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Bridget College
Batangas City, Philippines
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

Week 6-8:


Read and answer the following sets of questions. Write your

answers legibly in a clean sheet of paper. Take a clear photo of your
answers and then send it on the group chat.
I. Identification
Direction: Identify what is being asked in each item.
1. What is the long name for DNA?
2. What is a "strand" of DNA?
3. Each strand is made up of two zones or regions. One zone of
each strand is made up of identical repeating units, while another
zone is made up of differing units. What are these zones of each
strand called?
4. The process by which RNA is made from DNA
5. The process by which DNA makes a copy of itself is called
6. The DNA molecule is held together by
7. What type of RNA takes the genetic code to the cytoplasm?
8. Who is the two men who established the structure of DNA?
9. The five-carbon sugar found in DNA
10. The five-carbon sugar found in RNA

II. Essay (10pts)

1. How is DNA different from RNA?
2. Describe the jobs of the 3 types of RNA.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City 4200, Philippines

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