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Name: Estoya John Michael B.

Section: BSA-1C

Date: September 8, 2021

Chapter 6 Quiz

Self-Check 6.1.

Based on the matrix of direction for agricultural growth, formulate an

open-ended question to elicit possible answers. Give at least two

Direction for Agricultural Growth Open-ended Possible

Question answers
Soil fertility refers to the
ability of soil to sustain
agricultural plant growth, i.e.
Fertile soil to provide plant habitat and
result in sustained and
consistent yields of high
High-yielding varieties of
agricultural crops are usually
characterized by a
combination of the following
High yielding variety
traits in contrast to the
conventional varieties:
Higher crop yield per area
Dwarfness Improved
The main sources for
irrigation water are
groundwater from wells,
surface water, drainage
ponds, rain and municipal
Good irrigation/water source water. Drilled wells are a
clean source of water for
many greenhouse operations
however, the water yield
from drilled wells is usually
Training helps farmers to
incorporate the latest
scientific advances and
technology tools into their
daily operations. The results
Farmer’s trainings and seminar of enhancing their
operations with these tools
increases efficiency and can
also lead to: Less harm to the
environment. Reduced food
Government support Even before the New Deal,
the federal government
supported farmers directly.
President Hoover's
administration tried to
support farmers by providing
them better credit and then
by buying farm produce to
stabilize the prices. ... When
Roosevelt became president,
the belief was that low prices
were caused by high
Price Supports Cause
Overproduction. By
supporting prices above the
market-clearing level,
governments encourage
farmers to expand
Price of goods production. To produce
more, farmers apply more
inputs per acre. They also
compete against one another
for the finite amount of
farmland, bidding up its
Owners of farmland today
are a varied group. We divide
them into two major
categories: those who farm
their land (owner-operators)
Land ownership and those who do not (non-
farming landowners). Non-
farming landowners are
made up of private,
institutional and public

Self-Check 6.2.

Answer the following sentences.

1. Interpret the illustration below.

Base on that picture reminds us because of human hazard we are destroying our nature
pieces by pieces this is how look likes after a Manny years (in the left side picture) if we
don't take any action, but there are solutions to this problem, the right side pictures tell
us this will be the positive out come if we dealt this problem immediately, as long as we
actually use and perform them. We can save gas and reduce its emission into the air by
walking and biking more. We could also use electric cars, instead of using vehicles that
emit gas and other chemicals into the air. Planting more trees and plants can help
because they take in the carbon dioxide, removing it from the air and replacing it with
oxygen, which is healthy for us and the Earth/atmosphere. We should plant as many or
more trees than we are cutting down, because we’re cutting down a ton of trees
without replacing them and we need trees, they are essential for life and the air on
Earth, without trees we wouldn’t have oxygen and our atmosphere wouldn’t be the
same. We can eat more locally grown food that will reduce gas emissions from
transporting food to us from out of town. Using less heat and air conditioning can also
help, just lowering your house temperature two degrees in the winter(If we have a
season like this) and keeping it two degrees higher in the summer can make a pretty big
difference. Saving electricity by turning off all lights, computers, TVs, and other electrical
devices when you are not using them can also help. Also, if we use less hot water by
lowering the temperature on your hot water tank, using low flow shower heads,
washing clothes with cold water, and using the energy saving mode on dishwashers can
also be very helpful. You could also use the reduce, reuse, recycle model. Let's save our
beautiful nature before it's to late.

Short activity

1. Form yourself into 3 groups.

2. Write in a piece of paper provided --what do you think is the effect
of Climate Change in you’re
a. crops and animals
b. yourself and your family
c. soil and water right now?
Let’s check your knowledge about agriculture and climate change.

1. The agriculture sector is one of the biggest emitters of CO2, the

greenhouse gas (GHG) most responsible for the changes we are
seeing in our climate today. Together with forestry and other land
use, agriculture is responsible for just under ___ percent of all
human-created GHG emissions.

a. 25 b. 20
c. 30 d. 35

2. When plants photosynthesize, they take carbon dioxide from the

air and use it to help grow leaves, stems, and roots. The excess
carbon created through this process is transported down the plant
and stored in the surrounding soil. When the soil is then left
undisturbed, leaving the carbon in the ground, this process is
commonly called.

a. Carbon sequestration b. Carbon degradation

c. Carbon dioxide d. Carbon fixation

3. Regenerative agriculture practices like conservation tillage, crop

rotation, and cover cropping increase soil biodiversity and organic
matter, leading to more resilient soils that can:

a. Better withstand climate change impact like flooding and

b. Deliver stronger yields and nutrient-rich crops
c. Diminish erosion and run-off, leading to improved water
quality on and off farm
d. All of the above

4. When it comes to our changing climate, it’s generally safe to say:

a. Well places well get places b. None of the above

c. Dry place well get drier d. a and b

5. Reforesting previously forested lands has the potential to eliminate

the emissions equivalent to removing nearly __________ passenger
cars from the road.

a. 65 million b. 40 million
c. 25 million d. 35 million

6. The practice of growing a series of different crops in the same area

in successive seasons to avoid depleting the soil of certain
nutrients is called:

a. Crop rotation b. Cover cropping

c. Cropping system d. Conservation tillage

Self-Check 6.3.

Answer the following sentences.

1. You are asked to determine the optimum requirements for maintaining
quality of a tropical fruit crop for which little information is available.
What tests will you carry out to provide the answer?

-Firmness is commonly measured by several types of equipment containing a

head with a tip of known contact area. The tip penetrates the fruit to a certain depth
and at a certain speed, and the fi rmness of the fruit is measured as the resistance to
penetration of the tip. The force required to deform fruit can also be used as a measure
of fi rmness.

2. Assessment: Write your answers according to their response.

Interview at least five farmers in your barangay. Ask them about

the following:

a. What is the major cause of deterioration in vegetables? How does it

reduce quality and how can postharvest handling procedures be
modified to minimize it?
- The two major chemical changes which occur during the processing and storage
of foods and lead to a deterioration in sensory quality are lipid oxidation and
non-enzymatic browning. ... 1.2 Non-enzymic browning is one of the major
causes of deterioration which occurs during storage of dried and concentrated
b. Why rice is easier to store than onion?

-Rice will absorb strong aromas, so it is very important to store rice far away from
foods such as onions or garlic. Keeping rice in securely sealed containers keeps out
unwanted moisture and eliminates the risk of infestation.

What are their problems encountered during harvesting.

-Causes of post-harvest loss in this stage include limited availability of suitable varieties
for processing, lack of appropriate processing technologies, inadequate
commercialization of new technologies and lack of basic infrastructure, inadequate
facilities and infrastructure, and insufficient promotion of processed

Self-Check 6.4.

Answer the following sentences.

1. What significant learning’s have you gained from this lesson?

- It's important to know when to harvest since the correct time of harvest is crucial in
preventing crop losses. Losses can be also caused by field animals, plant diseases, insect
pests or certain weather conditions. ... The goal of good harvesting is to maximize your
yield, so make sure to harvest at the right time.
Self-Check 6.5.

Answer the following sentences.

1. Give a concise personal definition of sustainable agriculture using a

graphic organizer (diagram, concept map....)

2. List at least two challenges or concerns discussed in the lesson that

mean a lot personally.

-The challenges of terrace agriculture in these regions include lack of quality land area
for agriculture, erosion and loss of soil fertility, low yield, poor access to agricultural
inputs and services, lack of mechanization, labor shortages, poverty, and illiteracy.

Self-Check 6.6.

Answer the following sentences.

1. My personal Learning in the topic.

- Hand harvesting, harvesting with hand tools and harvesting with machinery are the
three harvesting methods. Reaping, threshing, cleaning and hauling are the four stages
of harvesting. The importance of harvesting crops by using advanced technology
reduces the wastage of grains and increases in quality and quantity.
2. Assessment:

Write a narrative on the Benefit of organic agriculture

- Organic agriculture reduces non-renewable energy use by decreasing agrochemical

needs (these require high quantities of fossil fuel to be produced). Organic agriculture
contributes to mitigating the greenhouse effect and global warming through its ability
to sequester carbon in the soil.

3. Research, select, and describe three each of the many organic

agriculture practice which help to maintain good quality of soil.

- Increasing soil protection by crop residues and plants; adding organic matter to the
soil through crop rotations, manures, or crop residues; and careful management of
fertilizers, pesticides, tillage equipment, and other elements of the farming system can
improve soil quality.

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