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Monday, November 15, 2021


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Greetings from De La Salle Secondary School Bomana

This is a special letter to advise you of important events and notices in term one. I am happy to say that De La
Salle Secondary School Bomana has run well so far since commencement of school year 2019. Parents,
Guardians, Students, Teaching and Support Staff are to be congratulated on their cooperation and support.


Registrations for New Intakes and Continuing Students was a success. We have a full roll of over 55 students
in all 23 Classes. Our total enrollment for 2019 is 1183 students. We are very sorry that we had to turn away
over (100) hundred students who wished to be enrolled with us, with the existing buildings, facilities and
limited teachers we had to cut down the number of students.

Students’ school uniform is a sky blue shirt with school logo on the left hand pocket and dark blue long pants
with the school name embroidered on the back right. All students must wear school uniforms throughout
school hours except during sports time and when required to use other uniforms during school hours. ID
Cards must be worn at all times during school hours also. Each student from year 9 -12 have been issued a
school polo shirt. You are asked to wear this shirt on Friday, 22nd February 2019 for the St John Baptist De La
Salle Tercentenary Opening Mass. The polo shirts must be worn every Wednesday.
Those students who have not received your inside T-Shirts are advised that as soon as the school receives
new stocks of the T-Shirts you will be advised and the shirts will be distributed accordingly.

On Friday, 22 February 2019 De La Salle Secondary School as well as the other Lasallian Schools and the De La
Salle Community in NCD will be having an opening mass to mark the 300 year anniversary of St John Baptist
De La Salle and the year of Lasallian Vocations. The Opening mass will be held here at De La Salle Secondary
School Bomana at the School oval; Time: 9am - 12:00pm. Students are asked to bring a hat/Cap for shade.
Each student will be supplied with a water bottle and lunch after the mass. Parents and Guardians can expect
your son to be at home before 2pm.


Grade (11) eleven students will sit for their Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) in Week 6, Monday 4th March and
Tuesday 5th March 2019. Year 12 Students who did not sit for the DAT in year 2018, can sit for this test on the
mentioned days also.


Thank you to Parents and Guardians who have contributed towards your child’s education. If it weren’t for
your support the school will not have come this far, the school is very grateful to you all for your effort in

De La Salle Bomana “FOR GOD AND COUNTRY”.. Page 1

contributing. The school also understands that it is difficult for some parents to contribute however, we
would appreciate very much if you can at least make an effort to contribute and support your child in his
education. Once again, the school appreciates all the contributions from Parents and Guardians who have
contributed and look forward to seeing more of your support in future.

APLEC 2019
Eleven Teachers and one Support Staff of De La Salle Secondary School Bomana will be travelling to
Melbourne for the Asia Pacific Lasallian Educators Conference that will be held from Sunday, 14th – Tuesday,
16th of April 2019. De La Salle Secondary School Bomana is part of the Asia Pacific Region where Lasallian
Education (in traditional or non-traditional settings) is both a spiritual and emancipatory endeavor. Therefore,
the conference is aimed at Educating Educators to create Conditions where young men and women can look
to a hope- filled future for themselves and their communities.


Students from our school as well as other Lasallian schools will have a Youth Gathering in Melbourne from
Saturday 13th – Tuesday 16th April 2019. Students will travel on the Friday 12th April 2019. Students who have
passport and are able to pay for travel and accommodation costs are welcome to attend the gathering.


Parents and Guardians are advised that there will be a meeting with the Chairman and Principal on the
Sunday 03rd of March 2019 at the School Assembly area from 1pm – 2:30pm. Kindly arrange time from your
schedule to attend as important issues will be discussed during the meeting. Your attendance is important
and will be highly expected on this day.


Students Breakfast Club is a school club run by our Lasallian Volunteers; Mr Rodwill Joe, Mr Maroun Azzam
and Miss Aika Leana. The Club provides free breakfast to students who come to school in the morning without
breakfast or with insufficient breakfast. The aim of the Breakfast Club is to provide a nutritious meal to
students that will increase their focus on learning as well as increase their attendance to school.

 Parents are asked to get permission from the school if your son needs to take leave from the School
and the School would like that Parents and Guardians take responsibility in sending the students to
school everyday. 30 days of missing lessons leads to expulsion.
 Students need to be in the school by 8am.
 Students are requested to come to school with proper uniform everyday. School uniform includes
Uniform shirt, school T Shirt, Long Pants, ID card and pair of black shoes. Uniforms Days are
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; Polo Shirt Day – Wednesdays. School inside Shirts must
be worn under your uniform shirt and polo shirt always except on sports days.
 Parents / Guardians are requested to report to the School office if they need to see anyone during
school hours. They are not allowed to go into the classroom areas. They can meet or see the students
only during the break time.

Thank you,

Brother. Antony Samy PANCRAS, Fsc

De La Salle Bomana “FOR GOD AND COUNTRY”.. Page 2

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