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Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 107, No. 5, pp. 2293–2309, October 2017, doi: 10.


Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for Arias Intensity, Cumulative

Absolute Velocity, and Peak Incremental Ground Velocity
for Rock Sites in Different Tectonic Environments
by Zach Bullock, Shideh Dashti, Abbie Liel, Keith Porter, Zana Karimi, and Brendon Bradley

Abstract This article presents the development of ground-motion prediction equa-

tions for the maximum rotated (RotD100) horizontal component of five intensity mea-
sures: Arias intensity, cumulative absolute velocity, cumulative absolute velocity
above the 5 cm=s2 threshold (CAV5 ), standardized cumulative absolute velocity
(CAVSTD ), and peak incremental ground velocity. The equations predict the ground-
motion intensity at outcropping rock sites. This scope reflects the critical importance
of outcropping rock-motion properties that can be employed as predictors of certain
site-response quantities or used as input to site-response and soil–structure interaction
analyses. We present equations for the shallow crustal, intraplate, and subduction tec-
tonic environments and between- and within-event standard deviations for each. We
also provide supplemental logistic models predicting the probability that CAV5 and
CAVSTD exceed zero in a given earthquake scenario. These equations are valid for
magnitudes between 4.0 and 9.0 and source-to-site distances up to 400 km, depending
on the tectonic environment.

Electronic Supplement: Figures of model residuals, comparison of results for

shallow crustal and subduction tectonic environments, attenuation for the parameters,
and tables of records included in the analysis.

Kramer and Mitchell (2006) and Karimi and Dashti absolute velocity (CAVSTD ); and peak incremental ground
(2017a,b) have shown that liquefaction hazard and its conse- velocity (V gi ). These equations predict these IMs as a func-
quences (e.g., permanent foundation settlement) can be tion of earthquake (event) moment magnitude (M w ), focal
predicted more reliably through the use of evolutionary inten- depth (H), earthquake type and fault mechanism, and site
sity measures (IMs) rather than peak transient measures (e.g., distance to rupture (using the closest distance, denoted as
peak ground acceleration [PGA]). These measures are R). We provide equations for shallow crustal, intraplate,
evolutionary because they accumulate over the course of a and subduction tectonic environments. The resulting prob-
ground-motion recording. They depend not only on the ampli- abilistic estimates of these IMs provide inputs in the next
tude of motion but also on the motion’s duration and frequency stage of a performance-based framework for structural de-
content. One example of an evolutionary measure is cumula- sign or assessment, which would link these IMs to demand
tive absolute velocity (CAV). However, ground-motion predic- parameters (DPs) that relate to liquefaction-induced building
tion equations (GMPEs) for evolutionary IMs are fewer in settlement or tilt. The primary motivation behind this work is
number than those for traditional IMs, such as peak spectral to develop improved GMPEs for the evolutionary IMs that
accelerations (PSAs) and PGA. In addition, existing models have been previously identified as the most efficient and suf-
for these evolutionary IMs have been developed using fewer ficient predictors of liquefaction potential and consequences
ground-motion records and often apply to only one tectonic for structures. As a result, site effects (or terms) are not con-
environment, generally shallow crustal active plate margins. sidered in the prediction equations in this study, and we con-
In this study, we propose new GMPEs for the maximum sider data only from rock sites (V S30 ranging from 600 to
rotated (RotD100) horizontal component of Arias intensity 2100 m=s). For this specific and important problem, site ef-
(I A ) CAV; cumulative absolute velocity above a 5 cm=s2 fects are highly nonlinear and often require performing non-
acceleration threshold (CAV5 ); standardized cumulative linear site-response analyses for the specific soil profile of


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interest. Furthermore, previous research by two of the au- tainty in model predictions. Mixed-effects regression is most
thors (Karimi and Dashti, 2017a,b) showed that base often performed using the algorithm of Abrahamson and
rock-motion properties (input excitation to the soil–structure Youngs (1992) or the R implementation of Pinheiro
system) tend to be good predictors of liquefaction-induced et al. (2013).
building settlement and damage, in combination with the When a ground-motion database such as NGA-West is
key properties of soil and structure. For these reasons, in this unavailable, a hybrid approach combining real ground-mo-
study, we focus on prediction equations for evolutionary IMs tion recordings with stochastic simulations can be adopted.
only on rock sites. These can be used for the liquefaction The most prominent example of this methodology is the
problem or other cases in which a soil model is combined NGA-East project, which led to the development of synthetic
with input (rock) excitation. The RotD100 component has ground motions for intraplate events (Boore, 2015). These
been selected for use in this study because soil liquefaction ground motions were employed in the development of hybrid
and building settlement are expected to be correlated with the GMPEs (Darragh et al., 2015; Hollenback et al., 2015;
maximum intensity quantity, regardless of orientation. At Pezeshk et al., 2015).
sites where forward directivity is important, RotD100 aligns Fewer prediction equations exist for evolutionary IMs.
closely with the fault-normal component (Shahi and Baker, However, research in both structural engineering and geo-
2014). Furthermore, Cubrinovski et al. (2003) showed that technical engineering communities highlighted the usefulness
volumetric strains and excess pore-pressure generation due of these IMs in risk assessment (e.g., Harp and Wilson, 1995;
to cyclic shearing are governed by the response in the direc- Benito and Herraiz, 1997; Kayen and Mitchell, 1997). A
tion of the maximum intensity of earthquake shaking. number of authors developed broadly applicable models for
I A based on shallow crustal records (Travasarou et al., 2003;
Review of Existing Prediction Equations and Foulser-Piggott and Stafford, 2012). Campbell and Bozorgnia
Methodologies (2012) published a model for I A and CAV, also considering
shallow crustal records. Du and Wang (2013) developed a
Douglas (2016; see Data and Resources) compiled a model for CAV based on shallow crustal records from the
detailed summary of GMPEs developed for PGA and NGA database. Likewise, Kramer and Mitchell (2006) devel-
PSA between 1964 and 2016. Recently, the Next Generation oped a model for CAV5, and the Electric Power Research
Attenuation (NGA)-West2 project (Bozorgnia et al., 2014) Institute (EPRI) (2006) includes a model for CAVSTD based
produced five empirical GMPEs for shallow crustal events on records from the western and eastern United States. In ad-
using a rich, extensive database of ground-motion record- dition, specialized prediction equations have been produced
ings. To develop the GMPEs, one of the NGA-West2 studies for I A in New Zealand (Stafford et al., 2009); I A in Japan
adopted a two-stage regression approach (Boore et al., (Pousse et al., 2006); I A in Italy (Sabetta and Pugliese, 1996);
2014), whereas the others used a one-stage approach (Abra- I A and CAV in Japan (Foulser-Piggott and Goda, 2015); and
hamson et al., 2013; Campbell and Bozorgnia, 2014; Chiou I A , CAV, and CAV5 in Greece (Danciu and Tselentis, 2007).
and Youngs, 2014; Idriss, 2014). Atkinson and Boore (2003), All of these models used a one-stage regression approach. In
Abrahamson et al. (2016), and Morikawa and Fujiwara addition, at least four prediction equations have been pro-
(2013) used the one-stage approach to develop empirical duced for significant duration: Kempton and Stewart (2006),
GMPEs for PGA and PSA in subduction earthquakes. Bommer et al. (2009), Bora et al. (2014), and Afshari and
In the first stage of the two-stage approach (e.g., that of Stewart (2016). All four listed here used a one-stage regres-
Boore et al., 2014), the path (distance-related) effects are iso- sion approach and applied only in the shallow crustal tectonic
lated by subtracting the earthquake-by-earthquake average ob- environment.
servation of PSA from all observations, and the dependence of Most of the models for evolutionary IMs included terms
these effects on distance is determined by regression. Within- for site effects. To capture these effects, the majority of records
event uncertainty is estimated in this stage. In the second stage, used in the development of these models are not from rock
the dependence of the event effects on magnitude and mecha- sites, but rather from soil sites. The models developed in this
nism is determined by regression, and between-event uncer- study exclusively use records from rock sites to characterize
tainty is estimated. In the one-stage approach utilized to attenuation and uncertainty for these sites only. The scope of
develop the other GMPEs (e.g., Campbell and Bozorgnia, these models reflects the motivation to predict the intensity of
2014), weighted nonlinear regression is performed to deter- the base motion beneath the soil column. Further, no models
mine all model coefficients at the same step. Joyner and Boore for these IMs exist for the intraplate tectonic environment.
(1993) compared multistage (two-stage) and one-stage regres-
sion methodologies for analyzing strong-motion data from
earthquakes. Those authors conclude that both methods pro- Ground-Motion Prediction Model Development
duce unbiased models and that the two-stage approach is mar-
Ground-Motion Record Collection
ginally more computationally efficient. In all of the listed
GMPEs, mixed-effects regression (which allows the separation We collected ground-motion records from sites with
of fixed and random effects) was used to estimate the uncer- shear-wave velocities in the top 30 m (V S30 ) exceeding

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GMPEs for I A, CAV, and Peak Incremental Ground Velocity for Rock Sites 2295

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Distribution of magnitude and distance in the data set for the (a) shallow crustal, (b) intraplate, and (c) subduction tectonic
environments. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

600 m=s to represent rock conditions. This filter was applied R greater than 60 km for Mw 4.0 up to R greater than 200 km
to minimize the influence of softer rocks and soils on the for Mw 5.5 for shallow crustal events; R greater than 100 km
motion properties. All selected records include metadata for for M w 4.0 up to R greater than 400 km for M w 5.0 for intra-
the motions that include magnitude and rupture distance plate events; and R greater than 150 km for M w 4.0 up to R
from the sources described below. The complete shallow greater than 300 km for M w 6.0 for subduction events). The
crustal database used in this study includes 2191 records col- removed records are unlikely to be of engineering signifi-
lected from the NGA-West database (Ancheta et al., 2014), cance. These filters resulted in 1033 shallow crustal records,
563 records collected from the New Zealand Strong Motion 141 intraplate records, and 1237 subduction records being
Database (A. Kaiser, et al., unpublished manuscript, 2017; used in the final regression. Figure 1 shows the final distri-
Van Houtte et al., unpublished manuscript, 2017; see Data butions of event magnitude and site distance to rupture.
and Resources), and 31 additional records from shallow Figure 2 reports the distributions of site shear-wave velocity
strike-slip events in Alaska collected through the Consortium (V S30 ) for all records in each tectonic environment.
of Organizations for Strong Motion Observation Systems
(Haddadi et al., 2008). The intraplate database consists of Intensity Measures Considered
1098 records collected from the NGA-East database (Goulet
The five IMs included in this study are I A , CAV, CAV5 ,
et al., 2014). The subduction database consists of 1252 re-
CAVSTD , and V gi . Table 1 defines these IMs.
cords collected from the KiK/K-Net database. The subduc-
In the equation for CAV5 presented in Table 1, χ is a filter
tion database contains only records from events that can be
that has a value of 1 if the acceleration at that time step exceeds
distinguished as subduction (interface) or subduction (inslab) 5 cm=s2 or a value of 0 if it does not; that is, the Heaviside step
in the metadata collected by Foulser-Piggott and Goda function χ  Ha − 5 cm=s2 . In the equation for CAVSTD,
(2015) and Dawood et al. (2016). These distinctions were each nonoverlapping 1-s time increment is considered sepa-
developed on the basis of the source characteristics of each rately in the summation, N is the total number of such incre-
earthquake, its location, and, in the case of large events, ments of time, and PGAi is the peak ground acceleration in the
detailed seismological studies of those individual events. ith increment. In the equation for V gi, ti1 and ti2 are the times
Additional records from the Internet Site for European marking the beginning and end of the ith acceleration pulse.
Strong-Motion Data (Ambraseys et al., 2004) were consid- The integrals for I A, CAV, and CAV5 are from time zero to the
ered for the crustal and intraplate databases, but the metadata duration of the record.
for these records was not as uniform as that for records from Each IM is evolutionary in nature and is influenced by
the NGA databases, so we excluded these records from the the amplitude, frequency content, and duration of the ground
analysis. Additional records from subduction events in Chile, motion. Figures 3 and 4 show the trends in intensity (as rep-
northern California, and Washington were also considered, resented by CAV), with respect to magnitude and site-to-
but these were all recorded at sites with soil or unknown source distance, respectively, for all three tectonic environ-
conditions and were therefore excluded. ments considered. For brevity, all figures in this study will
To exclude motions from low-magnitude events re- show CAV, although the trends in the other IMs are similar.
corded at sites far from the source, we applied linear Among the IMs considered, I A and CAV are the most
magnitude-dependent distance filters to each database (e.g., commonly used and are the subject of a greater number of

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Figure 2. Distribution of site shear-wave velocity for the (a) shallow crustal, (b) intraplate, and (c) subduction tectonic environments. The
color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. Cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) versus moment magnitude for the (a) shallow crustal, (b) intraplate, and (c) subduction
tectonic environments. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

previous GMPEs. As shown in Table 1, I A and CAV are de- definition, I A naturally exhibits a broader scatter than CAV
fined as the integral of the record acceleration squared and and is more sensitive to high-frequency ground-motion
the integral of the absolute value of the record acceleration, content. This has been reflected in the logarithmic standard
respectively. Because of this mathematical difference in their deviations of previous GMPEs that have considered both

Table 1
Definitions of the Considered Intensity Measures (IMs)
IM Definition References
π td
IA I A  2g 2
R0 at dt Arias (1970)
CAV CAV  R0td jatjdt Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) (1988)
CAV5 CAV5  0td hχijatjdt Ri Kramer and Mitchell (2006)
CAVSTD CAVSTD  R i Ni1 HPGAi − 0:025 i−1 jatjdt EPRI (2006)
V gi V gi  max ti1
jatjdt —

I A , Arias intensity; CAV, cumulative absolute velocity; CAV5 , cumulative absolute velocity above the 5 cm=s2
threshold; CAVSTD , standardized cumulative absolute velocity; V gi , peak incremental ground velocity.

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GMPEs for I A, CAV, and Peak Incremental Ground Velocity for Rock Sites 2297

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4. CAV versus distance to rupture for the (a) shallow crustal, (b) intraplate, and (c) subduction tectonic environments. The color
version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

IMs, using identical databases (e.g., Danciu and Tselentis, the record but rather only on the intensity and duration of the
2007; Campbell and Bozorgnia, 2012; Foulser-Piggott and largest acceleration pulse. We defined acceleration pulses as
Goda, 2015). portions of the ground-motion records starting at a zero
Previous research showed CAV5 to be a strong predictor crossing and including two additional zero crossings, or
of both liquefaction triggering and resulting settlements under essentially one cycle in the acceleration time history. The V gi
shallow-founded structures (Kramer and Mitchell, 2006; Kar- of a given record is the largest area under any single pulse in
imi and Dashti, 2017b). Kramer and Mitchell (2006) demon- that record. V gi has been shown to be useful in applications
strated the predictability of CAV5 by a GMPE, but CAV5 is related to design and assessment of frictional base isolators
inherently more difficult to predict than CAV, due to the zero (Jampole et al., 2016), for which it correlates strongly with
value it takes on below the acceleration threshold. Here, we the largest excursion of the isolator. It may also have appli-
use predictability to mean that it is possible to construct a cations in geotechnical earthquake engineering.
regression model that predicts a given IM with reasonable
goodness of fit and acceptable uncertainty as reflected in the Regression Methodology
standard deviation of residuals. Predictability is an important
characteristic of GMPEs because uncertainty in these equa- We considered multistage and one-stage mixed-effects
tions is carried into each subsequent phase of a performance- regression methodologies, but each yielded similar results.
based procedure or probabilistic hazard analysis. We therefore adopted a single-stage mixed-effects regression
In order for CAV5 and CAVSTD to take on a nonzero approach using the methodology of Abrahamson and
value, the RotD100 value of PGA must exceed 5 cm=s2 or Youngs (1992), consistent with many of the aforementioned
0:025g, respectively. This threshold reduces the number of prediction equations. A reader interested in the details of
each step of the regression is therefore referred to Abraham-
records available to model these IMs. Additionally, the trans-
son and Youngs (1992).
formation from CAV to CAV5 or CAVSTD affects each rec-
The following equation provides the general form of
ord in a somewhat arbitrary way, which may contribute to
regression using this methodology:
increased scatter in CAV5 and CAVSTD . In addition to in-
creasing model uncertainty in these two ways, these limita- EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;df1;313;223 ln Y i;j  fM i ; Ri;j ; …  ηi  εi;j ; 1
tions have the effect of creating bias toward stronger motions
because weaker motions are systematically excluded. In this in which i refers to parameters of the ith event, and j refers to
study, because the predictions of these regression models for parameters of the jth recording from that event. The terms in
CAV5 and CAVSTD are necessarily conditioned on the given the functional form fM i ; Ri;j ; … are treated as fixed ef-
IM taking on a nonzero value, logistic regression (Cox, fects, whereas the between-event logarithmic residual for
1958) was developed following a similar procedure to Bray the ith event ηi and the within-event logarithmic residual
and Travasarou (2007), which applied a probit regression for the jth recording in the ith event εi;j are treated as random
approach to account for zero-valued slope displacements. effects. We assumed the between- and within-event logarith-
In addition to being more novel and less researched, the mic residuals to be normally distributed, with zero mean and
V gi is different from the other four IMs considered in this standard deviations equal to the between- and within-event
article in that it does not depend on the total duration of standard deviations (τ and φ), respectively. The total

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logarithmic residual ri;j is the sum of ηi and εi;j . This treat- magnitude-dependent log–linear scaling with distance, sim-
ment of mixed-effects regression follows the methodology of ilar to that employed by Campbell and Bozorgnia (2014) for
many previous GMPEs (e.g., Abrahamson et al., 2013; PGA and PSA, Travasarou et al. (2003) for I A, and Bommer
Boore et al., 2014; Campbell and Bozorgnia, 2014). et al. (2009) for significant duration; linear scaling with dis-
We neglected site effects because all records considered tance, as seen in Kempton and Stewart (2006) for significant
were recorded on rock. Although the database includes rock duration; and dependence on mechanism type, which is
outcrops with different V S30 values, we assumed that there is ubiquitous in GMPEs, especially those developed for the
no statistical difference between these IMs measured on shallow crustal tectonic environment.
weathered rock or intact rock. We validated this assumption For the subduction tectonic environment, the geometric
ex post facto by evaluating the residuals as a function of rock attenuation is more complex. For this case, we considered the
shear-wave velocity (V S30 ). functional forms used by Atkinson and Boore (2003) for
PSA and by Foulser-Piggott and Goda (2015) for I A and
CAV for subduction earthquakes. The final functional form
Functional Form Selection
adopted for the subduction tectonic environments was
Development of the functional form for this study began
ln Y  a0  a1 M w  a2 M 2w

by considering the form used by Travasarou et al. (2003) for

I A and later by Kramer and Mitchell (2006) for CAV5 :  b1  b2 M w  ln D  b3 D  b4 H: 5

ln Y  c1  c2 Mw − 6  c3 ln Two sets of model coefficients were developed to capture the
6 difference in the trends observed in interface and inslab
events. We also provide coefficients for use when this infor-
 c4 ln R2  h2  f1 FN  f2 FR ; 2
mation is unknown. Here, M w is the moment magnitude, R is
in which Mw is the moment magnitude, R is the distance to the distance to rupture in kilometers, and H is the focal depth
rupture in kilometers, FN is a flag for faulting mechanism that in kilometers. In the functional form for subduction, D is a
is equal to 1 if the faulting mechanism is normal and 0 other- distance that has been modified with a magnitude-dependent
wise, and FR is a flag for faulting mechanism that is equal to 1 near-source saturation term Δ, which is given by
if the faulting mechanism is reverse and 0 otherwise. This p
form is appealing because it has been previously shown to be D  R2  Δ2 6 EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;df6;313;423

effective in predicting IMs such as those considered and

because it is well constrained at close distances, due to the EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;df7;313;395 Δ  0:00724 × 100:507×minMw ;8 : 7
fictitious depth term h. However, this form was found to be
unable to adequately capture the trends found in the data sets Atkinson and Boore (2003) derived this magnitude-depen-
used in this study, as judged by the resulting R2 statistic of the dent near-source saturation term. As in that study, we con-
model and the standard deviation of its residuals. sidered other definitions of Δ. Determining Δ by regression,
In a second attempt, because the IMs considered are both as a constant and as a function of magnitude with the
fundamentally tied to the duration of the ground motion, the same form, did not improve the model performance. Adjust-
form used by Kempton and Stewart (2006) to predict signifi- ing the maximum considered magnitude between 7.5 and 9.0
cant duration (SD) was also considered: had an adverse effect on model performance in terms of the
model R2 statistic and the standard deviation of the model
  residuals, and considering different maximum magnitudes
101:5MΔσ −3
w 16:05
ln SD  ln  c2 R  f2 S : 3 for interface and inslab events had little impact. Because of
4:9 × 106 β

the neutral or adverse effect of changing this magnitude

threshold, we recommend simply using 8.0 for both event
Ultimately, a new form incorporating elements of both of the types, as shown in equation (7). Intraslab earthquakes gen-
above forms was adopted. The final functional form used in erally occur at great depths, and the resulting lack of near-
this study for the shallow crustal and intraplate tectonic envi- source recordings for intraslab events makes it difficult to
ronments was identify near-source saturation in these earthquakes. How-
ln Y  a0  a1 M w  a2 M 2w  b1  b2 M w  ln R  b3 R ever, including this term, as opposed to unadjusted distance

terms, improved the model performance for intraslab events,

 f 1 FR  f 2 F N : 4 as represented by the model R2 statistic, as well as for inter-
face events, so it was used for subduction events of all types.
We report all model coefficients in Table 2. The predic- Atkinson and Boore (2003) previously used this term for
tions made using these coefficients are all in units of centi- developing a GMPE using a database that included both
meters and seconds. This functional form includes quadratic interface and intraslab events.
scaling of intensity with magnitude, found in many GMPEs We considered an assortment of other terms used in pre-
for PGA and PSA (e.g., Boore et al., 2014; Idriss, 2014); vious GMPEs for each tectonic environment, including hinge

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GMPEs for I A, CAV, and Peak Incremental Ground Velocity for Rock Sites 2299

Table 2
Regression Coefficients for All Intensity Measures and Tectonic Environments
IM a0 a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 b4 f1 f2 τ φ σT

Shallow crustal
IA −18.784 7.758 −0.576 −4.013 0.435 −0.0213 — 0.005 −0.580 0.786 0.747 1.084
CAV −5.800 3.593 −0.231 −1.415 0.138 −0.0070 — −0.155 −0.343 0.398 0.331 0.518
CAV5 −9.397 5.356 −0.395 −3.372 0.381 −0.0110 — −0.197 −0.231 0.490 0.530 0.722
CAVSTD −10.836 5.165 −0.335 −1.563 0.087 −0.0019 — −0.129 −0.273 0.529 0.392 0.658
V gi −8.283 4.480 −0.353 −2.724 0.294 −0.0064 — 0.071 −0.390 0.545 0.452 0.708
IA −33.761 11.016 −0.717 −0.421 −0.125 −0.0093 — 0 0 0.534 0.325 0.625
CAV −13.063 5.078 −0.273 0.439 −0.145 −0.0047 — 0 0 0.262 0.411 0.487
CAV5 −28.527 8.034 −0.157 2.913 −0.825 −0.0089 — 0 0 0.463 0.553 0.721
V gi −3.029 0.931 0.040 −0.828 0.048 −0.0034 — 0 0 0.340 0.483 0.591

Subduction (interface)
IA −15.390 3.704 0.201 0.692 −0.774 0.0107 0 − − 0.582 0.675 0.891
CAV −3.674 1.740 0.098 0.381 −0.334 0.0047 0 − − 0.319 0.298 0.437
CAV5 −5.796 1.876 0.311 0.484 −0.699 0.0067 0 − − 0.752 0.567 0.942
CAVSTD 3.684 −0.575 0.335 0.565 −0.503 0.0071 0 − − 0.406 0.222 0.463
V gi −8.735 2.454 0.052 0.231 −0.354 0.0060 0 − − 0.343 0.425 0.546

Subduction (intraslab)
IA −15.390 3.704 0.201 0 −0.615 0 0.0180 − − 0.582 0.675 0.891
CAV −3.674 1.740 0.098 0 −0.250 0 0.0066 − − 0.319 0.298 0.437
CAV5 −5.796 1.876 0.311 0 −0.572 0 0.0161 − − 0.752 0.567 0.942
CAVSTD 3.684 −0.575 0.335 0 −0.357 0 0.0089 − − 0.406 0.222 0.463
V gi −8.735 2.454 0.052 0 −0.289 0 0.0095 − − 0.343 0.425 0.546
Subduction (unknown)
IA −15.969 4.203 0.092 −0.383 −0.538 0.0051 0.0195 − − 0.659 0.683 0.949
CAV −4.865 2.108 0.036 −0.009 −0.220 0.0014 0.0074 − − 0.312 0.302 0.434
CAV5 −0.902 2.471 0.131 −2.611 −0.289 0.0087 0.0268 − − 0.876 0.869 1.234
CAVSTD −9.658 0.705 0.314 3.364 −0.702 −0.0035 0.0191 − − 0.423 0.247 0.490
V gi 1.126 1.343 −0.062 −2.737 0.182 0.0013 0.0110 − − 0.384 0.421 0.570

magnitudes, additional distance measures (such as RJB and Logistic Regression for CAV5 and CAVSTD
Rx ), hanging-wall terms, fictitious depth terms, a term for
As previously described, predictions of CAV5 and
depth-to-top of rupture (ZTOR ), site terms, and regional ad-
CAVSTD made using the presented model are necessarily
justments. However, the terms investigated did not appear to conditioned on these IMs taking on nonzero values. There-
improve the model predictions, as measured in terms of the fore, the probability of either IM exceeding a given value can
model R2 statistic, the standard deviation of the model resid- be determined by
uals, and the statistical significance of these individual terms
as reflected in their p-values. We therefore did not include EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;df8;313;270 Py > Y  Py > Yjy > 0Py > 0: 8
these terms in the functional form.
Table 2 provides the model coefficients for all IMs
The term Py > Yjy > 0 is obtained from the models in
investigated in this article and all tectonic environments.  To quantify
Table 2, based on the predicted median ln Y.
Figures 5 and 6 plot the shape of the models’ attenuation for
Py > 0, we performed logistic regression to determine
CAV for the shallow crustal and subduction tectonic environ- the probability of each of these IMs exceeding zero as a func-
ments, respectively. The proposed models’ shape is compared tion of magnitude, distance, and focal depth. The functional
with other models in the literature and actual recordings from form of the logistic regression is
previous earthquakes as validation, as discussed later in the
article. No previous models for the IMs considered in this  
study exist for the intraplate tectonic environment, but the Py > 0  9
1  expz

shape of the attenuation found in this study is shown in Fig-

ure 7. There are too few records available to develop a model
for CAVSTD in the intraplate tectonic environment, so this IM
was excluded. Plots similar to Figures 5–7 for other IMs are
included in the Ⓔ electronic supplement to this article. EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;df10;313;105 z  α0  α1 Mw  β1 ln R  β2 R  β3 H: 10

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2300 Z. Bullock, S. Dashti, A. Liel, K. Porter, Z. Karimi, and B. Bradley

Figure 5. Comparison of CAV attenuation in shallow crustal events with Campbell and Bozorgnia (2012) for selected earthquakes:
(a) Mw 6.69 Northridge, (b) M w 6.93 Loma Prieta, and (c) M w 7.62 Chi Chi. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic

Figure 6. Comparison of CAV attenuation in subduction events with Foulser-Piggott and Goda (2015) for selected earthquakes: (a) To-
hoku—11 March 2011, interface, Mw 9.0; (b) 12 June 2006, intraslab, 146 km depth, M w 6.2; and (c) 4 November 2002, interface, Mw 5.7.
The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

Initially, we used the same functional form used for the very closely estimated using the normal cumulative distribu-
regression models in place of equation (10), but several terms tion function according to equation (11). We provide the be-
had little effect on the predicted probabilities and were there- low equation on the basis of empirical approximation:
fore removed. The formulation in equation (9) is typical for
estimating probabilities by logistic regression, according to
Py > 0≅Φz=1:695: 11
its original presentation (Cox, 1958). Equation (9) can be

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7. CAV attenuation in intraplate events for selected earthquakes: (a) Mw 5.10 Val-des-Bois, (b) Mw 4.99 Au Sable Forks, and
(c) M w 5.74 Virginia. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

Table 3 provides the coefficients for this model. Figure 8 an approximation because it is based on the probability that
illustrates the resulting probabilities for CAV5. Performing the PGA as defined in the GMPE exceeds that threshold.
this analysis for interface and intraslab subduction events sep- This PGA may be the geometric mean of the two horizontal
arately generated similar results, so we provide a single logis- components, the PGA of the median rotated ground motion
tic model developed using the entire database of subduction (RotD50), or another measure of PGA, depending on the
motions. For ranges of magnitude and distance that are of GMPE used. The logistic regression method developed pre-
engineering significance, these probabilities approach 1. viously is based on the probability that the RotD100 PGA
Alternatively, any GMPE for PGA can be applied to exceeds the threshold, which is consistent with the limita-
approximate the probability that either of these IMs exceeds tions on the data in the regression models above.
zero. To determine this probability using a GMPE, the
following equation can be applied:
  Model Evaluation
ln X − ln Y
Py > 0  1 − Φ ; 12 Residual Analysis

We analyzed the model residuals to identify bias and

in which Y is the median PGA predicted by a given GMPE estimate the uncertainty in the model predictions. Figures 9,
for a given scenario, σ T is the total logarithmic standard 10, and 11 show the total logarithmic residuals of the model
deviation provided by a given GMPE, and X is 5 cm=s2 predictions of CAV for the shallow crustal, intraplate, and
and 0:025g for CAV5 and CAVSTD , respectively. This is subduction tectonic environments, respectively. The moving
averages shown use a 50-point window for shallow crustal
Table 3 (∼5% of the population), a 10-point window for intraplate
Logistic Regression Coefficients for CAV5 and CAVSTD for (14%), and a 50-point window for subduction (4%). There
All Tectonic Environments is no evident bias in the model for any of the predictor var-
IM α0 α1 β1 β2 β3 iables shown, including those that were excluded in the final
functional forms, such as the depth-to-top of rupture (ZTOR )
Shallow crustal
CAV5 −7.232 3.364 −1.775 −0.029 0 and the centroidal depth (ZCMT ). The centroidal depth, as
CAVSTD −5.780 3.194 −3.143 −0.011 0 available in the NGA-East database metadata, is defined as
the depth to the centroid of the finite rupture model for a
CAV5 −13.484 3.663 −0.223 −0.025 0 given earthquake. These measures are included in these
figures, despite being excluded from the functional form, to
CAV5 0.4919 3.0830 −4.0998 −0.0044 0.0278
demonstrate that there is no apparent advantage in consider-
CAVSTD 2.3897 3.3157 −5.9813 0.0060 0.0401 ing these terms. The residuals of each model pass a Lilliefors
normality test for all IMs considered.

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2302 Z. Bullock, S. Dashti, A. Liel, K. Porter, Z. Karimi, and B. Bradley

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. Probabilities of nonzero CAV5 for various event magnitudes in the (a) shallow crustal, (b) intraplate, and (c) subduction
tectonic environments. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

Figure 9. Total residuals for CAV plotted against predictor variables for shallow crustal events. The color version of this figure is avail-
able only in the electronic edition.

Figures 12, 13, and 14 show the between- and within- only records from rock sites. The Ⓔ electronic supplement
event residuals for the shallow crustal, intraplate, and sub- provides plots similar to Figures 9–14 for the other IMs.
duction tectonic environments, respectively. There is like-
wise no evident bias in the model for any of the predictor
Estimated Model Uncertainty
variables for the decomposed residuals. In particular, the lack
of bias with respect to site shear-wave velocity validates the We assumed all model standard deviations to be homo-
assumption that site effects have been excluded by selecting scedastic, with values reported in Table 2. Figure 15

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Figure 10. Total residuals for CAV plotted against predictor variables for intraplate events. The color version of this figure is available
only in the electronic edition.

Figure 11. Total residuals for CAV plotted against predictor variables for subduction events. The color version of this figure is available
only in the electronic edition.

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2304 Z. Bullock, S. Dashti, A. Liel, K. Porter, Z. Karimi, and B. Bradley

Figure 12. Between- and within-event residuals for CAV plotted against predictor variables for shallow crustal events. The color version
of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

Figure 13. Between- and within-event residuals for CAV plotted against predictor variables for intraplate events. The color version of
this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

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Figure 14. Between- and within-event residuals for CAV plotted against predictor variables for subduction events. The color version of
this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

compares the final model values with the smoothed empirical ures in the article. For the Foulser-Piggott and Goda (2015)
between- and within-event standard deviations for CAV for model, we could not ascertain the number of rock records
each tectonic environment. In general, the between- and included because the subduction records and shallow crustal
within-event standard deviations do not display any clear het- records are shown in the same figure. Kramer and Mitchell
eroscedasticity, supporting the assumption of homoscedas- (2006) targeted a site shear-wave velocity of 760 m=s rather
ticity. In the case of the subduction model, the data set is than including records from rock sites of varying quality. Dan-
sparser above magnitude 7.5 than in the range between 5.5 ciu and Tselentis (2007) used only records from Greece; Staf-
and 7.5 (Fig. 3), likely accounting for the sharp decrease in ford et al. (2009) predicted I A specifically for New Zealand.
the between-event standard deviations observed above a In all cases, our database includes more rock records
magnitude of 7.5. Rather than fitting a model for which this than previous studies. The range of applicability of the model
between-event standard deviation drops above magnitude is comparable or wider for moment magnitude for all IMs in
7.5, we selected the model value for this case to avoid under- both of the tectonic environments included in the comparison
estimating the uncertainty. The uncertainty for the subduc- and generally comparable or larger for distance to rupture,
tion model was determined using the entire set of with the exception of the wider ranges of Travasarou et al.
subduction motions and is the same for intraslab and inter-
(2003) and Stafford et al. (2009) for I A in the shallow crustal
face events. Estimating this uncertainty separately for each
environment. The total logarithmic standard deviations for
type of subduction event resulted in similar results for both.
this model in the shallow crustal tectonic environment fall
in the range observed in other models for I A but are slightly
Comparison with Existing Models larger for CAV and CAV5 in that environment. The total log-
Table 4 compares the models developed in this study arithmic standard deviations for this model in the subduction
and a variety of existing models in terms of applicability, size environment are smaller than those reported for other
of database, and total logarithmic standard deviation for shal- models.
low crustal and subduction events. No model for any of the It is noteworthy that the between-event standard devia-
IMs considered is available for intraplate events. tions in this study are larger than in other studies for the same
In reporting this comparison, when the number of rock IMs. The values derived here for CAV are ∼0:40 for shallow
records used in a study or its range of applicability was not crustal events in this study, whereas those of Campbell and
explicitly reported, we estimated these numbers based on fig- Bozorgnia (2012) are ∼0:2. They are also large when

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2306 Z. Bullock, S. Dashti, A. Liel, K. Porter, Z. Karimi, and B. Bradley

Figure 15. Smoothed and model between- and within-event standard deviations for CAV; the ranges of magnitude and distance for which
the models are not applicable are shaded. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

compared internally with the within-event standard devia- would increase variance. Why? There remains inherent un-
tions (∼0:33 for shallow crustal events). Commonly, within- certainty in the amplitude of seismic waves leaving a rupture
event standard deviations are larger than the between-event of a given magnitude. Motion at the ground surface where
ones (Shahi and Baker, 2014). they arrive represents a sum of random variables: the uncer-
Why might our between-event residual standard tain values of wave amplitude from waves traveling along
deviation of 0.40 be larger than that of prior authors? Perhaps different paths from the rupture surface and arriving at the
our exclusive use of rock records produces greater correla- same place at the same time. In general, the sum of correlated
tion of wave velocities at different points along the path of random variables has a variance that is larger than the sum of
wave propagation. With more-uniform wave velocity, waves their individual variances, larger by an amount that increases
will tend to retain coherence for more wavelengths. Because with their covariances. So, by limiting records to rock sites
the path is generally through rock, with generally higher only, perhaps one could rather expect greater variance in the
wave velocity and larger wavelength, the more-coherent ground motion at the surface than one would observe with
waves will also tend to reach the surface in fewer wave- mixed sites. We offer the foregoing merely as a plausible
lengths, increasing the effect of coherence. We think one can hypothesis, one requiring further study to test how well it
characterize that coherence as a positive correlation in wave reflects reality.
velocity and amplitude at different points along the path and We compared the models developed in this study to
between different paths from the rupture surface to the those of Campbell and Bozorgnia (2012) for CAV in shallow
ground surface. crustal events and Foulser-Piggott and Goda (2015) for CAV
We do not believe that these two effects—fewer wave- in subduction events in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. We
lengths to travel the same distance and greater coherence in chose to compare our model for shallow crustal events to that
the same number of wavelengths—would reduce variability of Campbell and Bozorgnia (2012) rather than that of Du and
in ground motion at the surface but instead suspect they Wang (2013) because the latter acknowledges bias for V S30

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Table 4
Comparison of Models for the Considered IMs
Number of Rock Total Logarithmic
IM Model Ranges of Applicability Records Standard Deviation (σ T )

Shallow crustal
IA This study 4 ≤ Mw ≤ 8 0 ≤ R ≤ 200 1033 0.959
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2012) 5 ≤ Mw ≤ 7:5–8:5 0 ≤ R ≤ 100–200 150–200 0.831
Travasarou et al. (2003) 4:7 ≤ Mw ≤ 7:6 0 ≤ R ≤ 400 183 0.870
Foulser-Piggott and Stafford (2015) 4 ≤ Mw ≤ 8 0 ≤ R ≤ 100 150–200 1.127
Danciu and Tselentis (2007) 4:5 ≤ Mw ≤ 7:0 0 ≤ R ≤ 150 75 0.524
Stafford et al. (2009) 5:1 ≤ Mw ≤ 7:5 0 ≤ R ≤ 300 Unreported 1.145
CAV This study 4 ≤ Mw ≤ 8 0 ≤ R ≤ 200 1033 0.521
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2012) 5 ≤ Mw ≤ 7:5–8:5 0 ≤ R ≤ 100–200 150–200 0.420
Du and Wang (2013) 4:0 ≤ Mw ≤ 8:0 0 ≤ R ≤ 150 197 0.416
Danciu and Tselentis (2007) 4:5 ≤ Mw ≤ 7:0 0 ≤ R ≤ 150 75 0.272
CAV5 This study 4 ≤ Mw ≤ 8 0 ≤ R ≤ 200 669 0.766
Kramer and Mitchell (2006) 4:7 ≤ Mw ≤ 7:4 0 ≤ R ≤ 100 282 0.707
Danciu and Tselentis (2007) 4:5 ≤ Mw ≤ 7:0 0 ≤ R ≤ 150 75 0.595
CAVSTD This study 4 ≤ Mw ≤ 8 0 ≤ R ≤ 200 383 0.658
EPRI (2006) 4 ≤ Mw ≤ 8 0 ≤ R ≤ 200 200–250 0.460
IA This study 4 ≤ Mw ≤9 0 ≤ R ≤ 300 1237 0.891
Foulser-Piggott and Goda (2015) 5 ≤ Mw ≤9 0 ≤ R ≤ 300 Unreported 1.373
CAV This study 4 ≤ Mw ≤9 0 ≤ R ≤ 300 1237 0.437
Foulser-Piggott and Goda (2015) 5 ≤ Mw ≤9 0 ≤ R ≤ 300 Unreported 0.642

values in the range of most interest for our model. These fig- form. In particular, site shear-wave velocity is not included
ures show the medians plus and minus one standard in the functional form of this study.
deviation for the models being compared, as well as the rock For the specific case of predicting ground-motion inten-
records in the database from the selected earthquakes. In both sity on outcropping rock sites, the models in this study are
cases, the model developed in this study provides a better fit based on more-robust databases than used in previous mod-
through the rock records from the given events. Additionally, els. The quality of the fit of these models to records from
the model developed in this study for the subduction tectonic rock sites has also been shown to improve on the quality of
environment appears to be better constrained at near distan- the fit of other models that include site effects. In the case of
ces, due to the inclusion of the near-source saturation term. the model for the subduction tectonic environment, the func-
tional form used in this study is better constrained at low
distances than previous models. Previous models did not in-
Concluding Remarks clude the intraplate tectonic environment. For these reasons,
the models presented here are better suited for use in cases
We developed GMPEs for the RotD100 horizontal com- that require prediction of motion on outcropping rock and are
ponent of I A , CAV, CAV5 , CAVSTD , and V gi . The models are more broadly applicable in terms of tectonic environment.
applicable for shallow crustal events of moment magnitudes
between 4 and 8 at distances up to 200 km, for intraplate
events of magnitudes between 4 and 6 at distances up to Data and Resources
400 km, and for subduction events of magnitudes between The following databases were used to gather data for this
4 and 9 at distances up to 300 km and focal depths up to study and can be accessed at the Next Generation Attenuation
180 km. We provide supplemental logistic models to calculate (NGA)-West Database (http://ngawest2.berkeley.edu/), the
the probability that CAV5 and CAVSTD exceed zero in a given NGA-East Database (http://ngawest2.berkeley.edu/), the Ki-
earthquake scenario for all three tectonic environments. ban–Kyoshin network (http://www.kyoshin.bosai.go.jp/), the
The models can be used to predict the motion at outcrop- New Zealand Strong Motion Database (http://info.geonet
ping rock sites and are intended for use as input to site- .org.nz/display/appdata/The+New+Zealand+Strong-Motion
response and soil–structure interaction analyses and for appli- +Database), the Internet Site for the European Strong-Motion
cations for which the base rock motion is better suited for use Database (http://www.isesd.hi.is/), and the Center for Engineer-
as the predictor of certain DPs, such as liquefaction-induced ing Strong Motion Data database (http://strongmotioncenter
settlement. We have shown the models to be unbiased on their .org/vdc/scripts/search.plx). Each of these databases was last
predictor variables, as well as showing additional source and accessed on December 2016. The Ⓔ electronic supplement
site characteristics that were excluded from the functional to this article provides lists of the records used in this study.

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2308 Z. Bullock, S. Dashti, A. Liel, K. Porter, Z. Karimi, and B. Bradley

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