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Submitted by:
Arado, Kurt Robert

Banlasan, Bianca

Cabiluna, Arjay

Lu, Charmaine

Ong, Randy

Patagoc, Elimarie

Submitted to:
Anabelle P. Azuelo
Case 1

If ever opposites work together, it was Ann and Arnold, assistant and manager
respectively. Ann preferred neatness, order and clarity. Arnold resisted all of those conditions; he
believed that creativity and spontaneity were hindered by too much rigidity.

The two genuinely like each other’s team up. Each felt their differences were
complementary to some extent. In most areas, there was some tension, but eventually they
reached satisfactory agreements. Preparing reports was the one exception. It was a constant
source of irritation to Anne, who could work well only when she had clear directions to follow. In
contrast, too much careful organization and systematic preplanning made Arnold feel rushed
and restricted.

As in most situations, neither person is completely right or wrong. There are benefits to
Ann’s organization and Arnold’s flexibility. A middle ground is desirable, but it will be difficult,
and perhaps impossible to reach.

How might the difficulty these two individuals face be tempered? Who is in the right
position to take the right initiative? What form of management can influence Arnold without
necessarily and personally infringing his style? How should Ann handle the problem and work
toward a smoother functioning with Arnold constructively and critically? What could Ann
suggest to Arnold concerning the importance of allowing more time to complete reports? When
and how should she make these suggestions? How can Ann’s organizational tendencies be used
to best advantage and still allow for creativity?

o To solve the difficulty between the two office mates

o To know who is in the right position to take initiative

Statement of the Problem:

The different personality traits between two individuals which can hinder the success of
their work specially in preparing reports.

Course of Action:

1. Both Ann and Arnold will adjust to each other’s differences.

a. They can work efficiently because their ideas will not contrast on how to prepare the reports.
b. They can easily adapt in dealing with other people with the same behavior.

a. There is a possibility that no work will be done because one will give way to the other and vice-
b. As stated with the previous statement, that may cause inefficiency with their work.

2. Ann, being the assistant will adjust to her boss.

a. Arnold will not be pressured anymore.
b. Arnold can work more efficiently and effectively without his “feeling of nagging” from Ann.
c. Conflict will not arise anymore.

a. It will be hard for Ann to adjust because she is used being systematic.
b. There is a possibility that deadlines will not be meet because of the attitude of Arnold.
c. The business may suffer since Arnold does not want too much careful organization and
systematic preplanning.

3. As the manager, Arnold will be the one to adjust with Ann.

a. They can meet with the deadline since Ann is systematic in her work.
b. They will not have conflict with their work ways.
c. Ann will be motivated to work.

a. It will be hard for Arnold to adjust because he might feel pressured.
b. Arnold may feel dominated by his subordinate.

The person who is in the right position to take the right initiative to adjust with an office
mate must be Arnold since he is the manager. One of his responsibilities being the manager is
that he must try to understand each person he/she works with as every individual is unique.
Therefore, a vital part in this relationship to be successful is their communication. Arnold and
Ann must talk about the problem but not necessarily during office hours because they may not
still be able to understand well. An advisable way of talking about this is just a casual
conversation, which they will not be pressured with their work. With Ann’s organizational
tendencies, Arnold must be thankful that he has an assistant with that kind of attitude. Ann
should stress to Arnold that planning is important because it helps organization succeed, it
provides direction and sense of purpose, helps managers cope with change and contributes to
performance and other management functions and planning in making reports is not an
exception for that. With this, Arnold is applying the contingency approach wherein the managers
applies something in the business because it is the best way to plan in a particular firm’s
environment, given the firm’s people, resources, managerial values, and specific problems.


We therefore conclude that by varying the management styles in response to differences

in employees, superiors and peers is important and this is one of the key elements that the
manager can be successful in handling people. Through good relationship and communication
with your employees, it is not hard to attain the goals of the company.

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