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Họ và tên sinh viên: LÊ THỊ VIỆT NGÂN............................................................................

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Hạn nộp bài thi: 13/07/2021...................Thời gian nộp trễ nhất: 17h.................................


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Nội dung tiểu luận:

Part 1: VOCABULARY (5 ms)
Choose 20 words/expressions from 2 Units (taken from 4 Units: Unit 14-16-17-19) in the
course book English For Business Studies, 3rd ed (2010) written by Ian Mackenzie. Then
make a list with 20 Words in BOLD followed by Definitions in English from Dictionaries
and Examples one after another.
Give an income statement of a particular company. Then write a paragraph (150-200
words) to present some significant figures from this income statement
Part 1: Vocabulary from Unit 14 (Banking) and Unit 16 (Bonds), definition from
Cambridge Dictionary
Vocabulary Definition
1. investment bank A bank that helps companies sell and buy shares , buy or merge with
other companies

Example: Investment banks employ investment bankers who help

corporations, governments, and other groups plan
2. hedge funds An investment fund that can get high return by using high risk
methods such short shares

Example: To make money, the hedge fund must successfully predict

which stocks will perform better.
3. stockbroker A person or company that buys and sells shares, bonds for other

Example: The bonds were sold through a stockbroker.

4. portfolio A collection of investment that are owned by a individual or

Example: These funds will be less risky if you held a portfolio

selected and monitored by a specialist manager
5. credit card A small plastic card that can be used to buy goods, services and pay
for them at a later time

Example: Credit cards can be a financial safety net if you don’t have
enough cash or savings to cover any unexpected costs that arise
6. mortgage To borrow money to buy property

Example: He takes out a mortgage on your home at a fixed rate of

7. subprime Describe borrowers that may not be able to pay it back

Example: The credit rating agencies are close to the origin of the
problems that have arisen with subprime markets.
8. credit rating A calculation of the ability of person, company to pay their debts

Example: Companies are considered financially secure if they are

usually awarded high credit rating.
9. interest-free Describe a loan with no extra payment in the form of interest

Example: My friend lent them the money interest-free

10. insolvent Not having enough money to pay debts, buy goods

Example: The company's insolvency forced it to file for bankruptcy

11. cash flow The money generated by an investment

Example: A business can have good cash flow and still not make a
12. savings account A bank account which earns interest on the money kept in it

Example: Students are being encouraged to open a savings account

13. creditor A person or organization that is owed money

Example: Bonds are either publicly traded on exchanges or sold

privately between a broker and the creditor
14. coupon The rate of interest that is paid on a bond

Example: The bonds have a coupon of 10 per cent every year

15. tax deductible An amount of money you spend that can be taken away from the
total income you must pay tax on

Example: The cost of equity (dividends, etc.) is not tax deductible,
while interest is deductible
16. bondholder A person or organization that owns a bond

Example: Most bonds can be sold by the initial bondholder to other

investors after they have been issued
17. maturity date The date on which an investment becomes to be paid

Example: Bondholders get back the principal on a fixed maturity

date and receive interest payments
18. payment Money you receive for once

Example: They have difficult to meet the payments on their car.

19. brave heart People accept high risk to expect high return

Example: High-yield bonds are for brave heart who choose wisely
can make decent money
20.high-yield That bonds are considered highest interest bond and poor credit
bonds rating

Example: A high-yield bond has a lower credit rating than

government bonds, but the higher interest income draws investors

Part 2:

The Income statement is one of the four primary financial statements that public
companies must publish every quarter and year, because it measures the firm's success or
failure achieving the highest level objective in private industry: earning profits. Exhibit
below is an example about the basic income statement of Vinamilk company:
Exhibit: Consolidated statement of income for the year ended 31 December 2020
Code 2020 2019

Revenue from sales of goods and provision of services 01 59,722,908,393,236 56,400,229,726,717
Revenue deductions 02 86,622,167,189 82,106,963,973
Net revenue (10= 01 – 02) 10 59,636,286,225,547 56,318,122,762,744
Cost of sales 11 31,967,662,837,839 29,745,906,112,117
Gross profit (20= 10 – 11) 20 27,668,623,387,708 26,572,216,650,627
Finacial income 21 1,581,092,655,317 807,316,707,483
Financial expenses 22 308,569,328,835 186,969,681,828
In which: Interest expense 23 143,818,465,177 108,824,893,987
Share of profit/(loss) in associates 24 3,882,188,676 (5,716,591,103)
Selling expenses 25 13,447,492,622,165 12,993,454,552,852
General and administration expenses 26 1,958,155,456,285 1,396,302,416,955
Net operating profit 30
13,539,380,824,416 12,797,090,115,372
(30= 20 + (21 – 22) +24 – (25 +26))
Other income 31 212,386,195,135 249,446,259,179
Other expenses 32 233,230,932,527 250,826,735,994
Results of other activities ( 40= 31 – 32) 40 (20,844,737,392 ) (1,380,476,815)
Profit before tax (50= 30 + 40) 50 13,518,536,087,024 12,795,709,638,557
Income tax expense - current 51 2,310,674,009,890 2,238,365,796,113
Income tax (benefit)/expense- deffered 52 (27,870,156,991) 3,011,961,553
Net profit after tax (60= 50 -51 – 52) 60
11,235,732,234,125 10,554,331,880,891
(carried forward to next page)
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company 61 11,098,936,856,369 10,581,175,671,989
Non-controlling interest 62 136,795,377,756 (26,843,791,098)
Basic earnings per share 70 4,770 4,565

As you can see, the income statement is a report showing the profit or loss for a
business during a period, as well as the incomes and expenses that resulted in this overall
profit or loss. Based on the above exhibit, the result of operating Vinamilk company is
profitable. It emphaize major financial performance results: “Net” figures, Totals for
account item groups, Profits. Firstly, “Net” figures comprise Net revenue, Net operating
profit. It can be seen Net revenue of Vinamilk company in 2020 has increased by
approximately 3.318 billion VND by comparision 2019. Moreover, Net operating profit
also has increased nearly 742 billion VND. Secondly, Totals for account item groups
include in Cost of Sales, Financial expenses,… Cost of sales comprise the cost of
products, goods and services provided during the period and is recognised corresponding
to revenue. Finally, Vinamilk’s Net profit after tax helps to determine the health of the
business. It is an important parameter to evaluate business performances by the

shareholders. Vinamilk has increased net income after tax 681 billion VND in 2020,
which shows that the company has more cash to pay non-controlling interest, dividends
for equity holders.

In conclusion, based on the income statement of the company, there is a lot of

decision and the business plans which are dependent on the income statement. The
management can decide for inorganic or organic growth.

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