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COM 201 Take-home Assessment #1

Before you begin, be sure to complete the vocabulary practice sheet(s). You will need to use COM
vocabulary on the assessment to get a good result. You can use your COM Textbook and any material on
our LMS. (No other sources are allowed – and will be severely penalized.) Direct copying of any source is
a violation of PSU regulations.


Read the scenario below and decide what communication problems are shown. There may be more
than one. Then, write 1 paragraph (about 150 words) explaining the actions. Include necessary
definitions and include an example.

Your score is determined by this rubric (and converted to a % score).

4-5 Marks 2-3 Marks 1 Mark 0 Marks

Answer shows both accurate Answer shows accurate Answer shows partial recall Answer does not reflect
recall and ability to interpret recall of information, but or partial understanding understanding of the
and apply the concept(s) and little or no interpretation - answer is incomplete or concept or the
vocabulary is made – inflexible - not focused on the right vocabulary needed to
- evidenced by originality, -answer appears to be area – noticeably shorter discuss the question
examples and paraphrasing memorized or copied, than required
vocabulary too general


John is on vacation in Japan but he can’t speak Japanese. He leaves his hotel for a walk and is soon
completely lost. He stops an old man in the park and asks for help. The man just looks at him, says
something in Japanese and sighs. John smiles and sighs too. Then the man points at a police station
across the street, nods his head and smiles. John smiles and nods his head and they wave goodbye.

Write your answer in the space below and SAVE.

The key problems in this scenario are:

 John and the old man are from diverse background –culturally and linguistically
 Creating the meaning and context using codes and finding solution
 Demonstrating communication competence in a demanding situation is challenging task

Context: John understood that he is lost and needs help by establishing interpersonal communication
with someone to get back to his hotel safely.
Action: He communicates with an old man who spoke in Japanese. Instantly John decoded that the
receiver is from diverse background –culturally and linguistically. Although John and the old man speak
different language, they were still able to communicate using non-verbal communication using codes.

John interprets the non-verbal cues of the old man’s sigh and acknowledged with a smile and sigh as
feedback. This shows both of them have understood the problem and context. A closure is established
with meaning clearly communicated between them. Then the old man provided solution by pointing
towards police station with a nod and smile. John demonstrated communication competence with nod
and waving goodbye. His communication and self-perception was good that helped him in this situation.

Personally, from my own travelling experience to India, I have used symbolism and signs to
communicate the meaning and found help from culturally and linguistically varied people. And I strongly
believe that language is only a part of communication but the non-verbal communication completes our
message and meaning.

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