerable, foes in the hectic swirl of a dogfight, but as our pilots gain
or disrupt enemy training flights. experience they become more adept at it.

Multi-Altitude Flying
Fighter, Heavy Fighter:
Agility: +10%
Air combat takes place in three dimensions, but most pilots find it
harder to keep track of planes flying above or below them. We can
take advantages of this by spreading our formations vertically.

Logistical Bombing
Air Superiority: +15%

A greater focus on attacking the enemy's supply lines from the air
gives a greater advantage to our own ground forces in the area.

⇐ either – or ⇒
Night Bombing
Day Bombing
Night-time strategic bombing penalty:
Strategic Bombing: +30%
With enemy defenses lowered and our bombers covered by Focused efforts during the day are devastating due to the big
darkness we can stay offensive and efficient around the clock. advantage of visibility. Projection of power is a welcome side
Show our enemy how persistent we are. effect.

Massed Bomber Formations Fighter Escorts

Strategic Bombing: +20% Escort Efficiency: +25%[1]

By staying in formation our bombers can defend their group and With a focus on bombing during the day we need to keep our
increase our chances of successful bomb drops. bombers safe from intercepting fighters. Training our fighter pilots
to work closely with the bombers will improve their fighting abilities
when protecting the bombers in enemy airspace.

Flying Fortress
Bomber defense: +25%

Fitting our high-flying heavy bombers with guns to defend

themselves and enough armor to take a beating and still return

Offensive Formations Mass Destruction

Air Superiority: +15% Strategic Bombing: +20%

Training in more offensively-oriented formations make our fighters Bombers are equipped with the most devastating weapons in
deadlier in combat. great quantities. Guaranteeing results even if only a few of our
pilots get through.

Battlefield Support
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Formation Flying
Fighter Detection: +15%
Air Wing Mission Experience Gain: +10%
By flying in formation planes can provide support to each other or
work together to attack enemies.

Dive Bombing
Air Support Mission Efficiency: +20%

Dive bombing allows greater accuracy, but for best results it

requires specialized aircraft both able to slow their dives and
survive the stresses of pulling out of them.

Direct Ground Support

Ground Support: +20%
By closely coordinating CAS pilots with ground-based observers
aerial firepower can be precisely directed to best help troops in

⇐ either – or ⇒
Formation Fighting Fighter Ace Initiative
Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +15% Ace generation chance: +25%
Air Wing Mission Experience Gain: +10% Air Wing Mission Experience Gain: +10%
Flying in the right formations allow our pilots to cover each other's Giving special awards and status to pilots who achieve Ace status,
blind spots, which leads to an increased ability to spot enemy by shooting down 5 enemies, incentives risk-taking and brings
planes. about a sense of eliteness in Ace pilots - although this does tend
to make experienced pilots stay in combat positions.

Hunt and Destroy

Air Support Mission Efficiency: +20%
As well as offering direct fire support CAS units can independently
hunt for targets, often attacking enemy ground forces
unexpectedly as they move towards the front lines.

Combat Unit Destruction

Close Air Support:
Agility: +20%
Air Superiority: +10%
Training our CAS pilots to repeatedly attack the same target until it
is confirmed to be destroyed ensures targets aren't left alone after
a near miss.

Keypoint Bombing
Battlefield Support Ground Support Integration
Tactical Bomber:
Air Superiority: +20% Ground Support: +20%
Strategic Bombing: +10%
It is difficult for Tactical bombers to attack targets near where our Accurately bombing targeted key points on the battlefield in Fully integrating our Tactical bomber force with ground based
ground forces are in combat, since level bombing is less accurate support of our ground forces can greatly help them to defeat the observers both increases their accuracy and allows them to
than dive bombing, but more training and interaction with ground- enemy. directly support our ground forces in combat.
based observers can help to overcome these problems.

Naval Strike Torpedo Tactics

Naval Mission Efficiency: +10%

Training pilots to strike more precisely with torpedos will make our
air raids on enemy ships more efficient.

Strategic Destruction
Strategic Bombing: +15%

Our pilots can access strategic targets much faster than our naval
or land forces. With no means to equip their new recruits we will
soon outnumber the enemy forces.

Forward Interception
Interception Detection: +15%
By operating closer to enemy airspace it becomes more likely that
our fighters can intercept enemy planes before they can reach
their targets.

Operational Integrity
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Force Rotation
Interception Detection: +20%
Air Wing Mission Experience Gain: +10%
Combat, or simply long periods of extensive focus, is exhausting,
but by swapping in fresh forces whenever possible we can reduce
errors due to pilot fatigue.

Fighter Baiting
Interception Mission Efficiency: +20%
Ace generation chance: +10%
By appearing vulnerable, our fighters can lure hostile aircraft into

Low Echelon Support

Ground Support: +10%
By assigning CAS units directly to small ground formations it
ensures they always have additional firepower to call on, even
when out of range of traditional artillery.

Dispersed Fighting
Fighter Detection: +20%

Adopting a more dispersed formation allows the same number of

planes to patrol a greater area.

Operational Destruction
Air Superiority: +15%

Attacking the supply lines of enemy ground forces hinders their

ability to move between battlefields. This translates to an
advantage to our army while operating in areas we have Air

Fighter Veteran Initiative Ground Attack Veteran Initiative

Fighter, Heavy Fighter: Air Support Mission Efficiency: +15%
Agility: +10% Air Wing Training Experience Gain: +10%
Air Wing Training Experience Gain: A policy of having veteran pilots pass on their knowledge to new
recruits greatly helps their survival prospects.
A focus on long-term pilot survival, both by prudent tactics and by
rotating experienced pilots to training positions, means that they
can pass on the lessons they have learned to new pilots.

Carousel Bombing
Naval Strike Torpedo Tactics
Tactical Bomber:
Naval Mission Efficiency: +10%
Strategic Bombing: +20%
Training pilots to strike more precisely with torpedoes will make Bombers often simply want to dump all their bombs as soon they
our air raids on enemy ships more efficient. they reach their target area and then fly home as soon as
possible. While this can work for area-bombing, when it comes to
hitting a small target it is more effective to linger over the target,
dropping only a portion of their bomb load at a time for maximum

Infiltration Bombing
Strategic bombing visibility: -50%

Joining enemy formations or tailing them back home to base may

seem like madness. With enough practice, it is entirely possible.

Air Skirmish
Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +20%
Ace generation chance: +10%
Regrettably, it is not always possible to destroy every single
enemy plane found over our country, but it is possible to harass
them from the moment they are spotted until the moment they
leave, constantly wearing them down.

High Level Bombing

Bomber Defense: +20%

From higher altitudes we can avoid some aerial engagements and

anti aircraft weaponry. Dropping bombs higher up requires more
precision, but it is safer.

Table comparison
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Doctrine with Variation

Strategic Destruction Path L & L +10% +10% +10% +15% +20% 0 0 +30% −50% +40% 0 +25% 0 0
Strategic Destruction Path L & R +10% +10% +10% +15% +20% 0 0 +30% 0 +50% +25%[1] +25% 0 0

Strategic Destruction Path R & L +10% +10% +10% +15% 0 +20% 0 +30% −50% +40% 0 +25% 0 0

Strategic Destruction Path R & R +10% +10% +10% +15% 0 +20% 0 +30% 0 +50% +25%[1] +25% 0 0

Battlefield Support Path L +15% +40% +15% +10% 0 +15% +40% +30% 0 +15% 0 0 0 0
Battlefield Support Path R +15% +40% +15% +10% 0 0 +40% +30% 0 +15% 0 0 +25% 0

Operational Integrity +20% +10% +20% +10% +20% +20% +15% +15% 0 0 0 +20% +20% −50%

Unit stats
Fighter, Heavy Fighter Close Air Support Tactical Bomber
Doctrine with Variation
Agility Agility Strategic Bombing
Strategic Destruction Path L & L +10% 0 0

Strategic Destruction Path L & R +10% 0 0

Strategic Destruction Path R & L +10% 0 0

Strategic Destruction Path R & R +10% 0 0

Battlefield Support Path L 0 +20% +10%

Battlefield Support Path R 0 +20% +10%

Operational Integrity +10% 0 +20%

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1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 As of version 1.5.4, testing of the game's air combat mechanics showed that the escort bonus was not used in the code and has no effect.

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