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How to build your

best personal

By Puput Cibro Yes.. You can!

About Me
What is Personal
A personal brand is a
Branding relationship with you;
An effort to establish
and promote what
you stand for.
Singkatnya.. Yang ngebedain lo ama yang lain atau ciri khas lo
itu apa banget sih?
but, for

Gaining 'A magic carpet ride' to Helping you to There are more
confidence and a millions of opportunities. focus on your than 7 billions
'permission' to Such as Interviews, goals and your people in the world,
be yourself. Promotion, Partnership, speciality. but there is only
Speaking Engagament,... one you!
and even the opportunity to
monitize it.

Stand out from
the Crowd
Talk to Tap Tag your
yourself your people medias
SWOT yourself. Ask yourself, what is your core values?
What is your passion?
What is your strength, What really matters to you?
weaknesses, and so on. What do you want to be?
What message do you want to deliver?

Talk to
Be an HR agency to yourself

Time to create your Brand Persona.

This is the moment when you set on how do
What have you done so far to be there? you want to be perceived?
What are the remaining homeworks?
How can we fill that gap? Online course? eg: A rock and role digital marketer,
Joining the webinar with me, maybe? :D A UX Enthusiast who loves to share the
knowledge about UX Thru a post about
Key: Be honest to yourself traveling, etc
your people Check your wave!
Identify your audience, who are
they, where are they, what do they
What is the different value that
they are looking for, that no
What are their opinions about
your so far?
like to hear, how your information one else offered yet?
could be valuable to them? etc

eg: IT Enthusiast - its time to talk about K8s, eg: If you targeted HR people, then what do Be open to all feedbacks, check your
or Scrum, etc you think that could impress them after LInkedIN recommendation if needed.
checking your profile?

Key: Be curious
Are you 'hiding' yourself on
Social Media? if yes, then this might be
the right time to come to the radar.
Tag your
Choose the best tools based on Be 'searchable', Be Yourself, and
your purpose and audience. Make a positive impact ! be a creative
content creator
eg: Behance for Designers
Let the whole world knows how GitHub for the IT,
awesome your talent is! Spotify for a story teller, etc
(apart from the basic like
LinkedIn, FB, IG, YT, etc)
Tinder? hmmmm!

Key: Be Consistent and don't

be afraid to be different.
Personal brand is the
unique combination of
skills and experiences
that make you, you.
Effective personal
branding will
differentiate you from
other professionals in
your field.
Your Brand
Your True Storyis...
Be Yourself, because everyone else is already taken.
Oscar Wilde

Credit sources:, 365 careers,

social media exanimer,, Gigoing,

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