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r;1x) (For I mark)

Aspler.ft) (f. )-'(*) = 19'r.f,

Fu n ctioJns
(x,y) i-*xOy
f :A -- B
t---- To shorv binary opcration
l_ rherangeof f ={f(x)/x€A)
x O y e A [closure propert_v is satisfied
Tl:c Suitable domain of f I

{ x/xe R,xl } The binary operation is

Formirlaoff:(x) Commutatiie,xOy=yOx
Forrnula of f.g = (f.gXx) Associative, (x O 9 O z:x O( f O z)
Co nr Itosition firnction *f The map on to themselves under,the
(e.0(x) : g(r(x)) fu nc ti o n f I (or) * [Un c h a n ged th e-]itgp-.p!.!-gl

(ig)(:i) .. tlg(x)) f(x) = x

((ig).lr)(x) . (1.g)(h(r)) I Addition in 3-hour clock arithmetic

_irt,.ersc Irunction ( cdt:pE:c{ 3g.o::p:sa@t;ce1' )

f': ,,' -.. i-t . i-r : B

-A Cavlev tables

_eo_irSl,,O1_ILtnc_tiop . (x ) = k
I 2
Iqiquiiilr-errgl, I(x) : x
llr 2 0
Lisfulut llrq!&r
(x tf x >C
^ J(-x
0 I

i/..: r< 0 a O b=the remainder rvhen (a*2b)is divided

(or) by 4.
lO 3=3
. (x rt'x>0
+/., t j F(x) =the sum olall positive divisors of x.
(-x if x <0
ll \ "J- \
( I 5) = I +3+5+ l5 =24
Ilpralifi, Fu-nction p is the 6ciprocal of q + P:;

(x) = g(x) .* f=g

l-.1'r = t'r . f = I c7e@:6,{o'JS

a,,t' )(x) = (r'.0(x) -
ui r

,,, ', . !iiJ., f ,,Lt Gts, o')'.) lrL* o C:-:-
,^tr l?') elr: n-,Y)ur) k).. i) 7t-
;\ _n
(f.) '(x) = 19''.f ')(x) (For I mark)
Fu nctions
(x,y) t*xOY
f :A -- B

ihe range of f = { f(x) /x To shorv binary operation

€ A}

TI:c Suitable clomain of f x O y e A Lclosure propert), is satisfied I

{ x/xe R,xl }
Formulaolf:(x) Commutati'ire, x O y : yOx

Forrnula oi f.g : (f.gXx) Associative, (x O y) O z:x O( f O z)

Co nr lrositio]r fun ction *f The map on to themselves under'the
(g.0(x) : g(f(x)) fu nction f I (or)* [Unchanged the-1nappinel

(ig)(x) - r(g(x)) ft'x) = x

((is).h)(x) . (l.g)(h(r)) I Addition in 3-hour clock aritl'rmetic

-ilri.ersc Irunc;tion ( cdt:$t:c,f 3p.o::prsaffi6:ce1, )

f': ,,'-'. i,l . ir :B -.1\ Cavlev tables

_e,t_tril,'U1_l:ilnc_tio1, (x ) = k
Lslui.tiiillliiol, I(x) : x
- . J(x
if x >C
I(X) (-x rl,: r < 0 a O b=the remainder rvhen (a*2b)is divided
(or) bv 4.
lO 3=3
r).., (x ii'x>0 F(x) =tlre sum of all positivc divisors of x.
"''-l-* if x <o ( I 5) = I +3+5+ l5 =24
-+ p:;
Ilq3a-ljrv Function p is the r6ciprocal of q

l'.1'r = I'r . f = I cXe@rs,p.!{qls ,t(,1. \k l. + * *,t ** 1. *,t ,t( r( X *,F +.{. {<,1.,t * t l * * r"t 'l"i"l<'>i'
{< +

(t t'rXx) = 1f r.f(.r; = 1

(,\) rl
\l r) ..
t\t\) \--
')^/ /'/ Lel

,i t.r D')') 6.,>r nr5)r+') l,)," . J

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