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Politeknik Negeri Lampung (Polinela)

16. Have dan have got

Have dan have got ('ve got) menyatakan kepunyaan.

•!• J have a car. => formal (Sayapunya sebuah mobil.)
•!• I hove got a car. => informal (Sflyflpunya sebuah mobil.)
Pola kalimat dengan subjek They/we/I/you adalah:

They/we/I/you have kata benda.

They/we/I/you have got kata benda.

•:• Tirey ft five a big house. = They've got a big house. (Mereka p1111ya rumah besar.)
•:• I have a toothache. = I've got a toothache. (Sayasakitgigi.)
Pola kalimat dcngan subjck She/He/It adalah:

lie/She/It bas kata henda.

lie/She/It bas got kata henda.

•:• He hes a big house. = He's got a big house. (Diap1111ya rumah besar.)
•!• Sire hns a big nose. = Site's got a big nose. (Diapunyahidung besar.)

Eng/Lth Grammarfor Dally Conummlcatton -Alt Afurtt>J><>>>> 76

Poitteknik ,Vegen lampung (Pohnela)

Untuk mcnyatakan tidak punya (kalimat ncgatil), pola dcngan subjck They/we/I/you adalah:
They/we/I/you don't have kata henda.
They/we/I/you haven't ot kata benda,
•!• 111ey t/011 'I have a car. = They haven 't got a car. (Merekatidakpunya mobil.)
•!• I t/011 't have a laptop. = I haven 't got a laptop. (Soyatidak p1111ya laptop.)
Untuk menyatakan tidak punya (kalimat ncgatif), pola dengan subjek he/she/it adalah:

He/She/It docsn 't have kata bcnda,

He/She/It hasn't got kata bcnda.

•!• Edy doesn 't have a car. - Edy hasn 't got a car.
•!• 17,e cat doen 't have a tail. 711e cat ltasn 't got a tail.
Untuk bcnanya, polanya adalah:

Do they/we/I/you have kata benda?

Docs he/she/it have kata bcnda?

Hnve they/well/you got kata benda?

llas he/she/it got kata benda?

EnghshGrammar for DaUy Con1m11nicafion-Al, Afunopo>>> 77

Poitteknik ,Vegen lampung(Pohnela)

•!• Do )''OU hnve a car? Yes, I do. I No, I don 'I.

•!• Does John have a car? Yes, Ire does. I No, he doesn 't.
•l• Have yo11 got a car? Yes, 1 have. I No, 1 haven't.
•!• H11s John got a car? Yes. Ire has. I No. he hasn '1.
Dalam bentuk lampau, have dan huve got merniliki bentuk yang sama, yakni had:
•!• Did you hove a good rime when you were in India? Yes. I did. I had a very good time.

EXERCISES (Silakan kerjakan juga Extra Exercises)

A. Ubablah ke versi have got.
1. I have a bicycle. I've got a bicycle.
2. They have a big restaurant.
3. We have much money.
4. I have a very big house.
5. You have a nice mustache.
6. Mr. Tong Kho Song has red hair.
7. My mom has a nice smile.
8. My car has 6 headlamps.

EnghshGrammarfor DaUy Con1m11nicafion-Al, Afurtopo >>> 78

Poitteknik ,Vegen lampung(Pohnela)

B. Ubahlah ke versi hnve got.

J. They don't have a cal.
2. We don't have much money.
3. I don't have much debt now.
4. You don't have a cool haircut.
5. My dad docsn't have a digital watch.
6. Mack Comblank doesn't have sunglasses. -----------------
7. My phone doesn't have Bluetooth.

C. Ubahlah kc vcrsi have got.

I. Do you have a comic? Have vou got a comic?
2. Do your sons have toy cars?
3. Do we have any cash now?
4. Du I have a nice haircut?
5. Do you have an online shop?
6. Does Ely have a sister?
7. Docs your dad have a Hu belly?
8. Dues your house have a garden?

EngltshGrammarfor DaUy Con1m11nicafion -Al, Afurtopo >>> 79

Poitteknik ,Vegen lampung(Pohnela)

17. Have dan have got- CONVERSATION


Bacalah secara lantang untuk mclatih pcngucapan dan mclancarkan hicara.

Roh: T see you've got a new cell phone, Tim.

Tim: Yeah. I bought it yesterday.
Bob: Great. What brand is it? Can I have a look?
Tim: It's LGbt. Sure, here it is.
Bob: Is it brand new or secondhand'!
Tim: Of course brand new! I've got much money, you know.
Bob: Sorry, I'm just kidding. Has it got Bluetooth?
Tim: Well, yes. h's a standard feature in any phone, right?
Rob: Yeah. Has it got a good front camera?
Tim: Guess what! It has 500 MP front camera!
Bob: Wow! I've never heard of any cell phone with such camera.

Enghsh Grammarfor DaUy Con1m11nicafion -Al, Afunopo >>> 80

Poitteknik ,Vegen lampung(Pohnela)

Tim: Yeah, it's a new product. Have you got a good cell phone, too?
Bob: Yes, 1 have. l'vc got two cell phones.
Tim: Have they got good cameras?
Bob: Well, one has got a good camera, while the other hasn't. It's a feature phone.
Tim: 0, 1 sec. Anyway, do you have any data plan (internet package)?
Roh: Of course T do. Why?
Tim: Would you share it with me? I don't have data plan.
Bob: No kidding. You've got a new cell phone, but you haven't got internet data?!
Tim: No, I haven't. I've used all my data.
Bob: Why don't you top it up? You said you had much money.
Tim: Well, l had much money yesterday. I mean before I bought this phone. But, I've got no
money at all now.
Bob: Oh, okay then. I'll tum on the hotspot.
Tim: Thanks.
Bob: Don't mention it. (a moment later) Connected'!
Tim: Yeah, it's already connected, but l can't access the internet yet. What's wrong?!
Rob: Ah, well, ... maybe I've used up my internet quota.

Enghsh Grammarfor DaUy Con1m11nicafion -Al, Afunopo >>> 8t

Poitteknik ,Vegen lampung(Pohnela)

Jawablah pcrtanyaan bcrikut scsuai kondisimu.

Bob: Have you got a cell phone?

Bob: What brand have you got'! What size is it?(; How big is it'!) How old is it?
Bob: Does your cell phone have Bluerooth?
Bob: Whal apps does it have'! Which ones do you use the most often'!
Bob: Have you got data plan (internet package)'! call credit'!
Bob: How much internet data have you got?
Bob: Anyway, how many brothers and sisters do you have'! What are their names'! How old are
they? Where arc they now?

Enghsh Grammarfor DaUy Con1m11nicafion -Al, Afunopo >>> 82

Poitteknik ,Vegen lampung(Pohnela)

Bob: Has your father got a car? What vehicles has he got?
Bob: Have you got any pets? What? How many?
Bob: Have you got a wallet/purse? What have you got in it? How much money have you got in it"
Bob: Do you have any health problems? What do you have?
Bob: Have you got any homework now? What subjects?
Bob: Have you got any bad habits? Good habits? What are they?

Praktikkan percakapan di atas dengan temanrnu (atau bacalah sendiri secara Ian tang).

EnghshGrammarfor DaUy Con1m11nicafion -Al, Afunopo >>> 83

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