Information Sheet 1.3.1: Guide of Good Environmental Practices

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Information Sheet 1.3.

Guide of Good Environmental Practices

Learning Objectives:
After reading the INFORMATION SHEET, YOU will be able to:
1. Create environmentally conscious workplace

Good environmental practices are defined as those action that seek to reduce the negative
environmental impact caused by activities and processes through changes and improvements in
the organization and development of actions. The usefulness of the good practices is well proven
and lies in its low cost and simplicity of implementation, as well as the fast results obtained.
Implement a recycling program

One standard way of supporting mindfulness around sustainability is to establish a recycling

program within your office. From the kitchen area to your workspaces, provide education on
responsible waste disposal through clear signage on designated waste stations to help your
people distinguish between what items belong in recycling compost, and in the trash bin. You can
also look into the safe removal and donation of old computer parts and other items unnecessarily
taking up space in your workplace to a local organization supporting the ethical recycling of

Conserve energy within the office

Turning off the lights and switching oof electronic equipment around the office during off-hours
will help to conserve energy resources as well as save your company a significant amount of your
electric bill. Ensure that your workplace has communicated your policy around reducing energy
consumption at their desks and around the office and provide suggestions such as shutting off
their computers at the end of the work day and keeping the lights off when a meeting room is not
in use.

Promote a paperless office

Digital and cloud computing solutions have enabled companies to become more collaborative,
streamlined, efficient, and yes, green too. From using desktop applications such as Microsoft
Office and Google Drive for coordinating work projects to investing in digital HR and payroll
software to handle workforce management, paper and ink are swapped out for an eco-
conservative alternative.

Support green vendors

Opt to do business with green-friendly brands and companies to create a more environmentally
conscious workplace. Conduct research into vendors of interest to learn more about their
sustainability efforts and see if they align with your company’s own vision and values regarding
environmental impact.

Reduce by reusing
Discourage this wasteful habit from your employees by encouraging the use of reusable coffee
mugs, along with reusable water bottles. You can promote this initiative in office by offering
company merchandise items such as travel mugs and stainless-steel water bottles, and also by
incentivizing the program by doing a monthly gift card draw for team members who use their
reusable mugs for an entire week.
Invest in office plants
Placing plants around the office can help to beautify your workspaces, uplift the overall
atmosphere of your workspace, uplift the overall atmosphere of your workplace, and reduce
stress and anxiety for your workforce. Indoor greenery can boost oxygen levels and remove
harmful pollutants such as carbon dioxide and formaldehyde.

Conserve human energy

This may not be an idea that readily comes to mind when considering environmental practices,
but the well-being of your people is crucial to the healthy habits of your organization.
Mindfulness is just as important. Consider that sustaining healthy and energetic employees will
be beneficial to your company’s overall productivity. Help to keep your team happy and
energized by establishing a safe, non-toxic environment at all times.

Encourage sustainable transportation

Support your team members in taking alternative modes of transportation to and from the office
– such as walking or carpooling with fellow colleagues – during the work week. Your company
can offer transit subsidies to employees who commute to work as a benefit. Additionally, if it is
not mandatory for your people to be in the office from Monday to Friday, consider cutting out
their commute time during the week by allowing employees to do remote work from home on

Get outside and volunteer

Cause-driven volunteer programs are an excellent way to support something meaningful and
have a big impact on your communities. There are all sorts of green causes and conservation
campaigns your company can participate in.

Make green thinking a key part of your company culture

Include your employees in your environmental vision by getting them engaged and involved. Talk
to and collaborate with your team members to gather their ideas for how your organization can
go green and be more environmentally conscious in the workplace getting input from your
employees will allow them the opportunity to embody and embrace your new mission and goals

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