Activity 3

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Activity 3: Supply the meaning of the following Classification of Nursing Theories. Then, provide an example
and brief background of the nursing theory you have chosen.

Classification of Definition Example of this Brief Background about this example

Nursing Theories classification of
Nursing Theories
➢ Grand theories are abstract, broad in Myra Estrin Levine: In this model, nursing aims to promote
Grand Nursing scope, and complex, therefore The Conservation adaptation and maintain wholeness using the
Theories requiring further research for Model of Nursing four principles of conservation
➢ Grand nursing theories do not guide Madeleine Leininger: Transcultural nursing theory, originally
specific nursing interventions but Transcultural Nursing introduced by Madeleine Leininger, focuses
rather provide a general framework Theory on the importance of nurses understanding the
and nursing ideas. diverse cultural backgrounds of their patients
➢ Grand nursing theorists develop to ensure they are providing care that is in line
their works based on their own with each patient's personal and cultural
experiences and their time, values. Understanding transcultural nursing
explaining why there is so much theory can allow nurses to provide
variation among theories. personalized care for the patients they serve.
➢ Address the nursing metaparadigm The key concept of this theory is that nurses
components of person, nursing, may learn about each patient's beliefs to
health, and environment. customize their recovery plan and ensure it
aligns with their values.
Middle-Range ➢ More limited in scope (compared to Dorothea Orem: Dorothea Orem developed the self-care theory
Nursing Theories grand theories) and present concepts Slef-Care Theory in nursing, which addresses an individual's
and propositions at a lower level of ability to care for themselves. This might
include maintaining a healthy lifestyle or
abstraction. They address a specific managing overall well-being. Using this
phenomenon in nursing. theory to assess patients might help you
➢ Due to the difficulty of testing determine if they have fully recovered or if
grand theories, nursing scholars they may still need care. The central concept
proposed using this level of theory. of this theory is that patients who need help
➢ Most middle-range theories are caring for themselves often require continued
based on a grand theorist’s works, nursing care, while patients who can care for
but they can be conceived from themselves may no longer need a nurse's
research, nursing practice, or the assistance.
theories of other
Practice-Level ➢ Practice nursing theories are Jean Watson: Theory of This theory from Jean Watson focuses on how
Nursing Theories situation-specific theories that are Human Caring nurses and the treatment plans they implement
narrow in scope and focuses on a can promote health and prevent sicknesses. It
specific patient population at a also emphasizes that all patients are unique,
specific time. so nurses can offer treatment based on the
➢ Practice-level nursing theories progress that's possible for a particular
provide frameworks for nursing patient, rather than providing treatment based
interventions and suggest outcomes on a general assessment. The primary concept
or the effect of nursing practice. of this theory is that customized care can help
➢ Theories developed at this level patients grow and that caring environments
have a more direct effect on nursing can be inclusive.
practice than more abstract theories.
➢ These theories are interrelated with
concepts from middle-range
theories or grand theories.
Descriptive Theories ➢ Descriptive theories are the first Theories of growth and Describes the maturation processes of an
level of theory development. They development individual at various ages
describe the phenomena and
identify its properties and
components in which it occurs.
➢ Descriptive theories are not
action-oriented or attempt to
produce or change a situation.
Prescriptive Theories ➢ Address the nursing interventions Theory of Uncertainty Predicts that increasing the coping skills of
for a phenomenon, guide practice patients with gynecological cancer assists
change, and predict consequences. their ability to deal with the uncertainty of the
➢ Includes propositions that call for cancer diagnosis and treatment
➢ In nursing, prescriptive theories are
used to anticipate the outcomes of
nursing interventions.



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