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Judge bangs Gavel

Bailiff : All rise , Tunis court of 1st instance of economic and financial cases is now in session, the
honourable judge is now presiding

Judge : ‘’Members of the jury,please rise and raise your right hand .Do you seriously swear to listen
carefully to the evidence and arguments which are presented in this case, and fullfill your duty to
determine a sentence that is fair to the defendant ,the victim ,and the community ? if so, say I do.

Judge :please be seated ,Mr Bailiff please call the first case.

Judge :Would the defendant please rise ? are you the defendant in this case ? and what is your name
and age ?

Judge :will the defense lawyers of both parties present themselves for the record ?

Judge : will the prosecution attorney please state his/her name for record ?

Judge :thank you all .

Judge :Prosecution are you ready to begin ?

Judge :the prosecution may make its opening statement .

Judge :Mr Soudana / Gueday defense please present your opening statement .

Judge :You have now heard the evidence and closing arguments from both side of this case. Now

Judge Bangs the gavel

Judge to jury : ‘’You have now heard the evidence and closing arguments from both sides of this case
The defendant has been charged with the cases , you will determine the conditions that Mr Hasni will
abide by to have this case dissmissed. You , as jurors, have the authority to impose a mandatory
sentence 0-30 community service hours, service as a juror .Additional options include but are not
limited to letter(s) of apology, or an essay relating to the offense .

Judge : will the defendant please rise for sentencing ? with the defense please

Verdict : ‘’The court , having heard the evidence , now finds the Jury’s verdict to be appropriate and
fair to te defendant ,the victim,and the community . Mr Hasni , the members of the jury have simply
done their duty here today . Their decision is a group decision. Do not hold any single person
responsible for your sentence , and do not cause any problems for those involved in your case here
today , or you will find yourself in more trouble . Also remember because you were here today you
will return to this courtroom to serve on a jury yourself . You are guilty of violating the law and have
been charged with a fine of 10000D and years of prison . I here by close the session

Bang gavel


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