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The Therapeutic Crisis Intervention System

The Residential Child Care Project • Family Life Development Center •Cornell University
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention System
Edition 6

Information Bulletin

The Residential Child Care Project

Family Life Development Center
College of Human Ecology
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA
©Family Life Development Center, 2009
TCI, Edition 6, 2009
Module One: Crisis Prevention

Preface 5

Research Foundations of TCI

TCI Implementation Study 7
Learning From Tragedy: The Results of a National Study of Fatalities in
Out-of-Home Care 13

TCI System Implementation

Implementation Criteria 24
Questions for Implementation Assessment 28

Leadership and Program Support 31

Services Offered 31
Model Policy on the Use of Physical Intervention 32

Clinical Participation 34
Services Offered 34

Supervision and Post Crisis Support 36

Services Offered 36

Training and Competency Standards 37

Services Offered 37
TCI Trainer Certification Process 39

Documentation, Incident Monitoring, and Feedback 40

Bibliography 41

TCI Faculty, Instructors, and Staff 54

4 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
Preface Preface

The Family Life Development Center Research

The Family Life Development Center (FLDC) was
established by New York State legislation in 1974.
The Center’s mission is to improve professional and
public efforts to understand and deal with risk and
protective factors in the lives of children, youth,
families, and communities that affect family strength, Evaluation Outreach
child wellbeing, and youth development. The
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) system is one
Figure 1. Research, Practice, and Evaluation Cycle
of several programs delivered by the FLDC relevant
to the lives of children, families, and care agencies.

In the early 1980s, under a grant from the National research. In-house and external evaluations have been
Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, Cornell essential in modifying intervention strategies and
University developed the TCI crisis prevention protocols to improve the TCI system’s effectiveness
and intervention model for residential child care for a wide range of organizations (see Figure 1).
organizations as part of the Residential Child Care Since the curriculum’s inception there have been five
Project (RCCP). The TCI system assists organizations major revisions. The revision process has generally
in preventing crises from occurring, de-escalating included (a) examining the evaluation results and
potential crises, managing acute physical behavior, research conducted by the RCCP, (b) reviewing
reducing potential and actual injury to young related literature and research, (c) conducting surveys
people and staff, teaching young people adaptive of organizations using the TCI system, (d) talking to
coping skills, and developing a learning organization. other crisis management training providers, and (e)
This model gives organizations a framework for convening experts for consultation and review.
implementing a crisis prevention and management
system that reduces the need to rely on high-risk

The RCCP supports vigorous and ongoing in-house

evaluation of TCI training and implementation
efforts through testing participants’ knowledge and
skills, a certification program, formal assessment,
and direct monitoring of agencies’ use of high-
risk interventions. The RCCP seeks to maintain
a leadership role in discovering new knowledge,
establishing new approaches to knowledge
dissemination, and developing innovative programs
to enable child caring agencies to serve children,
youth, and families more effectively by building
strong linkages among research, outreach activities,
and evaluation efforts. These relationships are viewed
as cyclical: research leads to the development of
innovative and effective outreach programs, which are
carefully evaluated. Evaluation activities contribute
directly to the adaptation and improvement of
outreach programs and may also contribute to new

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 5




TCI Training of Trainers [TxT] TCI Training for Family TCI Assessment and IAB provides training and technical CARE (Children and Residential
Care Providers Implementation assistance to governmental bodies in the Experiences: Creating Conditions for
Regularly On-Site Package prevention, investigation and remediation of Change)
TCI training without physical
Scheduled Training maltreatment in out-of-home care.
intervention techniques for The most comprehensive TCI The CARE component works directly with
Training More adults providing care for package offered. It includes child caring organizations to establish a
Basic TCI training, comprehensive young people in their homes. assessment, training, Technical safe, developmentally appropriate, and
offered at than basic TCI, it This program is also offered implementation, and trauma sensitive framework for practice
• Essentials of Assistance
locations includes as an Update. technical assistance that serves the best interest of the child.
Institutional • Investigations
throughout assessment, follow-up for a 1-1/2 to Abuse •Case Reviews
the U.S. and planning, and 2-year period. •Workshops •Fatality
abroad. training of trainers •Community Reviews
on location. Seminars •Prevention

Updates* Workshops
A TxT addition to Professional
basic TCI. development
Topics focus on programs for
current issues. TCI-trained
*Required to practitioners.
maintain Not a TxT
trainer program.

TxT = Training of Trainers

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
Figure 2. RCCP Programs
Research Foundations of TCI Research Foundations of TCI

TCI Implementation Study s a result of the implementation of TCI, the facility

would see:

Project Overview • fewer physical restraint episodes after

implementation and training
The purpose of the implementation and evaluation • fewer injuries to children and staff as a result of
project involving Cornell University’s Family Life physical restraints
Development Center and a residential facility in • increased knowledge and skill on the part of facility
the Northeastern Region of the United States was personnel to handle crisis episodes effectively, and
to introduce a crisis prevention and management • an attitude change among staff and supervisors on
program, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI), into the use of physical action in crisis situations
a residential setting and evaluate its effect.
It was recognized that, immediately after TCI
eveloped by Cornell University under a grant from
D training and implementation, the facility might see
the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect an increase in the numbers of incident reports due to
in the early 1980s, TCI is a crisis prevention and better reporting, documentation, and monitoring of
intervention model for residential child care facilities incidents.
that assists organizations in preventing crises from
occurring, de-escalating potential crises, managing
acute physical behavior, and reducing potential and What Was Cornell’s Implementation and
actual injury to children and staff. This model gives Evaluation Plan?
child and youth care staff the skills, knowledge, and he implementation and evaluation project was
attitudes to help young people when they are at their designed to be completed in three phases over 18
most destructive. It also provides child care workers months, from October 1994 to March 31, 1996 (See
an appreciation of the influence that adults have Figure 3 on page 8).
with children who are troubled, and the sensitivity to
respond to both the feelings and behavior of a youth The pre-implementation phase: During the
in crisis. In all phases of this process, from prevention, first phase of this project (October, 1994 to March,
to de-escalation, to therapeutic crisis management, 1995) prior to implementation of TCI, Cornell
the program is oriented toward residential child care staff collected incident reports, and developed a
personnel helping the child learn developmentally computer-based data collection instrument to
appropriate and constructive ways to deal with facilitate analysis and record incidents.
feelings of frustration, failure, anger, and pain.
The training and implementation phase:
During the second phase of this project (March
What Did Cornell Expect TCI To Accomplish? 1995 to September 1995), Cornell staff met with the
As a result of implementing TCI, it was anticipated residential care staff to administer pre-tests, conduct
that agency staff would be able to prevent, de-escalate, interviews (all tests and interviews were confidential
and manage crisis situations with children and young and anonymous). Four trainers from the organization
people in residential care. More specifically, child care attended Training of Trainers in Therapeutic Crisis
workers and supervisors would: Intervention workshops sponsored by the Residential
Child Care Project. Throughout the training and
• more effectively manage and prevent crisis
implementation phase all levels of residential child
situations with children
care personnel attended TCI training conducted by
• feel more confident in their ability to manage crisis
the Cornell-trained residential staff. In addition,
situations, and
supervisors attended special sessions conducted by
• work as a team to prevent, de-escalate, and manage
Cornell staff to consider implementation, monitoring,
acute crises
and supervisory issues.

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 7
Research Foundations of TCI

Overview of Evaluation Design and Timeline

Month: 1 6 12 18

• Incident baseline Implementation and Training • Incident post-data

data (6 months before (6 months after full
implementation and Pre-post to test mastery of crisis implementation)
training) intervention training • Post-implementation
• Interviews with child confidence and knowledge
care staff data
• Pre-implementation
confidence data

Figure 3.Overview of Evaluation Design and Timeline

The post-implementation phase: The post- crisis intervention practices and to assess whether
implementation phase (October 1995 to March the project had reached its goals. This multi-method
1996) began after staff had been trained and the approach gave the implementation team methods to
program had been implemented. Cornell staff check and recheck the reliability of both qualitative
administered post-tests and conducted interviews. and quantitative data gathered. It also offered the
Technical assistance was available throughout the project team tools to study the phenomenon of crisis
life of the project as needed both via telephone events within an organization.
and on-site. Incident data were collected from
October 1, 1995 to March, 1996 and contrasted to Methodology: Evaluation of Outcomes
the incident data collected prior to implementation.
Confidence scales and knowledge based post-tests he incident reports, the pre- and post-
data collection continued at periodic intervals. implementation interviews with staff and supervisors,
the confidence scale and the pre- and post-training
Throughout the life of this 18-month project, knowledge tests were the principal data collection
incidents were input in a data collection set in order methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the crisis
to track the types and numbers of incidents and intervention methodology. The effectiveness of the
the effects of TCI implementation. An advisory/ project’s implementation process was measured by
implementation group selected by the agency’s positive changes in staff confidence levels, a decrease
director, and made up of supervisors and clinical staff,
met with Cornell staff throughout the project to help
facilitate the project. Multi-Method Evaluation
I ntegral to the implementation of this TCI
methodology was a multi-method evaluation Incident Learning and
design which (a) provided baseline and follow-up Review Confidence
data on crisis episodes within the residential care Tests
agency for an 18-month period; and (b) evaluated
the effectiveness of both the crisis intervention
methodology and the strategy for its implementation
via training and technical assistance (See Figure 4). Interviews
The evaluation design was a mix of qualitative and
quantitative methods designed to discover current Figure 4.Multi-Method Evaluation

8 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
Research Foundations of TCI

in the number of restraint episodes, and an increase in sized not-for-profit organizations throughout North
the knowledge and skill levels of staff ( See Table 1 on America, a major question remains about the process
page 10). of implementation and the incidence reduction
results being generalizable to other organizations.
What Did Cornell Learn? The agency did volunteer for TCI implementation,
and by doing so is a self-selected group. An argument
uring the 18-month implementation period in
D could be made that this agency would have achieved
which Cornell worked with the residential agency, the same results with any other crisis prevention and
the following results were evident: increased staff management system simply because it was ready to
confidence, greater consistency in approaching incorporate an agency-wide program.
children in crisis, documented reductions in
incidents, increased staff knowledge of crisis ther fundamental questions remain, for example,
dynamics, and an in-house training system (See Table about whether the incidence reductions were due
2 on page 11). to TCI’s prevention and de-escalation strategies,
or whether the existing leadership through tighter
Confidence supervision and monitoring alone could have
• Staff members were more confident in their ability produced the same reduction. What is necessary is a
to manage crisis situations methodology that incorporates a more sophisticated
• Staff members increased their confidence as a team pre- and post-design with a sample of organizations
in handling crisis situations in differing geographic areas throughout North
America. The basic pre-post design might
Consistency in approaching children in crisis
follow a staggered schedule of training for units
• Staff members and supervisors indicated a more within an agency, as well as for differing agencies.
consistent approach to children in crisis Implementing this design can help maintain the
internal validity of the project, while supporting
Reductions in incidents
its evaluation and monitoring strategies. Such a
• Evidence of reductions in fighting, serious verbal
staggered approach to training is often necessitated
abuse, restraints, and assaults was documented in
by institutional concerns of scheduling and resources,
the three units that implemented TCI
but can be used to the advantage of the evaluation
• Statistically significant reductions in physical
effort. The strength of this design derives from the
restraints occurred in Unit B
ability to compare baseline data with follow-up
Increased staff knowledge and the development data within each group, but also adds a meaningful
of an in-house training system comparison between the follow-up data of like
• Staff members increased their knowledge of crisis agencies and units. If these two comparisons yield
intervention, and this increase in knowledge similar results, then rival hypotheses regarding
persisted up to 10 months after training was differences between the groups or temporal changes
completed other than the training can be ruled out.
• Selected supervisory staff members learned basic
Future evaluation design could well be carried out
and sophisticated techniques to conduct effective
by independent evaluation staff. The introduction
and long-lasting training programs
of control or comparison organizations into the
evaluation methodology, and an independent
Study Limitations evaluator would provide more confidence in any
here are limitations with the evaluation
T results.
methodology in this study. Although the agency
appears representative of numerous small to medium-

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 9
Research Foundations of TCI

Overview of the Evaluation Design

Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluating a Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Methodology in a Residential Child Care

Information Agency and Effective Confidence Teamwork Restraint Increased

Domains Personnel Management Episodes Knowledge
Profile and Skill

Instrument General General General General Incident Multiple

Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Report Choice Pre-
and Interview and Interview and Interview Post-test
Guide Guide Guide

Type of Data Demographic Qualitative & Qualitative & Qualitative & Quantitative Quantitative
Gathered Data Quantitative Quantitative Quantitative Number of
(Likert scale) (Likert scale) (Likert scale) Correct

Type of Score Single Item Total Score Total Score Total Score Total Item Analysis
Produced Indicators Episodes and Total
from Pre- to

Data Synthesis and Findings Summary

1. Report findings which support or refute projected outcomes or hypotheses.
2. Report on questions raised that warrant further study.
3. Develop an information management system to assess incidents for a residential child care agency.

Table 1.Overview of the Evaluation Design

10 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
Research Foundations of TCI

Results of Implementation and Evaluation Project


Supervisors report: Confidence: Tests indicate significantly Documented reductions over the 18
• an increase in staff skills increased levels of confidence in: month study in:
• a consistent strategy for interven- • managing crisis • fighting
tion • working with co-workers to manage • serious verbal threats
• higher level of practice standards crisis • physical assaults
• knowledge of agency policy and • runaways
procedures for the entire agency
Workers report: • helping children learn to cope
• more consistent incident reporting
• consistency in follow-up Training: Knowledge tests indicate: Statistically significant reductions in
• a significant increase from pre- to physical restraint reports in Unit B over
post-test in learning scores the 18 month period
Supervisors and workers reported • only a 5% drop in learning after 10
differing perceptions of whether a months
debriefing session occurred and how • after training, 87% of participants Statistically significant increases in
effective it was plan to use the knowledge and skills physical restraint reports occurred in
• after training, 93% reported they Unit A (contrast group) over the 18
were able to use the knowledge and month period
• TCI was implemented in Units B, C, skills
• TCI was not implemented in Unit A

Table 2.Results of Implmentation and Evaluation Project

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 11
Research Foundations of TCI

Project Successes kinds of incidents. This simple design can be used

by clinical or administrative staff to assess the impact
Leadership. Despite the limitations of our
of their decisions, policies, or plans, on caregiver/
evaluation methodology, the success of this project
child interactions. For example, this monitoring
points to the necessary elements of leadership,
and evaluation design can offer administration the
cooperation, and collaboration among executive,
capacity to track periods of the day when children
clinical, and supervisory staff within an organization.
and staff may be more vulnerable. Using this type of
Through the executive leadership the project
data in management decisions is not a new concept
gained remarkable access to the inner workings
and has been in the human services literature during
of a residential agency. The executive director
the past decade with the rise of computer-based
clearly understood and supported the notion that
information management and quality assurance
any crisis prevention and management system
systems. A crisis intervention strategy is a necessary
needed to be consistent with the organization’s
and critical aspect of a residential child care agency’s
mission and philosophy of child care, and had to be
treatment and behavior management for children
supported through clear and well-known policies
who have the potential for aggressive and self-
and procedures. Through the executive director’s
destructive behavior.
leadership, time and money were allocated to
allow the entire residential services staff to attend
TCI training delivered by agency TCI trainers. Conclusions
Supervisors supported the project by implementing learly, this modest study showed that this
the behavior management and intervention strategies organization benefited from the implementation of
on a unit basis. TCI trainers who were also agency TCI during the study period. The benefits were
supervisors then were able to monitoring their use evident on different levels. Direct care staff increased
on a day-to-day basis. The supervisor-trainer then and retained their crisis intervention knowledge and
was able to integrate what was learned on the unit techniques, and they were more confident in their
into subsequent training and refresher courses offered ability to manage crises as they arose. Staff reported
to agency staff. Executive staff, supervisors, clinical that their confidence working with colleagues
staff, and direct care workers, as well as project as a team increased, and overall there was a more
implementation and evaluation staff shared leadership consistent approach to children in crisis across units,
and learning throughout the organization. and among staff shifts within units. In addition
TCI principles and organizational mission. to building staff knowledge and confidence levels,
It was obvious from the project that one of the selected supervisory staff learned techniques for
important lessons from implementation was that the conducting effective training programs and assisting
organization leadership, clinical, and supervisory staff staff cope with crises. This project provides limited
had little difficulty with TCI’s essential philosophy but promising evidence that increasing staff workers’
that a child’s behavior is an expression of a child’s knowledge and skills, improving their confidence, and
needs. Implementation success as measured by a utilizing comprehensive prevention, de-escalation,
reduction in incidents may suffer if any organization crisis, and post-crisis strategies and techniques can
finds this philosophy too much of a concept shift. result in substantial reductions in the most aggressive
child behavior and offer significant reductions in
Incident monitoring. Another significant physical restraint interventions.
outcome is the development of a monitoring
and evaluation system to assess the impact and
effectiveness of an agency’s crisis prevention
and management intervention system, and on
quantifiable outcomes such as the frequency and

12 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
Research Foundations of TCI

This article was originally published in a journal published by

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THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 13
Research Foundations of TCI

Child Abuse & Neglect 30 (2006) 1333–1342

Learning from tragedy: A survey of child and
adolescent restraint fatalities

Michael A. Nunno ∗ , Martha J. Holden, Amanda Tollar
Residential Child Care Project, Family Life Development Center, College of Human Ecology,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Received 3 March 2005; received in revised form 3 February 2006; accepted 24 February 2006
Available online 15 November 2006
Objective: This descriptive study examines 45 child and adolescent fatalities related to restraints in residential
(institutional) placements in the United States from 1993 to 2003.
Method: The study team used common Internet search engines as its primary case discovery strategy to determine

the frequency and the nature of the fatalities, as well as the characteristics of the children and the adolescents
Results: Male children and adolescents were over-represented in the study sample. Thirty-eight of the fatalities
occurred during or after a physical restraint, and 7 fatalities occurred during the use of mechanical restraints.
Twenty-eight of the deaths occurred in a prone restraint. In 25 of the fatalities, asphyxia was the cause of death.
Conclusion: In the 23 cases in this study where information is available, none of the child behaviors or conditions
that prompted the restraint would meet the standard of danger to self or others: the commonly accepted criteria

for the use of a restraint. The study points to deficiencies in fatality reporting, recommends reporting fatalities
to established state child fatality review boards, and reinforces that restraints be governed by strict protocol and

monitoring. The study also urges caution to policymakers in substituting or changing restraint procedures based on
the incomplete data reported in this study.
© 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Restraint deaths; Child deaths in residential care; Deaths in institutions; Fatalities in institutions

Corresponding author.

0145-2134/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

14 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
Research Foundations of TCI

1334 M.A. Nunno et al. / Child Abuse & Neglect 30 (2006) 1333–1342


The use of restraint as a behavioral management technique with institutionalized children and adoles-
cents is frequently associated with controversy. Restraints are defined as any manual method or physical
or mechanical device, material, or equipment attached or adjacent to the patient’s body that he or she
cannot easily remove that restricts freedom of movement or normal access to one’s body (United States

General Accounting Office, 1999). Proponents of restraint techniques assert that certain therapeutic bene-
fits can occur with these interventions, arguing, for example, that restraints encourage children to verbalize
and act out strong feelings, thus promoting coping skills and internal means of self-control (Millstein &

Cotton, 1990; Sourander, Aurela, & Piha, 1996; Steele, 1993). Others maintain that physical and mechan-
ical restraints are necessary options for a safe and therapeutic residential environment (Brown, Genel,
& Riggs, 2000; Hastings, 1996; Heilbrun, 1995; Kupfersmid & Monkman, 1988). However, issues dis-
cussed in the recent medical, legal, and psychological literatures question the relative benefits and risks of
restraints, raise constitutional issues about its legality, and cast doubt on the effectiveness of physical and
mechanical restraints for extinguishing or modifying aggressive and violent behavior (Day, 2002; Kennedy

& Mohr, 2001; Mohr, Mahon, & Noone, 1998; Mohr, Petti, & Mohr, 2003). The critics of restraints argue
that children, especially children with histories of abuse and neglect, perceive these interventions to
be aggressive and punitive, creating an environment that may impede effective treatment (Fox, 2004;
Goren, Singh, & Best, 1993). In addition, professional organizations, certification boards, and providers
of aggression prevention programs for residential institutions have frequently raised concerns about the
risk of severe physical and psychological injury and death when restraints are used on children (Holden
et al., 2001; Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 1998; National Institute of
Nursing Research, 1994; Nunno & Holden, 2003; Paterson, 2000; Paterson & Leadbetter, 1998).

An October 1998 Hartford Courant (Weiss, Altimari, Blint, & Megan, 1998) investigative series and a
report by the United States General Accounting Office (United States General Accounting Office, 1999)
increased public interest in and prompted congressional and state legislative concern about the use of
restraints and seclusion among both child and adult populations in residential facilities. These reports
provided evidence for restraint reduction initiatives in various states. Although these public reports and
the medical literature have documented and identified common elements of deaths when restraints are

used in adult populations (O’Halloran & Frank, 2000), few studies have focused on determining the
nature and the cause of restraint fatalities in children (Mohr, Petti, & Mohr, 2003).


This study seeks to answer two fundamental questions. Who are the children and young people who
die in physical and mechanical restraints, and how do they die? Restraints are safety, therapeutic, or

control interventions in children’s child welfare, corrections and psychiatric facilities. A death during a
safety, therapeutic, or control intervention requires serious scrutiny. Knowing the frequency and nature
of, as well as the circumstances surrounding children’s restraint fatalities would provide valuable safety
and risk information that may prevent future tragedy. Previous studies of adult fatalities ignore the size,
anatomical and developmental concerns of children. A secondary goal of the study is to inform the debate
on the utility and safety of restraints in children’s facilities, especially floor restraints in either the prone
or supine position.

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Research Foundations of TCI

M.A. Nunno et al. / Child Abuse & Neglect 30 (2006) 1333–1342 1335


In 1999 the study team mailed surveys to over 160 state agency commissioners and directors within the
50 states responsible for governing or regulating child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health, and mental
retardation facilities in their respective states. The 1999 mailed survey uncovered eight fatalities between
1993 and 1999, all of which were previously reported in the Hartford Currant Series, and are reported here.

Since the study resources were limited and the mailed survey discovered no new or additional fatalities,
the study team looked to publicly reported news sources to uncover fatalities, and to learn details and
circumstances surrounding these deaths.

Starting in 2000 the study team searched common Internet search engines such as GoogleTM and
electronic news archives such as Lexus/NexusTM to discover child fatalities reported in community,
regional, state and national newspapers and national newsgathering organizations.
Keywords restraint deaths, child deaths in residential care, and deaths in institutions were entered to
discover child restraint fatalities in the United States from 1993 to 2003. No fatality report was rejected
if it described a male or female 18 years or younger who resided in the care of public and private child

welfare, mental health, mental retardation, developmental disability, and juvenile corrections facilities.
Details, circumstances and characteristics reported in the news articles were taken at face value. There was
no verification of the accuracy of news articles. For example, the study team did not interview parents,
police, or facility officials to confirm the reported fatality details, or to obtain additional information.
Characteristics associated with each fatality were placed in an electronic database according to five
domains: child characteristics, staff characteristics, restraint and facility characteristics, circumstances
surrounding the event, and type of review mechanism. Follow-up Internet searches on the fatalities using
specific child, staff, and facility names revealed additional information such as civil and criminal outcomes.

When this information was known, it was entered in the database. If new information contradicted original
or previous information, the new information was entered without deleting the original information.
Approximately 1 year after the anniversary of the fatality, the study team also requested in writing any
public inquiry findings on each fatality from state agency Commissioner’s or Director’s offices governing
or regulating the facility where the fatality occurred.


Forty-five child or adolescent fatalities between 1993 and 2003 were found that involved physical or
mechanical restraints to contain or control behavior, movement, or location prior to the child’s death (see

Table 1). Death often occurred while still in the restraint, but in some cases the child lost consciousness
while being restrained and then death occurred days, weeks, or months later.

Children’s age and sex

The mean age for this fatality sample was 14.2 years (SD = 2.92 years), and ages ranged from 6 to 18
years. The majority of fatalities were males (n = 32; 71%), whose ages ranged from 6 to 17 with a mean
age of 13.4 years (SD = 3.09 years). The female fatalities (n = 13; 29%) ranged in ages from 14 to 18 with
a mean age of 16.1 (SD = 1.12 years). The age difference between males and females was statistically
significant (t = 2.99, df = 43; p = .005).

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1336 M.A. Nunno et al. / Child Abuse & Neglect 30 (2006) 1333–1342

Table 1
Restraint and seclusion fatalities, 1993–2003 (n = 45)
Year State Out of state Age Gender Cause of death Type of Position of Seclusion
placement restraint restraint
1993 Texas Unknown 16 Female Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Prone

1993 Colorado No 17 Male Asphyxia Physical Prone Yes
1993 Pennsylvania Yes 12 Male Asphyxia Physical Prone
1994 New York Unknown 15 Male Asphyxia Physical Unknown
1994 Kansas Unknown 17 Male Asphyxia Physical Prone

1994 Washington No 12 Male Hyperthermia Mechanical Supine
1995 Massachusetts Yes 9 Male Sudden death Mechanical Unknown
1995 Michigan Unknown 9 Male Compression asphyxia Physical Prone
1996 Minnesota Unknown 17 Female Unknown Unknown Prone
1996 Minnesota Unknown 17 Female Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Prone
1996 Texas Unknown 17 Male Compression asphyxia Physical Prone
1996 Texas No 16 Male Asphyxia Mechanical Unknown

1997 Texas Unknown 16 Female Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Prone Yes
1997 Pennsylvania Unknown 18 Female Asphyxia Physical Prone
1997 Iowa No 13 Male Unknown
on Physical Unknown
1997 Texas Unknown 17 Male Positional asphyxia Physical Unknown
1997 California No 6 Male Mechanical asphyxia Mechanical Seated
1997 Massachusetts Yes 12 Male Restraint asphyxia Physical Prone
1998 Arizona Yes 15 Female Restraint asphyxia Physical Prone
1998 Florida No 17 Female Restraint asphyxia Physical Baskethold
1998 New Jersey No 17 Female Restraint asphyxia Physical Prone
1998 Pennsylvania Yes 14 Male Compression asphyxia Physical Prone

1998 Kansas Unknown 16 Male Unknown Physical Unknown

1998 Connecticut No 11 Male Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Prone Yes
1998 Ohio No 14 Male Unknown Mechanical Supine
1998 Massachusetts No 16 Male Blunt trauma Physical Prone Yes
1998 North Carolina No 16 Male Restraint asphyxia Mechanical Prone
1999 California No 16 Female Positional asphyxia Physical Prone
1999 North Carolina Unknown 9 Male Asphyxia Physical Baskethold Yes

2000 North Carolina No 15 Female Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Unknown

2000 Oregon No 15 Male Internal bleeding Physical Prone
2000 Wisconsin Yes 17 Male Due to exertion Physical Prone

2000 Texas Yes 9 Male Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Prone

2000 Florida No 12 Male Compression asphyxia Physical Prone
2000 Texas No 14 Male Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Side Yes

2001 Texas Yes 16 Female Due to exertion Physical Unknown

2001 Maryland No 17 Male Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Prone
2001 Iowa No 11 Male Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Unknown
2002 Texas No 15 Female Mechanical asphyxia Physical Prone

2002 Texas No 14 Female Mechanical asphyxia Physical Prone Yes

2002 Nebraska No 13 Male Compression asphyxia Physical Unknown
2002 Texas No 17 Male Asphyxia Physical Prone
2002 Texas No 14 Male Restraint asphyxia Physical Prone
2002 Pennsylvania No 14 Male Cardiac arrhythmia Physical Unknown
2003 South Carolina Yes 9 Male Positional asphyxia Physical Prone

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Reason for placement

All of the children were identified as having behavioral, emotional, psychiatric, or developmental
disorders that contributed to their placement in out-of-home care. Nevertheless, the exact diagnosis or
reason for placement was difficult to determine for almost all children. At the time of their death, over
half of the children (n = 24) were placed in facilities located within their home state, while nine children

were placed outside of their home state. In the remainder of the fatalities (n = 13), the facility location in
relation to the child’s home state could not be determined.

Facility type and location

Of the 45 fatalities, 36% occurred in psychiatric facilities, 24% in residential treatment centers, 18%
in Group or foster homes, 11% in juvenile corrections facilities, 7% in wilderness camps, and 4% in
community school programs for developmentally delayed children.
Fatalities from 22 states were included; 13 states had one fatality, and 5 states had two or more

fatalities. Four states accounted for 48% of the total fatalities. Texas (n = 12) accounted for 27% of
the fatalities; Pennsylvania (n = 4), North Carolina (n = 3) and Massachusetts (n = 3) accounted for
22%. Three facilities experienced 2 or more fatalities during the 10-year period. In Texas, two orga-
nizations accounted for 3 fatalities each. In Pennsylvania, one facility reported 2 restraint-related
Immediate cause of death

The cause of death could be confirmed by a reported autopsy in 41 cases. The cause of death was
asphyxia in 25 cases. Asphyxia is “a lack of oxygen or excess of carbon dioxide in the body that is
usually caused by interruption of breathing and that causes unconsciousness” (United States National
Library of Medicine, 2004). Of the 25 asphyxia-related deaths, subcategories were reported of positional
asphyxia (n = 3), compression asphyxia (n = 6), restraint asphyxia (n = 6), mechanical asphyxia (n = 3), or
unspecified asphyxia (n = 7). Cardiac arrest was the cause of death in 10 fatalities. The remaining fatalities

were caused by exertion (n = 2), blunt trauma (n = 1), internal bleeding (n = 1), hyperthermia (n = 1), or
sudden death (n = 1).

Type of restraint and position of the child


The type of restraint and the position of the child during the restraint can provide valuable safety infor-
mation, so it is instructive that children and adolescents died in both physical and mechanical restraints,
as well as in the seated, prone, or supine position.

Physical restraints were implicated in 38 of the 45 fatalities. These physical restraints occurred on
the floor in a prone position (n = 27) or in a seated or basket hold position (n = 2). In nine physi-
cal restraints, the position of the child was unknown. No physical restraint fatality was described as
In 6 of the 45 fatalities, mechanical apparatus or restraints were used that involved cloth or VelcroTM
straps, a mattress, handcuffs, leather straps, or a wheelchair. Of these 6 deaths, 2 occurred in a supine
(face-up) position, 1 in a prone position, 1 while the child was seated in a wheelchair, and in 2 fatalities

18 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
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1338 M.A. Nunno et al. / Child Abuse & Neglect 30 (2006) 1333–1342

the position was unknown. In one prone fatality it could not be determined if the restraint was physical
or mechanical.

Other factors present in the fatality

Other factors were present in the child and adolescent deaths, although the extent to which they

contributed to the fatality cannot be determined. Examples of these factors include child agitation prior to
or during the restraint (n = 27), multiple adults active in the restraint (n = 17), and/or dangerous techniques
employed such as choking the child or placing weight or positional pressure on the child’s upper torso,

neck, chest, or back (n = 29). More specifically, of the 27 prone-related deaths related to physical restraints,
7 fatalities involved between 2 and 8 staff lying on the child, 6 fatalities involved staff crossing the child’s
arms across the child’s chest while prone, and 4 of the prone fatalities involved a staff member sitting
on the child who was lying on the ground. One prone position death was attributed to a standing hold
followed by the staff falling on the child. Two of the prone fatalities were the result of a neck or chokehold.
Further, signs of breathing restrictions or distress were present since in 13 fatalities in which the

child is reported to have said “I can’t breathe” prior to unconsciousness or death. Vomiting occurred
in 6 of the fatalities, and 4 children turned blue during the restraint. Additional details in the fatalities
were reported such as the child’s medication use (n = 10), lack of knowledge about the child’s medical
condition (n = 8), and/or a failure or inability to initiate emergency medical procedures (n = 7). Seven of
45 fatalities included physical or mechanical restraints within the confines of seclusion or time-out while
2 occurred during an escort.

Rationale for restraint


Staff rationale for restraint usually described the child’s behavior prior to the restraint. The staff rationale
for the use of restraint was available in only 23 of the 45 fatalities. In these 23 fatalities, restraints were
initiated because the child refused to comply with staff or program requests while in an isolation or time-
out room (n = 7) and because the child exhibited a combination of aggressive and noncompliant behavior
(n = 12), such as refusing to give up an object, refusing to put shoes on or to take them off, running away,

or leaving a program or a facility location such as a classroom or a gym. Restraints were also initiated
while children were fighting with peers (n = 2).

Legal or regulatory actions


Of the 45 fatalities, 14 resulted in civil suits: 8 settled out of court, and 6 civil suits were pend-
ing (or outcome unknown). In 6 fatalities, criminal charges were filed against staff with 1 conviction,
2 resulted in acquittals, and the dispositions were unknown in 3 fatalities. A determination of insti-

tutional abuse was indicated in one fatality but unfounded in another. Five of the residential facili-
ties were eventually closed, but whether the closing was a direct or indirect result of the fatality is
One fatality had the benefit of a public child advocacy commission independently investigating and
publicly reporting on the death (State of Connecticut, 1998). Another state, New York, has a procedure for
reviewing all deaths in out-of-home care but these reports were not public. In all other instances, fatalities
were reviewed or investigated by local or state police officials, regulatory bodies, or child protective

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 19
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M.A. Nunno et al. / Child Abuse & Neglect 30 (2006) 1333–1342 1339

officials. There was no state fatality review panel that we found that examined any death in this study
sample, and issued a public report.


In this fatality sample, the children and young people were primarily males and in early adolescence. All
were diagnosed as having a range of physical, emotional and developmental disorders. Child psychiatric
and residential treatment centers accounted for 60% of the fatalities. Four states accounted for 48% of

the total fatalities. Asphyxia was the cause of death in 25 of the 45 case sample over a 10-year period.
Children died in both physical and mechanical restraints with the prone position accounting for more than
60% of our restraint sample. A major limitation of these findings is they provide only partial assistance
when measuring risk. The study does not present on the overall child population in care, the ratio of males
to females in care, or the actual rate and frequency of restraint use. Yet, the immediate causes of death
in this study are consistent with the literature that reports adverse effects of restraint and seclusion in

adult populations (O’Halloran & Frank, 2000). Prior to this study the frequency of restraint deaths due
to asphyxia or/of deaths in a prone restraint or on the floor have not been documented in children (Mohr,
Petti, & Mohr, 2003).
The number of fatalities involving floor restraints needs further study and analysis. Thirty-one of the
45 fatalities in our sample occurred on the floor, a flat surface such as a bed or the bare ground with the
child either prone (n = 28), supine (n = 2) or on the side (n = 1). Although we cannot compare the fatality

rate by prone, supine or side body position from our study, some believe floor restraints, especially prone
restraints, hold a higher risk of injury and death and have banned them from use (MacIntyre & Bramer,

2005). This positional restraint risk question needs to be answered empirically by establishing prone,
supine and side restraint rate usage before the field can determine risk via body position.
Only fatalities that reached the public’s attention through the news media were reported in this study.
Although a follow-up survey was mailed to state agencies asking for official investigation findings, there
was a minimal response to the follow-up survey. The sample reported here leaves unanswered the actual
frequency of restraint-related deaths over this 10-year period, and with it our ability to determine more

precise risk and cause to specific populations. For example, separate restraint fatality data from the
insurance industry may place female children at additional risk due to obesity and body size (Block,


Use of restraint

Even with these limitations, the manner and the circumstances surrounding these deaths reinforces
that restraints should be applied strictly in accordance with policies and procedures, using an approved

method, and according to the child’s behavior support plan (Holden et al., 2001). When we examined
the rationale for these fatal restraints in the 23 cases where it is available, none of the child behaviors or
conditions would meet the standard of danger to self or others: the commonly accepted criteria for the
use of a restraint in any circumstance.
Child treatment and corrections providers and regulators should require any safety, therapeutic, or
control intervention, including restraints, to lower the physical or emotional risk to the child. If a restraint
is employed that harms or places the child at higher risk than the behavior it is designed to contain or

20 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
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1340 M.A. Nunno et al. / Child Abuse & Neglect 30 (2006) 1333–1342

control, or if an inappropriate or unapproved intervention technique is used, the restraint could likely be
considered abusive. Without increased vigilance and monitoring in their use, the legal, ethical, and clinical
appropriateness of floor restraints (especially prone restraints) will remain in question, and they likely
will be prohibited through legislation, regulation or certification boards (MacIntyre & Bramer, 2005).

Case finding and systematic review

Case finding of child and adolescent restraint fatalities is a serious concern and hampers learning about
the risk of restraints. This study indicates the necessity for mandatory reporting of fatalities to a centralized

authority, as well as independent and systematic review by a legally sanctioned body on the state or
Federal level. Restraints are high-risk safety interventions with fatal consequences if applied incorrectly.
One valuable mechanism for independent, systematic review would be the child fatality committees
established in each of the 50 states. These committees are generally interdisciplinary, have access to the
expertise to undergo an in-depth forensic investigation, and have the necessary authority and stature to
report findings and recommendations for regulatory and practice changes. Utilizing existing statewide and

multidisciplinary child fatality review committees would help ensure that learning necessary to inform
practice takes place within an environment that is nonconfrontational and nonaccusatory (Carson, 1994).
This study documents serious safety hazards with restraints. Yet the study also points to a multitude of
unknown factors and incomplete information that makes using this knowledge to build safer environments

for children difficult. It was troubling that the actual frequency of restraint-related deaths may be higher
than is reported in this study. Accurate rates of the use of mechanical and physical restraints, or positional
restraints, hamper the ability to measure the true risk of death by type of restraint and position. We
can speculate that organizational factors of climate and culture play an important and essential role
in these fatalities yet we have insufficient information to generalize from the limited cases where we
have full access to reports, interviews and data. Some organizations where fatalities have occurred have

“individualized” the responsibilities for the incident, often holding the child’s condition as the contributing
cause. Few have undertaken a serious self-examination or root cause analysis of the systemic contributions

to the fatality even when two or more fatalities have occurred in their care. The necessity for organizational
self-assessment and analysis postincident is evident, and it is a staple of all major industries where safety
is paramount.

This lack of access and complete information is exemplified by our finding that only one state reported
any standard procedure for reviewing child fatalities in treatment facilities, and only one fatality received
the benefit of an independent investigation free of criminal or civil sanctions. These findings point to

a serious deficiency in the case finding and review process. One wonders whether the cloud of civil
litigations or criminal prosecutions hindered independent review, whether appropriate bodies even knew
of these fatalities, or whether civil regulatory and advocacy agencies saw these fatalities as appropriate
to their jurisdiction or review.
Despite this incomplete information, states and facilities that have suffered these fatalities have made
radical changes in their restraint policy and procedures by banning certain types of restraint or certain
restraint positions. Our caution to policy makers concerned about lowering the risk of serious injury

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and deaths due to these restraints and building safer therapeutic environments for children is that they
may legislate or regulate solutions that give a false sense of safety while actually producing greater risk.
Safety might be better served if risk reduction efforts focused on eliminating adverse environmental
causes for aggression and violence, eliminating dangerous staff practices (sitting on children, chok-
ing or lying on them, placing weight on the their upper torso, and ignoring their distress signals), and
strictly enforcing the restraint application standard of self-harm or harm to others. All restraint posi-

tions were represented in this sample and all positions can be lethal, especially when misapplied or


Susan Metosky, Taylor Glenn, Brianna Sinon, Joanna Garbarino, Elizabeth Dunning, and Allison
Condon, all Cornell undergraduates, uncovered and catalogued these child fatalities. Dorothy Forbes
mailed, collated and tabulated the initial survey.

Block, B. (2004). Risks & liabilities for restraint injuries and deaths. In Paper presented at the reduction of physical interventions
in residential care conference. Tarrytown, NY: Cornell University.
Brown, R. L., Genel, M., & Riggs, J. (2000). Use of seclusion and restraint in children and adolescents. Archives of Pediatric
and Adolescent Medicine, 154, 653–656.
Carson, D. (1994). Dangerous people: Through a broader conception of ‘risk’ and ‘danger’ to better decisions. Expert Evidence,
3(2), 51–69.

Day, D. M. (2002). Examining the therapeutic utility of restraints and seclusion with children and youth. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 72, 266–278.
Fox, L. (2004). The impact of restraint on sexually abused children and youth. Residential Group Care Quarterly, 4(3), 1–5.
Goren, S., Singh, N. N., & Best, A. M. (1993). The aggression-coercion cycle: Use of seclusion and restraints in a child psychiatric
hospital. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2(1), 61–73.
Hastings, R. P. (1996). Staff strategies and explanations for intervening with challenging behaviours. Journal of Intellectual

Disability Research, 40(2), 166–175.

Heilbrun, K. (1995). Physical control of patients on an inpatient setting: Forensic vs. civil populations. Psychiatric Quarterly,
66(2), 133–145.

Holden, M. J., Mooney, A. J., Holden, J. C., Kuhn, I. F., Sockwell-Morgan, C., Taylor, R., Bidleman, D., Pidgeon, N., Ruberti,
M., Laddin, B., Wise, G., Ishmael, P., Stanton-Greenwood, A., Paterson, S., Bath, H., Genco, D., & Gibson, J. (2001). In
Michael A. Nunno (Series Ed., 5th ed.), Therapeutic crisis intervention. Ithaca: Family Life Development Center, Cornell

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. (1998). Sentinel alert. Chicago.
Kennedy, S. S., & Mohr, W. K. (2001). A prolegomenon on restraint of children: Implicating constitutional rights. American
Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 71(1), 26–37.

Kupfersmid, J., & Monkman, R. (Eds.). (1988). Assaultive youth: Responding to physical assaultiveness in residential, community
and health care settings. New York: Haworth Press.
MacIntyre, J., & Bramer, J. V. (2005). Restraint alert—face down manual restraints 1/06. Albany, NY: New York State Department
of Mental Health.
Millstein, K., & Cotton, N. (1990). Predictors of the use of seclusion on an inpatient child psychiatric unit. Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 29(2), 256–264.
Mohr, W. K., Mahon, M. M., & Noone, M. J. (1998). A restraint on restraints: The need to reconsider the use of restrictive
interventions. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 12(2), 112–129.

22 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
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1342 M.A. Nunno et al. / Child Abuse & Neglect 30 (2006) 1333–1342

Mohr, W. K., Petti, T. A., & Mohr, B. D. (2003). Adverse effects associated with physical restraint. Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry, 48(5), 330–337.
National Institute of Nursing Research. (1994). Problems associated with the use of physical restraints. In Developing knowledge
for practice: Challenges and opportunities. Washington, DC: National Institute of Health.
Nunno, M., & Holden, M. (2003). Learning from tragedy: A report of a study on restraint fatalities in residential care. Ithaca,
New York: Residential Child Care Project.

O’Halloran, R., & Frank, J. (2000). Asphyxial death during prone restraint revisited: A report of 21 cases. American Journal of
Forensic Medical Pathology, 21(4), 420–422.
Paterson, B. (2000). Deaths associated with restraint use in health and social care in the United Kingdom. The results of a
preliminary survey. Stirling: University of Stirling, Scotland.

Paterson, B., & Leadbetter, D. (1998). Restraint and sudden death from asphyxia. Nursing Times, 94(44), 62–64.
Sourander, A., Aurela, A., & Piha, J. (1996). Therapeutic holding in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient treatment. Nordic
Journal of Psychiatry, 50, 375–379.
State of Connecticut. (1998). Child fatality review panel: Investigation into the death of Andrew M. Hartford. Office of the Child
Steele, R. L. (1993). Staff attitudes toward seclusion and restraint: Anything new? Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 29(3), 23–28.
United States General Accounting Office. (1999). Mental health: Improper restraint or seclusion places people at risk. Wash-

ington, DC: United States General Accounting Office. GAO/HEHS-99-176.
United States National Library of Medicine. (2004). Medline Plus.
Weiss, E. M., Altimari, D., Blint, D. F., & Megan, K. (1998, October). Deadly restraint: A Hartford Courant investigative report.
Hartford Courant. on
French language abstract not available at time of publication.


Spanish language abstract not available at time of publication.


THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 23
TCI System Implementation Criteria
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation Criteria

A Model for Eliminating the Need for leadership is fully informed about the TCI crisis
prevention and management system and understands
Restraint its foundation, leaders can support the necessary
components that are integral to its implementation
In his book, The Fifth Discipline,The Art and Practice and maintenance. Policies, procedures, and guidelines
of the Learning Organization (1990, p. 3), Peter Senge that are clearly written and communicated assist staff
defines learning organizations as: members in knowing what to do when confronted
with potential crises. Staff members throughout the
…organizations where people continually
organization know how to prevent, de-escalate, and
expand their capacity to create the results
contain a young person’s aggressive and acting out
they truly desire, where new and expansive
behavior in line with organizational guidelines.
patterns of thinking are nurtured, where
collective aspiration is set free, and where A clear program philosophy and framework of
people are continually learning to see the care are essential for establishing an organizational
whole together. culture that promotes the growth and development
of children and young people with emotional
Organizations can only learn when the people
and behavioral difficulties and for establishing
who make up the organization learn. Leadership
organizational practices that are in the best interests
must foster openness, collaborative decision making,
of the children (Anglin, 2002; M. J. Holden, 2009).
professional development, and a shared vision of how
Leaders can promote an organizational culture that
the organization should work. Leadership needs
establishes an environment where children can
to set bold goals and high expectations for staff and
thrive by valuing developmentally appropriate and
children and provide the support and resources
therapeutic practice above control and expediency.
necessary to achieve the goals. Implementing TCI
With a positive, trauma sensitive, and strength based
with the goal of reducing the need for high-risk
culture and climate an organization can decrease
management strategies requires that organizations put
its reliance on punitive and coercive interventions
in place a system to promote learning and reflective
and restraints (Bullard et al., 2003; Colton, 2008;

For TCI to be an effective crisis management system,

the following five general domains need to be
addressed: (a) leadership and program support, (b)
Leadership and Clinical
clinical participation, (c) supervision and post crisis Program Support Participation
response, (d) training and competency standards, and
(e) incident monitoring and feedback (Nunno et al.,
2003). (See Figure 5).

Leadership and program support. The level

Incident Supervision and
of effectiveness to prevent and reduce the need Post Crisis
Monitoring and
for high-risk interventions depends on and begins Feedback Response
with leadership’s commitment (Bullard, Fulmore, &
Johnson, 2003; Carter, Jones, & Stevens, 2008; Colton,
Training and
2008; CWLA Best Practice Guidelines, 2004; Donat, Competency
1998, 2005; Farragher, 2002; Hellerstein et al., 2007; Standards
Huckshorn, 2006; J. A. Miller et al., 2006; Murphy &
Bennington-Davis, 2005; NASMHPD, 2003; Nunno
et al., 2003; Paterson et al., 2008; Petti et al., 2003; Figure 5. Implementation Criteria: Organizational
Stefan & Phil, 2006; Thompson et al., 2008). When Cornerstones of the TCI System

24 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation Criteria

Farragher, 2002; Hellerstein et al., 2007; Huckshorn, screen all young people in care for any pre-existing
2006; J. A. Miller et al., 2006; Murphy & Bennington- medical conditions that would be exacerbated
Davis, 2005; NASMHPD, 2003; Paterson et al., 2008; if the young person were involved in a physical
Petti et al., 2003; Stefan & Phil, 2006). Organizations restraint. Any medications that the young person
that decrease use of restraints can have positive child may be taking which would affect the respiratory
outcomes (Glisson, Dukes, & Green, 2006). or cardiovascular system should also be noted. If
there is a history of physical or sexual abuse that
By providing sufficient resources including adequate could contribute to the young person experiencing
and qualified staff, support for regular external and emotional trauma during a physical restraint, it is
internal monitoring, and clear rules and procedures equally important to document this in the plan.
that have safeguards against abusive practices, Ongoing reviews of the young person’s crisis plan
leadership promotes positive programming and an with revisions as the child’s condition changes will
organizational culture to sustain the therapeutic help staff develop more effective ways to prevent and
milieu. intervene with the child’s high-risk behaviors.
Clinical participation. Clinical services play Supervision and post crisis response. Frequent
an important role in overseeing and monitoring and ongoing supportive supervision, mentoring, and
children’s responses to crises. Developing and coaching are essential for creating and sustaining
implementing an individual crisis management plan an organization’s ability to reduce the need for
(ICMP) is critical to responding appropriately and restraint and maintain good quality care (Bullard
therapeutically to a young person in crisis (Bullard et al., 2003; Colton, 2008; CWLA Best Practice
et al., 2003; Carter et al., 2008; CWLA Best Practice Guidelines, 2004; Donat, 1998, 2005; Farragher, 2002;
Guidelines, 2004; Donat, 1998, 2005; Farragher, 2002; Huckshorn, 2006; J. A. Miller et al., 2006; Murphy
Hellerstein et al., 2007; Huckshorn, 2006; Murphy & & Bennington-Davis, 2005; NASMHPD, 2003;
Bennington-Davis, 2005; NASMHPD, 2003; Nunno Nunno et al., 2003; Petti et al., 2003; Ryan, Peterson,
et al., 2003; Paterson et al., 2008; Salias & Wahlbeck, Tetreault, & van der Hagen, 2008; Thompson et al.,
2005; Stefan & Phil, 2006). These plans are most 2008). Reflective and supportive supervision is built
effective when developed with input from team into the implementation and ongoing monitoring
members and the child and the child’s family, and are of the TCI crisis management system. Supervisors
written in clear and concise language so that the care who are fully trained in all of the prevention, de-
staff can implement the plan. escalation, and intervention techniques can provide
At intake, a risk assessment of the child’s propensity effective supervision, coaching, and monitoring
to engage in high-risk behaviors and the conditions of their staff members. Fully trained and effective
that have provoked these behaviors in the past can supervisors have reasonable expectations with realistic
provide valuable information. Key questions to time frames and schedules for staff so that staff can
address are: (a) How can high-risk behaviors be accomplish tasks and respond to young people’s needs
prevented? (b) Is there a need for an ICMP? (c) What in a thoughtful and well-planned manner.
intervention strategies should be used if an ICMP is This post crisis response system ensures that all young
necessary? people and staff receive immediate support and
Well-developed ICMPs include strategies for debriefing following a crisis as well as a brief medical
preventing, de-escalating, and managing potential assessment (Bullard et al., 2003; CWLA Best Practice
high-risk behavior specific to the child. Included Guidelines, 2004; Farragher, 2002; Huckshorn, 2006;
in the plan are specific physical interventions, if J. A. Miller et al., 2006; Murphy & Bennington-Davis,
appropriate, or alternative strategies if physical 2005; NASMHPD, 2003; Nunno et al., 2003; Petti
intervention is not an option. It is important to et al., 2003). Once things are back to normal, all staff
members involved in the restraint can deconstruct

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 25
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation Criteria

the incident to develop strategies for intervening events and staff ’s level of competency is critical
in the future. It is important to notify families in order to maintain the TCI system and ensure
when their child has been involved in a physical that staff can competently use high-risk physical
intervention. Building a discussion of crisis incidents interventions. In addition, the health and fitness
into team/unit meetings helps staff learn from these level of all staff members trained in the use physical
situations and provides accountability and support at interventions should be considered.
the highest level.
Documentation and incident monitoring
Training and competency standards. Training and feedback. Documentation, data analysis, and
and professional development are a cornerstone of feedback to all levels of staff teams are an important
any professional organization. Programs that keep part of restraint reduction efforts (Bullard et al.,
staff informed and updated on the special needs of 2003; Carter et al., 2008; CWLA Best Practice
the young people in their care can enhance treatment Guidelines, 2004; Donat, 2005; Farragher, 2002;
and child outcomes. A comprehensive training Huckshorn, 2006; J. A. Miller et al., 2006; Murphy &
agenda includes prevention, de-escalation, and Bennington-Davis, 2005; NASMHPD, 2003; Nunno
management of crises as well as child and adolescent et al., 2003; Petti et al., 2003; Stefan & Phil, 2006;
development, trauma sensitive interventions, and Thompson et al., 2008). Data management includes
individual and group behavior support strategies the documentation of staff supervision and training
(Bullard et al., 2003; CWLA Best Practice Guidelines, and the documentation and monitoring of incidents
2004; Donat, 2005; Farragher, 2002; M. J. Holden throughout the facility. An agency-wide committee
& Curry, 2008; Huckshorn, 2006; Murphy & appointed by leadership with the authority and
Bennington-Davis, 2005; NASMHPD, 2003; Nunno responsibility to enforce documentation requirements
et al., 2003; Paterson et al., 2008; Petti et al., 2003; and track the frequency, location, and type of
Ryan et al., 2008; Thompson et al., 2008). incidents as well as any injuries or medical complaints
that occur in the facility helps to monitor the
TCI training is only one part of a comprehensive effectiveness of the TCI system. This documentation
staff development program that provides core and monitoring system allows the facility to review
training, as well as specialized training based on incidents and make decisions about individual and
the population served. TCI training is only to be organizational practice and recommend corrective
conducted by a certified TCI trainer. The TCI actions.
training should be 4 to 5 days in length with a
minimum of 28 classroom hours. If the training is In addition to an agency-wide restraint review
less than 28 hours, the physical restraint techniques committee, a clinical review of incidents and a team
should not be taught. TCI trainers are required to or unit review can assist organizations in making
attend a Cornell University sponsored TCI Update changes to help reduce high-risk situations. These
and pass testing requirements at least every 2 years (1 reviews focus on different aspects of the incident and
year in New York State and in the United Kingdom provide feedback on any information or suggestions
and Ireland) in order to maintain their certification. to the team, clinician, or administration. Some type
of benchmarking or red flagging should call attention
Training for direct care staff to refresh skills is to any situation that exceeds the norm and requires
required semiannually at a minimum. Refreshers are a special review. For example, this red flag might
designed to give staff the opportunity to practice appear when the number of incidents per month
de-escalation skills, Life Space Interviewing, and exceeds a set number, when restraints exceed a
physical restraint skills. At the completion of the certain length of time, or when specific complaints or
original training and each refresher, staff are expected injuries that are unlikely to occur during a restraint
to perform the skills at an acceptable standard of are reported.
performance. Documentation of these training

26 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation Criteria

Residential child caring agencies have been able

to reduce physical restraint episodes and aggressive
behavior by following these guidelines and effectively
implementing the TCI system. Implementation of
TCI has resulted in an increased ability on the part of
staff to manage and prevent crises. Implementation
studies have also shown an increased knowledge and
skill on the part of all staff to handle crisis episodes
effectively, and a change in staff attitude regarding the
use of physical restraint when TCI is implemented as
designed (Nunno et al., 2003).

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 27
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation Criteria

Questions For Implementation Assessment

Leadership and Program Support

System consistent with mission
 Does TCI support the organization’s mission?
 Does the agency have a well thought out program model based on the population and overall mission of
the organization?
 Does the program model include strength-based programming and trauma-informed principles?

 Does the leadership of the organization understand and support TCI as the crisis prevention and
management system?
 Are there adequate resources at the agency to support the TCI system, i.e., training hours, adequate
staffing patterns, strong program, skilled supervisors?

Policies, rules, and procedures

 Do the policies and procedures clearly describe intervention strategies taught in the TCI training?
 Are the procedures understandable and communicated to all staff?
 Are there clear guidelines against abusive practice?

External and internal monitoring

 Are there supports for an ongoing monitoring system?
 Are external monitoring organizations engaged to review the agency’s practice?
 Do children and advocates play a role in informing agency practice and policy?

 Does the organizational culture value developmentally appropriate practice above control and
 Do staff feel supported in using the techniques they learn in TCI training?

Program appropriate to child’s needs

 Is TCI an appropriate and effective crisis management system based on the type of children served?

Clinical Participation
Individual crisis management plans
 Has the team completed a functional analysis of each child’s individual high-risk behavior?
 Is there an individual plan to eliminate the need for external controls by helping the child develop better
and more functional coping behaviors?
 Is there a specific strategy for intervention tailored to the needs of the child?
 Is the child involved in identifying de-escalation preferences and triggers?
 If physical restraint is inappropriate based on the special needs or situation of the child, are there
alternative interventions described?

28 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation Criteria

Medical screening
 Has each child been medically screened for pre-existing conditions that might contraindicate physical
 Is there documentation about any medication prescribed or combinations of medication taken and the
effects on the child?

Documented ongoing reviews

 Is the individual crisis management plan reviewed on a regular and frequent basis for progress or
modification of intervention strategies?

Supervision and Post Crisis Response

Supervisors fully trained in TCI
 Have the direct care supervisors been trained in TCI so that they can coach, support, and have reasonable
expectations of staff members?

Types of supervision
 Do supervisors provide on-the-job training in the form of coaching staff in early intervention and LSI
 Is supervision supportive, frequent, and ongoing?

Post-crisis multilevel response

 Do supervisors provide on-the-spot debriefing and support in a crisis situation?
 Does staff conduct LSIs with the child after a crisis?
 Does staff have time and support to immediately document incidents?
 Do supervisors conduct a process debriefing with staff workers within 24 hours of the incident?
 Are incidents discussed in team meetings in order to share information and develop better intervention
strategies and improve programming?

Training and Competency Standards

Basic/core training
 Do direct care staff workers receive core training in skills necessary to be a competent care worker, i.e.,
child development, activity planning, group processing, separation and loss, routines and transitions,
relationship building, trauma assessment, and re-traumatization practices?

Crisis intervention training

 Do all staff workers receive a minimum of 28 hours of TCI training?
 Are there additional training sessions if the children have special needs that should be considered?
 Is the training safe? Is it delivered by certified trainers?

Ongoing staff development

 Do staff members attend additional, ongoing training that is relevant to the children and program?

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 29
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation Criteria

 Do staff members attend TCI refreshers at least every 6 months? preferably every 3 months?

 Do staff members practice and receive corrective feedback on the main skills, i.e., LSI, physical interven-
tion techniques, behavior support skills, co-regulation strategies during these refreshers?

Credentialling based on achieving a level of competence

 Are staff members tested by a certified trainer in the core skill areas?
 Is the level of competency of each staff person documented and maintained in that individual’s personnel
 Are staff members required to demonstrate competency before using crisis management skills with chil-
dren in crisis?

Documentation and Incident Monitoring and Feedback

Incident review committee
 Is there an agency-wide committee that reviews incidents? Does that committee have some authority to
recommend and implement policy and changes? Are advocates and/or children involved in monitoring

Peer review
 Is there clinical oversight of incidents and interventions?

Team review
 Does the team or unit review incidents on a regular basis?

Data monitoring
 Are incidents documented in a timely and comprehensive manner?
 Is the following information collected: frequency, location/time, circumstances surrounding the event,
child/staff frequency of events, child/staff injuries?

Feedback loop
 Is the information collected and reviewed by committees fed back into the system to inform the pro-

Red flags/benchmarks
 Are there benchmarks that, when surpassed, call for review of different strategies?

30 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
TCI Implementation: Leadership and Program Support
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Leadership and Program Support

The effectiveness of the Therapeutic Crisis crisis response, (d) training and competency standards,
Intervention system to help staff workers prevent and (e) documentation and incident monitoring
and reduce potentially dangerous situations depends and feedback. Agencies will also prioritize needs and
on leadership’s commitment to its implementation. develop an action plan to implement the TCI System
TCI should be consistent with the organization’s fully.
mission and philosophy. The leadership should be
fully informed about the TCI crisis management Program Objectives
system, and understand its foundation and support
the necessary components that are integral to its Participants will:
implementation and maintenance. There should be • examine the five criteria for an effective crisis
clear policies, procedures, and guidelines in writing, prevention and management system
communicated to all staff members. Every staff • assess their agency’s present crisis management
person should know what to do when confronted system based on the TCI implementation criteria
with potential crisis situations, and how to prevent, • prioritize the needs of the organization in relation
de-escalate, and contain a young person’s aggressive to implementing TCI
and acting out behavior. • develop an action plan that addresses needs and
describes the steps to be taken to implement TCI
Leadership must provide adequate resources,
including adequate and qualified staff, support
Intended Audience
for regular external and internal monitoring, and
clear rules and procedures that safeguard against The leadership should carefully select this work
abusive practices. Leadership should promote an group so that it represents various expertise,
organizational culture that values developmentally disciplines, and programs. These should be staff
appropriate and therapeutic practice above control members who have the authority and ability to
and expediency. It is essential that the organization carry out the implementation plan, such as the
have a strong overall program structure that drives CEO, Medical Director, Quality Assurance Director,
individual treatment or care plans, activities, and Clinical Director, Director of Residential Services,
routines, and staff and young people’s interactions. program and unit supervisors, training director and
This program structure should be informed by TCI trainers (present and/or those to be trained),
trauma research and strength-based programming. social workers/therapists, nurses, etc.

Services Offered Program Outline

9:00 a.m.
Assessment and Planning Meeting: Program • Introductions, Overview, and Expectations
Description • Goals of the TCI System and Goals for the Day
Implementing the TCI system begins with leadership. • TCI Implementation Criteria
After an assessment of the organization’s present crisis • Group Assessment of Present Crisis Management
management system is conducted, a strategic plan can System
be developed to prioritize needs and target resources • Prioritizing Needs
to facilitate the implementation of TCI. This plan
provides a road map for staff members responsible for 12:00 p.m. Lunch
developing and maintaining the critical elements of
1:00 p.m.
the system. A day of assessment and planning provides
• Developing an Action Plan
the information necessary for agencies to develop
• What to Expect When Implementation Begins
a list of strengths and needs in the five areas of the
• Next Steps
system: (a) leadership and program support,
(b) clinical participation, (c) supervision and post 4:00 p.m. Adjourn

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 31
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Leadership and Program Support

Materials Contraindications
Participants will receive the TCI Systems Bulletin and Physical interventions must never be used as:
a copy of the assessment and plan developed at the • punishments
meeting. • consequences, or
• to demonstrate “who is in charge”
Additional Technical Assistance Available
Unless approved by the relevant statutory authorities
• review crisis related policies and procedures and specified in an individual crisis management plan,
• give feedback/review programmatic issues as they physical interventions must never be used for:
relate to TCI
• do an assessment of organizational culture as it • program maintenance (such as enforcing
relates to crisis intervention compliance with directions or rules or for
• meet with administrators and leaders to discuss preventing the young person from leaving the
implementation of the TCI system premises) or
• meet with the board of directors to present • for therapeutic purposes (such as forming
information about the TCI system attachment as promoted by “holding” therapy
advocates or inducing regressive states)

Model Policy on the Use of Physical Use

Interventions • Physical interventions should only be employed
Definition after other less intrusive approaches (such as
behavior diversions or verbal interventions) have
• Physical interventions and restraints are holding
been attempted unsuccessfully, or where there is no
techniques, strategies, or actions that directly limit,
time to try such alternatives.
restrict, or control a young person’s bodily or
• Physical interventions must only be employed for
physical movements.
the minimum time necessary. They must cease
• Physical interventions including physical restraints
when the child or young person is judged to be
to contain and/or control the behavior of
children and young people in care, should only
be used to ensure safety and protection. Except
where otherwise specified as part of an approved Necessary Requirements Prior to Use
individual crisis management plan, physical • Physical interventions may only be undertaken
interventions should only be employed as a safety by staff persons who have successfully completed
response to acute physical behavior and their use is a comprehensive crisis management course that
restricted to the following circumstance: covers: crisis definition and theory; the use of
Standard for use: The child/young person, other de-escalation techniques; crisis communication;
children, staff members, or others are at imminent anger management; passive physical intervention
risk of physical harm. techniques; the legal, ethical, and policy aspects of
physical intervention use; decision-making related
to physical interventions; and debriefing strategies.
Risk and Safety Issues
Staff members must also have demonstrated
As any physical intervention involves some risk of competency in performing the intervention
injury to the young person or staff worker, staff techniques as measured and documented according
members must weigh this risk against the risks to relevant professional and/or state regulatory
involved in failing to intervene physically when it guidelines.
may be warranted.

32 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Leadership and Program Support

• All staff workers involved in an incident of physical

intervention must have successfully completed the
agency-endorsed crisis management training. Such
training should be fully implemented in the agency,
and upon completion of training, staff workers
should have been assessed as competent in the use
of physical interventions. Staff workers must also
have successfully completed a skills review within
the previous 6 months.
• Only physical intervention skills and decision-
making processes that are taught in the
comprehensive crisis management course and
approved by the agency (and any relevant statutory
authority) may be used. All techniques (including
decision-making processes) must be applied
according to the guidelines provided in the training
and in this policy.

Process for Use

• Where possible, staff members must consult with
peers and supervisors prior to initiating any
physical intervention.
• Two or more staff members should be involved in
any physical intervention to help ensure safety and

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 33
TCI Implementation: Clinical Participation

Clinical services play an important role in specific behavioral and physical interventions
overseeing and monitoring childrens’ responses necessary to ensure safety for the young person.
to crisis situations. Developing and implementing These plans provide a road map for direct care
an individual crisis management plan is critical to staff workers when dealing with a potential crisis
responding appropriately and therapeutically to a situation.
child or young person in crisis. Children should
have a functional analysis of their high-risk behavior Program Objectives
with a plan that will eliminate the need for external
controls by helping the child develop replacement Participants will be able to:
behaviors and more appropriate coping skills. The • differentiate between proactive and reactive
plan should also include a strategy for intervening aggression
that describes specific safety interventions, including • apply differential intervention strategies
physical, mechanical, or chemical restraints and/or • develop an ICMP that considers safety, risk, and
seclusion, if appropriate, or alternative strategies if one effective intervention strategies
of these techniques is not an option. This involves • involve direct care staff workers in developing and
screening the child for any pre-existing medical updating the ICMP
conditions that would be exacerbated if the child • develop an implementation plan incorporating
were involved in a restraint. Medications that the ICMPs in their own agency
child may be taking that would affect the respiratory
or cardiovascular system should be noted. If there Intended Audience
is a history of physical or sexual abuse, this should
This workshop is intended for TCI trainers, clinical
be considered as it could contribute to the child
staff and social workers, therapists, nurses, supervisors,
experiencing emotional trauma during a physical
and medical staff. Participants should have clinical
restraint. There should be ongoing reviews of the
and/or supervisory responsibilities within an agency
child’s progress toward goals of eliminating the need
and have attended a TCI training in an agency or a
for external controls.
TCI Training of Trainers course.

Services Offered Program Outline

Individual Crisis Management Planning
9:00 a.m.
Workshop: Program Description
• Introductions
One of the major responsibilities of clinical services • Overview of the TCI System
in the TCI System is to assist direct care staff • Role of Clinical Services
in preventing and monitoring a young person’s • High-Risk Behavior
aggressive and inappropriate responses to crisis • Individual Crisis Management Plans
situations in residential care. This preventive and • Types of Aggression
monitoring role is formalized through individual
crisis management plans (ICMPs). These plans 12:00 p.m. Lunch
include a functional analysis of a young person’s
1:00 p.m.
high-risk behavior. The ICMPs include risk and
• Assessing Aggressive Behavior
safety screening, history of sexual abuse or trauma,
• Developing ICMPs
pre-existing medical, psychological and emotional
• Implementation Planning
conditions, potential triggers to violence, and
de-escalation strategies. The functional analysis of 4:00 p.m. Adjourn
behavior and the safety screening help determine

34 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University

Participants receive a student workbook and an
individual crisis management plan template.

Additional Technical Assistance Available

• review ICMPs
• conduct case reviews and assist in the development
of ICMPs
• observe units to monitor the use of ICMPs
• work with the team on developing a process for
• assist in the development of a system to involve
children in developing de-escalation preference
• provide a review of models of trauma-informed
care to enlighten practice

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 35
TCI Implementation: Supervision and Post Crisis Support
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Supervision and Post Crisis Support

Frequent and ongoing supportive supervision should Program Objectives

be built into the TCI crisis management system.
Participants will:
Supervisors should be fully trained in prevention,
• analyze the effect of a crisis on staff members and
de-escalation, and intervention techniques so that
the organization
they can provide effective supervision, coaching,
• demonstrate immediate debriefing strategies
feedback, and monitoring. Supervisors should have
• demonstrate the incident review process with the
reasonable expectations with realistic timeframes
staff member(s)
and schedules for staff workers so that they can
• demonstrate the team debriefing process
accomplish tasks and respond to childrens’ needs in
• use the ICMP in the debriefing process
a thoughtful and well planned manner. A post-crisis
• develop an implementation plan for the post-crisis
multilevel response system should be built into the
multilevel response
practice. All staff members should receive immediate
support and debriefing following a crisis. There
should also be a process debriefing once things are Intended Audience
back to normal. Families should be notified when This workshop is for TCI trainers, administrators,
their child has been involved in a safety intervention. supervisors, social workers, and therapists. Participants
Discussing crisis incidents should be built into team/ should have supervisory responsibilities within
unit meetings so that everyone can learn from these an agency and have attended a TCI training in an
situations. agency or a TCI Training of Trainers course.

Services Offered Program Outline

The Post-Crisis Multilevel Response 9:00 a.m.
Workshop: Program Description • The Role of Supervision in the TCI System
• Stress Model of Crisis: Staff/Agency Perspective
Supervisors need tools and resources for working
• Direct Supervision
with staff members to assure that the outcome of a
crisis is a positive one for the young person, the staff 12:00 p.m. Lunch
member, and the program. This workshop addresses 1:00 p.m.
the emotional needs staff may have when managing • Immediate Response
aggressive children and how frontline staff can be • Incident Review with Staff
supported. There is acknowledgment that the staff • Incident Review with Team
member has been through a difficult situation, which, • Implementation Planning
even if it didn’t result in a crisis was draining. At the
4:00 p.m. Adjourn
very least, the normal day-to-day functioning of the
program has been disrupted, and some effort has to
be expended to get things back on track. The goal Materials
of TCI is to restore the young person, the staff, and Participants receive a student workbook.
the program to a state of functioning at a higher
level than it was before the crisis began. The post-
crisis multilevel response system helps the young Technical Assistance
person, the staff person, and the organization learn • meet with supervisor(s) to review the post-crisis
from crises. It is also essential in maintaining the response system
TCI system within the organization. Supervisors will • conduct incident reviews with the team
learn how to provide ongoing support and conduct • observe units to provide supervision for agency
debriefing sessions with care workers and teams. • provide direct supervisory details in relation to TCI
• provide additional supervisory training

36 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
TCI Implementation: TCI
Training and Competency Standards
SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Training and Competency Standards

TCI should be one part of a comprehensive staff physical intervention techniques that respect the
development program that provides core training as dignity of the worker and the young person are
well as specialized training based on the population practiced. The program also gives participants
served. TCI training is only to be conducted by a the tools to teach therapeutic crisis intervention
trainer who has successfully completed a Cornell- techniques in their own agencies. There is an
sponsored Training of Trainers course. The direct opportunity to practice and gain immediate training
TCI course should be 4 to 5 days in length with a experience. The course stresses crisis prevention.
minimum of 28 hours if all physical intervention
techniques are taught. TCI trainers are required to Program Objectives
successfully complete a Cornell University sponsored
update at least every 2 years in order to maintain their Participants will be able to:
trainer certification status (1 year in New York State • proactively prevent and/or de-escalate a potential
and in the United Kingdom/Ireland). crisis situation with a child or young person
• manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner,
Training that refreshes skills should be conducted and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner
with all direct care staff at a minimum of every 6 that reduces the risk of harm to children and staff
months, but preferably, quarterly. Refreshers should • process the crisis event with children and young
give staff the opportunity to practice de-escalation people to help improve their coping strategies
techniques, Life Space Interviewing, and physical • effectively deliver TCI training in their agencies
restraint skills. At the completion of the original
training and after refreshers, staff can be expected
Intended Audience
to perform the skill at an acceptable standard
of performance. This performance should be This course is for trainers, managers, counselors, and
documented and staff should be held to a certain care workers capable of training therapeutic crisis
competency level of performance in order to use intervention techniques. Participants are required
high-risk interventions. to be capable of moderate physical activity and pass
written and competency-based testing at the end of
the course.
Services Offered
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Training of Materials
Trainers: Program Description Participants receive a trainer’s manual containing
A child or young person in crisis needs help. What a complete curriculum, a DVD, a CD with a
kind of help and how it is given make a crucial PowerPoint™ presentation, and corresponding
difference between the young person’s learning from student workbook and testing materials to use in
the experience or being set back. The goals of TCI their direct training.
training are to provide immediate emotional and
environmental support in a way that reduces the
Technical Assistance
stress and risk and teaches better, more constructive,
effective ways to deal with stress or painful feelings. • conduct training skills seminars for TCI trainers
• observe TCI training and give feedback
Training of Trainers in TCI presents a crisis • assess TCI trainers in delivering direct training
prevention and intervention model designed to help • observe units to assess the transfer of learning
staff workers prevent potential crises, de-escalate • assist in implementing and testing an evaluation
crises when they occur, and assist children and young system
people to learn constructive ways to handle feelings
of frustration, failure, anger, and hurt. In addition,

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 37
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Training and Competency Standards

Agenda: TCI Training of Trainers

Monday Thursday
8:45 am 8:45 am
Introduction to Course Crisis Intervention Role Plays
TCI System Practicing physical interventions
Crisis Prevention and Therapeutic Milieu The Letting Go Process
The Importance of Emotional Competence Safety Concerns and Documentation
Stress Model of Crisis Practicing with Resistance
Assessing the Situation Criteria for Implementing TCI System and Action
Awareness of Self, Child, and Environment Planning
Assignments for Tuesday distributed to participants 5:00 pm
5:00 pm Session adjourned
Session adjourned
Tuesday 8:45 am
8:45 am Implementation and Testing
Crisis Communication and Active Listening Life Space Interviewing After Restraint
Behavior Support Techniques Testing
Emotional First Aid Physical intervention techniques
Conflict Cycle LSI
Managing Aggressive Behavior Written test
Nonverbal Communication Certification Process
Protective techniques Close of Program
Training assignments for Wednesday and Thursday 4:00 pm
5:00 pm Session adjourned
Session adjourned

8:45 am
Crisis Co-regulation
Life Space Interviewing
Choosing a safety intervention
Standing Restraint
Seated Restraint
Small Child Restraint
Team Prone Restraint and Transferring Control
Supine Restraint and Transferring Control
Training assignments for Wednesday and Thursday
5:00 pm
Session adjourned

38 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Training and Competency Standards

TCI Certification Process Professional Certification

The certification program is designed to develop, The second level of certification is the professional
maintain, and strengthen the standards of level. After a minimum of 1 year as an associate
performance for individuals who have successfully certified TCI trainer, applicants have to perform at a
completed the requirements of the 5-day TCI professional level for the predetermined number of
training. This process affirms our commitment to competencies and submit portfolios of their work.
ensure that TCI is implemented in child caring To maintain professional level certification, certified
agencies in a manner that meets the developmental trainers must attend a Cornell sponsored TCI update
needs of young people, and the safety of both at least every 2 years (1 year in New York State and in
children and staff. Certification includes an the United Kingdom/Ireland).
agreement to practice in accordance with TCI
Basic requirements for professional
principles, which provides a framework for TCI
practice and training and general standards that
include levels of certification, regulations, and • Successful completion of a TCI update program
requirements for continuing or maintaining the designed for professional certification. Successful
certification process. completion is defined as complete attendance
and a passing score on a written test and on skill
demonstrations in key TCI competency areas.
Associate Certification
• Successful completion of a minimum of four
Certification represents a high standard of direct training programs of a prescribed length
professional practice. An associate certification with prescribed evaluation instruments within
is granted at the completion of training if the their associate certification period. Successful
participant successfully completes the training and completion is defined by acceptable trainee
evaluation requirements. To maintain associate level performance on selected evaluation instruments
certification, certified trainers must attend a Cornell and a review of actual video footage of a prescribed
sponsored TCI update at least every 2 years (1 year in number of training activities.
New York State and in the United Kingdom/Ireland).
Privileges associated with professional
Basic requirements for associate certification certification
• Successful completion of the training of trainers • certification to provide direct training within your
program. Successful completion is defined as organization/agency and direct training sponsored
complete attendance and a passing score on a by your agency
written test and on skill demonstrations in key • certification to provide direct training outside of
competency areas. your organization/agency
• Participants agree to practice in accordance with • eligibility to participate on a certification
TCI principles and follow the guidelines for committee
training and implementing TCI.

Privileges associated with associate

• certification to provide direct TCI training
according to the TCI guidelines within your
agency and direct training sponsored by your
• eligibility for professional certification after a
minimum of 1 year

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 39
TCI Implementation: Documentation, Incident Monitoring,
TCI SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: Documentation, Incident Monitoring, and Feedback

and Feedback
Documentation is critical, and includes the 4. What were the antecedents?
documentation of staff supervision and training, and 5. What action did staff member(s) take to
the documentation and monitoring of incidents de-escalate the situation?
throughout the agency. As part of an agency’s 6. Is there is an individual crisis management plan
leadership and administrative support for TCI, an for the child? Did these actions or procedures
agency-wide committee should have the authority conform to the plan?
and responsibility to enforce documentation 7. If physical contact was made, who did what? (be
requirements, track the frequency, location, and specific)
type of incidents that occur. In addition, any 8. How long did the restraint last? Who was
committee or data/management system should involved and how?
have the potential to monitor staff, children, and 9. Were there any injuries? Was medical attention
programmatic involvement in incidents. This given to the child or staff member(s)?
documentation and monitoring system allows the 10. What plan was developed in the Life Space
leadership to review incidents and make decisions Interview?
about individual and organizational practice. 11. Was any follow-up needed?
12. Were staff members debriefed?
In addition to an agency-wide restraint review 13. Statements from witnesses should include a
committee, there should be a peer review (clinical description of what they observed.
review) of incidents and a team or unit review. These
reviews focus on different aspects of the incident Documentation is essential for many reasons. It is
and feedback any information or suggestions to the important for charting child progress, for providing
team, clinician, or administration. There should be clear and concise information if there are abuse
some type of benchmarking or red flagging that is allegations, for gathering information to improve
put in place that will note any situation that exceeds services to young people and families, and for
the norm and requires a special review. For example, communicating with staff members and families.
a red flag might appear after a certain number of By taking a close look at what has happened, staff
incidents occur during a month, or if restraints members can plan and alter the environment to
exceed a certain length of time. meet young people’s needs better and prevent future
crises. Families should be notified after a restraint or
Documentation is the basis for incident monitoring crisis occurs. They should be involved so that they
at all levels of an agency’s organizational structure. can offer support and guidance to the young person.
Although each organization determines the kind of Working in partnership with the family is critical
events that are considered critical, all restraints should when dealing with crises.
be documented by all workers who were involved in
or who monitored a restraint. Young people may also
want or need to document the restraint they were Technical Assistance
involved in or witnessed. • attend incident review meetings and give feedback
• review documentation and give feedback
All physical interventions need to be documented, • conduct workshops on deconstructing incidents
and documentation should be on separate incident or and assessing risk
restraint forms. It is important to write down what • assist clinical and supervisory staff in tying
happened. Regulatory requirements may dictate documentation into the individual crisis
what is included in an incident report. Minimally, managemnt plan debriefing
the following information should be included:
1. Who was involved?
2. Where did it take place?
3. When did it happen?

40 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
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THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 53
TCI Faculty, Instructors, and Staff
TCI Faculty Instructors, and Staff

TCI Faculty and Staff Greg Wise, M.A., who formerly worked as a
residential child care supervisor and with the
Michael Nunno, D.S.W., is a Senior Extension developmentally disadvantaged and mentally ill, is an
Associate with the Family Life Development Center extension associate with the FLDC. He delivers TCI
(FLDC), and the co-principal investigator of the training and updates nationally and internationally.
Residential Child Care Project (RCCP). Dr. Nunno
Thomas J. Endres, M.A., is an extension associate
has published in the Child Protective Services Team
with the FLDC. Mr. Endres has over 20 years of
Handbook, as well as in Children and Youth Services
experience in residential and group care and has
Review; Child Abuse and Neglect: An International
worked as a coordinator of group care, a therapist in
Journal; Children and Society; and Protecting Children.
residential treatment facilities, and an educateur. He
He was editor of the Journal of Child and Youth Care’s
provides TCI and CARE training, TCI updates, and
dedicated issue on institutional maltreatment and co-
technical assistance for the RCCP.
editor of the book, For Your Own Safety: Examining the
Safety of High-Risk Interventions for Children and Young Joanna F. Garbarino, M.S., graduated with
People. distinction from Cornell University’s School of
Human Ecology in 2004. Since that time she has
Martha J. Holden, M.S., is a Senior Extension
worked with the RCCP as a research assistant and
Associate with the FLDC, co-principal investigator
been involved in many facets of development for the
and Director of the RCCP. Ms. Holden provides
CARE and TCI curricula.
technical assistance and training to residential child
caring agencies, schools, juvenile justice programs, Eugene Saville, A.As., is the administrative assistant
and child welfare organizations throughout the for the RCCP. He is responsible for scheduling
United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, training programs, handling registration, and
Australia, Israel, New Zealand, and Russia. She coordinating materials for all of the RCCP training
was the lead writer and developer of Children and programs. In addition, he oversees the web site and
Residential Experiences (CARE): Creating Conditions data base and provides information and assistance
for Change, a best practice model for residential care to the public in regard to the many programs of the
organizations. Ms. Holden has published in the RCCP.
Children’s and Youth Services Review, Child Abuse and
Neglect: An International Journal, Journal of Emotional Kristen Carlison supports the data management
and Behavioral Problems, Residential Treatment for needs of the RCCP. Within these duties she manages
Children & Youth, and the Journal of Child And Youth the data needs of TCI’s certification and testing
Care Work. She has co-authored a chapter in the system, as well as TCI implementation projects. She
book Understanding Abusive Families and For Your Own also has responsibilities for the project’s quarterly
Safety: Examining the Safety of High-risk Interventions reports, budget proposal, and proposal development.
for Children and Young People. In 2005 she received the
Holly Smith handles the processing of testing
Board of Directors Award for Lifetime Achievement
materials for the RCCP training. Her responsibilities
and Outstanding Service to America’s Children and
include scanning test information, mailing
Youth and For Dedication to Promoting Life-Long
individual’s test results, and maintaining the database.
Learning Within the Child and Youth Care Profession
She also assists in preparing the quarterly reports.
from the Ohio Association of Child and Youth Care
Professionals. Alissa Medero handles the training registrations
for the RCCP. She sends out confirmation letters,
training materials and corresponds with participants
to ensure a productive training for all.

54 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
TCI Faculty, Instructors, and Staff

Brittany Burns is responsible for managing the Guidance and Counseling and is a nationally certified
logistics for hotels/sites for our training programs. counselor. In 1998, she was nominated for the
She packs and ships training materials for the 200+ International Who’s Who of Professionals.
training programs conducted annually.
I. Franklin Kuhn, Jr., Ph.D, a clinical psychologist,
Trudy Radcliffe is the primary contact person for has worked in clinical and administrative positions
CARE, a program model for residential services. She with child welfare organizations for over 20 years. He
coordinates CARE training, registration, evaluation, has served as medical school faculty and has provided
and logistics. consultation and training to agencies across the U.S.
Dr. Kuhn has been a consultant to the RCCP since
TCI Instructors
Raymond Taylor, Msc., has extensive experience
Andrea Mooney, M.Ed., JD, is an original author in social work education, research, and training. He
of TCI and has been involved with the program holds degrees in Social Administration, Social Work
since its inception. She has been a Special Education and Research from the University of Stirling, an
teacher, a law guardian, and a consultant. She is now Advanced Diploma in Child Protection Studies from
a clinical professor at the Cornell University Law the University of Dundee and a Master’s Degree in
School and an attorney/trainer in private practice, Public Sector Management from the University of
specializing in child advocacy and family law. Strathclyde. He has been a TCI consultant since the
introduction of TCI into Britain and the Republic
Jack C. Holden, Ph.D., an independent trainer of Ireland in 1992.
and consultant working with residential care, foster
care, and public schools has been an instructor and Doug Bidleman, B.A., is the Senior Learning
project consultant with Cornell University’s RCCP Coach for the Learning Institute at Hillside Family
for nearly 25 years. Dr. Holden earned a Ph.D. in of Agencies in Rochester, NY. He has over 30 years
Education, specializing in Adult Learning and has of experience providing service to children and
presented workshops and research nationally and families in a residential treatment environment. He is
internationally and has co-authored, Recovery for responsible for overseeing Hillside Children’s Center
Staff—TCI, Cornell University; Connecting: Essential Behavior Management System which addresses all
Elements of Residential Child Care Practice; Basic Child aspects of crisis intervention in an effort to ensure the
Care Practices for Foster Parents; and Learning Life Skills: best practice and child and staff safety.
A Curriculum For Group Leaders Helping With the
Move Towards Interdependent Living. Dr. Holden has Nick Pidgeon, BSc, is Director of NJP Consultancy
published in the Journal of Child and Youth Care Work, and Training Ltd. based in Bridge of Allan, Scotland.
and Journal of National Staff Development and Training He has many years experience in social work
Association. and over 10 years experience as an independent
consultant. He has provided training and consultancy
Carla Sockwell Morgan, M.Ed., NCC, currently throughout Britain and Ireland and in the USA,
employed by NC Mentor, has been in the human Canada, Australia, and Russia. Since 1993 he has been
service field for over 25 years. She has worked in a consultant to the RCCP.
both public and private agencies as a foster care social
worker, group home director, clinical coordinator, Mary Ruberti, M.S.W., is a private consultant
and trainer. She has worked with Cornell University specializing in teaching and technical assistance
since 1984 and has also presented at many state and to residential programs. She has many years of
national conferences. In 1978, she earned an M.Ed. in experience working with emotionally disabled and

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 55
TCI Faculty Instructors, and Staff

mentally ill children and youth in both residential John Gibson, M.S.W., MSSc, CQSW, is owner of
and community-based settings. This work has Gibson-Cathcart Social Work Consultancy (Ireland).
included the utilization of adventure-based He is qualified in Social Work and has worked in 4
counseling in this population in a variety of settings. different residential child care settings for a total of
Ms. Ruberti has received training from Project 21 years. He was among the first workers to train
Adventure, Inc., a nationally recognized ABC training in TCI in Ireland and Britain. He joined RCCP
provider. as in Instructor in 2001. His doctoral research is a
qualitative study into team leadership in small group
Beth Laddin, M.S.W., works as an elementary homes in Ireland.
school social worker in Albany, NY. Previously,
Ms. Laddin worked for the FLDC at Cornell as a Zelma Smith, LMSW, Child Welfare Consultant
Program Manager and as a Field Instructor. As a and Trainer, has over 35 years of experience in the
Field Instructor, Ms. Laddin trained child service field of child welfare including training, consultation,
providers in the TCI program. Other child welfare curriculum development, supervision, and direct
experience includes positions in Child Protective service delivery. She was the principal curriculum
Services, Residential Facilities, administrative state developer of an educational/group support program
positions, Facility Quality Assurance work, and for relatives caring for children in their home. Her
program development. work experience includes training in kinship care,
recruitment and preparation and selection of foster
Angela Stanton-Greenwood, M.A., M.Ed., has and adoptive parents, residential treatment, child
worked with a learning disabled population for 30 abuse and neglect and meeting planning. In the
years as a practitioner with Barnardos, and now as a mid-1980’s, she had been a field instructor/extension
training manager for the Helsey Group, England. Ms. associate at Cornell University’s Child Protective
Stanton-Greenwood coordinates the TCI program in Training Institute. Formerly, she was chairperson for
Europe. She is a TCI and SCIP Instructor and was the National Association of Black Social Workers’
staff supervisor in the program that piloted TCI in National Kinship Task Force Committee. She is a
England. current member of the National Kinship Advisory
Sandy Paterson, DPE, DRem.Ed., is a private Committee at the Child Welfare League of America.
consultant with more than 30 years of experience Rich Heresniak is the Training director at the Astor
in residential child care. For more than 15 years Home for Children, a 75-bed residential facility
he was the Principal of High Close School in the for severely emotionally disturbed children, ages
U.K., a residential school for children who have 5-13, located in Rhinebeck, NY. He handles crisis
severe emotional and behavioral problems, where intervention work and is the primary TCI trainer
implementation of TCI was first piloted in the UK. for the facility. Mr. Heresniak worked his way up
Howard Bath, Ph.D., is the Children’s to this position, starting out as a Teacher Assistant
Commissioner of the Northern Territory, Australia. in the Astor Learning Center, followed by Crisis
Dr. Bath is a registered clinical psychologist and Intervention and childcare worker in the RTC and
has studied and taught in both Australia and the RTF units.
United States and is widely published in the areas of Craig Bailey, B.S., is the Crisis Prevention Specialist
behaviour management, out-of-home care, family at Crestwood Children’s Center, an affiliate of the
preservation, and more recently the treatment of Hillside Family of Agencies, located in Rochester,
young people with problematic sexual behaviours. NY. He has been working with young people
He was the inaugural chair of the Child and Family in residential care since 1996, and has been with
Welfare Association of Australia (CAFWAA). Crestwood since 2000. Craig has been the primary

56 THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
TCI Faculty, Instructors, and Staff

TCI trainer for new employees at Crestwood during

this time, and currently works alongside the Learning
Institute at the Hillside Family of Agencies to deliver
TCI training to new employees from all of the
service affiliates.

Andrea Turnbull, M.A., LMHC, QS, has 15

years experience working with young people in
residential treatment settings. Her 14 year tenure at
a residential psychiatric center shaped her views on
working with youth in crisis as she moved among
the agency in positions such as direct care worker,
milieu coordinator, program director and ultimately
training director. Ms. Turnbull became a TCI trainer
in 2001 when her agency first began training TCI.
Ms. Turnbull, a licensed mental health counselor, is
currently Clinical Coordinator at Carlton Manor, Inc.
a non-profit agency providing therapeutic residential
group home services for children in St. Petersburg,

THERAPEUTIC CRISIS INTERVENTION SYSTEM: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University 57
For more information about the Residential Child Care Project,
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