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The Cosmic Star Report for

3 June 1997
Guadalajara, Mexico

Calculated for:
Daylight Savings Time, Time Zone 6 hours West
Latitude and Longitude: 20 N 40 103 W 20

Positions of Planets at Birth:

Sun 13 Gem 28 Pluto 3 Sag 58
Moon 27 Tau 47 N. Node 24 Vir 54
Mercury 21 Tau 54 Asc. 7 Sag 25
Venus 29 Gem 50 MC 12 Vir 50
Mars 23 Vir 58 2nd cusp 5 Cap 12
Jupiter 21 Aqu 53 3rd cusp 6 Aqu 09
Saturn 17 Ari 36 5th cusp 11 Ari 40
Uranus 8 Aqu 29 6th cusp 10 Tau 01
Neptune 29 Cap 41


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The Cosmic Star Text Copyright 2004 Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
The Cosmic Star Software Copyright 2004 Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Chapter 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

Sagittarius Rising:

High-spirited, enthusiastic, and exuberant, you love adventure, change, exploring new territory, and are not
happy confined to the same safe, familiar, secure little world all the time. You have a strong restlessness and
yearning for something greater than anything you've yet experienced, and you often live in your dreams and
visions for the future. You tend to believe that the grass is greener somewhere else and you like to keep
moving, either literally or figuratively. Idealistic and optimistic, you always expect something better ahead.
You love to have a goal, something to aim for, but once you achieve it you are on to something else. You are
ever on the lookout for new opportunities and you are a gambler, willing to take risks and to break new
ground. The possibility of discovering something new is what makes life interesting for you. You have great
faith in life and bounce back quickly from disappointment and failure.

Freedom-loving and independent, you cannot tolerate being caged for very long, and friends and loved
ones must respect your need for freedom of movement. Binding commitments and responsibilities often
weigh heavily upon you and you may resist "growing up" and taking on the limitations of adult life.

You are friendly and outgoing and have a great sense of fun and playfulness. You are also philosophically
minded and often quite outspoken about your convictions and beliefs. Sometimes you get carried away with
your enthusiasm of the moment and you tend to exaggerate. You are often a big talker, full of big promises,
and you are usually pretty convincing. You do everything in a big way, a generous way. You like to have the
best, and you heartily dislike stinginess, littleness, or pettiness. Your vision is always large. You are able to
perceive the big picture, general patterns and principles, and are well suited to politics, business, higher
education or religion.

Other people see you as a good sport and a good friend, but one who is not always consistent and
dependable. You may also be seen as a wise person since you do not get bogged down in pettiness and
trivialities, and are able to communicate a larger way of looking at situations, one that opens up new
potentials. You are a person who believes in miracles, grace, or just plain good luck, someone who never
gives up on life, and you inspire and encourage others to keep looking forward.

Chapter 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

Sun in Gemini:

You are, in many ways, an eternal child. Your mind is bright, alert, curious, flexible, playful, and always
eager for new experiences - and your attention span is often quite brief. You grasp ideas quickly and once
your initial curiosity has been satisfied, you want to go on to something else. You crave frequent change,
variety, meeting new situations and people.

It may be hard for you to decide just where your talents and true vocation lies, for you have a multitude of
interests and are loathe to limit yourself by concentrating on just one. You are easily distracted by all of the
other fascinating possibilities. Your curiosity and restlessness propel you into many different experiences in
life, and you are willing to taste or try anything once. Doing the same thing over and over again, even it is
something you do well, is real drudgery for you.

You live in your head a great deal - reading, observing, thinking, spinning ideas around - and you need
mental stimulation every bit as much as you need food and drink. In fact, if you had to choose between a good
book or movie and a good lunch, you would very likely choose the former. You have a creative mind and
often live by your wits.

You are also a very social creature, with a strong need to communicate and to interact with people. You
enjoy using and playing with words and have a real flair for getting your ideas across in a clever, interesting,
articulate manner. Writing or speaking are areas you have talent for.

You also have a rather light and mischievous sense of humor, and often do not take anything too seriously.
Though you crave emotional involvement, it is hard for you to achieve it, for you are frequently unwilling to
commit yourself to anything, to take responsibility, or to limit your personal freedom and mobility.

Your happiness lies in using your creativity and your language skills to communicate something
meaningful, to teach, inspire, or bring people together. You have an unbiased mind and can usually offer a
fresh, clear, uncluttered perspective. Your faults are your lack of constancy and persistence, and your
tendency to overlook or ignore deep emotional issues and other people's feelings.

Sun in 7th house:

You invest a tremendous amount of your creative energy into your relationships with others, particularly
your marriage or other close partnerships. You feel you need others in order to be all that you can be, and you
are disinclined to solitary activities and endeavors.

Working with people on a one-to-one basis to bring about mutual understanding, harmony, and satisfaction
is an area in which you can really excel. Counseling or negotiating are talents of yours.

Sun Trine Uranus:

The unusual and unorthodox appeal to you, and you do not allow tradition, convention, or other people's
expectations dictate how you are going to live your life. You crave freedom, adventure, excitement, and
discovery, and are not afraid of change. You possess inventive and creative genius.

Chapter 3: Mental Interests and Abilities

Mercury in Taurus:

Your mind operates in a very deliberate and methodical manner and you dislike being rushed or forced to
give an opinion before you have thoroughly ruminated and digested an idea. You are also difficult to
influence once your mind is made up.

Though slower to grasp new concepts or learn new skills, you are patient and persevering and, in fact,
often become quite adept at whatever you put your mind and hand to, for you are willing to devote much time
and attention to it. You succeed not so much because of your mental brilliance, but because you have the
ability to concentrate and follow a project through to its completion. You have an aptitude for singing or


Mercury in 6th house:

You use your mind to organize, classify, and bring order to your environment. You are interested in the
refinement of your technical skills and abilities and are a stickler for details. Organizational and secretarial
skills, training others in your area of expertise, or work involving teaching and communications are highly
probable for you.

Mercury Square Jupiter:

You have an abundance of ideas, interests, and plans for the future, and may find it difficult to focus on
any particular area. You are not a specialist for you seek to get the broad overview, to see the whole picture
rather than closely examining any of its component parts. Philosophy, religion, or other areas of theoretical
speculation interest you.

You also possess foresight, numerous enterprising ideas, and a gambling instinct, all of which contribute to
your success in the world of business. However, your optimism and grand vision can get you in trouble too;
you sometimes promise more than you can deliver, gloss over important details that come back to haunt you
later, and overestimate the potential of an idea or product.

Traveling is a great love of yours, especially if there is a mind-expanding or educational aspect involved,
and you may travel extensively in your work. Consulting or education would be good fields for you.

Mercury Trine Mars:

You speak clearly, decisively, and convincingly, and thoroughly enjoy a vigorous discussion or debate.
You would be an effective lawyer or public speaker, a salesman of ideas. Others tend to listen to you and
follow your lead, and you have a talent for directing people and making decisions. You also have an aptitude
for writing, especially criticism or satire.

Moon Conjunct Mercury:

You are a natural psychologist or counselor, interested in the inner motivations, feelings, personal life, and
problems of others. You are a sympathetic listener and you also love to discuss (endlessly!) your own
experiences and feelings. You tend to be very personal and subjective in your point of view. You have a
talent for getting others to talk about their lives, dreams, desires, and other things that are personally
meaningful to them. You could be an excellent interviewer, reporter, or biographer. Idle talk and gossip are
your vices.

The study of the past - history, archeology, genealogy, etc. - is of great interest to you. Psychology,
symbolism, mythology, and languages are also areas that you are drawn to.

Chapter 4: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance

Moon in Taurus:

Even tempered and peace loving, you are not easily ruffled and are rarely given to emotional displays. You
have a calming effect on more high-strung or volatile people, and an emotional steadiness that others find
soothing. Though gentle and not easily provoked, you are tremendously stubborn and will resist any change
which requires an emotional adjustment, such as changes in your home life or marriage.

You seek security and loyalty in love, are extremely devoted to your loved ones, and provide a warm,
nurturing atmosphere for them. However, you tend to cling and seek to keep others from changing.

A great deal of physical affection, closeness, and touching is essential to your well-being, and you have a
tendency to overindulge in sensual comforts and pleasures. At times you substitute food for emotional
comfort and love.

Moon in 6th house:

You have a sympathetic nature and instinctively reach out to people in need of help. You also have a
deeply ingrained tendency to want to improve or "fix" other people's lives, which can be annoying to the
person who has no desire to be changed or "helped" in this way. For you, affection and caring must be
expressed in tangible acts or service of some kind.

Moon Trine Mars:

You are assertive and confront difficulties in a direct, no-nonsense sort of way. You cannot tolerate
self-pity or passivity, and you can be rather brusque with others' emotional problems. "Stop crying and DO
something about it" might be your motto.

Moon Trine Neptune:

The beauty and harmony of your surroundings has a very powerful effect on your emotions. You are very
sensitive and cannot stand to be in an atmosphere where there is discord or dissonance. Gentle, kindhearted,
and peace-loving, you will give or sacrifice much in order to avoid a fight and to "make everyone happy".

Venus in Gemini:

In love, you are more interested in a person's sense of humor and intelligence than in their physique. You
like a partner who is mentally alive and who keeps you guessing a little bit, and you become restless and
bored with someone who never asks questions, never changes or surprises you. Talking, sharing ideas, going
places together, and learning new things together is very important to your happiness. You need lots of social
stimulation, are something of a flirt, and like to have many friends of both sexes. A possessive, jealous
partner is very stifling for you.

Venus in 7th house:

You are a very personable, affectionate, loving friend and will always have many people in your life who
love and cherish you. You prefer being with others rather than on your own, and you feel very incomplete
without a special person in your life to share your love with. Being half of a close, loving couple is very

important to you.

You are a peacemaker, the one who adapts, harmonizes, and makes concessions for the sake of the
relationship. Your charm and agreeableness makes you very popular.

Chapter 5: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals

Mars in Virgo:

You are a perfectionist and have high standards for your own work. You often feel that if you want
something done right you must do it yourself, for others do not do as thorough a job as you do. Doing a task
well is very important to you, and you may labor over minute details that others wouldn't bother with. You
strive for accuracy, efficiency, and precision, and you become very irritable when things are not done "right".

On the other hand, you can become so much of a perfectionist and so self-critical that you will not even
attempt many activities and projects, feeling that your efforts simply won't be good enough. You are usually
modest and realistic in assessing what you can accomplish and, if anything, you underestimate yourself. Of
course, practice makes perfect, and if you do apply yourself diligently in some area, you gradually gain
self-confidence as you master skills and develop expertise.

You conserve your energy and pace yourself so that you do not waste or diffuse your efforts. An
unwillingness to take risks or venture from the beaten track can sometimes limit your opportunities. In short,
you may not aim high enough and settle for too little in life.

Mars in 10th house:

You are likely to be known for your drive, energy, ambition, and competitive spirit. A successful career
based on your ability to take initiative, be a leader, or excel in physical strength and prowess is likely. You
most definitely want to be a winner and will work hard to achieve that.

Chapter 6: Other Influences

Jupiter in Aquarius:

Your strength lies in your ability to be innovative, open to new progressive concepts, willing to
experiment and to reject customs and traditions when they cease to serve any positive function in the present.
Also, you have an expansive view of the world, one that includes humanity and not only your own small,
personal circle.

Jupiter in 3rd house:

You have a great love of learning and an eager, curious, active mind which impels you to travel and see as
much of the world as possible. You read widely, and may excel academically. You love being in a
teacher-student relationship and may stay in school for many years, prolonging your studies for as long as
possible! You also communicate well and would be an effective, inspiring teacher.

Public relations or any field involving communications and sharing information also suits you very well.

Saturn in Aries:

You have difficulty asserting your will and desires directly and openly. You also may suppress your anger
and aggressiveness. Developing self-confidence, courage, and faith in yourself are important tasks for you.

Saturn in 5th house:

It may be difficult for you to play spontaneously or just let your hair down, for you tend to inhibit that side
of yourself by being too self-conscious and concerned with the impression you are making.

You may work very hard at some sport or creative medium in order to excel, for you want very, very much
to be noticed, acknowledged, and recognized as special in some way. Though you may indeed be outstanding,
you also need to learn to relax and enjoy yourself more.

Uranus in Aquarius:

You are part of a 7 year group of people who are very bright and inventive, and contribute much to the
sciences. Your age group advances technology at an even greater rate than previous generations, and you
develop extremely large facilities for furthering research and development of new technologies. Increased
cooperation and communication throughout the world assists you in this progress, for most of the
development is made possible by large-scale cooperation rather than single individuals. Concern with barriers
between governments and between members of industry (e.g. labor versus management) is very important to
your age group, and tremendous effort is put into improving the relationships between these various bodies of

Uranus in 3rd house:

You grasp new concepts quickly and are interested in new technologies, discoveries, and innovations.
Unconventional ideas and creative, original approaches to problems are very attractive to you also. You are
easily bored and may have trouble concentrating on one idea or task at a time. You have an inventive mind.

Neptune in Capricorn:

You are part of a 14 year group of people who are conservative and traditional in spiritual aspirations and
religious outlook. Your age group returns to some traditional basics in religion, and also traditional styles in
music and art. Classical music and literature have a revival with your age group, and a great deal of
inspiration is gained from the masters of arts, music, literature, and philosophy throughout history. Your age
group is contemplative and reflective about religious matters and you take an objective and logical approach
to religious issues. Many of you are cynics and critics of spiritual and metaphysical ideas.

Other age groups criticize your group for not having enough heart and compassion. Sometimes this is true
and is evidenced by some unusually crafty and manipulative fraud and deception that occurs in the higher
ranks of governments and large businesses.

Neptune in 2nd house:

You may have a great deal of confusion over money, financial matters, and ownership. Perhaps these
things mean very little to you. Or possibly you simply don't know how to deal with them in a realistic,
effective way.

Also, you may make your living through artistic, musical, or highly imaginative endeavors.

Pluto in Sagittarius:

You are part of a 12 year group of people who have a strong need to feel free and unfettered. As a group,
you are inclined to grandiose plans and you have a great zeal for exploring new opportunities and
possibilities. Your age group has lots of zest and enthusiasm and a very enterprising attitude. Religious
fanatics and philosophical "nuts" are also commonplace in your age group and many of them are highly
successful in influencing others and gaining followers.

Your generation has a deeply rooted sense of the vastness of life and the infinite possibilities that await.
Your age group conjures up grand visions for the future and you draw up great schemes and plans.
Exploration and travel hold great fascination for your age group, and you are eager to see the next horizon.
The next time this astrological influence occurs is in the late 20th century and early 21st century, and these
people will forge ahead with tremendous zeal in exploring outer space, and will strive to bring much that
seemed like science fiction to become actual fact.

Pluto in 12th house:

You have a deep interest in secrets, the underworld or unconscious, and anything hidden and mysterious.
Psychoanalysis, investigating your dreams, and other methods of uncovering secrets are very interesting to
you. You may be exceptionally perceptive intuitively or psychically. Your emotions and subconscious
energies are complex, and periodic transformations and personal crises are sprinkled liberally throughout
your lifetime.

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