Collagen - Hydroxyapatite - Water Interactions Investigated by XRD, Piezogravimetry, Infrared and Raman Spectros

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Journal of Molecular Structure 704 (2004) 53–58

Collagen – hydroxyapatite – water interactions investigated by XRD,

piezogravimetry, infrared and Raman spectroscopy
L.F. Sukhoduba,*, C. Mosekeb, L.B. Sukhoduba, B. Sulkio-Cleffb, V.Ya. Maleevc,
M.A. Semenovc, E.G. Bereznyakc, T.V. Bolbukhc
Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Petropavlovskaya str.58, Sumy 40030, Ukraine
Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Muenster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str.9, Muenster 48149, Germany
Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, NAS of Ukraine, 12 Acad. Proskura Str., Kharkov 61085, Ukraine
Received 16 November 2003; revised 18 December 2003; accepted 18 December 2003

Influence of the mineralization process of collagen (Cg) by hydroxyapatite (HA) on interactions with water molecules was investigated
using infrared and Raman spectroscopy and piezogravimetry methods. Hydroxyapatite was synthesized using a simplified basic reaction with
and without Ti ions, followed by phase analysis with X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD). Cg– HA film samples have been prepared by a
process of slow evaporation of water from the solution at 4 8C. It was found that in the presence of HA some Cg hydration sites, probably
corresponding to its gap region, are closed, at least partly, for direct interactions with water molecules from the Cg hydration shell. A model
illustrating early mineralization process of two Cg layers in the presence of water molecules are proposed for explaining of obtained
experimental data.
q 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Collagen; Hydroxyapatite; Hydration; X-ray diffraction spectroscopy; Infrared; Piezogravimetry; Mineralization

1. Introduction the critical influence of the hydration shell on the triple helix
collagen structure and its stability [6,7] and the second is
Collagen proteins are the main bioorganic part of bone. that P– O and Ca2þ groups of HA molecules are rather
This macromolecule spontaneously forms triple helices hydrophilous. However, up to date no systematic (Cg þ
fibrils of great tensile strength and thermostability with HA þ water) studies like the ones for pure collagen or other
holes within the 3D-structure where tiny hydroxyapatite proteins and polynucleotide macromolecules and their
(HA) nanocrystals can grow [1]. The last phenomenon is components [5,8] have been performed.
referred to as mineralization of collagen [2]. Understanding Thus, in the present paper, attempts are made to clarify
of the molecular mechanisms underlying the biomineraliza- the molecular interactions in the system (Cg þ HA) and
tion (until now not completely understood) is extremely [Cg þ (HA þ Ti)] in dry conditions as well as at various
important for the fundamental problem of the hard tissue relative humidities (RH), i.e. for the system (Cg þ HA þ
growth as well as for developing of new biomaterials, in water) using: the IR and Raman spectroscopy as well as the
particular 3D, composite HA – collagen, biodegradable bone piezogravimetry and X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD)
substitutes and for the tissue engineering [3 – 5]. techniques.
To truly understand the mineralization, we need to
understand the influence of water molecules (sometimes
called ‘biological water’ because of its specific structure 2. Materials and methods
near biomolecules surfaces [5]) on the collagen – HA
interactions. The reason lies in two factors: the first is 2.1. HA synthesis

* Corresponding author. Fax: þ 380-542-223760. A simplified model system was applied to produce
E-mail address: (L.F. Sukhodub). synthetic hydroxyapatite in vitro. The formation of HA in
0022-2860/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
54 L.F. Sukhodub et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 704 (2004) 53–58

different model systems, supported by automatic pH monochromator. An argon laser was applied (‘Innova 70’,
stabilization was examined by Blumenthal et al. [9] earlier. England) with excitation at 514 nm with power up to
All experiments were performed with the following basic 100 mW. Scan speed was 50 cm21/min, spectral slit width
reaction: was 500 mm. Samples were placed in glass capillaries with
internal diameters of 1 mm. Temperature of the measure-
5CaðNO3 Þ2 ·4H2 O þ 3ðNH4 Þ2 HPO4 ! Ca5 ðPO4 Þ3 OH ments was 20 8C.
þ 6NH4 NO3 þ 19H2 O þ 4HNO3
2.5. Piezogravimetry
Two stock solutions of the reagent salts were prepared,
one containing the nitrate with a concentration of 0.16 M/l, The piezogravimetric method for determining of mass of
the other one containing the phosphate (0.1 M/l). Both water sorbed water per gram of a sorbent at various RH was
solutions were mixed slowly under shaking to a total applied. The resonance frequency of the quartz resonator
volume of 300 ml. In the case of HA precipitation in the depends on the mass of material placed on the surface of a
presence of Ti metal ions, TiCl3 (15% water solution) was quartz plate. At first, the sample (thin film) on the
added to the solution of calcium nitrate before mixing both quartz plate was drying in a vacuum chamber. Then the
stock solutions. Then the calcium nitrate solution was added films were humidified by dosed injections of water
dropwise to the ammonium hydrogenphosphate solution. To vapor to the chamber. Mass of sorbed water at a given
keep the pH of the model system well in the basic region RH was determined by measuring the resonance
(, 12) 20 ml of ammonia (25%) was added. After that the frequency changes between the dry and wet films. The
mixture was heated up to 80 8C for about 10 min. After 24 h essential advantages of the method are: small amounts of
of incubation at 37 8C the solid precipitate was obtained. investigated materials (1025 g or less) and the extremely
high accuracy of measurements (^ 0.01 g of water per g of
2.2. XRD a sample).

All XRD measurements were performed with a Siemens 2.6. Collagen – HA sample preparation procedure
D5000 diffractometer at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of
Muenster University, Germany. In all the cases, Cu Ka Pure hydroxyapatite crystals and HA with Ti ions
radiation from a Cu X-ray tube (run at 30 mA and 40 kV) synthesized both at 37 8C and after sintering at 1000 8C
was used. The samples were measured in the 2Q range from for 1 h were used. Collagen type I was extracted from the rat
5 to 65 8C with a measuring time of 1 s per 0.018. Various tails at the Biological Department of Kharkov National
polycrystalline phases could be distinguished by compari- University (Ukraine). The collagen concentration in acetic
son with the diffraction data from the JCPDS database [10]. acid solutions corresponded to 2.3%. The mineralization of
All samples were ground to fine powders and pressed into collagen was obtained by adding 1 mg of HA fine powder to
sample holders to tablets with a diameter of 20 mm. Sample 2 ml of the collagen solution. The mixture was kept at 4 8C
holders were installed in the diffractometer with the surface for 24 h.
of the tablets well in the measurement plane.
2.7. Collagen film preparation procedure
2.3. IR spectroscopy
Film samples were prepared using a process of slow
IR spectra of all the samples were measured using a two- evaporation of water at 4 8C from a pure collagen solution as
beam spectrophotometer UR-20 (Carl Zeiss, Jena, well as from a collagen solution containing HA. The
Germany) with NaCI and KBr prisms. The spectral slit solutions were placed on horizontal fluorite substrates that
width was 4.5 cm21 and the scan speed was 64 cm21/s. The do not absorb irradiation within the investigated spectral
accuracy of the optical density measurements was no range and also are not soluble in water. Then the substrates
less than 2% and that of the frequency measurements was with obtained thin films were placed in a hermetic cell in
1 –2 cm21. A germanium filter was placed into the global order to obtain full drying via vacuum pumping of the cell.
chamber in order to protect films against heating via The necessary content of water in the films was reached by
irradiation. All spectra were treated using the base line keeping the films in the atmospheres created by saturated
correction. For the HA and the Cg spectra, a zero absorption solutions of inorganic salts. The films for the piezo-
corresponds to the optical density at 1300 and 1800 cm21 gravimetric investigations were grown directly onto quartz
correspondingly. plates using the same procedure.

2.4. Raman spectroscopy 2.8. Pellet preparation procedure

Raman spectra of HA were obtained using a spec- The HA and HA-Ti samples in amounts of 1 –1.2 mg
trometer Z-16 (‘DILOR’, France) with a double were grinded to fine powders in an agate mortar together
L.F. Sukhodub et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 704 (2004) 53–58 55

with KBr (400 mg) powder and then the mixtures

were pressed into pellets. A thickness of the pellet was
about 1 mm.

3. Results and discussion

Phase analysis of the XRD patterns of the obtained

samples detected different calcium phosphates in the
diffraction patterns. In the samples without Ti ions, only
pure stoichiometric hydroxyapatite could be identified
(PDF-number 9-0432 [10]). With the increasing amounts
of the metal ions in the model system additional peaks in the
patterns indicated presence of the new phases in the HA
lattice (sintered at 950 8C) consisting mainly of tricalcium
phosphate (TCP). TCP has a Ca/P ratio of 1.5 (in Fig. 2. IR spectra of HA samples at 37 8C and sintered at 1000 8C.
comparison to 1.67 for HA) and appears in two crystal-
lographic modifications, namely a-TCP and b-TCP (Fig. 1). the surface of the powders and reaction with oxygen from
The latter phase is a crystallographic modification of a-TCP the air, caused by the thermal treatment [11].
with smaller thermostability. The occurrence of b-TCP can Fig. 2 represents IR spectra of HA samples obtained at
be explained by thermal decomposition of non-stoichio- 37 8C (a) and after sintering at 1000 8C (b). The main band
metric HA with Ca/P ratios lower 1.67 and followed frequencies (cm21) and assignments for HA are collected in
possible incorporations of carbonate ions with formation a Table 1.
so-called basic apatite, BCaP [12]. From the XRD patterns Comparison of the obtained IR spectra shows that the
of HA prepared with different concentrations of Ti ions samples heating leads to some spectral changes and
appears that the samples contained noticeable amount of peculiarities, namely:
both TCP phases starting at the 2% level (Fig. 1). These two
modifications of TCP were observed in all the heated † decrease of the half-width for peaks connected to the n3
samples that were produced in the presence of Ti and other vibrations of the phosphate groups and, as a consequence
metal ions (V, Cr, Al), except Co [11].The presence of the of this, the appearance of the new peak at 1090 cm21;
metal oxides in the samples at very high concentration † high frequency shift of the bands in the 1035 –1050 cm21
(20%) of Ti ions (Fig. 1) indicates their incorporation in the range;
precipitated HA followed by diffusion of these ions to † disappearance of the bands connected to the vibrations
of the CO22 3 groups.

These changes show that the sintering of the calcium

phosphate samples leads to a more perfect crystal apatite
phase, free from the carbonate component. This last element
is a very important component of the bone minerals because
it influences several biological processes (caries, bone
resorption). The carbonate bands characteristic for the
B-type carbonate (the CO3 groups replace the PO4 groups)
were observed at around 1410 and 1480 cm21 (Fig. 2).
Thus, the carbonate phase found in the HA samples is of the
B-type. The bands of the carbonate replacing the OH groups
(A-type) at around 1550 cm21 were not detected in
Table 1
The bands frequencies and their assignments for the main HA absorption

Frequency (cm21) Assignment

561, 574, 602 n4 O–P–O bend, triply degenerate

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of HA prepared with different concentrations of Ti 631 OH liberation
ions under physiological conditions and sintered at 950 8C. The main peaks 962 n1 P–O symmetric stretch
correspond to the HA phase, peaks marked as A, B, R and AN correspond to 1032, 1046, 1087 n3 P–O antisymmetric stretch, triply degenerate
a-TCP, b-TCP, Rutile and Anatase phases.
56 L.F. Sukhodub et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 704 (2004) 53–58

Fig. 3. IR (a) and Raman (b) spectra of HA and HA þ Ti samples sintered at

1000 8C. Fig. 5. IR spectra obtained at various values of relative humidity (RH) for
pure collagen (a) and for collagen mineralized by HA (b).
the samples. One of the possible mechanisms of the
carbonate incorporation into the HA lattice may include a of the HA samples, the CO2 molecules are released from the
chemical reaction of carbon dioxide (coming from the air) carbonate ions and as a result the calcium-deficient apatite
with the OH2 groups from the solution. After heat treatment (Ca/P , 1.4) transforms into the stoichiometric one (Ca/
P ¼ 1.67) at the recrystalization temperature [13].
IR spectra of HA and HA-Ti samples at 37 8C show no
essential differences. Comparison of the IR spectra (Fig. 3a)
and the Raman spectra (Fig. 3b) of the HA and HA þ Ti
samples sintered at 1000 8C indicates that in the case of the
HA-Ti sample a noticeable redistribution of the band
intensities corresponding to the stretch (950 – 1150 cm21)
and the bend (550 – 620 cm21) vibrations of the phosphate
Table 2
The bands frequencies and their assignments for the main collagen
absorption bands

Frequency (cm21) Assignment

1640–1670 Amide I (CyO bend)

1540–1570 Amide II (N–H stretch, C– N bend)
1420–1460 C –N bend
Fig. 4. Hydration isotherms for pure collagen and for collagen mineralized 1230–1250 Amide III (C–N bend, N–H stretch)
by HA.
L.F. Sukhodub et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 704 (2004) 53–58 57

groups takes place. The frequency shifts of the absorption The assignments for the most important absorption bands in
bands are not observed in the IR spectra. the IR spectra of collagen are collected in Table 2.
Fig. 4 demonstrates the hydration isotherms obtained at From the obtained spectral data (Fig. 5) appears that the
the RH ranging from 0 to 90% for pure collagen and for the increase of RH in the investigated system leads to a low
collagen molecules mineralized by HA. frequency shift and rising in intensity of the Amide I peak
It should be noted that after vacuum drying (at 0% RH) for the pure collagen film (a). Beside this fact, the high
no less that one a residual water molecule per Gly-X-Y unit frequency shifts for Amide II and Amide III band are
has to remain in the sample. These water molecules stabilize observed. Probably, it is caused by the water molecules
the triple helix structure of a collagen molecule. This very binding to the CyO and C –N polar groups of the collagen.
lowly hydrated triple helix is native and can be reversibly At all the RH values Amide I/Amide II intensities ratio is
converted to the fully hydrated structure by addition of more than one (Fig. 5a).
water [10]. For the (Cg þ HA) system, the IR spectra display some
From the behavior of the obtained isotherms it follows important differences as compared to the pure Cg system:
that the level of sorption of water molecules for the pure
collagen is rather higher than that for the Cg þ HA system.
It means that the HA molecules have a high tendency to † Amide I/Amide II ratio for the whole RH range is less
close some hydration sites within the collagen structure. than 1;
Fig. 5 presents the IR spectra of the pure collagen films † in dry conditions the Amide II frequencies and C –N
(a) and for the collagen mineralized with HA (without Ti bend frequencies are shifted into the higher frequency
ions) obtained at various contents of water in the samples. range (by 10– 20 cm21) (Fig. 5b).

Fig. 6. A schematic diagram illustrating early mineralization of collagen in the water environment.
58 L.F. Sukhodub et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 704 (2004) 53–58

It follows from the literature that these bands are rather 2. Mineralization of the Cg fibrils by the HA crystals
sensitive to structural changes within collagen molecules located within the gap area dramatically decreases a
[14,15]. In particular, during its thermal denaturation, the number of water molecules present in the initial
Amide II peak is shifted into the lower frequency range hydration shell. The process causes some structural
(contrary to the one observed by us that shift to higher changes within the Cg structure, but without denatura-
frequencies). During the process of the fibril collection the tion. The model which describes this phenomena has
intensity of the Amide II band considerably increases been proposed.
[16], but in our experiments we observed the opposite 3. The overall energy balance that governs early mineral-
process. Thus, the mineralization of collagen induces ization process of the Cg peptides in water environment
some structural changes in Cg molecules without should be developed for full understanding of the process
denaturation. Changes of the HA absorption bands are in the Cg þ HA þ water model proposed in this study.
not observed (Fig. 5b).
In wet conditions, the mineralized Cg samples show an
increase of the intensities and the low frequency shift for Acknowledgements
the Amide II band. These effects are caused by hydration
of the peptide groups, as it was observed for the pure This work was supported by the BMBF, WTZ-Ukr.
collagen. project, a DFG Merkator’s grant of Prof. L. Sukhodub at the
Thus, piezogravimetry, IR and Raman spectroscopy are University of Muenster and by the Ministry of Science and
very sensitive techniques for investigation of collagen– Education of Ukraine.
hydroxyapatite – water interactions with different water Authors are grateful to Prof. Ye. Persky for the samples
contents in the films. For the explanation of the observed of collagen.
strong influence of hydroxyapatite on the structure of the
collagen hydration shell the ‘Cg þ HA þ water’ model is
proposed (Fig. 6).
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