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TASK 3 Directions: How did the essay go beyond these biographical

details? Plot the development of the character of Jalandoni between the

period of her birth and death.


At an early age, Magdalena already fell in love with Jose Rizal

Growing Up:

At the age of 10 she already wrote her first corrido titled Padre Juan Kag Beata Maria
(Father Juan and Mother Maria )

As a lady:

At the age of 16 she already wrote her first novel “Mga tunoc sang Isa ca
Bulac” (The Thorns of a Flower). During the pre-Hispanic period the scholarly
activities and writings were for male dominated spheres so Magdalena
Jalandoni was prohibited by her mother from producing more literature so
what she did she would keep her notes at night and she would hide it under
her clothes. At the age of 18 her mother thought that Magdalena would be
ready for marriage so Magdalena agreed but for one condition. Her condition
was the man should write a novel within a year. Happened was no man had
ever written a novel within a year and Magdalena remained single all her life
and wrote 37 novels, 5 autobiographies, 8 narrative poems, 6 corridos, 10
plays, 213 lyric poem, 132 short stories, 9 essays, and 10 melodramas.

At 75:

When she was 75, Magdalena wrote about this leitmotif of losses of losses
and finds in Juanita Cruz, her most mature novel according to scholar Lucila
Hosillos. Concious of the depreciating affluence of Jaro, she wrote about
Juanita who is a binukot of her family, a treasure kept by her father.

At 80:

Magdalena died at the age of 87. She remains the reina of Hiligaynon
literature. No one knows if she once had dreamt of herself as a reina for the
feast of Candelaria, or if she ever imagined of Jose Rizal escorting her down
the plaza.

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