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Artistic expressions of Germany

As of 2006, Germany is the fifth Although Germany does not have a

largest music market in the world and national dance, there are several
has exerted a strong influence on Pop traditional dances, including the
and Rock music, pioneering trance Schuhplattler, the polka and the
music. waltz.

It was during the Baroque period that German literature began to develop
with greater impetus, marked by the division of processes where courtly
poetry and the popular novel began to appear among its creations, genres
that were taken from the models of Antiquity, as well as including lyric
poetry that dealt with personal experiences.

German Art describes the history of the visual arts in


Art Art

Sculpture Sculpture

Cinema is the movement primarily characterised by

the tendency to understand reality and characters
in terms of inanimate objects and personal
possessions. Often associated with "street films".
Historic event
Berlin Wall
At the end of World War II, Berlin and Germany
were divided into four zones into the American
sector, the British sector, the French sector
and the Soviet sector. The ruinous relationship
between the Allies and the Soviet Union
worsened year after year to the point that two
currencies, two political ideals, and finally,
two Germanies were enforced.

Construction of the Wall

East Germany was unhappy by the high
percentage of inhabitants (especially those with
higher educations) leaving the socialist state. To
prevent more people leaving, a provisional wall
was built on the 13 August 1961, and 69
checkpoints closed, leaving 12 in the whole city
still functioning.
The next morning, the authorities had placed a
provisional barbed wire of 155 km long that
separated East Berlin from West Berlin. The
means of transportation could no longer cross
the border, During the following days.

Fall of The Berlin Wall

When Communism fell in Hungary in 1989, the electric
fence between the country and Austria was removed. It
was the first step for the fall of the “Iron Curtain”, as it
caused massive demonstrations in Alexanderplatz.
On the same day thousands of East Germans gathered at the
Berlin Wall to cross to the other side and they were not
stopped, so there was a huge exodus.
The next day, the Berlin Wall started to be knocked over.
Once the borders were reopened, family members and friends
who had been separated for 28 years finally came together

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