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Roberto F. Coelho, Filipe Concer, Denizar C. Martins
Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC
Power Electronics Institute, INEP
Florianópolis, SC, BRAZIL

Abstract – In Maximum Power Point (MPP) applications case, when both curves intercept each other exactly at MPP,
the DC-DC tracker converter is as important as the MPP the photovoltaic module output power will be maximized.
tracking algorithm. In this paper, the DC-DC Buck, Figure 2 shows this particular case.
Boost, Buck-Boost, Cúk, Sepic and Zeta converters are
analyzed in order to determine which one is more proper
to be applied as Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT).
The proposed analysis take into account the radiation
and temperature conditions, besides the load connected
at the photovoltaic module. The comparison among the
related converters is based in, both, analytical and
simulation results.

Keywords: DC-DC converters, Maximum Power Point

Trackers, Photovoltaic Systems. Fig. 1. Photovoltaic module supplying a resistive load.


Photovoltaic modules, by themselves, present non-

expressive conversion efficiency, remaining 15% for the
manufactured ones. Besides, due to the temperature,
radiation and load variations, this efficiency can be highly
reduced. In order to ensure that the photovoltaic modules
always act supplying the maximum power as possible, a
specific circuit is employed: Maximum Power Point Tracker
(MPPT). In most common applications, the MPPT is a DC-
DC converter controlled through a strategy that allows
imposing the photovoltaic module operation point on the Fig. 2. Load and generation curves intersection.
Maximum Power Point (MPP) or close to it.
On the literature, many studies describing techniques to Typically, the generation curve changes with radiation (S)
improve MPP algorithms were published [1], [2], permitting and temperature (T) variations, while the load curve depends
more velocity and precision of tracking. on the type of load connected to the photovoltaic module.
On the other hand, there is no a theory to guide the In order to ensure photovoltaic module operation point
designer to choose, among the DC-DC converters family, the always at the MPP, DC-DC converters are employed, as per
best one to operate as MPPT, thus, in most cases, the Figure 3.
designers are tempted to use the simplest DC-DC converters:
Buck or Boost [3], [4], [5].
In this paper, six basic DC-DC converters are studied
(Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost, Cúk, Sepic and Zeta), focusing
on Buck and Boost ones, intending to establish a
comparative analysis.


When a photovoltaic module is connected to a load Fig. 3. Photovoltaic module connected to a load through a DC-DC
(Figure 1), its operation point will be determined by the converter.
generation and load curves intersection. Thus, just in a single

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From Figure 3, it is possible to note that independently of Theoretically, the duty cycle D is defined by a lower and
the DC-DC converter, the load voltage is always expressed an upper limits ( 0 < D < 1 ), thus, the angle θ Re ( D,RLoad )
through (1):
will also be limited, in accordance with (7).

VLoad = RLoad ⋅ I Load (1)

⎛ 0 ⎞
θ Re ( 0 ,RLoad ) = a tan ⎜ ⎟ = 0º
Where: ⎝ RLoad ⎠
VLoad - Load voltage; ⎛ 1 ⎞
θ Re ( 1,RLoad ) = a tan ⎜ ⎟
I Load - Load current; ⎝ RLoad ⎠
RLoad - Load Resistance.
The results from (7) permit a new representation, as shows
Initially, in order to introduce the proposed theory, the Figure 5.
DC-DC converter will be considered as being a Buck-type,
permitting to represent the voltage and current load by (2)
and (3), respectively.
VLoad = D ⋅ Vmod ule (2)
I m odule
I Load = (3)

D - Duty cycle.

Substituting (2) and (3) in (1), it is possible to write (4):

Fig. 5. Operational and non-operational region for Buck converter.
Vmod ule RLoad
= (4) The above results allow an important verification: when a
I m odule D2
Buck converter is applied as MPPT, the maximum power
point will be tracked just if it is localized into the operation
In (4), the term Vmod ule / I m odule presents resistance region. In any other case, the load and generation curves
dimension, thus, this fact allows writing (5) and representing intersection will determinate the operation point. Still, it is
Figure 3 as per Figure 4. important to notice that the load connected to the module
imposes the upper angle limit, thus, when this load is
RLoad changed, the system can operate at non-operational region,
Re ( D,RLoad ) = (5) i.e. out of the MPP.
Where: Applying the same procedure to the others DC-DC
converters, similar results are obtained. Depending on the
Re ( D,RLoad ) - Effective resistance from the photovoltaic static transfer characteristic of each DC-DC converter, the
resistance Re ( D,Rload ) is characterized by a different
equation. Table 1 summarizes these equations for DC-DC
Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost, Cúk, Sepic and Zeta converters.

Re (D , Rload ) for different DC-DC converters.
DC-DC Converter Re (D, Rload )

Buck Re ( D, Rload ) = Rload / D 2

Boost Re ( D, Rload ) = (1 − D)2 ⋅ Rload
Fig. 4. Effective resistance from the photovoltaic module. 2
Buck-Boost,Cuk, Sepic ⎛ 1− D ⎞
Re ( D, Rload ) = ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ Rload
and Zeta ⎝ D ⎠
As the curve that represents the effective resistive load is a
straight line, its inclination angle can be expressed by (6):
From Table 1, it is possible to note that effective
resistance angle θ R e (D, Rload ) depends on the employed DC-
⎛ D2 ⎞
θ Re ( D,RLoad ) = a tan ⎜ ⎟ (6) DC converter. Thus, the lower and upper limits are not the
⎝ RLoad ⎠ same for all these converters, as per Table 2.

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TABLE 2 curves intersection. As the MPP is always requested, and this
θ R e (D, Rload ) for different DC-DC converters. point can be found in any position on I-V curve, depending
on temperature and radiation levels, the natural DC-DC
DC-DC Converter θ R e (D, Rload ) / Limit of θ R e (D, Rload )
converters to be applied as MPPT are Buck-Boost, Cúk,
⎛ D2 ⎞ Sepic or Zeta, because they have no a non-operational
θ Rei ( D, Rload ) = atan ⎜ ⎟/
⎝ Rload ⎠ region. However, as these converters are more complex and
⎛ 1 ⎞ expensive than Buck or Boost, usually the designers choose
0 < θ Re (D, Rload ) < atan ⎜ ⎟ the last two. In order to check the Buck and Boost
⎝ Rload ⎠
limitations, these two converters must be studied more
⎛ 1 ⎞
θ Rei ( D, Rload ) = atan ⎜ 2 ⎟/ deeply. In sequence, some simulations results will also be
⎝ (1 − D) ⋅ Rload ⎠ presented.
⎛ 1 ⎞
atan ⎜ ⎟ < θ Re (D, Rload ) < 90º
⎝ Rload ⎠
⎛ D2 ⎞
Buck-Boost, Cúk, θ Rei ( D, Rload ) = atan ⎜ 2 ⎟/ III. STUDY OF THE BUCK AND BOOST BEHAVIOR
Sepic and Zeta ⎝ (1 − D) ⋅ Rload ⎠ UNDER RADIATION AND TEMPERATURE
0º < θ Re (D, Rload ) < 90º VARIATIONS

Plotting the table 2 results, in order to verify the The DC-DC Buck and Boost converters were designed to
operational and non-operational regions to the studied DC- process a power of 200W . The electrical circuits, proposed
DC converters, is possible to present the Figures 6 and 7. to study these converters, are shown in Figure 8 and 9,

Fig. 8. Buck converter proposed to the simulation, including non-

ideal parameters.
Fig. 6. Operational and non-operational region for Boost

Fig. 9. Boost converter proposed to the simulation, including non-

ideal parameters.

Fig. 7. Operation and non-operation region to Buck-Boost, Cúk, The photovoltaic module connected in the converters
Sepic and Zeta converters. input was modeling taking into account the parameters from
a Kyocera KC200GT. The photovoltaic module modeling
Figures 5 and 6 show that the Buck and Boost converters was obtained from [6].
have complementary behavior: while Buck operational
region is defined from 0º to atan ( 1 / Rload ) , Boost TABLE 3
Kyocera KC200GT photovoltaic module specifications.
operational region is defined from atan ( 1 / Rload ) to 90º. Maximum Power ( Pmax ) 200W
Besides, Figure 7 allows verifying that operational region of Maximum Power Voltage ( Vmpp ) 26.3V
Buck-Boost, Cúk, Sepic and Zeta converters is defined from
Maximum Power Current ( I mpp ) 7.61A
0° to 90°, i.e., these converters have tracking characteristics
from both, Buck and Boost. Open Circuit Voltage ( Voc ) 32.9V
As it was already mentioned, the photovoltaic module Short Circuit Current ( I sc ) 8.21A
operation point is determined by the load and generation Temperature Coefficient of I sc 3.18 ⋅ 10−3 A/ºC

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In order to establish the resistance load and de nominal
duty cycle, the follow parameters were defined:

Vin_Buck = Vin_Boost = 26.3V

Pout_Buck = Pout_Boost = 200W
Vout_Buck = 12V
Vout_Boost = 50V

From specified parameters, is possible to obtain:

Vout _ Buck 12
DBuck = = = 0.456
Vout _ Buck 26.3 Fig. 10. Generation and load curves under independent radiation
(S) and temperature (T) variation to the Buck converter.
Vin _ Boost 26.3
DBoost = 1 − = 1− = 0.474
Vout _ Boost 50

(V )
out _ Buck 502
Rload _ Buck = = = 12.5Ω
Pout _ Buck 200

(V )
out _ Boost 122
Rload _ Boost = = = 0, 72Ω
Pout _ Boost 200

From the photovoltaic specification (Table 3), duty cycle

information and equations presented at table 2, it is possible
to determine the variation range of the effective resistance
angle θ R e (D, Rload ) . Equation (8) relates the result to Buck
converter while (9) refers to the Boost converter.

θ Re (0.456, 0.72) = 16.11º

0º < θ Re (D, Rload ) < 54.25º

θ Re (0.474,12.5) = 16.13º
4.57º < θ Re (D, Rload ) < 90º

When the above results are plotted simultaneously to the Fig. 11. Generation and load curves under independent radiation
generation curves, two specific regions are contemplated: (S) and temperature (T) variation to the Boost converter.
operation region and non-operation region. The first one
relates the area where the DC-DC converters are able to track Analyzing Figure 10, it is possible to note that under a
the MPP, while the second relates the area where this point wide range of radiation (a) ( 0W/m 2 < S < 1000W/m 2 ) and
of operation cannot be found, as show Figures 10 and 11. temperature (b) ( 25ºC < T < 75ºC ) variation, the MPP is
always located inside the Buck converter operation region,
thus, this point can be tracked independently on radiation and
temperature. Evidently, if the parameter Rload change, the
system may operate out of operation region, once the range
of θ R e (D, Rload ) will also be changed.
Repeating the analysis to the Boost converter, through
Figure 11 (a), it is possible to verify that under low radiation
( S = 200W/m 2 ) the maximum power point is found into
non-operation region. In other words, the Boost converter
will not able to track the MPP, and the operation point will
be determined by generation (@ S = 200W/m 2 ) and load

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curves intersection, in this case specified by Vmodule ≈ 20V ⎧⎪Vmpp ≈ 25.5V
@ S = 200W/m 2 and T = 25ºC ⎨
and I module ≈ 1.5A .
⎪⎩ I mpp ≈ 1.5A

IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Figure 14 shows the photovoltaic module output voltage
and current, obtained from the DC-DC Buck converter
In order to validate the proposed theory, the electrical simulations.
circuits presented at Figures 8 and 9 will be simulated
through PSIM simulator. Perturb and Observe (P&O)
method, as per Figure 12, was employed through a DLL

Fig. 14. Photovoltaic module output voltage and current employing

the Buck converter as MPPT.

A comparison between the results presented at Figure 14

and de MPP voltage and current (specified above) allows
verifying that they are in total accordance, corroborating the
presented theory. It is important to note that independently of
radiation and temperature conditions, the established voltage
and current operation points at Figure 14 correspond to the
MPP. However, again, it is crucial to emphasize that if the
load changes, the Buck converter may not track correctly
When the same proposed simulation is accomplished
taking into account the Boost converter, similar results are
Fig. 12. Perturb and Observe Algorithm. found, as per Figure 15.

The temperature and radiation behaviors during

simulation time are shown in Figure 13.

Fig. 15. Photovoltaic module output voltage and current employing

the Boost converter as MPPT.

Analyzing Figure 15 it is possible to verify that, as it was

previewed at Figure 11, the Boost converter cannot track the
Fig. 13. Radiation and temperature behaviors during simulation
time. MPP under low radiation, because this point is located at the
non-operation region. This fact is evidenced at simulations,
where after 10s , the voltage and current operation points are
The MPP to the different conditions of radiation and
temperature, according to the data-sheet information, are established, respectively, in Vmodule = 20V and I module = 1, 7A ,
specified by: while the MPP is determined by VMPP = 25.5V and
⎧⎪Vmpp ≈ 26,3V I MPP = 1.5A . The power generation efficiency reduce, due to
@ S = 1000W/m 2 and T = 25ºC ⎨
⎪⎩ I mpp ≈ 7.61A the poor tracking, is 11% .
An important fact must be notice: the operation point
⎧⎪Vmpp ≈ 23.2V ( Vmodule = 20V and I module = 1.7A ), under low radiation at
@ S = 800W/m 2 and T = 47ºC ⎨
⎪⎩ I mpp ≈ 6.13A Figure 15, coincides to the generation and load intersection

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point at Figure 11 (a) (@ S = 200W/m 2 and T = 25°C ). most appropriated DC-DC converter to be applied as MPPT,
Still, it is necessary to emphasize that Boost converter by properly observing radiation and temperature behavior.
does not present tracking problems when the temperature
changes, since the radiation keeps itself high. Figure 11(b) REFERENCE
contemplates this situation.
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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Vol. 22, N° 2,
This paper presented a simple method to properly choose pp. 439-449, June, 2007.
the better DC-DC converter to be applied as MPPT in [2] G. Petrone, G. Spagnuolo, R. Teodorescu, M.
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The theory shows that Buck and Boost converters, 2008.
although widely used on the literature, might not be the [3] A. Pandey, N. Dasgupta, A. K. Mukerjee. “A Single-
better option to work as MPPT, once they have tracking Sensor MPPT Solution”. IEEE Transaction on Power
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combinations. [4] J. Ghaisari, M. Habibi, A. Bakhsahi. “An MPPT
The simulation results corroborate the presented theory, Controller Design for Photovoltaic (PV) System Based
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Other important conclusion refers to the fact of Buck- for Accelerate Convergence”. IEEE Transactions on
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converters, ideal to MPPT applications, because [6] R. F. Coelho. “Study of the Buck and Boost Converters
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Summarizing, this paper allows the designer to choose the of Santa Catarina, Brazil, December, 2008.

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