Basico 9 - Ingles

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You (can) have time off for doctor's and dentist's appointments but you (must) tell your manager
about the appointment in advance.
You (mustn't) smoke anywhere in the office building.
You (must) arrive on time every morning.
Men (don't have to) wear a suit to the office but you (must) dress smartly.
You (mustn't) send personal emails in office hours.

Zoo keeper required

To work at the zoo, you must be confident and friendly. You must be (good with) animals and
people, and you must be (good at) solving problems. You don't have to have (a degree in)
Zoology but you must have at least two years′ (experience of) working with animals. You
need (the ability to) think quickly. You don't have to have (a certificate in) first aid but it is useful.

correct (in)correct polite (im)polite

likely (un)likely popular (un)popular

formal (in)formal practical (im)practical

friendly (un)friendly tidy (un)tidy

possible (im)possible usual (un)usual

important (un)important visible (in)visible

expensive (in)expensive efficient (in)efficient

necessary (un)necessary happy (un)happy

patient (im)patient

Isabella hasn’t passed her driving test. (TRUE)

You have to have a teaching certificate. (FALSE)
It’s essential to have experience of working with children. (TRUE)
It’s essential to speak French or Spanish. (FALSE)
Isabella can speak fluent Spanish because her mother is Mexican. (TRUE)

Isabella has got a degree in (law). She has got a certificate in (first aid) and she’s got
experience of working with (children). She is friendly and (confident) and she’s good
with (people). She’s very good at working in a (team). She speaks three languages. As well as
English, she is also fluent in (French) and Spanish. Unfortunately, she hasn’t got a (driving)

An ecotourism guide may work abroad. (TRUE)

You have to have a degree to study Ecotourism. (FALSE)
You mustn't be scared of insects and animals. (TRUE)
You may need to help local hunters. (FALSE)
You must be able to speak a foreign language. (FALSE)
Ecotourism guides (have) experience of working abroad.
The job is (sometimes) dangerous.
You (have to) work long hours sometimes.
You (have to) teach people about the environment.
Sometimes you (have to live) with a local community.

Lesson 2

Take an umbrella, (it might rain.)

Take a backpack, we will probably go hiking.
Pack some jumpers, it may be cold.
Pack a hairdryer, there may not be one at the hotel.
Pack some T-shirts, (it might be hot.)

It's 90% certain you will work one Saturday a month.

You (will probably) work one Saturday a month.
It's possible but unlikely you will need to work on some Sundays too.
You (might) need to work on some Sundays too.
It's 60% certain you will need to attend conferences in other cities.
You (may) need to attend conferences in other cities.
It's possible but unlikely you will need to give presentations.
You (might) need to give presentations.
It's 90% certain you will finish work late some evenings.
You (will probably) finish work late some evenings.
It's 60% certain you will need to travel abroad sometimes.
You (may) need to travel abroad sometimes.

I'm going on a day (trip) to the seaside.

I'm not going to take much (luggage) with me.
I'm only going to take a small (bumbag) to carry my money, my credit card, my tickets and my
mobile phone in.
I'm going on a long train (journey) from Penzance in Cornwall to Aberdeen in Scotland.
You'll find all the information you need about the city in your (guidebook).
Have you checked the (weight) of your suitcase? It's very heavy.
You can't take sharp objects like (scissors) in your hand luggage.

Lesson 3

You (should) pack less. You can travel cheaper with hand luggage.
You (should) leave the guidebook at home. It's heavy. Just photocopy the pages you need.
You (shouldn't) carry much cash. There are ATMs everywhere.
You (should) get up early. See the tourist sites before everybody else gets up.
You (shouldn't) carry a backpack when you tour around cities. You look like a tourist.
You (shouldn't) make hand gestures. They have different meanings in different countries.
(You should drink plenty of water.)
(You shouldn't eat a big meal before the flight.)
(You shouldn't wear tight jeans.)
(You should wear comfortable clothes.)
(You should take a jumper in case it's cold during the flight.)

W T L E O (T O W E L)
E M U P - A K (M A K E - U P)
H P G E N - H A C R E R O (P H O N E - C H A R G E R)
P A O R D A T (A D A P T O R)
M S O O H A P (S H A M P O O)
L J E Y W E L R E (J E W E L L E R Y)
E S G L O H - R E W (S H O W E R - G E L)

towel - towel
make-up - make-up
phone-charger - phone-charger
adaptor - adaptor
shower-gel - shower-gel
shampoo - shampoo
jewellery – jewellery

He travelled from London to Paris by train.

He (got from London to Paris) by train.
He bought a toothbrush from a chemist's shop.
He (got a toothbrush from a chemist's) shop.
She became upset when she missed her flight.
She (got upset when she missed) her flight.
You can obtain flight information online.
You (can get flight information) online.
He caught a cold on holiday.
He (got a cold on holiday).
You will receive a phone call from the hotel about your booking.
You (will get a phone call) from the hotel about your booking.

Lost luggage man Can I help you?

Madame Le Blanc Yes, my suitcases haven't arrived.

Lost luggage man Which flight were you on?

Madame Le Blanc The 7.15 flight from Paris.

Lost luggage man Can you describe them?

Madame Le Blanc They are (two beautiful, large, purple) suitcases. (large beautiful purple

Mr Smith My luggage hasn't arrived either.

Lost luggage man Can you describe it to me?

Mr Smith Certainly. There are (three, small, red) suitcases. (red three small)

Lost luggage man Is that all?

Mr Smith No. My wife's luggage hasn't arrived either. She's lost (four stylish, small, silver)

(stylish silver small four)

Unit 6

Lesson 1

If there is a robbery at your bank, (stay calm.)

If there are other members of staff with you, (help them to stay calm too.)
If you have a silent alarm, (press it without the robber seeing you.)
If you don't have an alarm, (call the police on your mobile phone.)
If you call the police on your mobile phone, (leave the phone line open. Then the police can find
If the robber asks you to do something, (do it immediately. Don't risk people's lives.)

there be an earthquake / stand under the door frameIf there is an earthquake, you (should
stand under the door frame).not think clearly / panicYou (can't think clearly if you panic).there
be a thunderstorm / not stand under a treeIf (there is a thunderstorm, you shouldn't stand)
under a tree.there be a hurricane / it change direction quicklyIf (there is a hurricane, it can
change direction quickly).there be a hurricane / stay away from the windows and glass
doorsIf (there is a hurricane, you should stay away) from the windows and glass doors.

When you ride a motorbike, . (you should always wear a helmet.)

When it's very hot, (you shouldn't go out without a hat.)
When the roads are icy, (you shouldn't drive above 30 mph.)
When there are horses on the road, you should stop the car and wait for them to pass.
When you are tired, . (you should stop and have a rest.)

Cycling has become more and more popular. (TRUE)

Three thousand people a year die in cycling accidents. (FALSE)
It is dangerous to wear headphones when you cycle. (TRUE)
Always wear lightly-coloured clothes when you cycle. (FALSE)
Don't park your car next to a bicycle. (FALSE)

Cyclists shouldn't talk or send text messages on their (mobile phones) when they are on their
Don't wear (dark clothes) when you cycle at nighttime.
If you cycle beside a (lorry) or a bus, drivers of other cars can't see you.
You will save (money) if you cycle to work.
If you cycle, you will soon become (healthier).

I'll wear gloves (to keep my hands warm.)

I'll wear a jacket (to keep my body warm.)
I'll use my mobile phone (to call help.)
I'll use my torch (to see with if it's dark.)
I'll use my first aid kit (if I have an accident.)
I'll wear my boots (to keep my feet warm and dry.)
I'll use the blanket (to keep me warm.)
I'll eat the chocolate bar to give me energy.
I'll drink the bottle of water . (when I'm thirsty.)

Lesson 2

(If you walk, run or ride a bike you will help reduce pollution.)
(If you eat less , you will be slimmer and healthier.)
(If you don't buy bottled water , you will reduce plastic waste.)
(If you say no to plastic bags , you will use less plastic.)
(If you repair your shoes , you will save money.)
(If your company uses fluorescent light bulbs , it will use a quarter of the energy.)

What is now big business worldwide?

(Packaging) is big business worldwide.
How can you use fewer plastic bottles?
Carry a (reusable) drinking bottle with you.
How can you use less paper in a restaurant?
Don't use the (paper) napkins. Use (cloth) napkins.
Where does most packaging end up?
It goes to (landfills) or it is burnt.
How does the text suggest you make your tea?
It suggests you use (tea leaves) and not tea bags.

The packaging industry is a (large) industry.

When you manufacture plastic, it (causes) pollution.
They (don't recycle) most packaging.
(Don't buy) plastic bottles of water.
If you shop at a market, you (shouldn't) buy fruit and vegetables in plastic bags.

'It has rained for days. The water level of the river has risen and now there is a (flood).'
'The ground shook and hundreds of buildings fell down. There was a huge (earthquake).'
'It hasn't rained for weeks. The ground is very dry and there is a severe (drought).'
'Temperatures have been between 40 and 50 degrees C all week. There's a (heatwave).'
'As the (hurricane) approached the coast, it reached wind speeds of 150km an hour.'
'Last night, there was a terrible (storm). People reported loud thunder and lightning struck
several trees and buildings in the area.'

Lesson 3

WaterAid is a charity (which) provides safe drinking water for people around the world.
Charity shops in the UK sell old clothes (that) people don't want.
Children in Need raises millions of pounds each year for charities (which) help children.
Bob Geldof is a pop star (who) helps raise money for African countries.
Volunteers are people (who) work for charities for no money.

gorilla - (gorilla)
leopard - (leopard)
rhino - (rhino)
salamander - (salamander)
turtle - (turtle)
tiger - (tiger)
whale - (whale)

both a verb and a noun:

Not assigned: push (both a verb and a noun), cost (both a verb and a noun), destroy (verb),
breathe (verb), fish (both a verb and a noun), act (both a verb and a noun), start (both a verb
and a noun), melt (verb), choke (verb), lift (both a verb and a noun), choose (verb), guess (both
a verb and a noun), care (both a verb and a noun), change (both a verb and a noun), light (both
a verb and a noun), snow (both a verb and a noun), rain (both a verb and a noun), volunteer
(both a verb and a noun), die (verb), donate (verb), help (both a verb and a noun), fall (both a
verb and a noun), pollute (verb), protect (verb), keep (verb), work (both a verb and a noun),
survive (verb), cool (verb), understand (verb), plan (both a verb and a noun)

(First, help the casualty to sit down.)

(Then, if they have their own glucose gel, help them to take it.)
(If they don’t have any glucose gel, give them a sugary drink or something sweet to eat.)
(After that, help them to monitor their blood sugar levels.). (Stay with them until they are better.)
(If they don’t get better, call 999.)

Instructor Someone is having an asthma attack. What should you do? Yes, Sam.

Sam Call an ambulance immediately.

Instructor Yes, and then what?

Yes, Matt.

Matt You should help the patient into a comfortable position. (To do that),

sit him or her upright with his or her arms resting on a table.

Instructor Yes, good. Now, (here's the next step). Help the patient take their medication.

They should take six puffs. Give them one puff at a time. (Are you with me so

Sam & Matt Yes.

Instructor Good. If there is no improvement after six minutes, give six more puffs.

(Is that clear?)

Sam Yes, that's all clear.

Instructor Now, (do you have any questions)?

Yes, Matt.

Matt How do we know that it's an asthma attack?

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