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Avengers. Assemble.

Greetings delegates. It is our distinct pleasure to welcome you to the first

online iteration of Education Friendly Model United Nations conference.
Through the conference, we aim to involve talented, capable brains in a yet
another session of discussion, problem solving and brain storming. We firmly
believe that the agenda of every conference to stimulate young brains for
enhanced personalities must be achieved through fun yet informative sessions.

Following that path, the Marvel committee aims to readdress the necessity of
regulations for enhanced individuals in a more sincere and thoughtful way.

The agenda provides a vast scope for delegates to deliberate, formulate and
decide upon the future of Avenger activity on Earth, given the immediate need
of the same. The agenda offers various viewpoints to the respected portfolios
present in the committee to resolute feasible solutions for the aforementioned.

We recommend the delegates to exercise their portfolio powers to the best

possible extent. Keeping in mind the past activities of their portfolios, the
delegates are expected to practice their opinions through their portfolios which
ideally are an amalgamation of personal motives and solutions to the main
agenda with utmost diplomacy.

Feel free to contact us personally for any conference, agenda and procedural
doubts. Rest assured, we have a hulk.


Parth Saklecha, Chairperson

Sparsh Jain, Vice Chairperson


Four years have passed since the historical Battle of Sokovia, but the global
citizens still remain under the threat of human and cosmic super villains.
The Sokovia Accords, proposed by U.S. Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross
under the frame of the ravages in Sokovia City and subsequently Lagos to
bring the Avengers under the jurisdiction of the United Nations remains a
divisive subject for the Avengers, the superhero body that has broken down
into fractions over the validity of the Accords. However, the question of
enhanced humans is still a paramount one, and hence they filed for a
revision of the Accords.

In this Committee, the entire society of superheroes will be represented by

two bodies which originated in the aftermath of the Vienna Conference;
the United Nations Prototype Alliance (UNPA), which is a flagship
committee of the enhanced individuals who agreed to sign the Accords, and
Vanguards and Independent Guardians Intergalactic League (VIGIL), a
private body that has conceived to oppose any sort of jurisdiction for the

MOTIVE OF THE COMMITTEE: The United Nations Commission on the

Sokovia Accords seeks to revise the conditions laid down in the Accords, to
enable all superheroes to reach a consensus to prepare for other looming
extra-terrestrial threats, and the future existence of the Earth and the
human race makes the outcome of this Committee cardinal.
Implementation of a set of guidelines to monitor the
activities of enhanced individuals and supernaturals to
prevent further losses.
The Avengers have been saving the world from earthly and extraterrestrial
beings time again, and their powers set their potential apart from the rest
of the human race, including the soldiers in the national armies who were
until now believed to be the primary wager of conflicts in the world.
However, the question is if the same laws that apply to all citizens of the
world, as laid down by Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948,
indeed apply to these super individuals as well.

Some of these heroes use powers imbued by science, some of them are
enhanced be evolutionary mutations, some of them have magical powers
from a mystic source that we, as of yet, do not understand. Others are
regular people who employ technology far superior to that of any
government and some simply possess skills that put them at the same level
as the aforementioned super beings.

In 2015, a robot created by Tony Stark (Iron Man) gained agency and raised
Sokovia City (the Capital of Sokovia) into the sky with the intention of crash
landing it into the Earth. While' most of the city’s 600,000 inhabitants
escaped, 2631 were killed by the Ultron drones and a further 14,375 were
wounded. Further, while attempting to prevent Block Rumlow’s attempt to
steal a biological weapon from the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Lagos,
26 civilians died, including 11 relief aid workers from Wakanda. This attack
forced the United Nations to take notice of this enhanced, human activity
and needed to make a decision as to the course of action.
The Sokovia Accords

The Sokovia Accords are a set of legal documents designed to regulate the
activities of enhanced individuals, specifically those who work for either
government agencies such as S.H.I.E.L.D. or for private organizations such
as the Avengers. Established by the United Nations and ratified by 117
nations, the accords serve as a "middle point" between the Avengers'
desire to secure world peace and the international community's concern
over the repercussions of the Avengers' actions.

The currently known regulations established by the Sokovia Accords


1. Any enhanced individuals who agree to sign must register with the
United Nations and provide biometric data such as fingerprints and
DNA samples.
2. Those with secret identities must reveal their legal names and true
identities to the United Nations.
3. Those with innate powers must submit to a power analysis, which
will categorize their threat level and determine potential health risks.
4. Those with innate powers must also wear tracking bracelets at all
5. Any enhanced individuals who sign are prohibited from taking action
in any country other than their own unless they are first given
clearance by either that country's government or by a United Nations
6. Governments are forbidden from deploying enhanced individuals
outside of their own national borders unless those individuals are
given clearance as described above. The same rule also applies to
non-government organizations that operate on a global scale
(including S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers).
7. Any enhanced individuals who do not sign will not be allowed to take
part in any police, military, or espionage activities, or to otherwise
participate in any national or international conflict, even in their own
8. As a corollary, they will not be allowed to participate in any active
missions undertaken by private or governmental law
enforcement/military/intelligence organizations (such as S.H.I.E.L.D.
and the Avengers).
9. Any enhanced individuals who use their powers to break the law
(including those who take part in extralegal vigilante activities), or
are otherwise deemed to be a threat to the safety of the general
public, may be detained indefinitely without trial.
10.If an enhanced individual violates the Accords, or obstructs the
actions of those enforcing the Accords, they may likewise be arrested
and detained indefinitely without trial.
11.The use of technology to bestow individuals with innate superhuman
capabilities is strictly regulated, as is the use and distribution of
highly advanced technology (such as Asgardian and Chitauri
12.The creation of self-aware artificial intelligence is completely
13.The Avengers will no longer be a private organization and will
operate under the supervision of the United Nations.


A flagship committee of the UN, it consists of all supernatural beings who

adhere to the Sokovia accords. One of the leading proponents of the same
is, Mr. Tony Stark who was one of the earliest members of the Avengers to
be inducted into the UNPA. The UNPA aims to bring about a institutional
framework to execute the terms of the Sokovia Accords. It upholds all
human rights enshrined in the Charter and believes that to achieve the
right end goal, the means of achieving the same should also be morally
correct. Hence, the UNPA holds the actions of the avengers in Sokovia, New
York, etc. to be causing more harm than good.

Members of UNPA:

1. Tony Stark
2. James Rhodey
3. King T’Challa
4. Peter Parker
5. Natasha Romanoff
6. Vision

Vanguards and Independent Guardians Intergalactic League (VIGIL)

VIGIL is a private body of super-natural individuals who stood against the

Sokovia Accords since the inception. Captain America is one of the leading
proponents of the same. VIGIL believes that an institution like the UNPA is
driven by material needs of the country, amidst the hypocritical diplomacy.
The end goals of world peace aren’t achieved if countries allow the
wrongdoings as a diplomatic policy. VIGIL also emphasizes the inherent
blindness humans have towards extraterrestrial attacks. It believes that a
democratic framework like the UNPA would delay action against the same,
a consequence of which could destroy the universe.

Members of VIGIL:

1. Steve Rogers
2. Sam Wilson
3. Bucky Barnes
4. Clint Barton
5. Wanda Maximoff
6. Scott Lang

The superhumans who belong to a particular bloc are supposed to stay in

the same block and not change it. However, if their personal opinion
changes, they are supposed to convince their block members to change
their mind too.

The superheroes that weren’t a part of the Civil War, get to choose their
bloc according to their own will.

Members who are on no particular side:

1. Carol Danvers
2. Thor
3. Bruce Banner
The executive board encourages you to use this background guide only as a
reference and not limit your research just to the guide. Your personal
opinions and ideology are expected more than just theoretical facts.

Major Questions
The major issues that the Committee needs to answer are:

1. Whether all classes of the Enhanced Humans need to sign the

2. Whether there should be an option to abstain, and a plan for the
3. Are these accords against the human rights that the superheroes
have Course for extraterrestrial beings like Thor and Captain Marvel?
4. Level of involvement of the UN in the tactics deployed by
superheroes Degree of autonomy of supernatural beings?
5. What will be the plan to counter extraterrestrial threat?

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