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Disemak oleh : …………………………

Tarikh : …………………
Tandatangan : …………………

Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan

Universiti Putra Malaysia,

Homework 1
Kod kursus / Nama:
SPE 4800
Kaedah Mengajar PJ

Disediakan oleh:

1 196867 Muhammad Annaz Bin Hanafi @ Mohd Hanafi

Bacelor Pendidikan Jasmani
Jabatan Pengajian Sukan
Semester Sesi 2021/2022
Homework 1
1. Please elaborate/explain what have you learned from the previous class. (500 words)

What I have learned from the previous class is how someone can be a great physical educator.
Who want to be a great physical educator must have some great reasons and purposes that. So all
people can be a physical educator not only for graduate in Sport Science or Physical Education.
Those reasons and purposes are the thing that determine us whether we become the physical
educator or great physical educator.What I had learned from the previous class lesson all people
can be a great physical educator but must have a target. I have tell my reason to be a physical
educators that I want to serve for community especially the youngers.
Secondly, the differences of pedagogy and andragogy that the lecture have said on previous
class. Pedagogy is the methods and practices used in teaching, especially of children. Pedagogy
was focus on a teacher's methods of transferring knowledge to a student, who is dependent on the
teacher's methods and understanding. The authority of pedagogy a teacher controls the learning
experience for children, and much of what is taught is based on rigid curricula. While andragogy
is the methods and practices used in teaching adults. Andragogy was focus on independent, self-
directed, and/or cooperative learning among adults. The authority of andragogy a adults have to
control over much of their learning experience and must be motivated to learn. Can often seek
out new or different learning experience, at will.
Thirdly, about the physical education teaching paradigms. There are two paradigms in
Physical Education teaching paradigms which are behaviorism approach and cognitive-behavior
motivation approach. Behaviorism, also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory of learning
which states all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment through a process
called conditioning. Thus, behavior is simply a response to environmental stimuli. Behaviorism
is only concerned with observable stimulus-response behaviors, as they can be studied in a
systematic and observable manner. Meanwhile, cognitive-behavior motivation approach is that
behaviour is directed as a result of the active processing and interpretation of information.
Motivation is not seen as a mechanical or innate set of processes but as a purposive and persistent
set of behaviours based on the information available. Expectations, based on past experiences,
serve to direct behaviour toward particular goals. What the Dr. Nasnoor said during the class
Finally, about Mosston`s Teaching Spectrum. The Spectrum of Teaching Styles is “a
framework of options in the relationships between teacher and learner” (Mosston, 1992, p.56)
that incorporates ten landmark teaching styles along a continuum based on the degree to which
the teacher or pupil assumes responsibility for what is taking place in the lesson. But for the first
time I see the Mosston`s Teaching Spectrum I didn`t understand and after Dr. Nasnoor explain I
understand a little bit. The premises of spectrum such as axiom, the anatomy of any style, the
decision maker, the spectrum, the cluster and the development effect. That the sequence of
Mosston`s Teaching Spectrum.
That the all thing I have learned from the lesson in the previous class was conduct by Dr.
Nasnoor in online class at google meet. As a conclusion, the pervious class had taught me many
process of Pshysical Educator and a learning system of Physical Educator.
2. Please elaborate/explain what do you understand based on these questions? (500 words)
a. What is it mean a “Great Physical Educator”?
In my opinion to be a good educator must have a high attractiveness and be able to withstand all
the challenges that lie ahead. As we all know life as an educator is filled with various challenges
with students, parents and also everything related to educators. Time is also one of the most
challenging, because time needs to be well organized to get to do all the duties well. As an
educator one needs to maintain integrity, trust and relationships with students..

b. What kind of attributes/traits that a “Great Physical Educator” needs to

In my opinion, one of the qualities that must be present in an educator is to always be patient
and positive -minded. Educators also need to maintain boundaries and relationships with
students so that mutual respect can be fostered. Educators should also always include the
importance of religion to each student. Educators also need to ensure that students can learn
comfortably and calmly during the learning process. Enter into the student's mind so that
nothing is left behind.

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