Ocean Swift - Wavetabler Manual

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Ocean Swift Synthesis

OSS Wave Tabler

Wavetable Patching Machine

Wave Tabler allows assembly and re-arrangement of wavetable files, as well as inter-
polation of wavetables from one cycle-window size to another.
Quickly patch your own (up to 100 cycle) wavetables by loading individual cycles into
slots. Exchange specific cycles in a wavetable with other cycles.
Re-sample a wavetable made for one synth to the specs required for a different synth.
Simple, efficient and very easy to use.

Load Functions
Wave 00-49, 50-99: Flips the interface from displaying the first or the last
50 cycles in the table.
Clear: Clears all the cycles on the device display and resets all the
cycle names to default.
Load: Opens the file dialog and loads a wavetable wave file.
Sample Size: Selects the size of each cycle in samples. The device will
cut the loaded file into up to 100 cycles, according to the sample size.
Set the sample size before loading a file.


Save Functions
Text: When the text button is switched on, a text file listing all the wavetable names
will be generated along with the wave file when the wave is saved.
Smooth: Smooths the edges of each cycle so that cycles start and end at a zero cross-
Interpolate: Selects the interpolation method used when upsampling or downsam-
Sample: Determines the cycle window size used for the exported wavetable.
BR: Sets the bitrate for the exported wavetable.
SR: Sets the sample rate for the exported wavetable.
Save: Opens the file dialog and saves the wavetable wave file.

Wave Functions
Wave Name: Names the cycle.

Right click wave functions:

Load: Loads a single wave cycle to the selected slot
Clear: Clears the selected slot.
Copy: Copies the cycle from the selected slot.
Paste: Pastes a copied cycle into the selected slot.

Interface Colors
Wave: Sets the color for the drawn cycles.
Cell: Sets a background color for the wave cells.
Back: Sets a background color for the wave area.

Circuit Design: Yaron Eshkar
Gui Design: Fernando Abreu


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