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J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2012) 21, 1177-1183


Defining functional shoulder range of motion for

activities of daily living
Surena Namdari, MD, MSa, Gautam Yagnik, MDb, D. David Ebaugh, PhD, PTc,
Sameer Nagda, MDd, Matthew L. Ramsey, MDe, Gerald R. Williams Jr, MDe,
Samir Mehta, MDa,*

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
DRMC Orthopaedics, DuBois, PA, USA
Programs in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Anderson Orthopaedic Clinic, Arlington, VA, USA
Rothman Institute at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Introduction: The range of motion (ROM) in the wrist and elbow required for daily activities has been
reported to be less than the normal anatomic ROM. This functional ROM has not been defined for the
shoulder. Many shoulder outcome assessment tools use specific functional tasks of daily living to score
functional results of treatment. This study quantified the total shoulder ROM required to perform the func-
tional tasks of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon (ASES), Simple Shoulder Test (SST), and
University of Pennsylvania (U-Penn) Shoulder Score (PSS).
Materials and methods: The FASTRAK electromagnetic tracking system (Colchester, VT, USA) was
used to test 40 shoulders in 20 volunteers with no shoulder pathology found on physical examination.
Three sensors were used: 1 each on the T3 spinous process, the scapular spine, and the arm over the distal
humerus. Subjects performed each functional task of the ASES, SST, and PSS while flexion, extension,
abduction, adduction, external rotation, and internal rotation were recorded.
Results: Average shoulder motions required to perform the 10 functional tasks were flexion, 121  6.7 ;
extension, 46  5.3 ; abduction, 128  7.9 ; cross-body adduction, 116  9.1 ; external rotation with
the arm 90 abducted, 59  10 ; and internal rotation with the arm at the side, 102  7.7 .
Conclusion: Although attaining full motion is a reasonable goal of all shoulder treatment, our results indi-
cate that less ROM is required to perform the functional tasks used in common outcome tools.
Level of evidence: Basic Science Study, Kinesiology Study.
Ó 2012 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees.
Keywords: Normal shoulder; range of motion; activities of daily living

Functional joint range of motion has been defined as the

This study was approved by the University of Pennsylvania Office of minimum range of motion (ROM) necessary to comfortably
Regulatory Affairs (No. 803027). and effectively perform activities of daily living.30 Several
*Reprint requests: Samir Mehta, MD, Assistant Professor, Department clinical studies have examined wrist4,23,27 and elbow22,29,30
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chief, Orthopaedic Trauma Service, Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce St, 2 Silverstein, Philadelphia, PA
functional ROM and showed the functional ROM was less
19104, USA. than the normal, full ROM. Clinicians have used data from
E-mail address: (S. Mehta). these studies to dictate clinical care and assess outcomes.

1058-2746/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees.

Descargado para ALEXANDER BENAVIDES RAMIREZ ( en Technological University of Pereira de por Elsevier en
noviembre 07, 2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
1178 S. Namdari et al.

Studies examining the functional ROM of the shoulder have

Table I Activities of daily living from the Functional
been mostly limited to the biomechanics literature.15,16,19,28 Assessment Section of the American Shoulder and Elbow
These studies are difficult to interpret clinically and fail to Surgeons, Simple Shoulder Test, and University of Pennsylvania
offer clinical guidelines regarding daily motion require- Shoulder Scores that were performed by the subjects
ments of the shoulder. 1. Place a can of soup can on an overhead shelf
The purpose of this study was to analyze the total shoulder without bending the elbow
motion required to perform a variety of functional tasks of 2. Reach the small of one’s back to tuck in one’s
daily living and provide this information in a clinically shirt with one’s hand
relevant format. Rather than arbitrarily selecting tasks of 3. Wash the middle of one’s back/unhook one’s own
daily living, our tasks were taken directly from the functional bra (middle of back)
assessment section of the American Shoulder and Elbow 4. Wash the back of the opposite shoulder
Surgeons (ASES) Standardized Shoulder Assessment 5. Place hand behind one’s head with the elbow held
Form,25 the University of Pennsylvania (U-Penn) Shoulder straight out to the side
Score (PSS),13 and the Simple Shoulder Test (SST).17 These 6. Comb hair
7. Place a can of soup on a shelf at shoulder level
commonly used outcome tools use a patients’ self-reported
without bending the elbow
ability to perform certain tasks of daily living as a means of 8. Place a 1-gallon container (8-10 lbs) on a shelf at
assessing function; however, the ROM required to perform shoulder level without bending the elbow
these tasks has not been described. We sought to verify that 9. Reach a shelf above one’s head without bending
all clinical planes of motion were adequately tested and to the elbow
quantify the amount of total shoulder ROM needed to 10. Place a 1-gallon container on an overhead shelf
complete these functional tasks. We hypothesized that the without bending the elbow
functional ROM of the shoulder would be less than the
reported normal, full ROM.

Polhemus is an electromagnetic tracking device that has been used

Materials and methods to study shoulder motion in a number of studies.6,10,11,15,16,18,24 It
consists of a transmitter, 3 receivers, and a digitizing stylus, all of
Informed consent was obtained from 20 healthy volunteers (18 men, which are hardwired to an electronic unit. The transmitter emits
2 women) who were a mean age of 29.2  1.9 years (range, 26-34) electromagnetic fields that are detected by the digitizer and
years, a mean height of 178.3  7.5 cm, a mean weight of 79.8  receivers. The system’s electronic unit determines the relative
14 kg, and mean body mass index of 25.1 kg/m2. Two subjects were orientation and position of the receivers and sends this information
left-hand dominant and 18 were right-hand dominant. to a computer where the data are collected. The manufacturer has
The volunteers, who were residents and medical students from reported an accuracy of 0.15 for orientation and 0.8 mm for
the University of Pennsylvania Health System, were recruited via position with this device.1
e-mail. A preparticipation assessment of each individual included Three Polhemus receivers were attached to each volunteer
a thorough history. Participants were excluded if they had had (Fig. 1). The anatomic axis system has been described previously
previous upper extremity surgery, a history of fracture or dislo- and was determined from 3 points on the thorax, scapula, and distal
cation, or shoulder pain that did not allow them to easily perform humerus.12,32 The humeral receiver was attached to a thermoplastic
all of their tasks of daily living in either extremity. cuff, which was placed on the distal humerus just proximal to the
epicondyles.18 The scapular receiver was mounted to a scapular
Tasks tracker device,12 which was secured to the scapular spine and to the
superior aspect of the acromion. Double-sided tape was used to
Ten activities of daily living were selected for the subjects to secure the thoracic receiver to the skin overlying the third thoracic
perform. These 10 tasks (Table I) were taken directly from the spinous process. The transmitter was attached to an upright plastic
functional assessment section of the ASES,25 PSS,13 and the pole, and its axes were aligned with the cardinal planes of the body.
SST.17 These valid and reliable outcome tools have been used to With volunteers in a standing position, several bony landmarks
assess shoulder function.3,14,21 Although the functional assessment on the humerus, scapula, and thorax were palpated and digitized to
of these shoulder scores includes 20 tasks, we excluded 10 tasks allow the arbitrary axis system defined by the Polhemus to be
because of minimal shoulder motion to be completed, inability to converted to a meaningful anatomic axis system.12 The anatomic
standardize (eg, perform necessary toileting activities), and atyp- axis system was determined from the 3 points on the thorax,
ical activities of daily living (eg, throwing a ball overhand). The scapula, and humerus.12,32 A least-squares algorithm was used to
10 selected tasks represented activities of daily living requiring the calculate the center of the humeral head, which was defined as the
completion of variable ranges of shoulder motion. point that moved the least during several small arcs of motion.9
Once the receivers were secured to the subject, testing was
Data collection initiated. The participants were asked to perform each of the 10
functional tasks with both their dominant and nondominant arm.
Three-dimensional (3D) kinematic data from the humerus, scapula, All 10 tasks were completed with 1 arm before tasks were initiated
and trunk were collected with the Polhemus 3Space FASTRAK with the other arm. The dominant arm was tested first in alter-
(Colchester, VT, USA) during performance of the tasks. The nating participants.

Descargado para ALEXANDER BENAVIDES RAMIREZ ( en Technological University of Pereira de por Elsevier en
noviembre 07, 2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Normal shoulder ROM 1179

motion needed to complete the task was determined. The mean

maximum values and standard error of the mean were calculated
for each task. Data were also separated according to dominant and
nondominant extremity and compared using a paired t test.


The plane of shoulder motion and the maximum amount of

shoulder motion needed to complete each task is listed in
Table II. Functional tasks were completed using less than full
shoulder motion.8 Subjects required a minimum of 57% and
a maximum of 76% of full shoulder motion to successfully
complete a task. To successfully complete all tasks, a subject
required approximately 120 of forward elevation, 45 of
Figure 1 Clinical photograph of a subject performing a task extension, 130 of abduction, 115 of cross-body adduction,
with the electromagnetic sensors from the Polhemus FASTRAK and 60 of external rotation with the arm abducted to 90 .
System in place on the T3 spinous process, on the scapular spine, These functional arcs of shoulder motion are represented in
and on the arm over the distal humerus. (Fig. 2). Normative data7 for ROM in internal rotation with
the arm at the side (posterior reach) was not available;
however, a maximum of 102.2 of internal rotation with the
The task was demonstrated to each participant. The participant arm at the side was necessary for functional tasks. No
then performed the task as simply and naturally as possible. functional task evaluated external rotation with the arm at the
Subjects performed a practice task before each trial and started
and ended each task with their arm at their side. Each task was
performed 3 times in succession, and mean values were used as
For 8 of the tasks, the quantity of motion needed to
representative data. complete the task did not differ significantly between the
dominant and nondominant arm. There was a statistically
Data reduction and analysis significant difference (P < .05) between dominant and
nondominant limbs for forward flexion and external rota-
Humeral motion relative to the trunk, or total shoulder motion
tion for 2 tasks: task 9, reaching up to an overhead shelf
(glenohumeral plus scapulothoracic motion), was described using without bending the elbow, and task 10, placing a 1-gallon
a globe-based system.5,24 This system describes humeral rotations container on an overhead shelf. However, this difference
by longitude and latitude along a globe centered about the center of was less than 5 and not felt to be clinically significant
rotation at the shoulder. A Euler angle sequence was used, in which (Table II).
the first rotation describes the plane of elevation (longitude), the
second rotation describes the amount of elevation (latitude), and the
third rotation describes the amount of external/internal rotation Discussion
along the long axis of the humerus. After kinematic data were
collected, a linear interpolation program was used to obtain data in
Although wrist and elbow functions have been well studied,
5 increments. The data from the 3 trials were averaged.
To make the data clinically relevant and allow comparison with
less is known about the daily ROM requirements of the
established normative data for shoulder ROM,8 the 3D humeral shoulder.2,26 Using clinical studies of the wrist and elbow as
kinematic data were described using conventionally accepted a model,4,22,23,27,29,30 we sought to characterize the func-
shoulder motions. These motions include: tional ROM of the shoulder. In this study, we described the
motion required to successfully complete 10 tasks of daily
 forward elevation: humeral elevation that occurs anterior to
living taken directly from the functional assessment section
the coronal plane;
 extension: humeral elevation that occurs posterior to the
of the ASES,25 PSS,13 and SST17 scoring systems. We found
coronal plane; that in most planes of motion, full ROM was not needed to
 abduction: humeral elevation in the coronal plane; successfully complete all 10 tasks, consistent with previ-
 cross-body adduction: humeral motion occurring in the ously published data from the wrist and elbow.4,22,23,27,29,30
transverse plane; and Most tasks required humeral elevation to be completed.
 internal and external rotation: humeral rotation that occurs The mean maximum humeral elevation was comparable for
along the long axis of the humerus. forward flexion (120 ) and abduction (130 ). Magermans
The data were grouped and analyzed by task after data et al19 also used an electromagnetic tracking device to study
collection was completed for all participants. The primary functional upper limb motion and found that 121 was the
humeral motions needed to complete each task (eg, forward maximum glenohumeral elevation needed to complete all
elevation, abduction) were identified, and the maximum amount of the tasks. The data from our study are consistent. The slight

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noviembre 07, 2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
noviembre 07, 2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Descargado para ALEXANDER BENAVIDES RAMIREZ ( en Technological University of Pereira de por Elsevier en

Table II Average range of motion in dominant and nondominant arms while performing tasks of daily living, along with a percentage of the American Academy of Orthopedic
Surgeons (AAOS) estimate of normal shoulder motion6
Tasks of daily living Measured humeral Maximum motion to complete task (mean  SEM) AAOS estimate of Percentage of full
motion Dominant arm Nondominant normal shoulder motion6 ROM to complete task

Place soup can on shoulder-level shelf Forward flexion 105.4  1.8 108.2  1.7 167 65
External rotation 33.9  1.9 30.8  1.2 No data N/A
Tuck in shirt behind back Extension 45.5  2.4 45.9  3.2 62 74
Internal rotation 88.3  9.1 86.9  8.7 No data N/A
Wash the middle of the back/unhook bra Extension 46.8  1.8) 45.8  2.3 62 76
Internal rotation 98.8  10.0 102.2  10.9) No data N/A
Wash the back of the opposite shoulder Forward Flexion 94.9  2.4 92.6  2.5 167 57
Adduction 115.8  2.2 115.9  1.9) 140 83
Place hand behind head with elbow out to side Abduction 127.3  2.0 128.7  1.5) 184 70
External rotation 61.3  2.3) 56.3  2.2 104 59
(arm at 90 )
Comb hair Forward Flexion 107.8  3.0 109.0  2.6 167 65
Adduction 86.1  2.9 91.3  2.4 140 64
Place soup can on overhead shelf Forward Flexion 120.7  1.5 125.6  1.8 167 75
External rotation 38.1  2.2 32.1  1.7 No data N/A
Place 1-gallon container on shoulder level shelf Forward Flexion 105.9  1.6 107.3  2.3y 167 64
External rotation 39.1 2.1 38.5 1.9 No data
Reach overhead shelf without bending elbow Forward Flexion 118.6  1.4y 123.1  1.6y 167 74
External rotation 29.5  2.0 26.2  1.6 No Data N/A
Place 1-gallon container on overhead shelf Forward flexion 119.9  1.9 126.8  1.8) 167 76
External rotation 41.8  2.6 41.6  1.6 No Data N/A
ROM, range of motion; SEM, standard error of the mean.
) Maximum values for given humeral motion in any one plane.
Statistically significant difference (P < .05).

S. Namdari et al.
Normal shoulder ROM 1181

Figure 2 Diagrams show the functional arcs of shoulder motion (shaded) compared with the normal anatomic range of motion in (A)
forward flexion and extension, (B) abduction, (C) cross-body adduction, (D) and external rotation with the arm abducted at 90 .

difference may be explained by the variability in tasks per- data exist, some authors believe that posterior reach in most
formed in the 2 studies. Magermans et al19 measured adults ranges from the T6 to T10 spinous process.8 Work by
humeral motion relative to the scapula (glenohumeral Mallon et al,20 Ginn et al,7 and Wakabayashi et al31 calls into
motion), whereas we measured humeral motion relative to question the accuracy of posterior reach as a true measure of
the thorax. internal rotation. Mallon et al20 used computed tomography
Clinically, our data may be more applicable because scans of the shoulder in different positions and determined
humeral motion relative to the thorax is what is classically that maximal internal rotation behind the back occurs in
measured with a goniometer in an office setting. To control approximately a 2:1 ratio between glenohumeral and scap-
for excessive thoracic motions, our reference sensor was ulothoracic articulations. Further research is needed to
placed on the thorax itself. Therefore, even if a subject flexed effectively compare functional internal rotation with normal
or extended at the thorax to complete a task, his or her anatomic motion. However, it does appear that approxi-
humeral motion was always measured relative the thorax. mately 100 of total shoulder (glenohumeral plus scap-
The amount of humeral rotation needed to complete the ulothoracic) internal rotation with the arm at the side is
various tasks was dependent on the position of the arm in required to successfully complete tasks from the 3 scoring
space. The maximum amount of internal rotation occurred systems evaluated.
with the arm at the side, also known as posterior reach. We were surprised to find that none of the selected tasks
Historically, internal rotation has been defined as the highest evaluated external rotation with the arm at the side.
midline segment of the back that is reached by the hitch- Although this motion is often tested clinically and regarded
hiking thumb.8 For successful completion of 2 of the tasks in by the ASES as 1 of 4 functionally important motions,25
our study, the subjects needed approximately 100 of internal none of the tasks on the functional assessment section of
rotation with the arm at the side. Using similar methodology, the 3 major scoring systems required this motion. We
Magermans et al19 reported maximum internal rotation of believe that this reflects an oversight in these sections, and
105 , whereas Pearl et al24 reported that 145 was needed to we propose the addition of at least 1 additional task to this
complete functional tasks. Although no published normative section to assess this plane of motion. Two proposed tasks

Descargado para ALEXANDER BENAVIDES RAMIREZ ( en Technological University of Pereira de por Elsevier en
noviembre 07, 2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
1182 S. Namdari et al.

that would evaluate external rotation with the arm at the from one database or study but instead are a compilation of
side are having subjects simulate tossing a coin into a toll previous studies examining normal shoulder motion in
both from a seated position or attempting to reach behind healthy individuals. We compared functional ROM in our
the ipsilateral shoulder for a seatbelt. population with normative data for full ROM in an older
Determining the functional ROM of the shoulder has population; thus, we may be overestimating the percentage
many important clinical applications. With the increased of ROM necessary to perform functional tasks because our
emphasis on evidence-based medicine, outcome measure- population may have higher values for full ROM.
ment tools have an important role in quantifying, standard- In addition, because these normative data exclude data
izing, and evaluating the results of medical treatment. for external rotation with the arm at the side and internal
Adding objective criteria to assess a patient’s functional rotation (posterior reach), we were unable to provide
status will only serve to strengthen these outcome measures. comparison of functional ROM vs normal ROM in these
The information may also provide an objective basis for planes. Furthermore, in addition to the lack of demographic
estimating the percentage of impairment related to loss of data, the exact methodology used to obtain this normative
shoulder motion. Our data provide tangible clinical guide- data is not available.
lines with respect to the functional arc of shoulder motion
that can be used by surgeons, therapists, and patients. Finally,
it is sometimes not possible to perform clinical examinations Conclusion
in the office when conducting clinical research, and patients
are often surveyed via the telephone. The functional ROM To successfully complete all tasks of daily living, a person
that we describe can be used to reflect the minimum motion requires approximately 120 of forward elevation, 45 of
that patients would need to complete certain tasks and can extension, 130 of abduction, 115 of cross-body
provide useful information regarding functional ROM that adduction, 60 of external rotation, and 100 of internal
can be extrapolated from telephone surveys using the 3 rotation. Although attaining full motion is a reasonable
scoring systems we evaluated. goal of all shoulder treatment, our results indicate that
Our study does have some limitations, and our results may substantially less ROM is required to perform the func-
have been influenced by several factors. First, our study tional tasks used in common outcome tools.
group consisted of 20 healthy volunteers and was over-
represented by men (90%). However, previously published
data examining the functional ROM of the elbow and wrist
found no difference with regards to sex.4,22,30 Furthermore, Disclaimer
because our normative data for full ROM from the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)8 does not The authors, their immediate families, and any research
distinguish demographic variances between men and foundations with which they are affiliated have not
women, it is unclear whether a difference between men and received any financial payments or other benefits from
women should be expected for functional ROM, and if so, it any commercial entity related to the subject of this article.
is unknown what degree of power would be necessary to
determine this variability. Our subjects were also relatively
young (range, 26-34 years). Extrapolating this data to indi-
viduals outside of this age range may not be accurate.
Most importantly however, the goal of this study was to
define the functional ROM of the shoulder in healthy,
nonpathologic shoulders to serve as a baseline for future
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noviembre 07, 2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
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