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Easter 2011

Fairplay for all…up and running!

and gave everything. The boys were also
Latest News!
playing their first competitive games, and
against stronger, bigger players who have
n the lead up to the drop-in centre and
been playing together for years, everyone
working directly on the streets to help  We are now officially a
celebrated as they won their first game 1-0
change the lives of some of the poorest peo- registered charity
going on to draw two more and win another
ple in Manila, Payatas FC and Kasiglahan
game. We have something to build on and which is very exciting,
FC are football teams that have been found-
with the speed they’ve been improving I our charity number is:
ed through us as a way to help and get to
think we can prove a real challenge to the
know some of these children. With three 1141362!
opposing teams next time.
months training we have been invited to
training sessions with some of the best The name and concept of Payatas FC has
coaches and players in the country and have been spreading round the fast-growing foot- The football project
seen donations for building football goals. ball community in the Philippines. A team was featured on both of
formed of players who live at the biggest these top Philippine
For me, though, most impressive has been
dumpsite, whose parents and who them-
seeing the improvement of the kids each football websites!
selves often scavenge off for things to sell,
week and the passion they have for football -
recycle and even eat, Payatas FC have al-
and how that can be translated into good News/2011Apr18Mon09324
ready been filmed by national television for 2
values and habits. As coach, I entered them
a short clip on their equivalent of Match of
into the Football for Good tournament, or-
the Day. In just a few months more we are feature/football-good-brings-
ganised by Ed Formoso who once ran for
hoping to have the drop-in centre for street hope-payatas-kids
President of the PFF (Philippine version of
kids in full swing and with a growing repu-
the FA) but lost by one vote. So invited to
tation in the community and a name in the
join we fielded one boys team and a girls
football world the charity is growing well. Plans are well under
team, mixed of children from the Payatas
community, Kasiglahan and Mango Tree Football is a game that can help transform way to open up the
House, the children’s home of our sister- a community; people discover themselves drop-in centre this
organisation ASCF. through merit, skill and hard-work. These
are also things that we look to take further year.
For the girls, the day was about the experi-
via the education, nutrition and the social
ence and playing for the first time on an
work with street kids in the coming months. We are up to £293
actual pitch. To see them draw one game
Coaching teams in Payatas and Kasiglahan
and lose six wasn’t quite as disheartening as coming in a month via
and starting a number of teams in other
it might sound as they tried their hardest our in our 1 in a 100
poor areas momentum is building
as we look to build on this success. campaign which is
Football is growing within these
communities not only as a sport
but in promoting a healthy life-
styles and providing an access You can now support
point for the social work to take us monthly via paypal,
place, facilitating the main work of
the charity. visit our website
With such a positive outlook eve-
ryone involved is enthusiastic and and click the monthly
hopeful of the changes and oppor- billing link in the top
tunities that the charity can pro- left hand corner.
vide as we look to shift from Fair-
play in football to Fairplay for all.
Roy Moore Registered charity no.
Happy teams after their first proper matches
One in a Hundred update More News
As some of you may remember from the last news-
letter, I wrote about our 1 in a 100 campaign. The We are having a Triple
purpose of our 1 in a 100 campaign is to find 100 E all weather BBQ on
people happy to sponsor Triple E £5 a month. This the 21st of May from
will allow the drop-in centre to run as a long term 3pm onwards, the ad-
project, continue the football project, and employ a dress is at the bottom,
social worker. We are up to £293 coming in per please feel free to pop
month which is fantastic . Please don’t feel under along it’s sure to be a
pressure but if you are able to support us monthly, great day!
no matter how small the amount, there is a form
attached to this newsletter or you could visit our
Naomi goes back to
website and set up a monthly billing via paypal. It
would really make a world of difference. Will you be 1 in a 100? the Philippines on the
3rd of June and so
Thank you very much to everyone who already supports us, we are so grateful
other trustees will be
and it is because of you, this work is
taking over doing talks
for the charity. Please
do get in touch if you
The team! are in a group or
I realised after the last newsletter that I church that would like
have been talking about Triple E doing this a speaker, we would
and that and these people and that person, love to come and
but I have never actually introduced you to share with you about
our team of trustees and field workers the charity and it’s
both here and in the Philippines. Our
chairman of Triple E in the UK is Valerie
Pirie. She is a retired adolescent mental
health nurse and has also spent some time
in Uganda teaching English. Our secretary
is David Tomlinson who is a vicar at St
John’s church in the Shildon parish. The treasurer is Davina Tomlinson who is a foster carer Contact:
and has been for many years. Trevor Thomson comes from a managerial engineering back- Revd. David Tomlin-
ground. The fifth trustee in the UK is Elaine Dixon who brings with her a wealth of experience son (Secretary)
from the educational world. St. Francis Vicarage,
Burnhope, Newton
In the Philippines there is Roy Moore. He is originally from Lancashire and is currently doing a Aycliffe, Co. Durham.
masters degree in Politics in the Philippines. He does a lot of the field work in Manila and is a DL5 7ER
huge asset to the work. Also in the Philippines is Craig Burrows MBE. Craig is the director of Tel: 01325 310804
the ASCF charity in the Philippines and with over 25 years experience out there working with Email :
charities, he is a fantastic person to have guiding us. Then togetherwithtriplee
there’s me, Naomi Tomlinson. When in the Philippines I work
alongside Roy as a field worker and in the UK I am the raising
awareness and funds and person! All of us work as volunteers
at present covering our own costs. Please feel free to pass
this newsletter along
There are so many other people involved with the charity that I to a friend to help
can’t introduce them all but I feel I have introduced the main raise our profile or let
people for now. Of course I haven't forgotten you. You com- us know someone else
plete our team although that sound ‘s cheesy it is true, without who would be inter-
you, there would be no charity and for that we are all forever ested in receiving a
grateful, and together we are all changing those lives, thank copy and we would be
you so much for everything! more than happy to
email or post them a
Naomi Tomlinson copy.

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