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10/8/2021 Second Part


1- Page (32) Concept Vocabulary

2- Text “A Simple Act “page (33-35)

3- Word Study Page (40)

4- Conventions Page (41)

5- Concept Vocabulary page (42) (not coming in the


6- Text “An Invisible thread” pages (43-44)

7- Analyze Text (point of view) Page (47)

8- Word Study page (48) (not coming in the exam)

9- Conventions Page (49)

10- Concept vocabulary page (62 ,66)

Ahmed Waleed
Page (32) Concept Vocabulary

Word meaning
1: to join (two or more things) together
EX: Can you connect the hose to the sprinkler?
(‫) خرطوم الرش‬
Connects (Verb) 2: to join with or become joined to something else
‫يربط‬ Ex: The two bones connect at the elbow.
joins together 3: to think of (something or someone) as being
related to (‫ ) متعلق ب‬or involved with (‫) المشاركة مع‬
another person, thing, event, or idea.
Ex: I never connected you with that group of people.

1: to affect (‫ ) يؤثر‬or alter (‫ ) تغير‬by indirect or intangible

means (‫) وسائل غير ملموسة‬
EX: She attempted to influence his decision. (‫) القرار‬
Influence (verb)
Greatly influenced by my parents.
‫يؤثر‬ 2: to have an effect on (‫ ) تأثير‬the condition (‫ )ظرف‬or
affect someone in an development of. (‫) تطوير‬
important way EX: Productivity (‫ ) االنتاج‬was influenced by worker
satisfaction. (‫)رضا‬

1 a: to inspire (‫ ) يلهم‬with courage (‫) شجاعة‬, spirit (‫)روح‬,

or hope 
EX: she was encouraged to continue by her early
Encouraged (verb)
‫يشجع‬ b: to attempt (‫ ) يحاول‬to persuade (‫)يقنع‬
Inspired or offered EX: encouraged him to go back to school
support to 2: to spur on (‫) حفز علي‬
EX: warm weather encourages plant growth

a close connection joining two or more people:
EX: the bond(s) of friendship /love.
a close relationship
Text “A Simple Act “page (33-35)

1-Where does A Simple Act take place?

-Manhattan, NYC

2-What is the name of the woman who met Maurice?


3-What is the name of the boy who asked for money in A Simple Act?

4-What is Laura's profession?

-successful advertising executive

5-Why did Laura pass Maurice by at first?

-She had gotten so used to seeing panhandlers in New York.

6- What is the name of the Chinese proverb that the story talks
-Invisible Thread

7- Describe the Invisible Thread.

- An invisible thread connects two people who are destined to meet
and influence each other.

8- What is significant about the distance of 2 blocks?

- Laura and Maurice lived just 2 blocks apart, but their lives were very

9- Describe how Maurice was dressed when Laura met him.

- Scruffy clothes and tight shoes

10- What ritual do Laura and Maurice share?

-They eat dinner together every Monday.
11- Who was the person besides Laura who showed an interest in
Maurice's life?
-His teacher
12- What did Maurice's teacher force Laura to think about?
- If she was helping Maurice to feel better about herself, or if she
truly cared about his future.

13- hat is significant about a brown paper bag?

- Maurice asks Laura to put his lunch in a brown paper bag so that
other kids will see he has someone who cares about him.

14- Laura takes Maurice on a trip to visit whom?

- Laura's sister

15- What did Laura think would impress Maurice about her sister's
- The huge house and big back yard

16- What does Maurice's interest in the dining room table tell you
about him?
-He is impressed by the concept of people sitting down together to
talk and listen to one another.

17- Before Laura's book came out, there was a story about her and
Maurice in a Magazine

18- Maurice's job as an adult is what?

- He works in construction.

19- What is significant about the living room in Maurice's apartment?

- He has a dining room table for his family.

20-What is significant about a paycheck in the story?

- Maurice is the first person in his family to earn a paycheck.
21-Ernest Hemingway said, "The best way to find out if you can trust
someone is to “trust them"

22-What is the theme of invisible thread?

A major theme in this story is friendship, it shows through how Laura
and Maurice slowly became friends, how they started doing more
together and spending more time together.

23- Which point of view is A Simple Act told in?

Omniscient third person point of view.

1. How do Laura and Maurice first meet?

He is begging on the street
He is playing music on a corner
He is running and bumps into Laura
They live on the same street

2. What is the "invisible thread?"

an important family ties
the course of a person's life
an adult's responsibility to a child
the connection between two people

3. Who at first seems to be the only other person besides Laura who believes
that Maurice can better himself?
his mother
his teacher
a panhandler
Laura's sister

4. What happens after Laura's friends suggest that she write a book about her
experiences with Maurice?
She writes the book right away
She eventually writes a best seller
She writes a magazine article instead
She writes the book but does not publish it.

5. What does Maurice's time with Laura most clearly add to his life? Choose
new experiences

6. Which is the best definition for connects?

meets at a certain time and place
speaks to an unknown person
establishes a relationship
removes a covering

7. What usually happens when two people influence each other?

They affect each other.
They ignore each other
They make fun of each other
They compete with each other

8. What does sharing food most likely represent to Maurice?

wealth and privilege
being pitied by others
exchanging unusual ideas
an accepting family bond

9. What statement best describes Laura's relationship with the grown

Maurice and his family?
They have drifted apart and rarely speak.
They have started a business together.
She has become like one of his relatives.
She still serves as an inspirational example.

10. In what way has Laura gained the most from her relationship with
She feels that her existence mattered.
She has become welcoming to strangers.
She has found someone who trusts her.
She has become a celebrity.

11. What quote best supports the answer to the last question?

She encouraged him to have dreams about his future and got involved in his
The result of their work reached number one on the New York Times Best Seller list.
The writer Ernest Hemingway said, “The best way to find out if you can trust
somebody is to trust them." Over the years, Laura discovered the truth in that
He repaid her trust by giving her life more meaning that her success at work ever

12. Which quote best shows that Jackson's point of view is more subjective
than objective?
As they talked over their lunch, Laura learned about the boy's life.
They arranged to meet again next Monday.
Today, Maurice works in construction.
He repaid her trust by giving her life more meaning than her success at work ever

13. Read this excerpt.

The boy lived in a single room in a welfare hotel with his mother and
numerous other relatives. It was only two blocks from Laura's home, but it
might as well have been a different planet. As they talked over their lunch,
Laura learned about the boy's life. She herself had not had an easy childhood,
but what she heard shocked her....

What commentary does Jackson make about the boy's situation?

He thinks the boy's living conditions are extremely bad.
He considers the boy's relatives unsupportive.
He thinks living in the boy's hotel would be exciting.
He considers the boy's situation ordinary

14. At the opening of the selection, Maurice makes a toast to Laura. What
statement best describes Maurice and Laura on that occasion?
He is still a young boy, and she is a working woman.
He has just gotten married, and she is at their wedding.
He is a grown man and Laura is celebrating her fiftieth birthday.
Maurice and Laura have reunited after many years to talk about their youth.

15. Which of these statements best portrays Maurice and Laura's

Maurice benefited from the relationship more than Laura.
Laura benefited more than Maurice
Both benefited enormously
Neither got much from the relationship
16. How does Laura mainly feel as she listens to Maurice's toast?

17. In what main way did Maurice teach Laura about the gift of love?
by showing what a child's love is like
by remembering his mother
by the example of his marriage
by giving her someone to love

18. Which show that this is written from first person point of view? Choose
The author uses the pronoun I to refer to herself.
The author recounts events that really happened.
The author uses the pronoun he to refer to Maurice.
The author is involved in the events being recounted.

19. How does Laura Schroff, the author and first-person narrator mainly share
Maurice's thoughts and feelings about their relationship?
by describing his appearance at dinner
by providing a direct quote of the toast he made
by describing his actions at dinner
By telling about a conversation, they had
 Word Study Page (40)
Multiple-Meaning Words: A multiple-meaning word is a word with more
than one definition. Sometimes the definitions of multiple-meaning words
are similar, but in other cases they may be completely unrelated. For
example, the word bond, which appears in “A Simple Act,” has several
different meanings.

Write the meaning of bond as it is used in the fifth paragraph. Then, use a
dictionary to find two more definitions of the word bond.

- In paragraph 5, "bond" means "a close relationship". Bond can also be

defined as a force or object that restrains someone or something from
movement, or as a formal agreement to fulfill a duty.

Conventions Page (41)

Adverbs: An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb,

adjective, or another adverb. These words provide information by
answering the question How? When? Where? How often? or to what
extent? Many adverbs end in the suffix -Ly. This chart shows

How> Maurice asked politely for change

When? Laura said no, but soon changed her mind
Where? They went inside for a meal.
How often? Hey usually met for dinner on Monday night.
To what extent? Today, Maurice and Laura are extremely good friends
Types of Adverbs
There are five main kinds of adverbs, each answering a different question.
They include:

Adverbs of manner (how something happens) - angrily, hungrily, beautifully

Adverbs of time (when does something happen) - yesterday, tomorrow, next week

Adverbs of place (where something happens) - here, there, nowhere

Adverbs of degree (how much does something happen) - almost, so, very

Adverbs of frequency (how often something happens) - always, never, often

Note: Another type of adverb conjunctive adverbs, such as "also," "besides,"

"meanwhile," and "likewise." You can also use sentence adverbs (such as
"Thankfully" or "Indeed") at the beginning to modify the entire sentence.

Read It
1. Identify the adverb or adverbs in each sentence. Then, identify the
word each adverb modifies or describes.
a. Maurice and Laura shared meals regularly and enthusiastically.
Adverbs: regularly; enthusiastically

modifies shared

b. They often exchanged opinions and frequently agreed.

Adverb: frequently

Modifies: agreed

c. Later, Laura befriended Maurice’s children, too.

Adverb: Later

Modifies: befriended
d. Laura’s book was very popular and deeply affected many readers.

Adverb 1: deeply
Modifies: affected

Adverb 2: very
Modifies: popular

Concept Vocabulary page (42) (not coming in the exam)

Word Meaning
Resilience ability to recover quickly
Perseverance continued, patient effort
Generosity willingness to give or share

Text “An Invisible thread” pages (43-44)

1-Who was Maurice?

-A boy that Laura found on the streets and took him to get lunch.

2- What did Maurice do for money or food before Laura?


3- Where did Laura take Maurice for lunch the first day, she met him?

4-What was the occasion at which Maurice gave his toast to Laura?

-Her 50th birthday

5-Where were Maurice and Laura when they first met?

-On a street in New York.

6-True or false? Laura stopped to talk to Maurice when he asked her for a



7-True or false? If it had not been for Laura, Maurice's life would have

turned out very differently.


8-What does Maurice call Laura in his toast to her?

-An angel

9-What does Laura say she believes is the greatest gift of all?


10-What is a possible theme for the story?

-You always need someone you can trust

1. At the opening of the selection from "An invisible Thread", Maurice makes a
toast to Laura. Which statement best describes Maurice and Laura on that
Maurice is still a young boy, and Laura is a young working woman
Maurice has just gotten marries and Laura is attending the wedding.
Maurice and Laura reunited after many years to recall their youth
Maurice is a grown man and Laura is celebrating her 50th birthday

2. According to the selection from "An Invisible Thread", what did Maurice ask
Laura for on the day they met?

3. According to "An Invisible Thread", what did Laura do for Maurice when
they first met? (2 answers are correct, choose both!)
She played games with him.
She gave him money.
She bought him a meal.
She helped with his homework
She introduced him to her family

4. Which of these statements best portrays Maurice and Laura's relationship

as presented in the selected from "An Invisible Thread"?
Maurice benefited from the relationship much more than Laura did.
Laura benefited from the relationship much more than Maurice did.
Laura and Maurice both benefited from the relationship
Neither benefited very much from the relationship

8. According to "An Invisible Thread", what main effect does Maurice believe
Laura has had on him?
she changed the direction of his life
she taught him the true value of money
she helped him get along with other people
she taught him to value what he already had

9. "My angel was Laurie"-Maurice, most likely shows...

Laura changed his life.
Laura is a nun.
Laura barely helped him.
Laura got help from Maurice.
10. How does Laura feel as she listens to Maurice's toast?
11. Which quote shows that Laura was emotional during the speech?
"I nearly lost it throughout his whole darn toast"
"He taught me about resilience, courage, perseverance"
"Everyone was excited to see him and hear him speak"
"The importance of a silly ritual like baking cookies"

12. In what way did Maurice teach Laura about the gift of love?
the example of his marriage
always remembering his mother
showing what a child's love is like
giving Laura someone to love

13. Maurice gave Laura a purpose in someone to love. Which quote supports

"He kissed his wife, walked up to the stage, and took the microphone. "
"My mother-bless her soul, my mother died"
"Every kindness was paid back"
"Maurice appeared out of nowhere and allowed me to love him"

14. How do we know the story is written in 1st person p.o.v.? Choose 2

The narrator uses "I" to refer to herself
The narrator recounts events
The narrator uses he to refer to Maurice
The narrator is involved in the events that happened.
The narrator gives thoughts and feelings of more than one person

15. How does Laura, share Maurice's thoughts and feelings?

by describing his actions
by providing the conversation they had
by providing a direct quote
by describing his appearance.

16. What is the main difference between Laura and Maurice's points of view?
Laura focuses on the past. Maurice focuses on the present
Maurice thinks he should be grateful to Laura, but Laura thinks she should be
grateful to Maurice.
Maurice focuses on the importance of her birthday, but Laura focuses on their
Maurice has warm feelings for everyone, but Laura feels awkward there.

17. What TWO ways does "An Invisible Thread" expand on ideas from "A
Simple Act"?
it describes Maurice's reaction to appearing in Laura's book
It shares Maurice's view of and feelings about the day he met Laura
It gives more details about the hotel Maurice lived in when he met Laura
Is shares Laura's personal observations and captures her personality through her
word choice.
It explains the significance that a large dining room table has for Maurice.

18. What does "A Simple Act" explain that wasn't explained in "An Invisible
the significance of the title, An Invisible Thread
The significance of the toast
Maurice's impact on Laura
Laura's impact on Maurice.

19. What is "A Simple Act" unable to show because of the difference in point
of view, that could be seen in "An Invisible Thread"
Laura's first meeting with Maurice
Laura's actual feelings
Maurice as a grown man
Maurice's relationship with his wife

Analyze Text (point of view) Page (47)

Narrative Point of View: Point of view is the “eye” or narrative voice

through which you tell a story. When you write a story, you must decide
who is telling the story, and to whom they are telling it. The story could be

told by a character who is involved in the story, or from a perspective that

sees and knows all the characters but is not one of them.

There are Four type of Narrative Point of View:

 First person point of view. First person is when “I” am telling the

story. The character is in  the story, relating his or her experiences
 Second person point of view. The story is told to “you.” This POV (
‫ )وجهة نظر‬is not common in fiction, but it’s still good to know
(it is  common in nonfiction).
 Third person point of view, limited. The story is about “he” or “she.”
This is the most common point of view in commercial fiction. The
narrator is outside of the story and relating the experiences of a
 Third person point of view, omniscient. The story is still about “he”
or “she,” but the narrator has full access to the thoughts and
experiences of all  characters in the story.

Narrative Point of View: An Invisible Thread is a memoir (‫ )مذاكرات‬written

from the first-person point of view. You can tell a work of nonfiction is

written from the first-person point of view by looking for the following


• The author uses the pronoun I to refer to himself or herself.

• The author is involved in the events being described.

• Authors often use direct quotations, or a person’s exact words, to
reflect the views of other people involved in the narrative.

Memoirs are usually written from the first-person point of view. Authors

of memoirs use the first-person point of view because they are

describing events and experiences in their own lives—both what happened

as well as personal reactions and emotions

Word Study page (48) (not coming in the exam)

Latin Suffix: -ity The Latin suffix -ity means the “state, quality, or condition of.

The suffix ending "-ity" is another noun suffix that is formed from adjectives.

Adding "-ity" to some base adjectives changes the meaning to a noun

1) If the root of some adjectives ends in "-al", "-an", "-ar", "-ic", “or”

"-id" add "ity" to form the noun.

Adjective ending Suffix Noun

Equal +ity Equality
Inhuman +ity Inhumanity
Similar +ity Similarity
Public +ity Publicity
Major +ity Majority
Stupid +ity Stupidity

2) If the root of some adjectives ends in "-ary", drop the "ary" and add

"ity" to form the noun.

Adjective ending Suffix Noun

Necessary +ity Necessity
3) If the root of some adjectives ends in "-al", drop the "al" and add

"ity" to form the noun.

Adjective ending Suffix Noun

Eternal +ity Eternity

4) If the root of the adjective ends in "-ble", drop the "ble" and add "bility"

to form the noun.

Adjective ending Suffix Noun

Acceptable +bility Acceptability
Flexible +bility Flexibility
Possible +bility Possibility

5) If the root of the adjective ends in "-e", drop the "e" and add "ity" to

form the noun.

Adjective ending Suffix Noun

Secure +ity Security
Futile +ity Futility

6) If the root of the adjective ends in "-ive", drop the "e" and add "ity" to

form the noun.

Adjective ending Suffix Noun

Active +ity Activity
Creative +ity Creativity

7) If the root of the adjective ends in "-ous", drop the "ous" and add "osity"

to form the noun.

Adjective ending Suffix Noun

Generous +osity Generosity
Curious +osity Curiosity

Conventions Page (49)

Adjectives: An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or

pronoun. Adjectives may answer the question What kind? How many?
Which one? or Whose? Possessive nouns and pronouns are used as
adjectives to answer the question Whose?

What kind? The young boy had a genuine smile.

How many? They talked for fifty minutes.
Which one? Have you read that book?
Whose? I greatly admired Maurice’s speech.

Two or More Adjectives: Coordinate adjectives: are two or more

adjectives that modify the same noun and are separated by a comma.
You can tell whether adjectives are coordinate if the word and could
be used in place of the comma and you could reverse the adjectives.
Cumulative adjectives: also modify the same noun, but they are not
separated by a comma. Cumulative adjectives cannot be reversed


They became lifelong, devoted She wore a light blue sweater.
friends. You could say: They became (She wore a blue light sweater
devoted and lifelong friends. does not mean the same thing.)
Read It
Identify the adjectives in each sentence and name the nouns they modify.
Then tell whether the adjectives are coordinate or cumulative and explain

1. Maurice gave an emotional, heartfelt speech.

Emotional" and "heartfelt" are both adjectives that modify "speech". Because

they are separated by a comma, they are coordinate adjectives.

2. His warm good nature inspired many listeners.

"Warm" and "good" are both adjectives that modify "nature". They are

cumulative adjectives because they are not separated by a comma.

"Many" is an adjective that modifies "listeners". It is neither coordinate nor

cumulative because it is just one adjective.

3. The book teaches many valuable life lessons.

"Many," "valuable," and "life" are all adjectives that modify "lessons." Since

they are not separated by commas, and must remain in the same order, they

are cumulative adjectives

Concept vocabulary page (62 ,66)

Word Meaning
to experience difficulty and make a very great

Struggling (verb) effort in order to do something.

‫يكافح‬ Ex: The dog had been struggling to get free of

the wire noose.

 a symptom of reduced quality or strength
 damage that results in a reduction of

Impairments (noun) strength or quality

‫ضعف‬  the condition of being unable to perform

because of physical or mental unfitness.

feeling annoyed or less confident because you

Frustrated (adjective) cannot achieve what you want.

‫محبط‬ Ex: Are you feeling frustrated in your present


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