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1. One of the DNA strands.

2. Messenger RNA.

3. Adenine pair with uracil and guanine pairs with cytosine.

4. MRNA is made in the nucleus.

It is transported out of nucleus into cytoplasm

Its main function is to act as the intermediary between the genetic information in

the DNA and the amino acid sequence of the protein.

5. (i) AUG bases signals the start of translation.

(ii) They translate into methionine.

6. (i) Stop codon; UAA, UGA, UAG.

(ii) They do not code for any amino acid.

7. (i) DNA molecule 5’ A-C-T-C-G-G-T-A-A-T-C-G 3’

(ii) mRNA U-G-A-G-C-C-A-U-U-A-G-C

(iii) Protein A-C-U-C-G-G-U-A-A-U-C-G

(iv) Chains of amino acids


UGA- stop codon




8. (i) Origin of replication.

(ii)DNA helicase.

(iii)Hydrogen bonds

9. (i) DNA polymerases.

(ii) 5’ to 3’ direction.

(iii)It mean on one end a phosphate group is attached to a 5’ carbon while the

other end of sugar phosphate carbon has a hydroxyl group attached to a 3’ carbon

10. It is responsible for synthesizing short RNA sequences called primers which serve

as the starting point for DNA synthesis.

11. (i)The leading strand is replicated continuously in the 3’ to 5’ direction while the

lagging strand is replicated discontinuously in short sections.

(ii)The lagging strand proceeds in opposite direction away from the replication

fork while the leading strand proceeds in the direction of replication fork.

12. (i)Deleting the RNA primers and replacing them with DNA.

(ii)DNA ligase.

(iii)Okazaki fragments.

13. Origin of replication.

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