Episode 1: Steve vs. Everything: English

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Episode 1: Steve vs.

Everything English
Achievements: Subject and verb agreement – plural vs. singular    
Circle the right words in this story about Steve’s trip to fight the Dragon in The End.

The End portal (take / takes) Steve to a

dark and unfriendly looking place, the End. He
(was / were) told that Endermen are rare! But,
here they come. He only has one diamond
(sword / swords), so he decides to quietly go
around them. A villager told me they (don’t /
doesn’t) like water, but he (doesn’t / don’t)
have any! Steve (has / have) to save his strength for the Ender Dragon.

Where is the big bully dragon? Steve is (look / looking) everywhere, but no dragon.
There (is / are) many Endermen, though. Steve decides to take out the Endermen, but how?
They are strong. He (looks / is looking) and
(sees / see) one, two, three…oh no, so many
of them! I think it is time for Steve to retreat
and go back to his house to better plan for the
attack. Steve is giving up for now, but he will
return when he (think / thinks) he has enough
(weapon / weapons) and strength to kill the

Steve gets home and thinks about how to defeat the Ender Dragon.

You are Steve’s friend, tell Steve how he should prepare for his next battle
with the Dragon.
Episode 1: Steve vs. Everything 

What is happening in these pictures?

Use these verbs to describe what is happening to Steve NOW (present continuous).

attacking fighting running watching

shooting biting coming blowing up
swimming thinking looking surrounding

Write six sentences using the present continous to describe the action.
1. Steve is thinking about running away







Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 1: Steve vs. Everything 

Looks like Steve really needs your help.

What is happening in this picture? What should Steve do?!?

Rearrange the following sentences to describe his situation:

1. A / is / Steve / arrows / shooting / skeleton / at.

A skeleton
2. many / Steve / shot / been / has / times.

3. good / feeling / isn’t / so / Steve.

4. skeleton / attacking / underwater / the / Try.

Try attacking
5. I / working / think / don’t / plan / is / Steve’s.

I don’t think
6. is / Steve / air / out / running / of.

7. run / die / I / better / away / Steve / will / or / he / think.

Steve better run away or

8. The / well / very / can / skeleton / swim.

The skeleton

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 1: Steve vs. Everything 

Describe what is happening to Steve the Brave:

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 2: Let’s Build
Objective: Past tense (irregular verb) review English

Steve had lots of trouble building his house. Read the story and circle the adjectives.

Night was coming. That means only one thing…monsters. You look around but you can’t

build a house anywhere. The ground is too rocky and the mountains are too steep. The full moon is

rising above you, when you hear the howl of the wolves.

Then you notice a small opening in the face of the mountain, a cave! This could be good

news, or bad news. You look inside. It is dark, it is quiet and it is a little smelly, too. Something was

living here not too long ago. You have no choice but to enter the cave and explore. The cave is wide

and deep, you don’t know how deep, but you have to find out because a tall shadow appears at the

entrance of the cave behind you.  

Finish the story. What are you going to do?











Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 2: Let’s Build English
Describing places and things

Steve needs your help! Where do I build my home? Look at the pictue and circle
the area where Steve should build his home.

flat low rocky hidden

high beautiful top bottom
open green foresty safe
Using the above words, write 7 sentences to describe why it is the best place.






Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Get the right tools!
What’s best for mining and building? Choose the best tools for mining and crafting.
Example: Obsidian is strong. Diamonds are colourful.

Write seven sentences to explain your choices.








Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Creepers, I hate them!
Looks like Steve really needs your help.
What is happening in this picture? What should Steve do?!?

Rearrange the following sentences to describe his situation:

1. A creeper / building / up / blew / the

2. The building / damaged / is / badly.

3. The plane / all / not / is / damaged / at.

4. The walls / the / are / stairs / broken / and.

5. There is / the / hole / in / a / large / ground.

6. Steve / rebuild / strong / needs / material / to.

7. The fence it / holes / two / large / has / in.

Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel | 
Design time
Design your own item. Explain what it is.







Episode 3: Diamond Mining
Reading: Finish the story English
Steve had lots of trouble finding diamonds other ore to make tools and weapons.

Legend says that diamonds can be found near lava

flows. That is where you start digging. The lava is all

around you and you start to feel real hot, but you can’t

give up yet. You move to the left, to the right, you dig

up, down, under and over using your trusted diamond

pickaxe. Your pickaxe begins to wear down, and so do you. You have to find a better, easier

way to find diamonds. You check your inventory and it looks like you have plenty of dynamite.

What do you do? (Write what happens next in the space below – the pictures are optional).

I take out some dynamite

Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 3: Let’s Mine! English
Telling stories using the simple present tense

No diamonds, Steve is a little dissappointed. But, there is some good stuff here.
Describe the picturte, describe what you should take and why it is useful.

look move take check

dig use drop feel
walk see pick up smell
Using the above words, write 5 sentences to describe why it is the best place.







Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Get the right tools!
What’s best for mining and building? Choose the best tools for mining and crafting.
Example: Obsidian is strong. Diamonds are colourful.

Write seven sentences to explain your choices.








Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Hmmmm, where to dig?
Steve needs your advice.
There are montains, lava, forest, ravines, and water, where to start digging?

Rearrange the following sentences to give Steve advice:

1. Diamonds / found / underground / are / deep / always.

2. Iron pickaxes / very / quickly / wear down.

3. Diamond / time / last / pickaxes / long / for / a.

4. I like / dig / lava / in / near / ravines / to / and.

5. There / ground / no / on / diamonds / the / are.

6. I always / in / dig / find / mountain / gold / when / I / a.

7. I take / mine / with / pickaxes / me / five / to.

Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Design time Design your own item. Explain what it is.

Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 1: A Day in the Nether
Achievement: Clear and concise writing (subject/verb agreement)

Circle the right words in this story about a trip to the Netherworld.

The nether portal (take / takes) me to a

dark and unfriendly looking place, the
Netherworld. I (was / were) told Endermen are
rare! But, here they come. I only have one
diamond (sword / swords), so I decide to quietly
go around them. A villager told me they (don’t /
doesn’t) like water, but I don’t have (any / one)! I
have to save my strength for the Enderdragon. The dragon has 200 hit points but can be
healed by nearby Ender Crystals. First, I have to take out the crystals, but what are

Too late, here (come / comes) the big bully, and he has a (friend / friends) too, an
Enderman. I’ll take out the Enderman first. How do I take out the Ender crystals and how many
(is / are) there? I look up and (sees / see) one,
two, three…oh no, so many! I think it is time for
me to retreat and go back to my house to plan
more for the attack. I don’t (think / thinks) I
have enough (weapon / weapons) or strength
to kill the dragon.

What does Steve need to battle the Enderdragon? Write five essential items or strategies required
to beat it:

Example: Steve needs to have many arrows. 






Nothing but trouble!

What is happening in these pictures?

Use these verbs to describe the Steve’s situation

attack fight run watch

shoot bite come blow up
swim think look surround

Write five sentences to describe the action.








Suit up!
Quick! Suit up and get ready for battle! What would you choose? Why?
Example: Gold swords are softer/better than iron.

Example: Gold is the best.

Write five sentences to explain your choices.








from Bad to worse
Looks like Steve really needs your help.
What is happening in this picture? What should Steve do?!?

Rearrange the following sentences to describe his situation:

1. A / is / Steve / arrows / shooting / skeleton / at.
A skeleton
2. many / Steve / shot / been / has / times.
3. good / feeling / isn’t / so / Steve.
4. skeleton / attacking / underwater / the / Try.
Try attacking
5. I / working / think / don’t / plan / is / Steve’s.
I don’t think
6. is / Steve / air / out / running / of.
7. run / die / I / better / away / Steve / will / or / he / think.
Steve better run away or
8. The / well / very / can / skeleton / swim.
The skeleton

Draw and write what happens next to our friend Steve:

Episode 5: Trading
Target: Comparing items with modifiers English

Steve’s quest for the Ender dragon continues. Now, he tries to trade with

Steve needs armour and lots of 
weapons, but he just can’t craft it. Luckily, he 
runs across some villagers who may have 
what he needs. Steve has pockets full of 
emeralds plus a few other useful items, such 
as food. He checks his inventory: 

Emeralds:  46 
Steak:    23 
Gold bars:  60 
Fish:    20 
Books    18 

He approaches the blacksmith and begins trading. The Blacksmith is (better / gooder) than the 
Farmer, but the Blacksmith (isn’t as bad as / isn’t as good as) the Villager. He can get (many / much) 
more items from a Blacksmith than from anyone else. But, he just offers an iron pickaxe for 15 
emeralds. It’s (better / worse) than nothing. It’s (a little / little) more than he wanted to spend so 
though. Steve tries again, “How about 22 emeralds for a diamond helmet, chest plate and leggings? He 
has a helmet, it looks (stronger / more strong) than Steve’s. He takes the trade.  

Steve runs over to the farmer to find some arrows, which is the best way to take out the Ender 
Dragon. The arrows aren’t as good (as / than) the Priest, but they will do. Steve walks up to the 
farmer and offer him 5 steaks for 10 arrows. The Farmer was (more friendly / friendlier) than the 
Priest too.  

“That is too low” he tells Steve. “You’re a a lot (crazier / more crazy) than JumboMuffin who 

offered me a steak an arrow. Arrows are (hard/harder) to make, so I will only take emeralds for them.” 
Steve offers one emerald for 10 arrows. “That is (not as / as) good as you are going to get, so take it 
or leave it. The farmer accepts Steve’s offer and so Steve trades three emeralds and walks away.  
Using modifiers to compare English
Here is a list of items you can trade with villagers. Discuss the following questions:
1. What have you traded in the past? Do you trade Pokémon cards?
2. What was your best trade ever?
3. Which is the best deal in this list, which is the worst?
4. How would you get armour if you didn’t have emeralds?

Use these modifers

a heck of a lot
a lot
so much
much better
quite a bit
a little / a bit

Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Using modifiers to compare English
Write the synonyms in the following boxes

+ - + -
good useful
inexpensive rare
durable weak

Using the above words, write 5 sentences to describe the difference between two
items. Use the modifiers to improve communication.








          Use these modifers

a heck of a lot
a lot
so much
much better
quite a bit
a little / a bit
Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Using modifiers to compare English
Steve needs your help to figure out what are good and bad deals.

Rearrange the following sentences to give Steve advice:

1. Two emeralds / can / buy a much better / helmet / than / one.

2. Farmers / blacksmiths / much / are / than / fairer.

3. Coal / a little / is / useful / than / to trade / more / steak.

4. Diamond / to trade / a few more / pickaxes emeralds / take.

5. Villagers nose / a heck of a / Steve / have / than / bigger / does.

6. Arrows are / find / swords / to / so much / than / harder.

7. Emeralds / find / a little / in / forest biomes / are / easier / to.

Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Using modifiers to compare English
Journal writing
Write a few sentences about a time that you traded something with someone. How did you feel
about the trade at the time, how did you feel a week after?
Be sure to use some comparisons with modifiers to discuss the items you traded.

Copyright 2014 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 6: I’m hungry!!
Target: Countables and uncountable quantifiers English

Steve’s quest for the Ender dragon continues. He needs the energy to continue.
He needs food and lots of it.

Steve is not a bad cook, but he can use some help. 
He knows that he can get food from three sources: 
kill it, farm it, and make it. He has (some / many)1 
raw pork, a (little / a)2 beef and (a lot of / two)3 
rotten flesh that he got from a zombie battle. He 
doesn’t have (any / some)4 chicken but he does 
have (a few / few)5 eggs that he can make a nice 
cake with. He will ask a villager to help him make the cake.  

  Later that day Steve went out fishing and (many / much)6 fish. He can cook (it / them)7 on an 
open fire. So, he starts cutting down trees and lights them up. His 
gets much higher with just one fish. So, he tries to catch more, but he has no luck and quits. On the 
way back to his house, Steve gets (a few / lots of)8 beef from a cow and goes home to cook (it / 
them)9 in his oven.  

  On the way home he pops by his garden to see what’s growing. There are (some / ten )10 corn, 
(few / a few )11 potatoes and he is surprised to see a spider eye in his carrot field. He takes it home 
because he needs (a / some)12 spider eye to make potions. It is his lucky day.  

When Steve gets home he is surprised to see a huge cake waiting for him! What a wonderful 
villager. Steve takes (some / one )13 and sits down to eat his steak and fish. Steve is stuffed and full of 
energy. So, the next morning he is ready to go out and venture for the Nether World.  

1. What is your favorite food?  
2. What dishes can you make? How do you make it?  
3. Tell Ken some other dishes that is unique to Vietnam.  
Using countable and uncountable nouns English
Write the ingredients and the recipe for the following foods using the following words:
many / much one, two, three…
a lot of / lots a couple
some a dozen
a little / a few / a bit of a handful

Name Ingredients Image Write the recipe

Bowl Wooden Planks

Mushroom Bowl & Red Mushroom &

Stew Brown Mushroom

Bread Wheat

Golden Apple Apple & Gold Nuggets

Sugar Sugar Cane

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Using countable and uncountable nouns English

Milk Buckets & Sugar & Wheat

& Egg

Cookies Wheat & Cocoa Beans

Melon Block Melon Slice

Golden Carrot Carrot & Gold Nuggets

Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin & Egg & Sugar

Mushroom & Bowl & Cooked

Rabbit Stew Rabbit & Carrot & Baked

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Using countable and uncountable nouns English
Steve needs your help to figure out what are good and bad deals.

Rearrange the following sentences to give Steve advice:

1. Two emeralds / can / buy a much better / helmet / than / one.

2. Farmers / blacksmiths / much / are / than / fairer.

3. Coal / a little / is / useful / than / to trade / more / steak.

4. Diamond / to trade / / a few more / pickaxes emeralds / take.

5. Villagers nose / a heck of a / Steve / have / than / bigger / does.

6. Arrows are / find / swords / to / so much / than / harder.

7. Emeralds / find / a little / in / forest biomes / are / easier / to.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Using countable and uncountable nouns English
Journal writing
Write a few sentences about some of the most interesting food you have every seen or actually
tried. Be sure to include the much, many, lots of, etc. quantifiers.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 7: The unEnd
Target: Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English

Steve is ready for The End world and to fight the dragon.

  Well, Steve did not expect this! There are so (much / many) monsters down here in The End! 
What is up with that? He (sees / saw) ghasts and, and, and he (doesn’t / didn’t) even know what (that / 
those) are – whither skeletons? Anyway, he had to fight them so he could survive and take down the 
dragon. Luckily, Steve (has / had) an enchanted diamond sword with special (power / powers) so he 
was ready. He (fighted / fought) three ghasts and a few other monsters but was attacked and (hurted / 
hurt) by some whither skeletons. He (eated / ate) a golden apple and continued his quest.  

  Ah ha! Steve must be close to the dragon. He saw some towers and something black flew over 
his head. He heard the dragon getting closer, but he could not see it through the mist. All of a sudden 
it came out of the clouds and (attack / attacked) him. He (bring / brought) out his golden bow and 
arrow and started shooting. He (shooted / shot) a few times, but the dragon’s health kept improving. 
There were many towers with lights on them, that must 
be where it’s health is coming from – they had to be 
destroyed! Steve climbed up each tower and (breaked / 
broke) the light at the top. The dragon flew around the 
tower, so Steve began hitting it again and again with his 
enchanted sword. It worked…the dragon’s health fell 
slowly until it finally exploded high in the sky.  

  Steve defeated the dragon!  

  (Many / Much) large crystals, or were they eggs, fell to the ground. Steve collected (that/ them) 
and headed back to the portal to take him back up to the regular world and back to safety. Now what 
to do? At least the dragon was gone, so life would be more peaceful.  
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English
Discuss the following questions about challenges.  

1. What was one of your greatest challenges?  How did you overcome it?  
2. What kind of treasure do you think can still be found in the world?  
3. Think of a famous person and tell about a challenge they may have had.  

Library research: Find information on these famous people and write one
sentence about what made these people famous.

1. Thomas Edison

2. Neil Armstrong

3. Michael Jackson

4. Wayne Gretzky

5. Your Choice:

Draw two pictures of famous events or people and have Ken guess what they are.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English

Steve had some great adventures and found some great weapons on the way.

Rearrange the following sentences to talk about Steve’s adventures:

1. Steve / biggest / the / ever / sword / found.

2. There / The End / so / many / are / towers / in.

3. The / towers / them / have / on top of / health beacons.

4. The / use / is / too / heavy / to / The End /sword / in.

5. Just / beacons / more / to / destroy / four.

6. The / dragon’s / towers / health / improve / the.

7. Where / Steve / the / portal, / is / home / wants / to / go.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English
Journal writing
Write about a challenge that you, or someone you know, had. For example, taking a long plane
trip, or walking a difficult path. Tell me how you felt and how you finally did it.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 8: The Quest Continues English
Target: Talking about the future using

Steve has defeated the Ender dragon, but there is always another challenge
ahead of him.

  Well, Steve did not expect this! There are so (much / many) monsters down here in The End! 
What is up with that? He (sees / saw) ghasts and, and, and he (doesn’t / didn’t) even know what (that 
/ those) are – whither skeletons? Anyway, he had to fight them so he could survive and take down the 
dragon. Luckily, Steve (has / had) an enchanted diamond sword with special (power / powers) so he 
was ready. He (fighted / fought) three ghasts and a few other monsters but was attacked and (hurted 
/ hurt) by some whither skeletons. He (eated / ate) a golden apple and continued his quest.  

  Ah ha! Steve must be close to the dragon. He saw some towers and something black flew over 
his head. He heard the dragon getting closer, but he could not see it through the mist. All of a sudden 
it came out of the clouds and (attack / attacked) him. He (bring / brought) out his golden bow and 
arrow and started shooting. He (shooted / shot) a few times, but the dragon’s health kept improving. 
There were many towers with lights on them, that must 
be where it’s health is coming from – they had to be 
destroyed! Steve climbed up each tower and (breaked / 
broke) the light at the top. The dragon flew around the 
tower, so Steve began hitting it again and again with his 
enchanted sword. It worked…the dragon’s health fell 
slowly until it finally exploded high in the sky.  

  Steve defeated the dragon!  

  (Many / Much) large crystals, or were they eggs, fell to the ground. Steve collected (that/ 
them) and headed back to the portal to take him back up to the regular world and back to safety. Now 
what to do? At least the dragon was gone, so life would be more peaceful.  

Discuss the following questions about challenges.  

1. What was one of your greatest challenges?  How did you overcome it?  
2. What kind of treasure do you think can still be found in the world?  
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English
3. Think of a famous person and tell about a challenge they may have had.  

Library research: Find information on these famous people and write one
sentence about what made these people famous.

1. Thomas Edison

2. Neil Armstrong

3. Michael Jackson

4. Wayne Gretzky

5. Your Choice:

Draw two pictures of famous events or people and have Ken guess what they are.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English

Steve had some great adventures and found some great weapons on the way.

Rearrange the following sentences to talk about Steve’s adventures:

1. Steve / biggest / the / ever / sword / found.

2. There / The End / so / many / are / towers / in.

3. The / towers / them / have / on top of / health beacons.

4. The / use / is / too / heavy / to / The End /sword / in.

5. Just / beacons / more / to / destroy / four.

6. The / dragon’s / towers / health / improve / the.

7. Where / Steve / the / portal, / is / home / wants / to / go.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English
Journal writing
Write about a challenge that you, or someone you know, had. For example, taking a long plane
trip, or walking a difficult path. Tell me how you felt and how you finally did it.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 8: Oh No! Don’t! (mod) English
Target: Talking about thepast using irregular verbs

Steve has defeated the Ender dragon, but there is always another challenge
ahead of him.

  Well, Steve did not expect this! There are so (much / many) monsters down here in The End! 
What is up with that? He (sees / saw) ghasts and, and, and he (doesn’t / didn’t) even know what (that 
/ those) are – whither skeletons? Anyway, he had to fight them so he could survive and take down the 
dragon. Luckily, Steve (has / had) an enchanted diamond sword with special (power / powers) so he 
was ready. He (fighted / fought) three ghasts and a few other monsters but was attacked and (hurted 
/ hurt) by some whither skeletons. He (eated / ate) a golden apple and continued his quest.  

  Ah ha! Steve must be close to the dragon. He saw some towers and something black flew over 
his head. He heard the dragon getting closer, but he could not see it through the mist. All of a sudden 
it came out of the clouds and (attack / attacked) him. He (bring / brought) out his golden bow and 
arrow and started shooting. He (shooted / shot) a few times, but the dragon’s health kept improving. 
There were many towers with lights on them, that must 
be where it’s health is coming from – they had to be 
destroyed! Steve climbed up each tower and (breaked / 
broke) the light at the top. The dragon flew around the 
tower, so Steve began hitting it again and again with his 
enchanted sword. It worked…the dragon’s health fell 
slowly until it finally exploded high in the sky.  

  Steve defeated the dragon!  

  (Many / Much) large crystals, or were they eggs, fell to the ground. Steve collected (that/ them) 
and headed back to the portal to take him back up to the regular world and back to safety. Now what 
to do? At least the dragon was gone, so life would be more peaceful.  

Discuss the following questions about challenges.  

1. What was one of your greatest challenges?  How did you overcome it?  
2. What kind of treasure do you think can still be found in the world?  
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English
3. Think of a famous person and tell about a challenge they may have had.  

Library research: Find information on these famous people and write one
sentence about what made these people famous.

1. Thomas Edison

2. Neil Armstrong

3. Michael Jackson

4. Wayne Gretzky

5. Your Choice:

Draw two pictures of famous events or people and have Ken guess what they are.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English

Steve had some great adventures and found some great weapons on the way.

Rearrange the following sentences to talk about Steve’s adventures:

1. Steve / biggest / the / ever / sword / found.

2. There / The End / so / many / are / towers / in.

3. The / towers / them / have / on top of / health beacons.

4. The / use / is / too / heavy / to / The End /sword / in.

5. Just / beacons / more / to / destroy / four.

6. The / dragon’s / towers / health / improve / the.

7. Where / Steve / the / portal, / is / home / wants / to / go.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English
Journal writing
Write about a challenge that you, or someone you know, had. For example, taking a long plane
trip, or walking a difficult path. Tell me how you felt and how you finally did it.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 10: Herobrine myth
Target: Adding colour to your writing with adverbs and adverb phrases English

Discuss the following questions about believing.

1. What was something you believed in when you were younger? 
2. What is something that many people believe in but may not actually exist? 
3. Is it okay to tell children that the Easter Bunny doesn’t exist? 


An adverb describes a verb and usually ends in –ly. An adverb phrase can tell the 
when, where and how of a verb. Example: Steve left shortly after 5:00pm. This 
describes when Steve left.  

Steve is setting out to find if Herobrine is real or just a legend.

The night was as dark as ink, the air was colder than ice. The rain was falling in buckets, but this 

was still going to be the night to find out for sure: was Herobrine just a myth, or did he really exist? 

Steve put on his warmest clothes, picked up his beaten‐up but trusted sword and set out into the 

unfriendly night. The tales told of a mysterious man living in the mountains to the east, so this was the 

direction to go. Steve walked quickly to keep warm and to arrive in the mountains before daybreak.  

After two hours of walking Steve finally arrived at the foot of the unwelcoming mountains. In 

front of him was a cave that appeared to faintly glow in the dark night. He moved forward and into 

the mouth of the cave slowly and cautiously to hopefully surprise Herobrine. The dim light grew 

brighter, the smell of a barbeque hung in the air; this was the cave. From around a corner Steve could 

see a makeshift camp and a plate full of food. This was it, this was Herobrine’s camp! Carefully Steve 

looked around the corner and saw a man wearing purple pants and a blue shirt. It was him! What to 

do now?  

Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English
Library research: Find information on these famous people and write one
sentence about what made these people famous.

1. Thomas Edison

2. Neil Armstrong

3. Michael Jackson

4. Wayne Gretzky

5. Your Choice:

Draw two pictures of famous events or people and have Ken guess what they are.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English

Steve had some great adventures and found some great weapons on the way.

Rearrange the following sentences to talk about Steve’s adventures:

1. Steve / biggest / the / ever / sword / found.

2. There / The End / so / many / are / towers / in.

3. The / towers / them / have / on top of / health beacons.

4. The / use / is / too / heavy / to / The End /sword / in.

5. Just / beacons / more / to / destroy / four.

6. The / dragon’s / towers / health / improve / the.

7. Where / Steve / the / portal, / is / home / wants / to / go.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Review of countables and past tense irregular verbs English
Journal writing
Write about a challenge that you, or someone you know, had. For example, taking a long plane
trip, or walking a difficult path. Tell me how you felt and how you finally did it.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 11: Stuck Inside
Skill: Talking about cause and effect English

Discuss the following questions about cause and effect:

1. What if you went to school in Australia instead of Canada? 
2. What if Chinese was the international language? 
3. What if you lived when there were no PC computers? 


Cause and effect describes the relationship between two events. The events, 
event 1 and event 2, could be in any order: Steve ran because a creeper appeared. Or, A creeper 
appeared so Steve ran. What is the difference between the two sentences? Which one is the cause 
and which is the effect?  

If Steve only knew how to use redstone repeaters...

Now that Steve is comfortable in his new land (because/so) he can focus on protecting his 
wonderful castle. But how can he protect such a large fortress?  He can’t use redstone canons 
(because/so) but he doesn’t know how to make them. Now Steve is thinking that he shouldn’t have 
built such a large castle. He can create some iron golems (because/so) he can use them as guards. 
Wolves can be used as protection (because/so) the can be tamed. For now, he has to keep walking 
along the walls day and night to watch for creepers (because/so) they want to blow a hole in his walls 
and enter his home. That won’t happen tonight, (because/so) Steve went to bed.  

The castle has a moat to help protect it, but the water is not enough to keep the skeleton 
arrows out. And, his drawbridge has been blown up seven times already (because/so) he spends many 
days fixing it. He doesn’t want the bridge, but he needs it (because/so) he has to go to the village. 
Steve has to go out one in a while to get food, trade with villagers and do some mining in the 
mountains (because/so) he has nothing inside his castle. Can he do everything inside his castle and 
keep the drawbridge raised? Hmmmm, what to do? Something has to be done (because/so) Steve is 
going crazy! 
Episode 11: Talking About Cause and Effect English
Find five causes and effect relationships from the story above.

1. (example) Creepers blew a hole in the wall so they can enter the fortress.





Add effects or causes to the following lines:

6. Steve got rid of his drawbridge so

7. A creeper got in the castle because

8. Steve invited some villagers into his castle so

9. Steve is going crazy because

10. Steve’s castle is large so

Write your own cause and effect sentences on any topic.

11. (example) I stayed home because I was sick.





Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 

Episode 12:                    

Skill: Finding main ideas and inference    

Main ideas
Main ideas are hard to find, but it can be easier if you use this 
detail + detail + detail = main idea 
Look at the picture, what do you think this story will be about? Take 
three guesses and then read the story. Write a title for each
paragraph and underline three details to support your title.  


Steve is totally tired of walking around. He’s been digging, farming, pillaging, and making friends with 

villagers for weeks. His world is very large, and he wants to explore more, but he just doesn’t want to 

walk anymore. Steve begins to look for solutions.  


A villager he met had a horse that he wanted to trade for two diamonds, but two diamonds was too 

much. Steve didn’t take the horse, but now he thinks two diamond might be okay. There are wild 

horses, but he doesn’t know how to tame them. Can he ride a pig? He doesn’t know, but he could try.  


Steve heard that the ender dragon could be ridden if he had the right potion, or if he just jumped on 

top of it and started riding it. Was this actually possible? Steve new where to find the dragon, but he 

wasn’t ready to do battle with it. Steve said quietly “wouldn’t flying the ender dragon be the coolest?” 


For now Steve has to walk. But, he has made up his mind. He will find the Ender Dragon again and 

tame it. Then, he can fly around the land and explore all he wants. He will have complete freedom! 

Episode 12: Skill: Finding main ideas and inferrence 

Inference is when you think something is true but is not written; you think it is true from other facts 
that are written. You use words like: I think, probably, most likely to infer meaning. Look at the 
example below.  

Find four inferences about Steve’s story. Write one inference on each paragraph.

(example) Steve probably wants a horse or something like that.





Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 

Episode 12: Running on Empty English

Skill: Avoiding run on, incomplete and short sentences when writing

Discuss the following questions:

1. What foods can you find in Minecraft and which can you grow? 
2. How many of these foods do you eat? 
3. Do you think the nutritional value is the same as in real life? 

Review: Sentence structures

Run on sentences are sentences that have two main ideas in one sentence and should be broken in 
to two. Incomplete sentences don’t make sense because they don’t have a subject or an object. 
Finally, short sentences, although grammatically correct, can be painful to read because they are 
like 20 red lights on one kilometer of road.  

If Steve only knew how to use redstone repeaters...

Steve got up one morning and found that he had no food in his chest so he had to find some 
quick but he didn’t know how and he didn’t have a garden but there were animals running around 
outside that he could turn into dinner so he grabbed his sword and went outside only to find that all 
the animals had disappeared so he decided to start growing garden with the seeds and a magic 
potion that he had along with some ground up bones that he could use and an excellent fertilizer 
but just when he was about to dig his first hole a cow walked slowly past him so Steve turned it into 
his dinner.  

It was good. Steve was full. He had time. He went outside. He began to dig. He dug a garden. 
Was deep so he planted seeds. The next morning. The corn was tall. He cut the corn. It tasted good. 
He had energy again. He was ready to battle. He put it on. The armour was heavy and strong. His 
diamond sword was dull. It was old. He wanted another. He began to mine. He was lucky and found 
many diamonds. He crafted two. He crafted a diamond helmet as well. Why? Because he was struck 
on the head. An Enderman struck him on the head. The Enderman struck him on the head two 
times. It hurt. So, Steve wanted one stronger. A diamond one is strong. He crafted it. He brought 
both diamonds swords on his next adventure. Look out Endermen here Steve comes!! 
Episode 12: Avoiding run on, incomplete and short sentences when writing. English
Discuss the following questions regarding the story.
1. What is wrong with paragraph 1? How can you fix it?  
2. What’s wrong with paragraph 2? How could you fix it? Be specific, which words can you use, like 

so, and, but, then.

Rewrite the story. Use your ideas from questions 1 and 2.

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 

Episode 13: Building an exciting town/story

Skill: Building complete sentences with punctiation    
Great sentences have three elements: 
1. Proper punctuation.  
2. One idea in each sentence. 
3. Great grammar. 
Building sentences is like building a town in Minecraft. 
You want to make each building look good so visitors 
will want to come/read. You also want each building/sentence to be strong so your whole 
town/story is strong and an exciting place to visit/read. Steve is building his city now, and needs 
your help to decide what to build.  
Put a 1 or 2 (or once 1 & 2) beside each sentence to say if the sentence is weak in punctuation or 
main idea. Grammar is correct. This is also wonderful practice to help you proofread your own work.  
Steve only has one castle, so it’s a nice castle. ___ he would love to start a nice town, so 
he begins to plan on what kind of buildings to build, ___ First, he needs a nice store where 
villagers can trade stuff and he likes them. ___ Next, he needs a farm where he can raise animals 
such as horses cows chickens and pigs. ___Finally, he decides to build an amusement park, 
everyone likes villagers. ___ Steve needs a name for the city and Steveieville, why not? ___  
stevieville is just a large flat area that needs developing. ___ So, Steve creates a few Iron 
Golems to help him fight off Monsters while he works. ___He begins to make a 10 by 10 by 15 
Store with nice windows and Huge doors. ___ It looks plain, and Stevieville is by the mountains. 
Steve needs a farm too help feed all the new townspeople that will come running to his 
beautiful town so he builds a small farm  but he can’t find any animals and sees many animals 
walking around but none want to be fenced so he will deal with this problem later. ___  
  It takes two weeks to build a Red Stone Roller Coaster, but it was worth it. ___ He has a 
great roller coaster, and a haunted house, with creepers, and zombies, walking freely, around the 
place. ___ A little dangerous, but it will be fun and the small farm is too. ___  
  Steve is happy with his progress. Stevieville needs some review and rebuilding 
(proofreading), but it promises to be a great city to be proud of. Now, what to build next… 
1. Continue the story with your own imaginative information. Focus on using proper 
punctuation and keep the ideas to one per sentence.  
2. Fix the punctuation in the first part of the story.  
3. Proofread your part of the story. 

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 
Episode 14: Redstone Traps
Target: Giving instructions and using prepositions (behind, next to, etc) English

Use the following sequence markers when giving instructions, such as making a redtone
repeater. What is redstone? It is similar to gunpowder and can be used as a fuse.
Use: First, then, next, after that, and finally to make the instructions clear.  
Don’t forget to put a PERIOD and a CAPITAL to keep your ideas apart. Read the next Steve
story and add periods and capitals where they belong (or, use and, but, because and or to join
Steve was sick and tired of fighting off the creepers every day he made iron golems, but they took
off! I guess he didn’t feed them well he decides to make
a redstone trap he has all the items: redstone torch,
redstone and stone he gets to work.
 First, he makes four redstone tripwires Steve goes
to his crafting table and lays down the items and
voila, one, two, three and four repeaters.
 Then, he finds an open area to build and set his
trap. He finds a good place right next to his house.
 After that, he lays down four tripwires next to each other.
 Next, he lays eight stones behind the tripwires the stones will send the creepers to the moon.
 Finally, Steve lays down some redstone in front of the repeaters to activate them from a distance.

Now, all Steve can go exploring, do his farming or hang out with villagers without worrying about

Creepers always blowing fighting with Skeletons around his hours and blowing things up! He begins to

walk towards the village with a load of emeralds in his pocket he wants to do some trading, or he might

just give some away he’s feeling generous.

BOOOOOOOOOM!! “Oh no, what was that?” Steve yells as he races back to his house.

What does Steve find? Write your answer:



Target: Giving instructions and using prepositions (behind, next to, etc) English

Try teaching someone how to build build this image. Use prespositions, such as in front of,
beside, next to, on top of, across from and along to make instructions clear.




After that,



What else can you build using redstone?

Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 

Episode 12:
Skill: Finding main ideas and inference    
Main ideas
Main ideas are hard to find, but it can be easier if you use this 
detail + detail + detail = main idea 
Look at the picture, what do you think this story will be about? Take 
three guesses and then read the story. Write a title for each
paragraph and underline three details to support your title.  


Steve is totally tired of walking around. He’s been digging, farming, pillaging, and making friends with 

villagers for weeks. His world is very large, and he wants to explore more, but he just doesn’t want to 

walk anymore. Steve begins to look for solutions.  


A villager he met had a horse that he wanted to trade for two diamonds, but two diamonds was too 

much. Steve didn’t take the horse, but now he thinks two diamond might be okay. There are wild 

horses, but he doesn’t know how to tame them. Can he ride a pig? He doesn’t know, but he could try.  


Steve heard that the ender dragon could be ridden if he had the right potion, or if he just jumped on 

top of it and started riding it. Was this actually possible? Steve new where to find the dragon, but he 

wasn’t ready to do battle with it. Steve said quietly “wouldn’t flying the ender dragon be the coolest?” 


For now Steve has to walk. But, he has made up his mind. He will find the Ender Dragon again and 

tame it. Then, he can fly around the land and explore all he wants. He will have complete freedom! 

Episode 12: Skill: Finding main ideas and inferrence 

Inference is when you think something is true but is not written; you think it is true from other facts 
that are written. You use words like: I think, probably, most likely to infer meaning. Look at the 
example below.  

Find four inferences about Steve’s story. Write one inference on each paragraph.

(example) Steve probably wants a horse or something like that.





Copyright 2015 Ken Harmel |  HKKS EDUCATION 

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