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Accident Analysis and Prevention 147 (2020) 105773

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Effectiveness of a school-based road safety educational program for lower

secondary school students in Denmark: A cluster-randomized
controlled trial
Anders Bo Bojesen , Signe Boe Rayce *
VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research, Herluf Trolles Gade 11, 1052, København K., Denmark


Keywords: Road accidents are one of the leading causes of death and injuries among adolescents and young adults. Road
Road safety education safety education programs aim to promote safe traffic behavior through information, skills training or fear ap­
Victim testimonials peals. During the last decade, an intervention type using victim testimonials has been developed. These types of
programs aim to promote road safety by connecting a personal narrative of choices and consequences to the
Seatbelt use
beliefs and behaviors of the audience. Studies on the effectiveness of this type of road safety programs among
Pre-drivers youngsters who are not yet drivers are still limited.
This study used a cluster-randomized and controlled trial design to examine the effect of a Danish school-based
road safety educational program using testimonials for students in lower secondary schools in Denmark on a)
knowledge of risks factors in traffic and b) two types of behavior specifically relevant for the pre-driver target
group: seatbelt use and safe bicycle behavior. Our analysis sample comprised 1007 students from 57 schools with
a matched baseline and four-month follow-up response.
Linear regression analyses suggest a small positive effect on the students’ knowledge of the three most
important risk factors in traffic but not on the age group most at risk. Concerning seatbelt use or overall cycling
behavior no effect was found, although a small positive effect was found on helmet use. Neither was the
effectiveness modified by gender, parental educational background, or risky cycling behavior at baseline.
Although classroom-based interventions using testimonials may have the potential to increase knowledge of
risk factors in traffic among adolescents, translating knowledge into safe traffic behavior is challenging. More
studies are needed on how to further adapt the intervention to an age group who are not yet drivers. Such
research may focus on mechanisms of change including the age-specific relevance of the ambassador’s testi­
monial and on employing strong elements of action guidance.

1. Introduction cognitive and emotional factors related to the brain not yet being fully
developed, intense social dynamics at work among adolescents, negative
Injuries sustained in traffic are the main cause of severe injuries peer pressure, and to the use of alcohol and drugs (Buckley et al., 2014;
among adolescents in Denmark (Ekström et al., 2017; Laursen and Hatfield and Fernandes, 2009; OECD, 2006; Rosenbloom et al., 2008;
Schaarup, 2017; Møller et al., 2012). Despite an increasing focus on road Weston and Hellier, 2018; Romer et al., 2014).
safety through the last decades, adolescents are still over-represented in The importance of preventing traffic injuries in general and the
traffic-related accidents among 0− 18 year olds, particularly as moped recognition that children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable is
riders and bicyclists, (Ekström et al., 2017; Laursen and Schaarup, reflected by the extent of road safety campaigns and programs launched
2017). This age dependent increase in injuries is similar in other western in many western countries (Classen et al., 2019; Richmond et al., 2013;
countries (OECD, 2006). Globally, road accidents are the primary cause Pressley et al., 2016). Some programs focus on practical skills and
of death among children and young adults (WHO, 2018). The increased knowledge of traffic rules (Richmond et al., 2013; Pressley et al., 2016);
risk is closely related to: the lack of experience as agents in traffic, other programs use a cognitive approach aiming to improve knowledge

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.B. Rayce).
Received 20 December 2019; Received in revised form 2 September 2020; Accepted 3 September 2020
Available online 15 September 2020
0001-4575/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.B. Bojesen and S.B. Rayce Accident Analysis and Prevention 147 (2020) 105773

and understanding of risk factors in traffic through information, and in committed to safety or who witness risky traffic behavior from their
some cases, also demonstrations (e.g. testing reaction time) (Twisk et al., parents have an increased risk of taking risks themselves (Alonso et al.,
2014; Pressley et al., 2016). Other types of programs use fear appeals as 2018; Taubman Ben-Ari et al., 2014). However, only one of the studies
a central incentive to reduce risky traffic behavior. By focusing on the using testimonials examined whether the effect of the road safety pro­
dreadfulness of traffic accidents often resulting in severe injury or death, gram was modified by factors related to family socio-economic back­
these programs aim to motivate youngsters to behave safely in traffic ground (Cuenen et al., 2016).
(Lewis et al., 2007; Ruiter et al., 2014). While fear may have an effect on Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a
attitude, intention, and behaviors in general (Witte and Allen, 2000), the road safety program (Road Safety LIVE) targeting the oldest students in
effect most likely depends on perceived efficacy in handling the threat lower secondary school in Denmark. Using testimonials, this program
(Peters et al., 2013; Ruiter et al., 2014) and to which degree the indi­ aims to provide the students with better insight into and understanding
vidual feels susceptible to the threat (Ruiter et al., 2014). If information of the consequences of accidents in traffic and thereby motivate them to
about coping mechanisms is not provided as part of an intervention, a make safer choices in traffic. More specifically, using a cluster-
fear-appeal approach may have no or even the opposite effect such as randomized controlled study design the aims of this study were: 1) to
risk-denial or increased risky behavior (Carey et al., 2013; Feenstra examine the effect of the LIVE intervention on the students’ knowledge
et al., 2014). In a study comparing five short road safety interventions of a) the most important risk factors in traffic and b) the age group most
targeted adolescents, Twisk et al. (2014) did not find significantly at risk and 2) to examine the effect on two behavioral outcomes spe­
different effects on behavior dependent on whether the intervention cifically relevant for youngsters not yet driving: a) seat belt use and b)
used a cognitive or a fear-appeal approach. cycling behavior. Furthermore, an aim was to examine whether these
During the last decade, a new type of programs with a stronger focus two behavioral outcomes were modified by a) gender, b) parental
on establishing emotional ties to people affected by traffic accidents has educational background and for c) risky cycling behavior at baseline.
been launched. By using testimonials by either a person (or a relative)
who has been involved in a traffic accident, and subsequently a dialog 2. Method
between this person and the youngsters, these interventions seek to
affect the youngsters emotionally but also to facilitate cognitive reflec­ 2.1. The Road Safety LIVE intervention and context
tion on own behavior and responsibility in traffic (Cuenen et al., 2016).
To date, effect studies of road safety programs using testimonials among The Road Safety LIVE intervention (LIVE) is an educational program
youngsters are relatively limited. None of the existing studies are based using testimonials targeted at lower secondary school students, students
on a randomized controlled study design and the studies show mixed in upper secondary school and pre-vocational short-term educational
results. Although the majority of studies find positive effects of these programs. This evaluation only considers the program targeted students
programs on some beliefs or socio-cognitive variables (Feenstra et al., in the 8th–10th grade of lower secondary school (13–17 year-olds).
2014; Poulter and McKenna, 2010; Cuenen et al., 2016) or behavior, Denmark has ten years of compulsory education (0th –9th grade)
(King et al., 2008; Twisk et al., 2014; Cuenen et al., 2016) others find no where lower secondary school refers to the 7th – 10th grade, with the
or only a small effect of such interventions on behavior (Glendon et al., 10th grade being optional.
2014; Feenstra et al., 2014; Twisk et al., 2014). Two studies even found a A LIVE session lasts 90-minutes and takes place in a classroom setting
negative effect (Feenstra et al., 2014; Glendon et al., 2014). during regular school hours. Schools contact regional coordinators at
In many European countries, besides being a passenger in a car the The Danish Road Safety Council to arrange for one or more LIVE ses­
bicycle is one of the primary means of transportation among youngsters sions. The program is free of charge for any municipal school in the
who are not yet old enough to drive. Therefore, use of seatbelt and target group (approximately 80 % of Danish primary and lower sec­
cycling behavior are two key outcomes in this age group. However, only ondary school students attend municipal schools, which are financed
three studies focus on the effect of road safety programs using testimo­ through taxes) but both municipal and private schools received LIVE
nials on behavior among students not yet allowed to drive (Cuenen et al., visits. and there are only simple requirements for teachers and schools
2016; Feenstra et al., 2014; Twisk et al., 2014). While two of these who want to participate. To facilitate dialog and interaction between the
studies encompassed cycling behavior in an overall measure of risky/­ LIVE ambassador and the students, only one or two classes can partici­
safe behavior, we have found only one study focusing specifically on pate in a session, e.g. no more than approximately 50 students.
risky cycling behavior (Feenstra et al., 2014). This study found positive The LIVE intervention has three overall aims: 1) to increase knowl­
effects on risk perception and relative attitude towards traffic safety but edge of risk factors, 2) improving attitudes towards risk-taking behav­
the intervention group was also more positive towards traffic violations iors related to traffic and 3) promote safe behaviors in traffic. The main
at follow-up. No effect was found on risky cycling behavior. component of the program is the story of an ambassador. Ambassadors
In summary, little is known on the effect of road safety programs are adult road accident survivors (age range: 27− 50 year olds) injured as
using testimonials among youngsters, especially in the pre-driver pop­ a young person who are trained in executing the LIVE sessions. The
ulation. Additionally, there is little knowledge on whether the effects of sessions are structured around the personal narrative of the ambassador
such programs differ within certain subgroups of young people. Besides in the first part and a Q&A session in the second part. A teacher’s guide
age, the risk of injuries in traffic is modified by gender with young males and a pupil handout supplement the LIVE visit. The student handout is
having a substantially higher risk for injuries in traffic (OECD, 2006) and specific to each ambassador and comprises reflection exercises to be
being more likely to report lower perceived risk about unsafe driving completed by the students before the visit as well as an introduction to
and more risky attitudes towards driving (Glendon et al., 2014) the format of the LIVE visit.
compared to females. Therefore, it may also be possible that the effect of The ambassador introduces him or herself to the audience and then
road safety programs differs depending on gender. Only one of the describes his or her life before the accident. Emphasis is on who the
studies evaluating the effect of using testimonials among pre-drivers ambassador was as a person in lower secondary school, what he or she
(Cuenen et al., 2016) tested whether the effect on behavior was modi­ enjoyed doing and his or her dreams for the future. The ambassadors will
fied by gender. They found a significant interaction with boys being typically ask questions about the students’ own experiences in traffic
more likely to benefit from the intervention than girls. In addition, and whether they know somebody who has been injured in a road ac­
youngsters with a lower socio-economic background have a greater risk cident. This part is intended to establish a personal connection between
of experiencing traffic injuries compared to peers with a higher the ambassador and the audience and to give the students an under­
socio-economic background (WHO, 2007; Laflamme et al., 2010). standing that the ambassador’s life as a young person before the acci­
Studies also find that youngsters who perceive their parents as being less dent is reminiscent of the students’ lives. The ambassador then describes

A.B. Bojesen and S.B. Rayce Accident Analysis and Prevention 147 (2020) 105773

the accident and the circumstances of the accident in detail with images completing the questionnaire during the course of a lesson. The students
from the scene of the accident. This part highlights the events, actions, were informed that participation in the survey was voluntary and that
and choices made by the ambassador and other individuals, which led to their answers were treated confidentially.
the accident. Since the ambassadors are often local, it is likely that the Fig. 1 illustrates the data collection. Baseline data were collected in
students know the location of the accident. Apart from making the ac­ September 2016 before the LIVE visit took place. At baseline, 3,708
cident comprehensible, the purpose is to make clear links between responses (control: 49 schools, n = 1805; intervention: 45 schools, n =
choices and the event of the accident. The ambassador deliberately 1903), were recorded. After removal of duplicates, responses with
avoids a fear approach such as dramatizing the accident or scaring the missing identification data (e-mail or phone number), or blank response,
audience. Instead, the ambassador seeks to give an account of what the baseline data comprised responses from 3,536 students. The LIVE
happened emphasizing that he or she was a person making some wrong visits took place during October and November 2016 with most visits in
decisions and thereby in some way responsible for the accident. While November. Follow-up data were collected between January and
doing that the ambassador establishes and maintains a personal relation February 2017, before the wait-list schools received their LIVE visit.
to the audience. This seeks to enable the audience to identify with the Thus, the follow-up questionnaire was typically completed two to three
ambassador and reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors in traffic. months (Range: 1–4 months) after the LIVE visit. At follow-up, 1784
Overall, the approach used in the LIVE intervention aims to increase responses (control: 29 schools n = 857 intervention: 28 schools, n =
students’ experience of being susceptible to threats in traffic, i.e. in­ 855) were recorded. After removal of duplicates and responses with
crease their perceived susceptibility, but also to facilitate a feeling that missing identification, follow-up data comprised 1,390 responses. Of the
by making the right choices they themselves can reduce the risk of being 3,536 valid baseline responses (control n = 1,724; intervention n =
injured in traffic. Subsequently, the ambassador talks about how his or 1,812), 1,007 responses could be linked to a follow-up response using
her life has worked out since the accident, focusing on the consequences self-reported phone numbers and email addresses. These 1,007 obser­
of the accident and how the accident affected family, friends, and future. vations (control n = 480, intervention n = 527) constitute the analysis
Students are encouraged to prepare at least one question to the sample. Since the number of students with access to the LIVE visit and
ambassador. The ambassador may also ask students questions about baseline questionnaire was not recorded, the exact response rate is not
their attitudes, behaviors, and experiences in relation to risks in traffic known.
and provide guidance on action. As a final remark, the ambassador re­
peats the most important points and thanks the students for their
2.3. Measures
2.3.1. Outcome measures
2.2. Design and data collection Outcome measures included two outcomes of knowledge: a)
knowledge of the most important risk factors in traffic; b) knowledge of
This study used a cluster-randomized wait-list trial design. Partici­ the age group most at risk; and two outcomes of behavior: c) seat belt
pating schools were recruited in the summer of 2016 among Danish use; and d) cycling behavior.
schools who contacted The Danish Road Safety Council requesting a
LIVE visit. Ninety-four schools were included and randomly assigned to Knowledge of most important risk factors in traffic. The students
either wait-list (n = 49) or to participation in the program (n = 45). The were asked to identify the three most important factors associated with
randomization was conducted by VIVE – The Danish Center for Social traffic injuries (drunk driving, speeding, and inattention) out of a list of
Science Research. The students completed an online questionnaire at nine possible risk factors. The mean number of correct answers was used
baseline and follow-up. The contact teacher of each school was as outcome measure.
responsible for data collection at the school by making the questionnaire
link available to the students, preferably by providing time for Age group most at risk. The students were asked to identify the

Fig. 1. Flow chart for the data collection.

A.B. Bojesen and S.B. Rayce Accident Analysis and Prevention 147 (2020) 105773

age group most often affected by severe traffic injuries, including fa­ never been drunk’,’ 18 years or older’,’ 17 years’, (…), ‘13 years’, ‘12
talities, (15 to 24-year-olds) out of a list of six other age intervals. We years or younger’ and ‘Don’t know’. We dichotomized the response
used a binary indicator of correct answer as the outcome measure. categories into whether the student had ever been drunk or not. ‘Don’t’
know’ was coded as missing. Seat belt use. Danish law requires that all passengers use a seat Experience with cannabis-based drugs was measured by the item:
belt. The students were asked how often they used a seat belt when in a ‘Have you ever smoked hash, marihuana or skunk?’ The response cat­
car. The response categories were assigned a numerical value and were: egories were ‘No’ and ‘Yes’.
‘never’ = 1, ‘rarely’ = 2, ‘almost always’ = 3, ‘always’ = 4. In the effect
analysis, seatbelt use is treated as a numerical outcome. 2.4. Statistical analysis Cycling behavior. Cycling behavior was measured by a four- Categorical variables were described using two-way frequency tables
item index comprising four ordinal items on different aspects of and corresponding percentages. Inferential comparisons were based on
cycling habits or behaviors: helmet use, texting, talking on the phone chi-square test. Numerical variables were described using means and
and listening to music while cycling. Of these behaviors, texting and standard deviations. Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test for ordinal data was
talking on the phone, while cycling, are prohibited by law. Helmet use is used for comparison between groups at baseline.
strongly recommended but not mandatory. The four items were 1) ‘How Inverse probability weights were used to control for the impact of the
often do you wear a bike helmet?’, 2) ‘How often do you text while selection and dropout processes, which filters out some students from
cycling?’, 3) ‘How often do you listen to music while cycling?’ and 4) the initial sample of 3,536 respondents. The inverse probability weight
“How often do you talk on the phone while cycling?” The response assigns a higher weight to students who are less likely to respond to the
categories were: 1) ‘Never’, 2) ‘Rarely’, 3) “Sometimes’ and 4) ‘Always’ follow-up questionnaire. The probability was calculated using all
with the last three items reverse-scored so that higher values reflect safe available baseline data in cross-validated boosted forest model (The
cycling behaviors and low values unsafe bicycling behaviors. The random Forest package in R; ten cross validations). The random forest is
average score of answered items was used as outcome measure, thereby an ensemble of decision trees that, combined, estimate the probability of
treating cycling behavior as a numerical outcome. This approach facil­ having answered the follow-up questionnaire. Decision trees are tree
itates interpretation compared to rank-based approaches while correc­ models with branches defined by variable value cut-offs or categories
tion of standard errors using robust estimators relaxes assumptions of (Liaw and Wiener, 2002). The inverse of the estimated probability (1-pˆ)
normality and homoscedasticity. Students with more than two items is then used as a probability weight in a robust linear regression model to
missing were excluded from the analysis (n = 11). Initial factor analysis take account of any selection bias by giving more weight to observations
using a weighted least squares factor model for ordinal data supported a of student less likely to respond to the questionnaire. This procedure
one-factor model. Cronbach’s Alpha was 0.68 (95 % CI: 0.66− 0.70). For eliminates the impact of the selection bias caused by observed factors.
the subgroup analysis, a dichotomized variable on risky cycling Table S1 in the supplementary materials compares the group with
behavior was used: students scoring 3 (corresponding to ‘Sometimes’ for follow-up responses to the group without follow-up responses.
wearing a bike helmet and ‘rarely’ for the reverse-scored items on The main effects were tested using linear regression with robust
cycling behavior) or less at baseline vs. students with a score above 3. standard errors taking into account the clustering of students in schools
(White, 1982). Logit regression was used for one outcome: identification
2.3.2. Covariates of risk age groups. Observations were weighted using the inverse of the
Seven covariates that may affect behavior in traffic: age, gender, probability of answering the follow-up questionnaire and adjusted for all
grade, family type and parental educational attainment, drunkenness baseline covariates and the baseline measure of the outcome evaluated.
and experience with cannabis were recorded at baseline. These mea­ This ensures that any observed imbalances at baseline are not trans­
sures were also included in the inverse probability weighting and in the ferred to the effect estimates in model 3. Raw estimates, weighted es­
adjusted models. All observed factors are included and reported in order timates, and adjusted estimates are reported.
to assess any imbalances at baseline and to minimize the impact of any All analyses were conducted using R 3.6.1. Randomization was
potential biases driven by observed measures. carried out in SAS.
Family type was measured based on the item ‘Who do you live with?’
Response categories included: ‘With my mother and father’, ‘With my 3. Results
mother or my father’, ‘Alternately at my mother’s and my father’s’,
‘Mostly at my foster parents or other family’ or ‘Others’. The responses 3.1. Sample characteristics and differences at baseline
were divided into three categories: 1) Parents living together, 2) Parents
living apart (‘With my mother or my father’ and ‘Alternately at my Students with a matched response at follow-up differed significantly
mother’s and my father’s’) and 3) Foster parents or Others. in some ways from students with no match (Supplementary table S1);
Parental educational attainment was reported by the students for both they were slightly younger (p = 0.005) and a higher proportion lived
parents and subsequently combined into a joint measure reflecting the together with both parents (p = 0.001). A slightly higher proportion had
highest educational level of the parents. The response categories were: parents with a medium-cycle education (p = 0.032) and a lower pro­
1) primary and lower secondary school, 2) upper secondary school, 3) portion has ever been drunk (p = 0.019). Significant differences in
vocational training, 4) short-cycle higher education (academy profes­ outcome measures were found for knowledge on age group most at risk
sion programs at the Academies of Professional Higher Education lasting (p = 0.016) and overall cycling behavior (p = 0.002) with students with
2− 2½ years), 5) medium-cycle higher education (professional bachelor a response at follow-up having slightly more favorable outcomes
programs at the University Colleges, e.g. nurse or pedagogue lasting 3–4 compared to students with no match at follow-up.
years), 6) long-cycle higher education (bachelor, master and PhD de­ Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of the analysis sample. The
grees obtained at the universities), and ‘don’t know’. A dichotomous sample was well-balanced in gender (51.4 % females). The majority of
variable was used in the subgroup analyses: 1) Upper secondary school students were 14–15 years old (84.7 %) attending the 8th or 9th grade
or shorter and 2) above secondary school. Students who did not know (98.1 %). Students living with both parents made up 72.6 % of the
any of their parents’ educational level were coded as missing. sample. While 26.9 % answered that they did not know their parents
Drunkenness was measured by the item: ‘At which age did you get education, 40.7 % of the students had a parental educational back­
drunk for the first time?’ with the following response categories: ‘I have ground of medium- to long-cycle higher education and 11.2 % a back­
ground of upper secondary school or shorter. 27.3 % had been drunk at

A.B. Bojesen and S.B. Rayce Accident Analysis and Prevention 147 (2020) 105773

Table 1
Background characteristics and outcome measures at baseline. Percentages and means (SD).
Analysis sample
Students with matched baseline and follow-up responses

Control LIVE Total

(n = 480) (n = 527) (n = 1007)

n % n % P n %

Baseline characteristics
Gender Male 233 48.5 256 48.6 489 48.6
Female 247 51.5 271 51.4 0.991 518 51.4
Age 12− 13 years 64 13.3 61 11.6 125 12.4
14− 15 years 399 83.1 454 86.1 853 84.7
16− 18 years 17 3.5 12 2.3 0.318 29 2.9
Grade 7th 8 1.7 3 0.6 11 1.1
8th 315 65.6 319 60.5 634 63.0
9th 148 30.8 205 38.9 353 35.1
10th 9 1.9 0 0.0 0.000 9 0.9
Family type Parents living together 332 69.2 399 75.7 731 72.6
Parents living apart 136 28.3 118 22.4 254 25.2
Foster parents or other 12 2.5 10 1.9 0.067 22 2.2
Parental education Do not know 119 24.8 152 28.8 271 26.9
Primary and lower secondary school 14 2.9 13 2.5 27 2.7
Upper secondary school 37 7.7 49 9.3 86 8.5
Vocational training 71 14.8 86 16.3 157 15.6
Short-cycle higher education 28 5.8 28 5.3 56 5.6
Medium-cycle higher education 130 27.1 131 24.9 261 25.9
Long-cycle higher education 81 16.9 68 12.9 0.410 149 14.8
Been drunk No 326 67.9 378 71.7 704 69.9
Yes 137 28.5 138 26.2 275 27.3
Missing/Don’t know 17 3.5 11 2.1 0.230 28 2.8
Tried cannabis No 462 96.2 518 98.3 980 97.3
Yes 17 3.5 8 1.5 25 2.5
Missing 1 0.2 1 0.2 0.119 2 0.2
Outcome measures at baseline
Risk age group identified No 116 24.2 113 21.4 229 22.7
Yes 364 75.8 414 78.6 0.303 778 77.3
Mean SD Mean SD P Mean SD
Risk factors identified 1.87 0.74 1.87 0.76 0.812 1.87 0.75
Seat belt use 3.89 0.34 3.90 0.35 0.431 3.89 0.34
Cycling behavior 3.17 0.63 3.13 0.66 0.363 3.15 0.64
Single items for Cycling behavior
Helmet use 2.57 1.23 2.59 1.25 0.795 2.58 1.24
Texting 3.42 0.70 3.35 0.71 0.071 3.38 0.71
Music 3.18 0.93 3.13 0.90 0.245 3.15 0.91
Phone 3.52 0.61 3.46 0.64 0.110 3.49 0.63

least one time. Significant baseline imbalances at a 5% level of signifi­ had a significant and positive effect on the students’ abilities to identify
cance were found for school grade, only. Compared to the control group, the three most important risk factors in traffic (β = 0.18, 95 % CI:
a higher proportion of the students in the intervention group attended 0.08− 0.28). The impact of selection bias due to the variables observed at
the 7th or 8th grade. baseline was negligible, since the effect estimate was robust in the
The lower section of Table 1 shows the baseline measurement of the weighted regression and after adjusting for background variables and
outcome variables. The age group experiencing the highest number of knowledge on risk factors at baseline. Unobserved variables might still
injuries and fatalities in traffic was correctly pointed out by 77.3 % of introduce a bias. With a combined standard deviation of 0.76 on this
the students. The mean number of correctly identified risk factors in outcome, this corresponds to a standardized mean difference (SMD:
traffic was 1.87 (SD = 0.75) with only 20.4 % of the students being able Cohen’s d) of 0.21. No significant effects were found on knowledge of
to identify the three most important risk factors in traffic (results not age group most at risk, seat belt use, or overall cycling behavior. The
shown). The average score on seat belt use was 3.89 (SD = 0.34) exploratory analysis on the single items on cycling behavior showed a
(possible scoring range: 1–4, with a high score being better (see Section small but significant increase in helmet use in the intervention group (β
2.3.1 for response categories)) and 90.6 % of the students answered that = 0.10, 95 % CI: 0.08− 0.28); SMD = 0.10).
they always use a seat belt while being in a car (results not shown). The
average scores on the cycling behavior scale items were 3.15 (SD = 0.64)
3.3. Subgroup analyses
(possible scoring range: 1–4, with a high score being better). For the
single items on cycling behavior, 30.8 % of the students reported always
Table 3 shows the results of the subgroup analyses. Besides testing
wearing a helmet. Approximately half of the students (51.0 %) never
the main effects of the intervention, we conducted subgroup analyses to
texted, 40.6 % never listened to music and 54.5 % never used their
test whether effects on the two behavioral outcome measures: seat belt
mobile phones when cycling (results not shown). No significant baseline
use and overall cycling behavior were modified by gender, parental
imbalances were found for any of the outcome measures.
education or overall cycling behavior at baseline. While gender did not
modify the effect on seatbelt use, a significant subgroup effect was found
3.2. Main effects of the LIVE intervention in relation to cycling behavior in the unadjusted analysis for females.
After weighting and adjustment for baseline measures, this effect
Table 2 shows the main effects of the study. The LIVE intervention became insignificant. When introduced as an interaction term, there

A.B. Bojesen and S.B. Rayce Accident Analysis and Prevention 147 (2020) 105773

Table 2
Mean scores by intervention group at follow up. Raw, weighted, and adjusted main effect estimates (β) (95 % CI) of the LIVE intervention on knowledge, seatbelt use,
and cycling behavior.
Control LIVE Model (1) Model (2) Model (3)
a b
(n = 480) (n = 527) Unadjusted Weighted and adj. Weighted and fully adj.

Outcomes Mean SD Mean SD β 95 % CI β 95 % CI β 95 % CI

Risk factors identified 2.03 0.75 1.87 0.79 0.16 (0.05¡0.26) 0.16 (0.05¡0.26) 0.18 (0.08¡0.28)
Risk age group identifiedc 0.86 0.35 0.83 0.38 0.23 (− 0.12 to 0.58) 0.25 (− 0.10 to 0.61) 0.23 (− 0.13 to 0.60)
Seatbelt use 3.89 0.37 3.88 0.41 0.01 (− 0.04 to 0.06) 0.01 (− 0.04 to 0.06) 0.00 (− 0.03 to 0.08)
Cycling behavior 3.09 0.65 3.10 0.65 − 0.01 (− 0.09 to 0.08) − 0.01 (− 0.10 to 0.08) 0.02 (− 0.03 to 0.08)
Exploratory analyses of single items on cycling behavior
Helmet use 2.63 1.26 2.51 1.21 0.13 (− 0.04 to 0.29) 0.13 (− 0.03 to 0.30) 0.10 (0.02–0.18)
Texting 3.31 0.75 3.38 0.71 − 0.07 (− 0.17 to 0.03) − 0.08 (− 0.18 to 0.02) − 0.04 (− 0.12 to 0.04)
Music 3.07 0.90 3.08 0.96 − 0.02 (− 0.14 to 0.11) − 0.01 (− 0.14 to 0.11) 0.02 (− 0.07 to 0.11)
Phone 3.35 0.73 3.41 0.70 − 0.06 (− 0.16 to 0.03) − 0.06 (− 0.16 to 0.03) − 0.03 (− 0.12 to 0.05)

Note: Model (1) provides raw estimates without any weighting or adjustment. a Model (2) adds an inverse probability weight based on baseline characteristics. b Model
(3) weighted and adjusted for age, gender, grade, family type, drunkenness, and cannabis experience, parental education as well the baseline measure of the outcome
evaluated. Estimation is done by linear regression with robust standard errors. cThe estimate for risk age group is based on logit regression. Significant results marked
with bold.

Table 3
Subgroup analyses. Mean scores by intervention group at follow up. Raw, weighted, and adjusted effect estimates (β) (95 % CI) stratified by gender, parental education,
and risky cycling behavior at baseline.
Control LIVE Model (1) Model (2) Model (3)

(n = 480) (n = 527) Unadjusted Weighted and adj.a Weighted and fully adj.b

Outcomes by subgroup Mean SD Mean SD β 95 % CI β 95 % CI β 95 % CI

Seat belt use by gender

Male 3.88 0.40 3.85 0.45 0.03 (− 0.05 to 0.03 (− 0.05 to 0.01 (− 0.06 to
0.11) 0.10) 0.07)
Female 3.90 0.35 3.91 0.37 − 0.01 (− 0.07 to − 0.01 (− 0.08 to 0.00 (− 0.05 to
0.06) 0.05) 0.06)
Seat belt use by parental education:
Upper secondary school or shorter 3.92 0.33 3.77 0.68 0.14 (− 0.07 to 0.14 (− 0.07 to 0.12 (− 0.07 to
0.36) 0.36) 0.31)
Vocational training or longer 3.88 0.40 3.90 0.34 − 0.03 (− 0.09 to − 0.03 (− 0.09 to − 0.02 (− 0.07 to
0.03) 0.03) 0.03)
Cycling behavior by gender:
Male 3.12 0.64 3.02 0.67 0.10 (− 0.03 to 0.10 (− 0.03 to 0.04 (− 0.04 to
0.22) 0.23) 0.13)
Female 3.06 0.66 3.16 0.63 − 0.10 (− 0.22 to − 0.11 (− 0.23 to 0.01 − 0.06 to 0.08)
0.01) 0.01)
Cycling behavior by parental education:
Upper secondary school or shorter 3.01 0.66 3.06 0.63 − 0.04 (− 0.30 to − 0.04 (− 0.30 to − 0.04 (− 0.19 to
0.21) 0.22) 0.11)
Vocational training or longer 3.14 0.62 3.11 0.64 0.03 (− 0.08 to 0.03 (− 0.08 to 0.04 (− 0.03 to
0.13) 0.14) 0.10)
Cycling behavior by risky cycling behavior at
Baseline score ≤3 2.73 0.52 2.74 0.55 − 0.01 (− 0.10 to 0.00 (− 0.10 to 0.02 (− 0.06 to
0.09) 0.09) 0.09)
Baseline score >3 2.64 0.50 2.63 0.54 0.01 (− 0.09 to 0.02 (− 0.09 to 0.00 (− 0.08 to
0.11) 0.12) 0.08)

Note: Model (1) provides raw estimates without any weighting or adjustment. a Model (2) adds an inverse probability weight based on baseline characteristics. b Model
(3) weighted and adjusted for age, gender, grade, family type, drunkenness, and cannabis experience, parental education as well the baseline measure of the outcome
evaluated. Estimation by linear regression with robust standard errors. Significant results marked with bold. The subgroup analysis was performed by estimating
treatment effects separately for each group. Supplementary tests of interaction terms for the subgroups showed no significant differences.

were no significant effects (results not shown). Parental educational students. Using testimonials by road accident survivors the program
background did not modify the effect of the intervention on any of the aimed to provide the students with better insight into, and under­
two outcomes. Neither did the effect on overall cycling behavior depend standing of, the consequences of traffic accidents and to motivate them
on risky cycling behavior at baseline. All subgroup analyses are sup­ to make safer choices in traffic. The current study focused on the effect of
plemented with corresponding tests of interaction between treatment a) knowledge about risk factors in traffic and b) two behavioral out­
and subgroup. None of these tests showed significant differences (results comes specifically relevant for the age group: seatbelt use and cycling
not shown). behavior. One out of three essential purposes of the program was to
increase youngsters’ knowledge of risk factors in traffic. While a small
4. Discussion effect was found on the students’ knowledge of the three most important
risk factors at follow-up, no effect was found on the other knowledge-
This cluster-randomized controlled study evaluated the effect of a related outcome: age group most at risk. Although the finding of a
Danish road safety educational program for lower secondary school positive effect may suggest that the program has the potential to

A.B. Bojesen and S.B. Rayce Accident Analysis and Prevention 147 (2020) 105773

increase youngsters’ knowledge about risky situations in traffic, the European youngsters riding a bike is a daily activity often performed in
results are not convincing from a broader perspective. We did not find company of friends. Thus, wearing a helmet may make you stand out
any effect on behavior in terms of seatbelt use or overall cycling from the peer group. In addition, cycling may be associated with habits
behavior and this was consistent across potential modifiers of the such as music listening. Additionally, adolescence is a period charac­
effectiveness of the program: gender, parental educational background, terized by a greater willingness to engage in risky behavior and less
and cycling behavior at baseline. However, a small positive effect was focus on long-term consequences, especially when together with friends
found on a single cycle item: helmet use. The limited effect on the (Raftery and Wundersitz, 2011; Twisk et al., 2014). Therefore, knowl­
behavioral outcomes draws attention to the fact that an increased edge on the most important risk factor in traffic may very well have been
knowledge of risk factors did not generally seem to translate into safer overruled by a desire to conform to peer group norms. Provision of
traffic behavior among the youngsters. There may be a number of rea­ effective guidance on action might strengthen the path from knowledge
sons for this. and intentions to actual behavior (Peters et al., 2013). Although some
Regarding seatbelt use, one explanation for the lack of effect may be guidance on action was given during a LIVE session, this was not sys­
that seat belt use was already widespread in our study sample. At tematically incorporated in the LIVE intervention in 2016. Therefore,
baseline, 99 % of the students answered that they always (90.6 %) or guidance on action to some degree depended on the specific ambas­
almost always (8.4 %) used a seat belt thereby leaving less margin for sador. It is thus likely that the absence of systematical and practical
improvement. Another study of a road safety program using testimonials guidance may have impeded the effectiveness of the intervention.
found positive effect on seatbelt use in a sample of American high school The randomized and controlled study design is one of the strengths of
students (King et al., 2008). In this sample, the baseline level of seatbelt this study. The use of a school level cluster-randomized design mini­
use was substantially lower compared to the level in our study sample mized the risk of the effect being contaminated by other classes telling
thus indicating that it may be possible to increase seatbelt use through about the LIVE visits. Likewise, the structured format and the quality
such interventions. assurance of the LIVE visits is also a strength. Before making school visits
In a similar way, the increase in helmet use, specifically, may be due on their own, the ambassadors go through courses and subsequently
to the relative low starting point at baseline compared to the three other participate in two yearly workshops. Regular monitoring is a central part
cycling behaviors comprised in the cycling behavior index. However, we of the intervention and is performed by the Road Safety Council.
found no effect on overall cycling behavior even when examining the Although some difference may exist depending on the ambassador, (e.g.
effect among those with risky bicycle behavior at baseline. Our finding in guidance on how to change behavior) the organizational backdrop
of no effect on cycling behavior is in line with the findings of the Dutch ensures a high level of fidelity in the execution of the intervention.
study by Feenstra et al. (2014). Positive effects were found on two beliefs This study also has some limitations. Firstly, less than a third of the
in their study, but also a negative effect regarding attitude towards vi­ students measured at baseline were linked to a response at follow-up.
olations of traffic rules at follow-up. While the negative effect found by This increases the risk of bias since the likelihood of a linked follow-
Feenstra et al. (2014) may be attributed to activation of fear responses up response could be associated with treatment assignment. Secondly,
(Carey et al., 2013), the limited effect on cycling behavior may also be it was not recorded how many survey links were distributed at baseline
attributed to the type of accident represented by the ambassadors. None which hindered any quantification of response rates. The large number
of the existing effect studies state that they use testimonials by a person of student responses at baseline nevertheless, moderates the impact of
involved in an accident involving a bicycle. This was also the case for the these two limitations. These responses enabled us to estimate the
LIVE intervention. It is possible that youngsters who are not yet drivers probability of not answering (or not being linked to) the follow-up
themselves will not be able to relate sufficiently to the ambassador. If so, survey. By weighting the model estimation with the inverse of this
this may have affected their personal risk perception and feeling of probability, the impact of any bias pertaining to factors observed at
susceptibility leading to less motivation for behavior change. In a similar baseline was reduced. The results suggest that the impact of any such
way it is possible that personal characteristic of the ambassador such as bias is most likely limited and that dropouts or missing links to follow-up
age, gender and background affect to which degree the students are able responses are rooted in a random process related to a cumbersome data
to relate to the ambassador. Although the ambassadors in the LIVE collection process. Only in the gender subgroup effects on bicycle
intervention focused on their life as a youngster when giving their behavior did we observe inconsistent estimates depending on adjust­
testimonial, they were substantially older (age span: 27− 50 years) than ment. This suggests a gendered response pattern. Thirdly, characteristics
their audience. In a survey conducted by The Danish Road Safety of the ambassador such as age, gender and accident type information
Council, the council found that most of the students attached little or no may affect to which degree the students are able to relate to the story of
value to the age of the ambassador. However, some students did express the ambassadors. With perceived susceptibility being a key component
that the age of the ambassador affected their ability to relate to the in behavior change (Ruiter et al., 2014), ambassador characteristics may
testimonial. Finally, it is possible that the testimonial were so over­ have modified the effectiveness of using testimonials. Since data did not
whelming to some students that the actual message was not recognized. comprise information on ambassador characteristics, we were, however,
Even though the ambassadors deliberately avoided a fear approach and not able to conduct subgroup analyses. Finally, measures on perceived
a survey by the Danish Road Safety council found that the majority of susceptibility, attitudes, intentions, perceived response efficacy, or
students rated the LIVE visits as either ‘good’ or ‘very good’, it can not be self-efficacy were not included in the survey. Although feeling suscep­
ruled out that the testimonials generated a fear response among some tible to a risk is a prerequisite for behavior change, adolescents’ sus­
students. ceptibility to peer pressure might also inhibit the translation of personal
Other reasons for increased knowledge not leading to a safer overall beliefs into behavioral outcomes, making behavior a key outcome
cycling behavior and only to a small increase in helmet usage may relate (Twisk et al., 2014). Information on these beliefs would have enabled us
to the age group of the intervention. Although knowledge is a prereq­ to investigate the causal mechanism between receiving the intervention
uisite for behavior, personal beliefs such as susceptibility, attitudes, and the two behavioral outcomes of the study. The lack of information
intentions, and efficacy most likely play an essential role on whether on personal beliefs, especially perceived susceptibility and efficacy, is
traffic and health-related information is translated into behavior (Alonso therefore a limitation of the study.
et al., 2018; Lewis et al., 2007). The greatest gap between intention and The analyses of our study do not enable us to draw conclusions on the
behavior seem to exist when a) individuals lack control over the most effective approach for generating behavioral change among young
behavior in question, b) a behavior is performed in a social setting, and pre-drivers. However, in its present form the testimonials used in the
c) the behavior is a habit (Webb and Sheeran, 2006). The two last LIVE intervention do not seem to generate the desired behavioral change
characteristics specifically relate to cycling behavior. For many among students in lower secondary school. Feenstra et al. (2010) suggest

A.B. Bojesen and S.B. Rayce Accident Analysis and Prevention 147 (2020) 105773

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