8 Perfect ContinuousTenses Structures

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Class: VIII NAME: ________________________ DATE: _____________

Perfect Continuous Tenses (PRESENT/PAST/FUTURE)

1. Present Perfect continuous Tense: It tells us about the actions which started in the past and continue to the
present. We often use this with for and since.

e.g. I have been living in London for two years. She has been working here since 2004.

2. Past Perfect continuous Tense: Something that started in the past and continued up to another action or
event. It tells us how long something had continued before another event in the past. We usually use ‘for' or
'since' in the same way as we do with the present perfect continuous.

e.g. I had been living in London for two years. She had been working here since 2004.

3.Future perfect continuous Tense: It tells us about an action which starts before a time in the future and
continues up to that time.

e.g. I will have been living in London for two years. She will have been working here since 2004.

Active Voice: (Structures)

Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous

Affirmative Sub+ has been /have been + Sub+ had been + 4th form + Sub+ will/shall have been + 4th
4th form + Obj Obj form + Obj
e.g: Hannah has been working e.g: Hannah had been working e.g: Hannah will have been
since morning. since morning. working since morning.
The lions have been roaring The lions had been roaring for The lions will have been
for hours. hours. roaring for hours.
Negative Sub +has/have+ not+been+4th Sub +had+ not+ been + 4th Sub + will/shall + not+ have
form +Obj form + Obj been + 4th form +Obj
e.g: Hannah has not been e.g: Hannah had not been e.g: Hannah will not have
working since morning. working since morning. been working since morning.
The lions have not been The lions had not been roaring The lions will not have been
roaring for hours. for hours. roaring for hours.
Interrogative Has/Have+ Sub+ been + 4th Had+ Sub+ been + 4th form + Will/Shall + Sub+ have been +
form + obj? obj? 4th form + obj?
e.g: Has Hannah been working e.g: Had Hannah been working e.g: Will Hannah have been
since morning? since morning? working since morning?
Have the lions been roaring Had the lions been roaring for Will the lions have been
for hours? hours? roaring for hours?
Negative- Has/Have+ Sub+ not + been + Had+ Sub+ not + been + 4th Will/Shall+ Sub+ not + have+
Interrogative 4th form + obj? form + obj? been + 4th form + obj?
e.g: Has Hannah not been e.g: Had Hannah not been e.g: Will Hannah not have
working since morning? working since morning? been working since morning?
Have the lions not been Had the lions not been roaring Will the lions not have been
roaring for hours? for hours? roaring for hours?

NOTE: There is No Passive voice in Present, Past and Future Perfect Continuous Tenses.
Class: ______ NAME: ________________________DATE: _____________
Complete the following exercise with FOR or SINCE.

1- Nobody has come to see us ___________ we bought this small house.

2- She has been a doctor ___________ 1998.

3- Nobody has seen her ___________ then.

4- They have all been ill ___________ last week.

5- Peter went to the library. He has studied there ___________ a long time.

6- It has been very foggy ___________ early morning.

7- I’ve worked with you ___________ nine years.

8- He has been in prison ___________ two years.

9- She has worked in that office ___________ a month.

10- He hasn’t eaten anything ___________ twenty-four hours.

11- He hasn’t eaten anything ___________ yesterday.

12- They haven’t spoken to us ___________ we were at school.

13- I haven’t talked to her ___________ my birthday.

14- She’s been ill ___________ years.

15- I’ve been very patient with you ___________ several years. 16- I’ve had this job ___________ three
Exercise 2:
17- I’ve known her ___________ we both studied in London.
Choose the best answer.
18- We’ve lived in Germany ___________ 1997
1 - FOR / SINCE six weeks.
19- They’ve had this car ___________April.
2 - FOR / SINCE Sunday.
20- Things have changed ___________ I was in your house.
3 - FOR / SINCE this morning.
21- I’ve known her ___________ the Gulf War.
4 - FOR / SINCE a long time.
22- We have been there ___________ October
5 - FOR / SINCE breakfast time.
23- I have been a vegetarian ___________ 1998 6 - FOR / SINCE 1967.

24- I have lived in this flat ___________ five years.

25- I’ve known her ___________ ages.

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