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TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022



Choose the best answer.

The text is for questions number 1 to 3.
The three most common forms of mercury (elemental, inorganic, and methylmercury)
can all produce adverse health effects at sufficiently high doses. The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that eating mercury-contaminated fish is the primary
route of exposure to mercury for most people.
The EPA concluded that most Americans are not risk from mercury exposure. However,
pregnant women, women who may become pregnant within the next several years, and children
less than six years may be harmed by mercury in the fish they consumed.
Inhaling elemental mercury, the vapor given off when mercury is heated can also be
dangerous. For example, some people burn mercury in candles as part of rituals, practice health
professionals highly discourage.
Mercury can damage human health because it is toxic to the nervous system-the brain and
spinal cord-particularly the developing nervous system of a fetus or young child. And it doesn’t
take much mercury. One million average-size northern pikes from northern Minnesota lakes
would contain just a pound of mercury altogether, yet the concentration in each fish would be
high enough to call for limits on eating them.
Mercury’s effects can be very subtle. Adults who have been exposed to too much
methylmercury might begin to experience trembling hands and numbness or tingling in their lips,
tongues, fingers, or toes. These effects can begin long after the exposure occurred. At higher
exposures, walking could be affected, as well as vision, speech, and hearing. In its sufficient
quantities, methylmercury can be fatal.
The greatest risk, however, is for fetus and young children because their nervous systems
are still developing. They are four or five times more sensitive to mercury that adults. Damage
occurring before birth or in infancy can cause a child to be late in beginning to walk and talk and
may cause lifelong learning problems. Unborn children can be seriously affected even though the
methylmercury causes no symptoms in their mothers.
In conclusion, mercury has bad effects on human diet.
Adopted from:
1. Why is the text written?
A. To describe a phenomenon in common
B. To convince the readers about the danger of mercury
C. To present the advantages and disadvantages of mercury
D. To explain the process of how mercury affects a human body
E. To describe efforts on how to avoid diseases caused by mercury
2. Which part of the human body does mercury attack?
A. Ears
B. Eyes
C. Lungs
D. Hearts
E. Nerves
3. What is the writer’s suggestion based on the text?
A. Children can eat fish as many as possible
B. People can eat many kinds of food but fish
C. Adults should limit the consumption of fish
D. People should clean the fish before eating it
E. Pregnant women had better avoid consuming fish

The text is for questions number 4 to 6.

The popularity of mobile devices has had some dangerous consequences. We know that
mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted driving which results in
injury and loss of life.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2010 driver
distraction was the cause of 18 percent of all fatal crashes - with 3,092 people killed - and
crashes resulting in an injury - with 416,000 people wounded.
The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text messaging creates a crash risk
23 times worse than driving while not distracted.
Eleven percent of drivers aged 18 to 20 who were involved in an automobile accident and
survived admitted they were sending or receiving texts when they crashed. Distracted driving
endangers life and property and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable.

4. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The risks of texting while driving
B. The warning of texting and driving
C. The debatable issue of texting and driving
D. The involvement of mobile device while driving
E. The consequences of not paying attention traffic
5. What does the passage tell us about the writer’s opinion on the issue at hand?
A. Only adult drivers involved in the accident
B. Distracted driving is still safe for the drivers
C. Many people lost their live because of injury
D. Text messaging creates more risk than undistracted driving
E. Mobile communication doesn’t have relation with accident

6. From the text, we know that . . . .

A. The mobile phone should be banned in the street
B. Distracted driving makes accident more rarely to happen
C. Most of the accident caused by the condition of the road
D. 18 percent of fatal crashes were caused by unnoticed street signs
E. Drivers involved in car accidents admitted they were texting when they crashed

The text is for questions number 7 to 10.

Many people may think that learning martial arts is one way of going to learn self-
defense. In fact, it can be true, but we need some years of training to be able to defend yourself
against wrong people. We can use varied weapons like a taser, pepper spray, and others for self-
defense. However, both learning martial arts and using varied weapons are important for self-
defense. You could always challenge yourself by master several forms of martial arts like karate,
taekwondo, kung fu, or even boxing. If you cannot afford it, you could also just learn the basic
moves. There are some reasons why we should learn self-defense.
The main reason is that by learning self-defense you can keep yourself safe and protect
all the time. We must have ever heard bad criminal news on television every day. Most of the
victims are women. It is scary to go outside alone at night. However, there are times that you
need to go out alone. Therefore, it would be wise if you know how to defend yourself against bad
people. If you can do self-defense techniques like punching, blocking, and kicking, you have
better chances of keeping yourself all the time.
The second reason is that learning self-defense can boots your self-confidence. It feels
great to know that you can defend yourself for everyone, anytime of the day.
The last reason is to improve your physical and mental strength. Joining training in
martial arts will definitely improve your physical and mental strength. It will keep you healthy
and strong.
In conclusion, learning martial arts will teach you how to look strong to face the
opponent. I think women and children should definitely come forward to learn self-defense

7. What is the topic of the text above?

A. The reasons of going outside alone
B. Why children should join martial arts
C. The importance of learning martial arts
D. How to defend yourself against criminals
E. Women and children should not go outside alone
8. Instead of mastering martial arts, what should we use to keep safe?
A. Call a police to guard us
B. Practice to be confident
C. Learn how to punch and kick
D. Not go outside whatever the reasons
E. Use varied weapons such as pepper spray
9. From the text we know that . . . .
A. Girls are not allowed to learn martial arts
B. It is easy to master martial arts in couple of days
C. Martial arts can make us feel confident and strong
D. We mustn’t use varied weapons when we go outside
E. Self-defense doesn’t have basic moves to learn easily
10. “In conclusion, learning martial arts will teach you how to look strong to face the opponent.”
The word “OPPONENT” has similar in meaning to . . . .
A. Mate
B. Friend
C. Partner
D. Enemy
E. Contestant
11. Man : I can’t stop eating sweets.
Woman : You should stop eating sweets. It is not good for your health, especially your
Man : you’re right. But how?
Woman : Well, it depends on your willing.
What does the woman suggest to the man?
A. go on diet
B. check his teeth
C. buy some sweets
D. stop eating too much
E. not eat too much sweets
12. Sabrina : What a nice painting!
Delon : Thank you.
Sabrina : You can show it at the gallery and sell it for a good mount.
Delon :....
What is the best response to say next?
A. Thank you
B. I think it is nice
C. That’s a good idea
D. I’m glad to hear that
E. I don’t know what to do
13. Mr. Bean : Hello, Miss Smith. Would you like a cup of coffee? I’m just making some.      
Miss Smith: Oh, yes please, that would be lovely.      
Mr Bean : How do you take it?      
Miss Smith: With milk and sugar, please.      
Mr Bean : Here you are.      
Miss Smith: Thank you.
The underlined expression expresses ….
A. Giving an offer
B. Refusing an offer
C. Giving suggestion
D. Making agreement
E. Accepting suggestion
The text is for questions number 14 to 16.
Jane : Our village is dirty after the flood.
Alex : It is. Let’s have a working bee to clean it.
Jane : You are right. We had better tell the village chief about it so that we can coordinate it
Alex : That’s a good idea.
Jane : How about meeting her now?
Alex : Alright. Let’s go.

14. What is the dialog about?

A. A natural disaster
B. Problems after the flood
C. The rubbish in the village
D. A plan to clean the village
E. A flood which occurred in the village
15. What does Alex suggest?
A. Clean their house
B. Propose a program
C. Hold a working bee
D. Coordinate the program well
E. Tell the village chief about the plan
16. What will the speakers do after conversation?
A. Collect the fund
B. Make a proposal
C. Help the refuges
D. Meet the village chief
E. Invite people to the village

The text is for questions number 17 to 18.

Erika : I have always wanted to visit Labuan Bajo.
Arini : That’s my hometown.
Erika : We are going to visit Labuan Bajo next week.
Arini : That’s good.
Erika : I heard there is a Pink Beach.
Arini : That’s right. You should spend some time on the beach. You can see pink beach.
Erika : That looks interesting.
Arini : Well, I’m planning to go home on holidays. You can stay at my house when you are in
Labuan Bajo.
Erika : Really? Thanks for the offer. I’ll tell my dad later.

17. What is Arini’s suggestion to Erika?

A. Visiting the Pink Beach
B. Going vacation together
C. Spending holidays at her home
D. Telling her father to go to Labuan Bajo
E. Staying at a hotel near the Pink Beach
18. Which expression shows an offer?
A. You can see pink sand
B. I heard there is a Pink Beach
C. You should spend some time on the beach
D. I have always wanted to visit Labuan Bajo
E. You can stay at my house when you are in Labuan Bajo

The text is for questions number 19 to 20.

Tasya : What are you going to do?
Nando: I am going to blend this star fruit. Do you want a glass of it?
Tasya : Yes, thanks. Let me help you.
Nando: Sure, thanks. Please pass me the sugar.
Tasya : Ah, you have honey. I think we had better use it.
Nando: Alright. That will be nice.
Tasya : Here it is.
Nando: Thank you.
Tasya : You’re welcome.

19. What does Nando offer?

A. Sugar
B. Favor
C. Honey
D. A drink
E. A glass

20. Tasya says, “I think we had better use it.”

What does she express?
A. offering
B. agreeing
C. suggesting
D. asking for help
E. asking for permission


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