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A multicenter study to develop a non-invasive

radiomic model to identify urinary infection stone
in vivo using machine-learning
Junjiong Zheng1,2,10, Hao Yu1,2,10, Jesur Batur3,10, Zhenfeng Shi4, Aierken Tuerxun3,
Abudukeyoumu Abulajiang5, Sihong Lu1,2, Jianqiu Kong1,2, Lifang Huang1,2, Shaoxu Wu1,2, Zhuo Wu6,
Ya Qiu7, Tianxin Lin1,2,8 and Xiaoguang Zou9
Department of Urology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China; 2Guangdong Provincial
Key Laboratory of Malignant Tumor Epigenetics and Gene Regulation, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou,
People’s Republic of China; 3Department of Urology, the First People’s Hospital of Kashi Prefecture, Affiliated Kashi Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen
University, Kashi, People’s Republic of China; 4Department of Urology, the People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang,
People’s Republic of China; 5Department of Information Technology, the First People’s Hospital of Kashi Prefecture, Affiliated Kashi Hospital of
Sun Yat-Sen University, Kashi, People’s Republic of China; 6Department of Radiology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University,
Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China; 7Department of Radiology, the First People’s Hospital of Kashi Prefecture, Affiliated Kashi Hospital of
Sun Yat-Sen University, Kashi, People’s Republic of China; 8State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Guangdong Provincial Clinical
Research Center for Urological Diseases, Guangdong, People’s Republic of China; and 9Department of Pharmacy, the First People’s Hospital of
Kashi Prefecture, Affiliated Kashi Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Kashi, People’s Republic of China

Urolithiasis is a common urological disease, and treatment [0.783-0.866], and 0.812 [0.710-0.914], respectively). Decision
strategy options vary between different stone types. curve analysis demonstrated the clinical utility of the radiomic
However, accurate detection of stone composition can only model. Thus, our proposed radiomic model can serve as a
be performed in vitro. The management of infection stones is non-invasive tool to identify urinary infection stones in vivo,
particularly challenging with yet no effective approach to pre- which may optimize disease management in urolithiasis and
operatively identify infection stones from non-infection improve patient prognosis.
stones. Therefore, we aimed to develop a radiomic model for Kidney International (2021) 100, 870–880; https://doi.org/10.1016/
preoperatively identifying infection stones with multicenter j.kint.2021.05.031
validation. In total, 1198 eligible patients with urolithiasis KEYWORDS: infection stone; machine learning; prediction model; radiomics;
from three centers were divided into a training set, an internal urolithiasis
validation set, and two external validation sets. Stone Copyright ª 2021, International Society of Nephrology. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
composition was determined by Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy. A total of 1316 radiomic features were
extracted from the pre-treatment Computer Tomography Translational Statement
images of each patient. Using the least absolute shrinkage
and selection operator algorithm, we identified a radiomic Urolithiasis is a common urological disease, and treat-
signature that achieved favorable discrimination in the ment strategy options vary between different stone
training set, which was confirmed in the validation sets. types. However, accurate detection of stone composition
Moreover, we then developed a radiomic model can only be performed in vitro. In this study, we
incorporating the radiomic signature, urease-producing demonstrate that radiomics features extracted from
bacteria in urine, and urine pH based on multivariate logistic computed tomography images can be used to preop-
regression analysis. The nomogram showed favorable eratively identify infection stones from noninfection
stones in vivo. Our study provides a noninvasive tool to
calibration and discrimination in the training and three
detect stone composition in vivo, which may aid in
validation sets (area under the curve [95% confidence clinical decision-making. This will facilitate the applica-
interval], 0.898 [0.840-0.956], 0.832 [0.742-0.923], 0.825 tion of the radiomics techniques in urolithiasis research
and provide novel insights into solving other clinical is-
Correspondence: Xiaoguang Zou, Department of Pharmacy, the First Peo- sues, such as the prediction of stone fragility before
ple’s Hospital of Kashi Prefecture, No. 66 Yingbin Avenue, Kashi, People’s treatment.
Republic of China. E-mail: zxgks@163.com; or Tianxin Lin, Department of
Urology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, 107 Yan
Jiang West Road, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China. E-mail:
lintx@mail.sysu.edu.cn rolithiasis, a condition of urinary stone formation in
Co-first authors.
Received 12 January 2021; revised 15 April 2021; accepted 14 May
2021; published online 12 June 2021
U the bladder or urinary tract, is a common urological
disease, which remains a major health problem
worldwide with increasing incidence and prevalence.1

870 Kidney International (2021) 100, 870–880

J Zheng et al.: A radiomics model for infection stone basic research

Urolithiasis can afflict up to 10% to 15% of the population promising approach to facilitating personalized and precise
over a lifetime,2 and the 5-year recurrence rate is estimated up therapy.22,24 Because the attenuation value of X-rays is
to 50%.3 The high prevalence and recurrence of urolithiasis different for different substances, radiomics analysis can
and its predominance in working age adults contribute to the provide more detailed information on urinary stones.
substantial impact on the individual and society.4,5 Whether the radiomics approach can be used to predict stone
Urinary stones can be classified into those caused by in- composition preoperatively is an important issue that war-
fectious or noninfectious causes (infection stones and non- rants investigation. Previously, a CT-based radiomics signa-
infection stones), genetic defects, or adverse drug effects ture has been reported to differentiate infection stones from
(drug stones).6 Infection stones are complex aggregates of noninfection stones.25 However, further studies are warranted
crystals amalgamated in an organic matrix that seem to be because of limitations, such as developing the model in a
strictly associated with urinary tract infections caused by relatively small data set (n ¼ 157) without external validation
urease-producing gram-negative organisms.7,8 Infection and using a limited number of radiomics features.
stones mainly comprise magnesium ammonium phosphate Therefore, in this study, we sought to develop a radiomics
(struvite) and/or carbonate apatite. They make up ~10% to model that incorporated a radiomics signature on the basis of
15% of urinary stone diseases.9,10 Because of the complex noncontrast CT images and independent clinical predictors
structure of infection stones and the high rates of recurrence, for preoperatively identifying infection stones with multi-
infection stone formers are one of the most challenging center validation.
populations among patients with urolithiasis.7
A therapeutic regimen of urolithiasis depends on the stone METHODS
size, number, location, and composition. Among them, stone Patients
composition is the basis for further diagnostic and manage- The present retrospective analysis of anonymous data was approved
ment decisions.6,11 Knowledge of stone composition may aid by the institutional review board at each participating institution,
in directing the appropriate choice of urological procedures and the requirement for informed consent was waived. In total, 1198
and medical and lifestyle interventions to prevent stone eligible patients were enrolled from the First People’s Hospital of
recurrence.6,11,12 Hence, current guidelines recommend that Kashi Prefecture (n ¼ 448), the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital (n ¼
594), and the People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous
stone composition analysis should be performed in all first-
Region (n ¼ 156). Among them, 314 patients treated in the First
time formers.6,13
People’s Hospital of Kashi Prefecture between August 2014 and
Noncontrast computed tomography (CT) is the gold December 2018 were assigned to the training set whereas 134 pa-
standard imaging test to evaluate patients with urolithiasis, tients treated between January 2019 and December 2019 were allo-
which can provide information on the stone number, size, cated to the internal validation set. Patients from the Sun Yat-Sen
and location. However, so far, the accurate detection of stone Memorial Hospital and the People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Uyghur
composition can only be performed in vitro after surgery via Autonomous Region were used as external validation set I and
infrared spectroscopy or X-ray diffraction.7 As stone external validation set II, respectively. The patient recruitment
composition is usually unknown before surgery, various pathway along with the inclusion and exclusion criteria is presented
methods and quantitative metrics have been investigated for in Supplementary Figure S1.
preoperative prediction of the stone composition. Previous Baseline clinical-pathological data, including age, sex, and uri-
nalysis results, were obtained from the medical records. Pretreat-
studies have demonstrated that the CT stone attenuation
ment CT images were reviewed by 2 experienced radiologists, and
values in Hounsfield units could be used to predict stone
data derived from CT images were recorded, including the location
composition.14–16 As the nonlinear relationship of the atten- and number of stones. Any disagreement was resolved by
uation value to the density of the material being imaged, the consultation.
prediction accuracy of these methods is less than satisfac- Stone composition was analyzed by Fourier transform infrared
tory.17 Dual-energy CT has also been investigated for stone spectroscopy, and the predominant stone components were recor-
composition characterization. Dual-energy CT has proven to ded. The composition was considered as predominant one if it
distinguish uric acid and non–uric acid with high prediction exceeded 50% of the total composition of the stones, but stones
efficiency, while it failed to further separate non–uric acid containing any struvite, brushite, or cystine were categorized as the
stones effectively, such as calcium stone, cystine stones, or corresponding name groups.26 Those composed of magnesium
infection stones.18–21 Thus far, there is no effective approach ammonium phosphate and/or carbonate apatite are categorized as
infection stones.9,10 The study flowchart is presented in Figure 1a.
to preoperatively identify infection stones from noninfection
stones yet.
Radiomics procedure
Radiomics is an approach that extracts high-throughput
The radiomics workflow is shown in Figure 1b. All patients under-
quantitative image features from radiographic medical im-
went CT examination before surgery. The CT image acquisition
ages using data characterization algorithms, which has the settings in each data set are presented in Supplementary Table S1. In
potential to uncover disease (lesion) characteristics that fail to this study, CT Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
be appreciated by the naked eye.22,23 Thus, radiomics method images were retrieved for radiomics analysis. Image segmentation
is reported to improve disease diagnosis, prognostic evalua- was performed using 3D Slicer software (Harvard Medical School,
tion, and treatment response prediction, representing a version 4.10.0).27 The volume of interest of an entire urinary stone

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basic research J Zheng et al.: A radiomics model for infection stone

Figure 1 | The study flowchart and the workflow of radiomics. (a) The flowchart depicts the design of our study. (b) The radiomics
workflow presents the procedure of radiomics analysis, consisting of 3 steps: image acquisition, volume of interest (VOI) segmentation, and
radiomics feature extraction. LASSO, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator.

having corresponding composition information determined in vitro In addition to the LASSO algorithm, several other feature selection
was semi-automatically segmented using the threshold segmentation methods, including elastic net, random forest, and support vector
method in a blinded fashion. Then, a total of 1316 radiomics features machine, were performed. And their performance was compared.
were extracted from each volume of interest using the PyRadiomics We used Mann-Whitney U tests to evaluate whether there were
platform (version 3.0) implanted in Python software (The Python statistical differences in radiomics scores between patients with
Software Foundation, version 3.7.4).27 And the volume of the vol- infection stones and those with noninfection stones. In addition, the
ume of interest was calculated as the stone volume, which was used discrimination of the radiomics signature was quantified by the area
as a candidate clinical variable in subsequent modeling. The under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) in the training
extracted radiomics features were normalized in a linear way in the set, which was validated in the validation sets. We also performed
range of 0 to 1. Details about the radiomics procedure and radiomics stratified analyses within various subgroups of all enrolled patients.
features are provided in Supplementary Method S1 and
Supplementary Table S2.
Radiomics model construction and performance evaluation
In the training set, the radiomics score and candidate clinical vari-
Radiomics signature building and performance evaluation ables were subjected to a multivariate logistic regression algorithm.
The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) algo- Backward stepwise selection was applied by using the likelihood ratio
rithm is a powerful machine learning method for regression with test with the stopping rule of the Akaike information criterion to
high-dimensional data.28 Therefore, in the training set, we applied identify the independent predictors of infection stone. Meanwhile,
the LASSO logistic regression algorithm to select the most useful the variance inflation factor was calculated for the collinearity di-
predictive features from the 1316 extracted radiomics features. Then, agnostics of multivariate logistic regression. Then, a radiomics model
a radiomics signature was built, with a radiomics score calculated as was constructed on the basis of the results of the multivariate logistic
a linear combination of the selected features weighted by their analysis, and the logistic regression formula was used to calculate a
respective regression coefficients to estimate the risk of infection risk score for each patient to reflect the risk of infection stone.
stone for each patient: The performance of the radiomics model was assessed with respect
to its discrimination and calibration in the training set. The AUC was
Radiomics score ¼ a1 F1 þ a2 F2 þ ::: þ ai Fi þ b
calculated to assess the discrimination of the model, while calibration
where Fi is the selected radiomics feature, ai is the LASSO coefficient was evaluated using a calibration curve, along with the Hosmer-
of Fi, and b is the intercept. Lemeshow test, to evaluate the goodness of fit of the model.29

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Radiomics model validation of 0.813 (95% CI, 0.718–0.907) (Figure 3a). In addition, the
The internal validation set and 2 external validation sets were used to performance of the radiomics signature was confirmed in
test the performance of the radiomics model. The risk score was external validation sets I and II, with AUCs of 0.803 (95% CI,
calculated for each patient of the validation sets on the basis of the 0.762–0.845) and 0.798 (95% CI, 0.683–0.912), respectively
radiomics model constructed in the training set. Then, the discrimi-
(Figure 3a).
nation and calibration of the model were also assessed as stated above.
An optimal radiomics score cutoff value was chosen
Clinical usefulness of the radiomics model as 1.878 according to the maximum Youden index in the
Decision curve analysis was performed to determine the clinical training set. The waterfall plots display the distribution of
usefulness of the radiomics model by calculating the net benefits at radiomics scores and urinary stone types in 4 data sets,
different threshold probabilities.30 In addition, we applied receiver with the dividing line drawn at the cutoff value
operating characteristic analyses in all enrolled patients to compare the (Figure 3b).
discriminatory efficacy of the radiomics model to the urinary markers.
Radiomics model construction and performance evaluation
Statistical analysis Three independent predictors, including the radiomics score,
All statistical analyses were performed using R software (R Foun- urease-producing bacteria in urine, and urine pH, were
dation for Statistical Computing, version 3.5.1). All the R packages identified by using the multivariate logistic regression algo-
used in our study are detailed in Supplementary Method S2. Detailed
rithm (Table 2). In the collinearity diagnosis, the variance
information about the LASSO logistic regression algorithm and de-
inflation factors ranged from 1.124 to 3.226, indicating that
cision curve analysis are provided in Supplementary Methods S3 and
S4, respectively. All statistical tests were 2-tailed, and P < 0.05 was there was no collinearity. The radiomics model that incor-
considered significant. porated these independent predictors was constructed and the
regression formula for calculating the risk score is as follows:
Risk score ¼ 2:425  radiomics score
Patient clinical characteristics
The characteristics of the patients in the training and vali- þ 1:722  urine pH þ 2:266
dation sets are summarized in Table 1. Infection stone was  I ðpresence of urease-producing
present in 16.0% of patients (192 of 1198) overall. In the bacteria in urineÞ  8:002
training set, 13.1% patients suffered from infection stone.
And the prevalence of infection stone was 16.4%, 18.7%, and The indicator function I is equal to 1 if the statement in the
11.5% in the internal validation set, external validation set I, parentheses is true and is equal to 0 otherwise.
and external validation set II, respectively. The characteristics The predicted probability of infection stone can be
of stone composition for all enrolled patients are presented in calculated using 1/[1 þ exp (risk score)]. To provide a user-
Supplementary Table S3. friendly tool, we also developed a nomogram on the basis of
the radiomics model (Figure 4a).
Radiomics signature building and performance evaluation In the training set, the radiomics model showed favorable
Totally, 1316 radiomics features were extracted from the discrimination with an AUC of 0.898 (95% CI, 0.840–0.956)
CT images of each patient. Because the margins of a uri- (Figure 4b). The calibration curve showed good calibration of
nary stone in CT images is quite clear, satisfactory inter- the radiomics model (Figure 4c). In addition, the Hosmer-
observer feature extraction reproducibility was achieved as Lemeshow test yielded a nonsignificant statistic (P ¼
expected (Supplementary Method S1). Among 4 feature 0.115), indicating a good fit.
selection methods, the LASSO algorithm showed the best
performance (Supplementary Table S4). In the training Radiomics model validation
set, 24 key radiomics features with nonzero coefficients Figure 4b shows that the favorable discrimination of the
were selected on the basis of the LASSO logistic regression radiomics model was validated in the internal validation set
algorithm (Figure 2a and b). These radiomics features and (AUC [95% CI], 0.832 [0.742–0.923]). Furthermore, the
their corresponding coefficients are presented in performance was confirmed in external validation sets I
Figure 2c. and II, with AUCs of 0.825 (95% CI, 0.783–0.866) and
There was a significant difference in radiomics scores be- 0.812 (95% CI, 0.710–0.914), respectively. Good consis-
tween patients with infection stones and those with non- tency was also observed between the actual infection stone
infection stones in the training set (Mann-Whitney U test, rate and the model prediction in the 3 validation data sets,
P < 0.001), which was confirmed in the internal validation set with nonsignificant P values (0.639, 0.365, and 0.824,
and 2 external validation sets (Mann-Whitney U tests, P < respectively) derived from the Hosmer-Lemeshow test
0.001). Moreover, significant differences were found in (Figure 4c).
stratified analyses (Supplementary Table S5).
The radiomics signature yielded an AUC of 0.864 (95% Clinical usefulness of the radiomics model
confidence interval [CI], 0.802–0.926) in the training set, The receiver operating characteristic curves in
which was validated in the internal validation set with an AUC Supplementary Figure S2 showed that the model had better

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basic research
Table 1 | Baseline characteristics of the patients
Training set (n [ 314) Internal validation set (n [ 134) External validation set I (n [ 594) External validation set II (n [ 156)
Noninfection Noninfection Infection Noninfection Infection Noninfection Infection
Characteristic stone Infection stone P stone stone P stone stone P stone stone P

Age, yr
Median (interquartile range) 26 (10–38) 26 (15–34) 0.809 30 (10–46) 32 (24–41) 0.822 53 (45–61) 54 (46–63) 0.189 46 (37–55) 54 (47–61) 0.049a
Male 190 (69.6) 26 (63.4) 0.426 76 (67.9) 10 (45.5) 0.045a 311 (64.4) 45 (40.5) <0.001a 104 (75.4) 10 (55.6) 0.134
Female 83 (30.4) 15 (36.6) 36 (32.1) 12 (54.5) 172 (35.6) 66 (59.5) 34 (24.6) 8 (44.4)
Number of stones
Single 88 (32.2) 7 (17.1) 0.049a 41 (36.6) 3 (13.6) 0.036a 107 (22.2) 18 (16.2) 0.166 67 (48.6) 3 (16.7) 0.011a
Multiple 185 (67.8) 34 (82.9) 71 (63.4) 19 (86.4) 376 (77.8) 93 (83.8) 71 (51.4) 15 (83.3)
Stone volume, mm3
Median (interquartile range) 1286 2492 (918–5672) 0.007a 1615 3233 0.005a 1763 4012 <0.001a 546 1524 <0.001a
(518–3624) (607–3663) (1583–10,076) (859–3746) (1707–11,817) (266–1289) (662–2897)
Stone location
Kidney 221 (80.9) 35 (85.4) 0.057 88 (78.6) 20 (91.0) 0.396 367 (76.0) 105 (94.6) <0.001a 72 (52.2) 14 (77.8) 0.082
Ureter 36 (13.2) 1 (2.4) 15 (13.4) 1 (4.5) 116 (24.0) 6 (5.4) 61 (44.2) 3 (16.7)
Bladder or urethra 16 (5.9) 5 (12.2) 9 (8.0) 1 (4.5) — — 5 (3.6) 1 (5.5)
Urine white blood cell count
Median (interquartile range) 117.6 904.7 <0.001a 96.9 1101.5 <0.001a 64.0 165.0 <0.001a 10.0 41.0 0.190
(38.6–464.7) (179.3–2981.8) (45.1–743.4) (493.5–1781.1) (17.5–210.0) (47.5–448.5) (3.0–137.3) (5.3–415.5)
<100 per ml 130 (47.6) 7 (17.1) <0.001a 58 (51.8) 2 (9.1) <0.001a 295 (61.1) 39 (35.1) <0.001a 99 (71.7) 11 (61.1) 0.352
$100 per ml 143 (52.4) 34 (82.9) 54 (48.2) 20 (90.9) 188 (38.9) 72 (64.9) 39 (28.3) 7 (38.9)
Urine nitrite
Negative 220 (80.6) 26 (63.4) 0.013a 85 (75.9) 11 (50.0) 0.014a 449 (93.0) 96 (86.5) 0.025a 129 (93.5) 16 (88.9) 0.821
Positive 53 (19.4) 15 (36.6) 27 (24.1) 11 (50.0) 34 (7.0) 15 (13.5) 9 (6.5) 2 (11.1)
Urine pH
Median (interquartile range) 5.5 (5.5–6.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) <0.001a 5.5 (5.5–6.0) 6.5 (5.5–6.5) 0.001a 6.0 (5.5–6.5) 6.5 <0.001a 6.0 6.25 (5.5–7.0) 0.068
(6.0–7.0) (5.5–6.5)
Urine culture
Negative 220 (80.6) 27 (65.9) 0.032a 85 (75.9) 11 (50.0) 0.014a 432 (89.4) 85 (76.6) <0.001a 102 (73.9) 11 (61.1) 0.388
Positive 53 (19.4) 14 (34.1) 27 (24.1) 11 (50.0) 51 (10.6) 26 (23.4) 36 (26.1) 7 (38.9)
Urease-producing bacteria
<0.001a 0.003a 0.029a

J Zheng et al.: A radiomics model for infection stone

Negative 265 (97.1) 34 (82.9) 104 (92.9) 20 (90.9) 0.900 471 (97.5) 101 (91.0) 131 (94.9) 14 (77.8)
Positive 8 (2.9) 7 (17.1) 8 (7.1) 2 (9.1) 12 (2.5) 10 (9.0) 7 (5.1) 4 (22.2)
Data are presented as n (%) unless indicated otherwise.
P values were derived from the univariate association analyses between each characteristic and stone types. Note that the differential diagnosis of infection stones vs. noninfection stones at baseline was made by an in vitro analysis
of stone composition using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
P < 0.05.
Kidney International (2021) 100, 870–880
J Zheng et al.: A radiomics model for infection stone basic research

Figure 2 | Construction of the radiomics signature. (a,b) Radiomics feature selection using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator
(LASSO) logistic regression. (a) Selection of the tuning parameter (l). The LASSO logistic regression model was used with penalty parameter
tuning that was conducted by 10-fold cross-validation according to minimum criteria. The binomial deviance was plotted versus log(l). The
vertical dotted line is plotted at the optimal l value according to minimum criteria. The optimal l value of 0.018 with log(l) ¼ 4.010 was
selected. (b) LASSO coefficient profiles of the 1316 radiomics features. The vertical dotted line was plotted at the log(l) value of 4.010,
resulting in 24 nonzero coefficients. (c) Histogram showing the coefficients of the selected features in the radiomics signature. Each feature is
presented in the format of “filter_feature class_feature name.” For filter “LoG,” the value in parentheses indicates the filter width used for the
Gaussian kernel, and for filter “Wavelet,” the value in parentheses indicates the filters (H, high-pass filter; L, low-pass filter) applied in the x, y,
and z directions, respectively. GLCM, gray level co-occurence matrix; GLDM, gray level dependence matrix; GLSZM, gray level size zone matrix;
IMC, informal measure of correlation; LDHGLE, large dependence high gray level emphasis; LGLZE, low gray level zone emphasis; LoG,
Laplacian of Gaussian; MCC, maximal correlation coefficient; NGTDM, neighboring gray tone difference matrix; SALGLE, small area low gray
level emphasis; SZNUN, size zone nonuniformity normalized.

discriminatory efficiency than either the radiomics signature P < 0.001), urine nitrite (DeLong test, P < 0.001), or
(DeLong test, P ¼ 0.002), urine pH (DeLong test, urease-producing bacteria (DeLong test, P < 0.001). In
P < 0.001), urine white blood cell count (DeLong test, addition, we tested whether the radiomics signature adds to

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basic research J Zheng et al.: A radiomics model for infection stone

Figure 3 | Performance of the radiomics signature. (a) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of the radiomics signature. (b)
Waterfall plot for the distribution of radiomics scores and urinary stone types of individual patients in all enrolled patients. AUC, area under the
curve; CI, confidence interval.

the predictive value of a clinical model containing only had higher prediction efficacy than did the clinical model
clinical predictors. Among the clinical candidate predictors, (AUC [95% CI], 0.842 [0.812–0.873] vs. 0.746 [0.709–
urine white blood cell count, urine pH, and urease- 0.783], respectively; P < 0.001) (Supplementary Figure S2),
producing bacteria were identified as independent pre- indicating the incremental predictive value of the radiomics
dictors of infection stone on the basis of the multivariate signature. In all 4 data sets, the decision curve analysis
logistic regression analysis. As a result, the radiomics model suggested that using the radiomics model to predict

Table 2 | Logistic regression analysis of the radiomics score and clinical candidate predictors in the training set
Univariate logistic regression Multivariate logistic regression
Variable OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P
Radiomics score (per 0.1 increase) 1.272 (1.183–1.386) <0.001 a
1.274 (1.176–1.406) <0.001a
Sex (male vs. female) 1.321 (0.652–2.595) 0.427
Age (per 10-yr increase) 0.968 (0.805–1.154) 0.722
Number of stones (single vs. multiple) 2.310 (1.041–5.866) 0.054
Stone volume (cm3) 1.089 (1.044–1.148) <0.001a
Stone location
Bladder or urethra Reference —
Ureter 0.089 (0.004–0.609) 0.033a
Kidney 0.507 (0.185–1.627) 0.211
Urine white blood cell count (<100 per ml vs. $ 100 per ml) 4.416 (2.001–11.170) <0.001a
Urine nitrite (negative vs. positive) 2.395 (1.165–4.793) 0.015a
Urine pH 5.773 (3.346–10.497) <0.001a 5.597 (2.893–11.450) <0.001a
Urine culture (negative vs. positive) 2.152 (1.034–4.333) 0.035a
Urease-producing bacteria (negative vs. positive) 6.820 (2.263–20.189) <0.001a 9.645 (1.731–46.645) 0.006
CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.
P < 0.05.

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J Zheng et al.: A radiomics model for infection stone basic research

Figure 4 | Performance of the radiomics model. (a) The nomogram developed on the basis of the radiomics model. (b) Receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) curves of the radiomics model. (c) Calibration curves of the radiomics model. The x axis and y axis show the predicted
probabilities and actual probabilities of having infection stone, respectively. The calibration curve depicts calibration of the model in terms of
agreement between the predicted probabilities and the observed probabilities. The diagonal gray dotted line represents perfect prediction,
and the solid line represents the performance of the model. The solid line has a closer fit to the dotted line, which represents a better

infection stone adds more net benefit than either the “treat noninvasive tool for individualized preoperative assessment
all” or “treat none” strategies scheme for a wide range of of the probability of having infection stones in patients
threshold probability, indicating the clinical usefulness of with urolithiasis.
the radiomics model (Figure 5). Treatment strategy options vary between different stone
types. Indeed, infection stones are a special subset of urinary
DISCUSSION stones that form as a result of urinary tract infections, and the
In this study, we analyzed the noncontrast CT images using a management of infection stones is particularly challenging.10
radiomics approach and then developed a radiomics Infection stones were reported to have a higher risk of
signature for preoperatively identifying infection stones postoperative infectious complications, which may potentially
from noninfection stones. Moreover, by incorporating the result in life-threatening conditions, such as severe sepsis and
radiomics signature, urease-producing bacteria in urine, septic shock.31–33 The treatment of infection stones mainly
and urine pH, a radiomics model was constructed. The relies on the use of antibiotics (before and after stone
radiomics model showed favorable discrimination and removal) to eliminate planktonic bacteria in the urinary tract
calibration with multicenter validation, providing a and surgical treatment to remove all stone fragments. The

Kidney International (2021) 100, 870–880 877

basic research J Zheng et al.: A radiomics model for infection stone

Figure 5 | Decision curve analyses for the radiomics model. The red line represents the radiomics model. The gray line represents the
hypothesis that all patients had infection stones. The black line represents the hypothesis that no patients had infection stone. (a) Training set.
(b) Internal validation set. (c) External validation set I. (d) External validation set II.

complete removal of the stones is crucial, because residual because the composition varies from different stone types, it
stones after surgery are an independent risk factor for is reasonable to hypothesize that radiomics features can reflect
infection stone recurrence.7,34 CT examination, the routinely the heterogeneity of the urinary stone. As expected, our study
used imaging modality for urinary stone formers, can provide confirmed this hypothesis. This will facilitate the application
important information about the stones. However, it does not of the radiomics technique in urolithiasis researches and
differentiate stone compositions.6 Whereupon, stone compo- provide novel insights into solving other clinical issues, such
sition is usually unknown before treatment. If stone compo- as prediction of stone fragility before treatment.
sition can be accurately predicted at the time of diagnosis, In this study, we demonstrated that the radiomics features
disease management in urolithiasis can be optimized, which extracted from CT images can be used to accurately predict
will improve patient outcomes. Thus, in vivo determining the probability of infection stone, which enables the analysis
urinary stone composition has become a recent research focus. of the stone composition before removal. A radiomics
Radiomics emerged from the medical field of oncology. signature consisted of 24 radiomics features was developed to
Previous studies have demonstrated that the radiomics fea- identify infection stones from noninfection stones. In addi-
tures can reflect the intrinsic characteristics, such as hetero- tion to the radiomics signature, urine pH was identified as an
geneity, of tumor lesions via converting medical images into independent predictor of infection stone with an odds ratio of
mineable high-dimensional data, thus being useful for dis- 5.597 (Table 2). That is to say, the higher the urine pH value,
ease, prognosis, and therapeutic response prediction.22 the higher the probability of infection stone. Indeed, alkaline
Moreover, this technique can be applied to any medical pH favors the crystallization of calcium- and phosphate-
research where a disease or a condition can be imaged.23 containing stones. Previous researches have demonstrated
Indeed, radiomics studies on nontumor disease have been that carbonate apatite starts to crystallize at a urine pH level
reported, such as Alzheimer disease,35 liver fibrosis,36 chronic of 6.8 while struvite precipitates at pH >7.2.10,40 Moreover,
pancreatitis,37 and cardiac diseases.38,39 As for urolithiasis, the presence of urease-producing bacteria in urine was found

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J Zheng et al.: A radiomics model for infection stone basic research

to be an independent predictor of infection stone. This is AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS

consistent with the viewpoint that the formation of infection JZ, HY, XZ, and TL conceptualized and designed the study. JB, ZS, AT,
AA, JK, LH, and SW acquired the data. ZW and YQ processed the
stones is the result of a complex interaction between urease- images. JZ, HY, SL, and JB analyzed and interpreted the data. XZ and
producing microorganisms and urine chemistry.7 Previously, TL supervised the study. All the authors wrote, reviewed, and/or
as mentioned in the introduction section, Cui et al. have also revised the manuscript.
developed a CT-based radiomics signature to differentiate
infection stones from noninfection stones.25 However, they SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
developed the radiomics signature in a relatively small data set Supplementary File (PDF)
(n ¼ 157) without external validation. Furthermore, they used Method S1. Radiomics Procedure.
only the most central 5 layers of the stone images for radiomics Method S2. R packages used in this Study.
analysis and used a limited number of radiomics features. In Method S3. Detailed description of the LASSO method.
the present study, on the contrary, 3-dimensional volume of Method S4. Decision curve analysis.
Table S1. The CT acquisition parameters in each cohort.
interests of the entire lesion were segmented from image slices
Table S2. Extracted radiomics features.
for radiomics analysis and high-dimensional radiomics features Table S3. The distribution of predominant stone composition for all
were extracted, which more effectively reveals the intrinsic enrolled patients in the study.
characteristics of urinary stones. To our knowledge, this is the Table S4. Predictive performances of different feature selection
largest radiomics study on urolithiasis with multicenter vali- methods.
dation, providing a more reliable tool for preoperatively Table S5. Stratified analysis of the association between the radiomics
discriminating infection stones from noninfection stones. In signature and infection stone in all enrolled patients.
Figure S1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria and recruitment pathways
addition, radiomics score and urine pH in the presented
for patients in this study.
radiomics model are available from routine CT examination Figure S2. Model comparisons using ROC curve analyses. ROC curves
and urinalysis. Therefore, the prediction model can be used comparing the predictive performance of the radiomics model with
easily without any extra burden or cost to the patient. each selected predictor in all enrolled patients.
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