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Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai

QUAD: Indo Pacific & Contemporary issues

Name Harshvardhan Mudgal and Kinza Ahmad

Section A
Enrollment No 2021 032, 2021 042
Submitted To Prof. Shriya Mokta
Date of Submission November 12, 2021

We, Harshvardhan Mudgal, Enrollment No. 2020 032 and Kinza Ahmad,
Enrollment No 2021 042 hereby declare that we are writing this Research
Project on the topic - “QUAD: Indo Pacific & Contemporary issues” under
the guidance of Prof. Shriya Mokta as an assignment for internal evaluation in
Political Science III as part of B.A.L.L.B. being pursued in Maharashtra
National Law University, Mumbai.

This is to certify that the project entitled, “QUAD: Indo Pacific &
Contemporary issues” submitted by Harshvardhan Mudgal and Kinza Ahmad
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the completion of B.A.LL.B.
(Hons.) at the Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai is an authentic
work carried out by us under the supervision and guidance of Prof. Ms. Shriya

To the best of my knowledge and Belief, the project has not been submitted to
any other University / Institute for the award of any Degree.


Name: Harshvardhan Mudgal, Enrollment No. 2020 032 and Kinza Ahmad,
Enrollment No 2021 042

Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai


We are humble and grateful to acknowledge our depth in knowledge and writing
to all those who have helped us to put these ideas, well above the level of
simplicity and into something concrete and organised. We would like to express
our gratitude to our Prof. Ms. Shriya Mokta as well as our Vice-chancellor Prof.
Dr. Dilip Ukey who gave us this opportunity to do this interesting project on the
topic, “QUAD: Indo Pacific & Contemporary issues”. We are really thankful to
them. Any attempt at any level can’t be satisfactorily completed without the
support and guidance of our mentors, seniors and batchmates.

We decided to keep the title of our research project as “QUAD: Indo Pacific &
Contemporary issues'' because we intend to go into depths of foreign policy of
the new global world order which is facing shift in the power dynamics heavily
through their Military and Economic strengths, and also the cooperation among
nations. The title has been kept as the research project will revolve around
analysis of past, present and future of the QUAD induced power dynamic.

1. To look and study about the new geopolitical situation creating in the
Indo Pacific region.
2. To find and create a link between the history and the present state of their
international relations in the new parlance of QUAD induced turbulence .
3. To critically analyse their Foreign Policies and the outcomes of the
implementation of their Foreign Policy of the nations involved and the
nations affected by QUAD.
4. Research in-depth of probable outcomes and results of their current policy
with regards to other countries.
5. Analyse the changing dynamics when it comes to Socio - economics and
Military strengths.
6. Draw a conclusion which can be helpful in furthering the research.

The design of this research is mostly qualitative- Descriptive. It will be aimed

towards a detailed in-depth analysis of The Quad and the Indo pacific region
while giving a glimpse into its historical background and its relevance in the
contemporary world. In addition to it, the research paper provides an insight into
the causes for the increased criticism of Quad on several grounds and also
provides suggestions for making it more inclusive.

A secondary mode of data collection was used while researching for this paper.
We have utilized historical journals, articles, research papers, and government
websites to provide exhaustive analysis-based research.

1. Introduction to QUAD
Familiarise the reader with the topic with key events which shaped the
scenario and the working nature of QUAD.

2. QUAD: A historical perspective

To ponder upon the events which resulted in the formation as well as
revitalization of QUAD.

3. Quad and India

Prime the linkages of QUAD and India and the effects on each other.

4. Free and open Indo pacific

Replenishing the current situation arising in the Indo Pacific and the
resultant effect on the development of geo strategic policies of affected

5. Quad and the contemporary world

Analysing the shift of powers and geopolitical interest from the power
ceded West to East, particularly Asia.

6. The need of QUAD

Looking at the geo political situations which led to the growing need to
formation and revitalization of QUAD.

7. Concerns and challenges

Pondering upon the concerns put forth by the affected nations, and the
challenges which QUAD poses to the nations affected by it.

8. Ways to move forward

Deduce the future of QUAD through facts and events placed and provide
measures for harmonic existence and suggestions for the same.

9. Conclusion
Summarising and concluding all what have been researched so far.

Quad or Quadrilateral security dialogue is a strategic dialogue loosely
comprised of the US, India, Australia, and Japan. It has come a long way since
it was resurrected in 2017 to develop a free, open, and inclusive Indo Pacific.
Despite there being differences amongst the members in military capability,
threat perception, strategic culture, and other things, the cooperation between
them has deepened over time due to their shared threat of China’s growing
prominence. The four countries have a common interest in maintaining a stable
balance of power in the region, and in countering China’s belligerent actions
while maintaining freedom of the seas, and an open rules-based economic order.

Cooperation between the four states started as maritime cooperation in times of

a humanitarian crisis, but soon expanded into a broader agenda including health,
security, and economic issues. The core group of quad operates both as a
meeting point for senior officials to discuss regional security issues and as the
basis to conduct a single naval exercise called Malabar. The nations have
committed to combating global problems and show to the world that liberal
democracies can deliver solutions to the problems plaguing the world.

The ideological and geographic bounding of quad has raised many questions
about its purpose with many calling it an “Asian Nato” or a disparate group
formed to contain the rise of China. China has had reservations about the
group’s existence since the beginning and has never shied away from expressing
its indignation towards the same. Chinese ministry has always targeted Quad as
a closed, exclusive grouping that targets other countries. The growing consensus
amongst the countries over China’s revisionist behavior has further motivated
the Quad nations to integrate quadrilaterally and converge in their policies

Quad has emphasized that its goal is to maintain a rules-based international

order, and its efforts are focused on creating institutions of cooperation on
multiple issues such as Covid 19, climate change, cyber security, technological
innovation, counterterrorism, and others. With the growing pace and scope of its
activities, Quad is indeed emerging as one of the key multilateral forums which
are committed to an enhanced security partnership in the face of China’s


The group’s informal origins can be traced back to 2004. In the aftermath of the
2004 Indian Ocean tsunami also known as Boxing day Tsunami, the US along
with India, Australia, and Japan coordinated the humanitarian assistance for
tsunami relief. In 2007, The prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, again mooted
the idea of an informal strategic dialogue to establish an Asian arc modeled on
the concept of democratic peace. In a speech given to the Indian parliament in
the August of 2007, during his visit to India, Shinzo Abe, spoke about the
confluence of two cities, which served as the basis for a broader Asia evolving
into a network comprising the entire Pacific ocean and including the US and
Australia. The definition included many countries in the Asian Subcontinent
excluding China. This led US state department official Morton Abranamouritz
to call the project “An anti-Chinese move”.

Quad’s journey has been far from smooth. It suffered an ignominious demise in
2007 when China sent diplomatic protests to all four member countries even
before quad had become formal. China had always been vary of such a coalition
and not without good reason. That the formation of grouping clashed with the
rise in prominence of China, gave the look that the quad was encircling China.
Fear of a backlash from China made Australia uneasy even before the Quad
became formal. Consequently, when Kevin Rudd became the prime minister in
China, he made it clear that Australia was not looking forward to any further
dialogues between the four partners. This led to a suspension of activities until it
was restarted later, though the countries kept on meeting for bilateral exercises
with each other.

After a ten-year hiatus, the quad was restructured in 2017 and with a broader
agenda of working for a free and open Indo Pacific. Several years of
destabilization in the region led to a further convergence in policies and
outlooks among the four states. So when Quad was restarted, it convened
regularly on a bimonthly basis. Chinas’s increasing assertiveness prompted the
quad to continue having cooperation on security issues and consequently, the
meeting of senior officials resumed in Manila in November 2017. The countries
have now started convening high-level dialogues, ministerial-level meetings,
and naval exercises. In March 2021, the quad summit took place for the first
time at the head of the Government level. The summit vowed to work for an
open and inclusive Indo Pacific and announced a slew of initiatives to counter
common challenges.


At the start of its association with the quad, India hesitated in announcing it
loudly, for the fear of being seen as a part of an anti-China partnership. While
the nations had not made clear their intentions of being part of such a grouping,
China sure took an offense, which was a sufficient reason for India to dissociate
itself from the group for some time. Initially, India was cautious hedging over
China and shied away from using the term ‘Quad’ completely while referring to
it as a four-way relationship to not give any indication of them being an
alliance. Gradually, as their relations deteriorated further, India was comfortable
in ‘calling a spade, a spade’ and acknowledged New Delhi’s position in the
group. Increasing aggressiveness on the part of China has made India shed any
reticence it had, and in recent meetings, it had called on the Quad members to
strengthen the Quadrilateral.

Based on India’s geographic and geopolitical centrality in the Indo-Pacific

region, it makes it a potential victim of an imbroglio kicked up by china. Quad
is a forum that strategically counters China’s economic and military rise. In the
face of rising Chinese hostilities on its borders, a recent build-up in the Galway
valley could be an example, India could rely on Quad nations to support it in
countering China. It could also take support of Quad’s naval base and conduct
strategic explorations in the Indo-Pacific region. The need for such
counterbalance is important if India faces security challenges on account of

There are strategic concerns in India over China’s actions in the Indian Ocean
and South Asia region. Beijing has continuously attempted to thwart India’s
power aspirations and threatened its sovereignty and complicated its domestic
security environment by clashing at the border and laying claims to India's
territory. India recently has started to lay greater emphasis on its need to
preserve its trade and energy routes, protect international rules and orders and
maintain freedom of navigation of seas. This all gives a veiled reference to
India’s concerns over China’s attempts at reshaping the regional order and its
impact on the stability of the region which is affecting India’s maritime
Other than its investments in the Asia Pacific region, China’s growing
relationship with Pakistan also has domestic security implications for India.
New Delhi has so far been wary of this ‘all-weather friendship’ between China
and Pakistan and it gained new momentum after China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor(CPEC) was announced. China keeps continuously shielding Pakistan
for its actions, which makes it difficult for India to take action against it.
China’s colluding with Pakistan and meddling in the Jammu-Kashmir affair has
heightened India’s internal security concerns. Because of such developments,
having the support of a regional grouping like Quad can be beneficial for India,
for countering any developments by China.

In the recent meeting of Quad, India has called for like-minded countries to
coordinate their responses against rising challenges. India asserted that its
objective remains in advance the security and economic interests of all countries
that have a legitimate interest in the Indo-Pacific region. It remains committed
to upholding the rules-based international order and respect for territorial
integrity and sovereignty. In this sense, India continues to assert that it remains
an active member of the Quad and would stand for its sovereignty. Increased
cooperation across several sectors will be important to deal with any challenges
that might crop up in the region, which will make quad a more robust
coordination mechanism.

The Indo Pacific has emerged as a new geographic space, which represents a
new reality of the 21st century. The region houses the largest share of global
GDP, the worlds’ busiest trade routes, the largest population, and the worlds’
largest militaries. Since its return in 2017, Quad has been more concerned about
threats to the Indo Pacific, mainly from China through its unilateral and
assertive actions. China's actions have always been a cause of concern for the
Quad members over its border developments and territorial claims with India
and Japan, economic policies, and its efforts to displace US hegemony and
expand its influence over the Indo Pacific region.

The idea of Indo pacific is a messy one and does not necessarily originate from
a single source. Its sovereignty is hard-won as it has had several experiences of
Beijing has been varying the group for good reason. Though the Quad has never
expressly stated China is the elephant in the room. China presents a
comprehensive challenge to everything from diplomacy, technology, trade,
regional agenda, and military strength. The primary goal of the grouping has
always been to counter such Chinese developments. The idea of creating a
coherent territory in the Indo-Pacific stems from the aspirations of the group to
counterbalance the Chinese diplomatic and technological investment.

The Indo-Pacific is a new domain in India’s foreign policy after the rise of
Chinese actions in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Indo-Pacific presents an
opportunity for India to expand its footprint across the region while providing a
valuable counter to China’s expansionist traits. As India has begun to face these
challenges in the Indo pacific it has also strengthened partnerships with other
quad nations to address this new security threat. Since India lacks the resources
and capacity to counter the new security threats, help from the western powers
will provide India assistance in addressing these capability gaps. With the stakes
being high all four countries must play a crucial role in balancing the threats and
power plays in the Indo pacific. Thus, the quad has emerged as a new security
front to counter Chinese aggression and champion a free, open, and inclusive
Indo pacific.


While the whole world was grappling with the covid 19 pandemic, the
Quadrilateral security dialogue treated it as an opportunity to increase its
prominence. The leaders in 2021 have become more aligned in their concerns
over China’s increased autocratic behavior in the region and are willing to
define. The first in-person summit happened recently where the group was once
again referred to as a coalition of “democratic policies, market economies, and
pluralistic societies”. The leader’s summit marked a new high point for the
grouping, which has been a victim of Chinese coercion in various forms.

Over the years, Quad has tried to incorporate broader aspects to meet the China
challenge. Quad countries have promised to donate 1.2 billion covid 19 vaccines
to underdeveloped countries, which is a valuable counter to China’s vaccine
diplomacy. The quad also announced recent initiatives to work together to
counter the rising climate risks. The group also pledged to work to deliver a
transparent and open 5 G network, a measure to develop an alternative to
Chinese technology. The most notable component of all recent Quad summits
has been their commitment to strengthen their cooperation in areas such as -
military logistics, maritime surveillance, intelligence information, and a secure

What started as a coordinated mechanism to respond to a humanitarian crisis has

since developed into one of the major forums of the world, whose work can
have important ramifications in global geopolitics. Technological innovation
has become an integral part of geological security. Countries are increasingly
being concerned about their manufacturing and technological strength, which
allows countries to dominate the world. Countries about China’s prowess in
emerging technology have created ripples in the Quadrilateral security
dialogues, which is now looking to form a quad alliance for technological
capabilities. The current Covid crisis has also exposed the vulnerabilities of the
health sector and the Quad nations have consequently pledged their support to
the smaller nations by providing them with vaccines and other health

Quad has been relatively successful in becoming a bulwark against Chinese

expansionism and forcing Beijing to rethink its policies. It allows all four
nations to work multilaterally on several kinds of initiatives. Since all members
share a common interest in maintaining a stable balance of power in the Indo
pacific region and preventing any individual state from being dominant in the
regional setting, they can influence the regions and thus construct rules in their
favor. They can consequently use their force in deterring any coercive practices
to resolve political and territorial disputes in the region. The quad countries thus
have the opportunity to ensure that a holistic military, the political, and
economic approach is adopted to counter policies that undermine a rules-based,
peaceful order.


“We strive for a region that is free, open, inclusive, healthy, anchored by
democratic values, and unconstrained by coercion.” – White House. In the
statements given to press, the stand has always been diplomatic though in the
diplomatic circles itself the cross and backdoor talks have always been about
Stopping the indiscriminate rise of China, which is posing a threat on the
autonomy of the neighborhood regions as well as the powers such as of USA
and UK. The recent proliferations by China in the South China Sea and on the
Indian borders and the blatant human right violations in Hong Kong, Taiwan,
and of the Uighur Muslims, all led to questioning of its power and a need to
check and control the rise of dragon. The other need of Quad has been to check
the threat posed by the recent rise of terrorist activities by a few nations
including Pakistan and Afghanistan in the 21st century. The recent upheaval of
the Afghanistan Govt. by the rise of Taliban makes it even more prominent in
the Middle eastern and Indo Pacific region. And the most significant reason is it
needed to uphold the rule-based order in the individual and global parlance, to
respect and abide by the international law and to have and the freedom of trade
and navigation in the waters of the South and East China seas which has been
threatened. China would be advised to leave its present forceful regional
aspirations in the locale. As per present day claims by Beijing practically all 1.3
million square miles of the asset rich South China Sea is under its sovereignty.
China has been building army installations on artificial islands in the locale.
This isn't reasonable. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam
additionally have sway over the district.


“Eagle cannot deal with dragon without Elephant in his backyard”.

It is of no doubt that Indo Pacific is becoming a new point of conflict between
the major powers of the world such as of China and India, US and China and
even the smaller nations like Philippines and Thailand are coming into picture.
With the arrival and emergence of western powers and Eastern powers such as
of US, Japan and Australia, it will increase the heat in the region. And as they
arrive, India’s primacy in the region will be eroded. As when China’s presence
increased near Sri Lanka, and India objected to it by saying it is interfering with
their security, it won’t be having same say if US or Australian Navy arrives on
the shore.

As with the arrival of new government in India, the primary focus was over the
regional powers such as of Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka etc., it
won’t be the same case again as the focus is shifting on major powers instead of
regional. So the ambiguous stand which India takes on regional issues such as of
Hambantota, Rohingya Crises or Maldives and Nepal crisis, along with the
recent coup of Myanmar. The end result of it all would be India being the bone
in rivalry of supremacy between US and China. And as India shifts with US,
shifting away from Russia will also happen, which India has to balance, or if
Russia and China come together then it would be wreaking havoc. And it would
lead to Russian shift toward Pakistan which will pose another greater danger.

The unclear vision an ideal of QUAD need to be made clear and concise. It
needs separate itself from the identity and the stereotype it has built around
itself i.e. an alliance to counter China. It should exhibit openness over the main
goal of creating a free and open Indo- Pacific. While the alliance should focus
on social issues too such as eradicating hunger, removing inequality, climate
action, etc.

The predictions 2007 were highly disregarded and underestimated which called
for the indiscriminate rise of China. The actions in a decade fell no short in
making the fear a practical reality. The trade wars, the LAC standoff, and
China’s expansionist policies have been practically clear by now. The way
forward for QUAD can be summarized as below:

 Collective Unity in action: Like that of NATO, Quad also need to

safeguard it’s member nations security and freedom through military and
diplomatic actions. The combine GPD of QUAD Nations in Pre
pandemic world was USD 30 trillion with a combined defense budget of
USD 800 billion dollars which is 4x China’s defense budget expenditure.

 Formalizing Quad Definitely: The leaders have met, military alliances

have been formed, but quad never came out as a group like NATO. So,
they have to formalize the goals and ideals definitely.

 Need for Clear Vision: The QUAD need to propound that QUAD is for
Indo pacific stability and prosperity, rather than belittling any state.
 Expanding QUAD: India’s friendly neighbors should be pitched in like
Nepal, Singapore, Indonesia etc. in the future, to expand it and make more

 Formalizing a Maritime Doctrine: In the recent times the need for a

composite and comprehensive rule have become necessary to make a
peaceful and stable Indo Pacific.


In the 21st century, the global economic power has shifted from West to East,
and especially to Asia, while geo political and the geo strategic importance has
shifted to Indo-Pacific region. It is a new reality that Indo Pacific has generated
a new interest be it in terms of resources or other unique opportunities.
Establishing the Indo-Pacific as a fair, stable, and safe zone is not only the
responsibility of one country; all parties must work together.

Over the recent decade, India's strategic relationships with ASEAN, Japan,
Australia and the United States have grown significantly. To defend and
advance its national interests, India has developed a multidimensional
cooperation with regional and extra-regional powers. And India has emerged as
a key player on the region. And as K.M Panikkar remarked “While to other
countries, the Indian Ocean is only one of the important oceanic areas, it is the
vital sea to India…. No industrial development, no commercial growth, and
stable political structure are possible for her unless the Indian Ocean is free and
her own shores are fully protected. The Indian Ocean must therefore remain
truly Indian”

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