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Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

Learning Episode 15
Utilizing Web-Conferencing Apps for Synchronous E-Learning

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

 Identify features and functions of web conferencing applications that are useful to
 Demonstrate skills in using a web conferencing app for synchronous teaching and
learning (PPST 4.5.1)
 Demonstrate positive attitude towards use of technology tools. (ICT CST 7.1.2)
 Use professional reflection and learning to improve practice. (PPST 7.4.1)

Clarify Your Task

The call of the times has made it more necessary for future teachers like you to develop
skills in planning, implementing and managing remote learning. One form of remote learning
is done online. Online remote learning can be done synchronous, where the teacher and
students meet and interact in a real time and asynchronous, when learning is supported by
prepared materials and there is no real time interaction between the teacher and the learners.

This episode will focus on synchronous sessions. In order to hold synchronous classes,
you will need to use web-conferencing apps. Some LMS already have these embedded; some
do not. You will need to know how to access, evaluate and utilize the features and functions of
apps like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Blackboard, Webct and even

Again as in the previous episode, the TPACK Model can guide you in how best to utilize
web-conferencing apps when conductiong a synchronous learning experience. Another
helpful model that can guide you is the Community of Inquiry Model (COI). This model
identified the “essential elements in an educational experience.” These elements are (1) the
teaching presence, which is about basic teaching tasks; (2) the social presence, which focuses
on establishing a sense of belonging to a community; and (3) the cognitive presence, which
fosters critical thinking and engagement.

While the educational experience referred to in the COI model may also refer to face-
to-face modality, in this episode, you will use the COI model and its three elements in the
context of online learning, specifically the synchronous class. Review the COI and the three
presences through the infographics in this episode. We also included an infographic on the
most common web-conferencing apps.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

As you work on this episode, continue to take the role of a keen observer and an
explorer who seeks to learn more and discover better ways of teaching and learning.

When you notice keenly, analyze critically and reflect deeply, you will strengthen
teacher agency, which is the teacher’s capacity to create impact and exert power.

(Note: Kindly see the photos that I sent in MS Teams Files)

Participate and Assist

Your guide to participate and assist:

1. Request your FS resource teacher to allow you to join his/her synchronous classes.
Have at least two or three times to observe the classes, and at least two or more times
to participate and assist.
2. Learn how to use the features of the web-conferencing app that your resource
teacher is utilizing. It can be part of a learning management system or a separate one,
like Zoom, Skype, etc. If possible, request the teacher to demonstrate the features of the
web conferencing app.
3. Ask the teacher how you can participate or assist in tasks related to conducting the
synchronous classes.
4. Be sure to read all the questions in this episode before you start your observation and
participation. This will help you focus your attention on the essential aspects of your
experience. Have in mind the Community of Inquiry Model. The descriptors under
teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence found in the infographic
will help you notice, analyze and reflect very well.

Level/Grade of the Class: Grade 8 Wisdom

Subject: Science No. of hours/minutes: 40 Minutes

Dates when you observed:

Dates when you participated and assisted:

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616


After you participated or assisted in synchronous classes using a web-conferencing

app, described what you observed and experienced by answering the items below.

 Which web-conferencing app did the teacher use for synchronous classes? Describe its
features and how you or the teacher used these features.

Web-conferencing App Feature Was it utilized, If Yes, describe how it was utilized in
Virtual Background Yes, the virtual backroad can use since our adviser in
field study give specific background to be able formal
and professional during observation. The resource
teacher and the students also have their virtual
background which have a Saint.

Microphone icon on/off As a meeting participant and observer, I can choose

to mute my microphone always unless my resource
teacher tells me to assist her by leading prayer. This
setting is very useful to lessen the disruptions by
muting their own microphone especially in the
students, they can’t avoid the noise coming from
different environmental sounds.

Camera icon on/off The camera is required to open always as part of our
observation and participation. This feature is
important cause I can demonstrate by paying
attention to the observe. While the teacher also
always opens her camera to engage the learner in
learning discussion and to be able to open the
students’ cameras too. For the other instances, I can
quickly turn off my camera when there are people
accidentally walk at my back that might distract the
meeting and discussion. But I quickly open it when it
is okay.

Screen share The screen sharing is used by the teacher to see her
discussion and for able to engage the learners.
Especially the power point presentation, it allows
student to be more active throughout the discussion
and for the students to follow. It us used also to
watch videos, to guide in sharing the content via

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

computer or laptop. A practice sharing the contents

for the teacher with her device

Reaction buttons As the observation and participation, I’m responsible

to give reactions by clicking the response reactions.
The reactions button used to provide nonverbal
feedback to the host of the meeting. It is a way of
communication by not disturbing the host instead
giving appreciation to the host. For the example, the
teacher asked if the students are still in the meeting
click the raise hand icon. Also, if they have a
questions or clarifications. I was able to utilize it in
my final demo if they able to understand my lesson,
if yes kindly click any reactions.
Spotlight This spotlight video puts a participant as the primary
active player active speaker for all participants, for
the example the teacher, is the speaker so that the
spotlight, so all the participants can only see the
highlight speaker. The teacher used this pin a
participant’s video, which make them the primary
video which will make them the primary speaker on
the screen especially when they are answering the

View (using different views) I can choose the video layout that appears on the
Zoon Room screens using the Zoom Room
Controller. The Gallery View, Active Speaker, and a
floating thumbnail are the three minimum options.
When the teacher in the meeting uses the shared
screen feature, I have another option: side by side
mode. When the teacher shares the screen, I use the
side-by-side mode, where the shared screen is on
one side of the Zoom window and the participants'
videos are on the other.

Polling The Resource Teacher used polling in the Aralinks

and Messenger since it is much easier than the other.
She also recommended that she uses this feature to
pose questions to the students and get real-time
feedback on their responses.

Recording The Resource Teacher uses the record option in the

Zoom meeting so that she can share the video after
M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

the meeting especially for those students who can’t

be able to join the meeting for valid reason. Students
can get benefit in recorded video to play back for the
lesson they cannot understand and to review the
lesson properly.

Chat box In the Zoom Meeting the teacher allows the students
to use the chat box for questions, concerns, and
answers. It is the instant message to the users to
other within a meeting or a private message. This is
useful for the teachers allowing to share her
instructions that can be viewed in the breakout
rooms or links. It is used the teacher and the
students during the discussions, like if the teachers’
asking questions with regards the lesson, is the
students can’t easily unmute themselves, they allow
to answer in chatbox.

 How was the content taught and delivered? How were the learning activities
facilitated? What strategies did the teacher, or you used to keep the students engaged?
How did the students respond to the teacher? To the activities?

The material was very well taught and delivered. The teacher's prepared learning
activities were perfectly engaging, and at some point, students were cooperative. To
keep the students engaged in the lesson, the teacher and I prepare various activities,
and during the discussion, the teacher asks questions to see if the students have prior
knowledge about the lesson. We always keep in mind when developing activities and
lessons that we need to address different learning styles and multiple intelligences in
students, which is why we prepared a variety of activities such as videos, games,
writing, and so on. We always encourage meaningful and relevant communications and
connections during the discussion. Teaching is more than just spoon-feeding; it is also
the exchange of knowledge and ideas between teacher and learner. Students can
respond very well in every discussion because of this, and they are active in
participating and cooperating.

 What was your experience in participating and assisting in synchronous classes? What
were your thoughts and feelings while you participated and assisted?

Even though the students will be learning from a distance, I will be virtually attending
a class session each week, along with the instructor. It was a fantastic experience for
me because, as I observe, it appears to be real-time learning with a teacher, tutor, or
M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

facilitator at the reins of the room, leading the discussion and encouraging active
participation in the learning materials available in the web-conferencing app. I was
able to demonstrate my skills and learnings from the last four and a half years of
college by participating and assisting the teacher. My ability was demonstrated while
being challenged by the set-up. I'm overwhelmed and grateful that I'm able to
experience it; there are some stressful moments, but it's all worth it in the end.


 What do you think are the best features of a web-conferencing app that you or the
teacher used? How did these features help the teachers and the students?
The best feature of the web-conferencing app: zoom, in my opinion, is the share screen,
annotation on the screen, breakout rooms, and chat box. Screen share, perhaps Zoom's
most useful teaching feature, allows students to see what is on the computer screen,
which could be a Powerpoint presentation, a website, a video, or anything else that
would be useful for the class. The zoom also has a built-in whiteboard as a screen share
option, which can be extremely useful for teachers. While screen sharing, the option to
annotate allows the teacher to make the class more interactive by allowing students
and the teacher to draw arrows on Powerpoints, underline difficult words in articles,
and perform other helpful actions to help students follow along with the material.

Furthermore, the Breakout Rooms feature allows the teacher to divide students into
separate video chat rooms to complete discussion exercises or other group work, like
the group activity in the classroom setup. Finally, the chatbox, which can be accessed
from the bottom of the screen by both the teacher and the students, can be used to
send messages to students during class. There is also a 1:1 student messaging option,
which allows students to send private messages to one another while you are teaching.

 Referring to the Community of Inquiry Infographic, how well did the teacher / or you
use the web-conferencing app to establish: (Describe in detail.)

Teaching Presence
Design & Organization: She emphasizes preparing learning modules for an
online learning environment with specific learning goals, reading assignments,
brief instructional materials, learning activities, assessment procedures, and so
on. While designing the modules for your weekly guide, we assess ourselves
with the following questions: What do I want students to learn in this module?
How will students demonstrate their understanding of the module's materials?
And what assignments or learning activities will supplement this module's

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

Direct Instruction: She is allowing students to see her disciplinary expertise

through online interaction with them, which includes presenting content and
questions, focusing the discussion on specific issues, summarizing the
discussion, confirming understanding, disposing of misperceptions, injecting
knowledge from various sources, and responding to technical concerns. And
providing learners with timely feedback that their work is prioritized allows
them to adjust as the lesson progresses.

In terms of facilitation, the teacher is encouraging, acknowledging, or

reinforcing student contributions by saying: "Thank you for your insightful
comments." The teacher is also drawing in participants and prompting
discussion by saying: "Do you have any thoughts on this topic/lesson?" ", also
attempting to reach agreement or understanding by saying, "I think France and
Joseph are saying essentially the same thing." In this way, she is guiding the
students to develop a sense of community, among other things.

Social Presence
Affective Expression: She encourages students to incorporate their feelings,
experiences, and ideas into their work. She frequently encourages students to
bring to class what they have learned from their own experiences. Students are
more open when discussing their situations and how they handle them, and
they express their emotions more frequently.

Open Communication: She provides opportunities for students to connect with

one another and with the instructor. She sometimes forces students to interact
and participate in informal discussion areas, social and informational lounges,
or virtual discussions.

Group Cohesion: When the teacher asks a section to brainstorm ideas, they
should be able to connect with their peers easily and conveniently in order to
build trust and have a continuous discussion.

Cognitive Presence

Triggering Event: During the lesson, the teacher assigns a student activity or
asks a question designed to engage, pique the student's interest, and pique the
student's curiosity. It could be a quandary or real-world problems to which
students can relate.

Exploration: During a discussion, the teacher will ask students multiple

questions as they begin to search for relevant information and possible
explanations. They must brainstorm ideas and exchange information via
personal narration/opinions.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

Integration: When the teacher is connecting or building on the ideas of others,

she asks, "How do these ideas relate to each other?" What are the key ideas that
emerged from this discussion? In addition, ask the students to summarize or
reflect on the topic they discussed.

Resolution: The teacher is requesting a solution to the problem. She is

determining whether the students understand and can apply the solution in a
real-world context.

 What problem or challenges did the teacher/you or the students encounter during the
synchronous classes? How did it/they affect the teacher/learners? What part/s of
synchronous classes do you think can still be improved? How can this/these be

Technical issues, computer knowledge, and a poor internet connection are some of the
online learning challenges that teachers and I face. These educational setbacks can
have a significant impact on students' learning; they may not receive the information
and knowledge that the teacher wishes to convey. And it reduces opportunities for
learning in and outside of the classroom for teachers. They will need to schedule
another session to repeat and explain the parts where they lost connection; this will
have an impact on their lesson plan, weekly guide, and time management. We can still
improve the synchronous class by preparing for a suitable technology, planning the
online classes, and maintaining a consistent line of communication with the students.
This is possible if the teacher can create a guide that students can use to stay on track,
integrate group collaboration activities without wasting time, and provide links to
valuable resources and reference sites. Finally, keep it short but informative.
Furthermore, synchronous sessions should ideally be relatively short; if the teacher
has a long period of discussion, plan for breaks throughout the session.


1. How ready are you in teaching online synchronous class?

If I were to rate my readiness to teach in an online synchronous session, I would
probably rate it an 8 out of 10. Although I have the experience and knowledge to
establish this type of learning, there are challenges that may affect our performance as
future teachers. I am quite comfortable with technological tools and can adjust the
degree of difficulty of this setup. I believe I am physically, emotionally, intellectually,
and experientially prepared to teach online classes.

2. Using a web-conferencing app, how else would you better establish:

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

Teaching Presence: In terms of discussion, the most common format in the

Zoom app is forums (asynchronous) or chat rooms (synchronous). Setting a
minimum number of posts per lesson, requiring students to respond to a certain
number of other posts, or requiring students to post on a certain number of
different days can all help to increase the quantity of posts and thus
participation. Most course management systems can track chat room
attendance and the number of postings. Instructors can make it clear that
simply being present—having the chat room open—does not imply
participation. Students must participate in the chats. Modeling the first lesson's
assignments, such as writing out questions for discussion and providing high-
level responses to student posts, can also be beneficial. Even if the instructor
intends to take a more hands-off approach for the remainder of the semester,
this can occur. I can also provide feedback privately throughout the first lesson,
allowing students to receive immediate feedback on what is expected.

Social Presence: It can be difficult to provide necessary support for learners in

an e-learning platform because students are often hesitant to ask for or receive
help from their teachers. To encourage student engagement, send a preclass
email welcoming all students, make calls, or host a video conference meeting
the first week of class to see how everyone is settling in and to answer any
questions that may arise. I will require students to post a brief introduction
outlining each student's goals for the class as well as information about their
personal lives that they are willing to share. It is crucial for the teacher to make
this introductory post as well, as it models for the students what to do and
allows the process of connecting a real person to the one facilitating the class to

Cognitive Presence: Through sustained reflection and discourse, I will invite

students to construct and confirm meaning. I may use the chat function to elicit
opinions or questions during synchronous discussions in which all learners
participate at the same time. Students can use drawing tools to highlight or
circle information that is important to them. When conducting the webinar,
learners may be divided into multiple chatrooms so that groups can work on
projects that are most relevant or interesting to them at the same time.

3. What do you still need to learn in order to conduct an online synchronous class using a
web-conferencing app effectively?

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

I need to learn how to keep lecture type videos short, no more than 40 minutes each,
because in the last practice demo teaching, I took advantage of their free time and took
overtime. To build a healthy community, I must also develop a detailed plan that
includes collaborative work, solo work, or group discussions, as well as practices for
engaging directly with students. Establish norms and expectations and communicate
with parents and families on a regular basis about expectations and student progress.
Finally, because I need to learn how to use a single learning management
system/platform that allows for easy access and integration of various learning assets
such as polling and breakout rooms, etc.

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, and
reflected on to come up with a possible topic for action research.


What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did you see while you

participated and assisted using a web-conferencing app for synchronous learning?

While assisting with synchronous learning using a web-conferencing app, I

encountered technical difficulties and a poor internet connection.

List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge.

Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points/findings in what I read

Belgica, C. C., (2020, December 20). Online  Online Distance Learning is an
Distance Learning: Thematic Study on the alternative to the traditional face-to-
Challenges Faced By Educare College Inc. face learning since the pandemic
Primary Pupils. Retrieved from emerged in the Philippines. Like other
https://www.dpubli educational institutions, Educare
content/uploads/ 2020/12/30-10340.pdf College Inc., has opted for online
learning in continuing education. While
ODL has advantages, primary pupils at
Educare encountered challenges during
their online learning. These challenges
include poor internet connection, poor
comprehension and retention, lack of
concentration, motivation, interaction,
and support.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

 To reduce the effect of these challenges,

students together with parents and
teachers, should work together. Pupils
and parents should stay in touch with
their teachers and inform them
regarding their situations and
conditions. Talking on the phone with
classmates or to the teacher for missed
lessons and notes will also be helpful.
Also, staying in touch with classmates
and teachers can motivate students.
Students should also try to identify a
quiet time and place in their house to
complete their coursework, and if
possible, building a schedule and
sharing it to the members of the house
so that they know when the time for
online class is. In case support is
unavailable, pupils should look for
answers to questions online and watch
tutorial videos for items that require
deeper understanding. Focusing on the
pupil’s ultimate goal in education
should be a priority despite all the
challenges online distance learning may
Asio, JM. R. (2021, June 30). Internet  Based on the result of the online survey
Connection and Learning Device Availability done to the students, the researchers,
of College Students: Basis for therefore, conclude that internet
Institutionalizing Flexible Learning in the connectivity will pose a big challenge
New Normal. Studies in Humanities and among students for their online
Education, 2(1), 56 – 69. doi: learning. This idea also applies to the
10.48185/she.v2i1.224 institution, the school administration,
the faculty, and the staff.
 However, this result will justify the
recommendation for appropriate
actions intended to remedy such a
problem. Secondly, the study also found
that most students have smartphones.
This possesses an opportunity for
students to learn on an online basis.
Mobile devices such as smartphones
are a great help because of their
M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

multiple functions especially in

learning nowadays. For students who
do not possess such a device because of
financial status, this can be remedied
easily through sponsorship and other
modes of donation from individuals
with a willing heart.
Fabito, B. S., Trillanes, A. O., & Sarmiento, J.  According to a news article, the
R. (2021). Barriers and challenges of Philippines, aside from having the
computing students in an online learning slowest Internet connection in Asia, it is
environment: Insights from one private also one of the most expensive ("LIST:
university in the Philippines. International Philippines ranks 21st of 22 Asian
Journal of Computing Sciences Research, countries in Internet download speed,"
5(1), 441-458. doi: n.d.) Overall, the data tells us that most
10.25147/ijcsr.2017.001.1.51 PC and Laptop users have an unlimited
internet connection, while smartphone
users tend to use prepaid data for their
online needs.
 This study has provided insights
concerning the barriers of computing
students in online learning.
 Results: Descriptive statistics revealed
that the top three barriers and
challenges encountered by students
were 1.) the difficulty of clarifying
topics or discussions with the
professors, 2.) the lack of study or
working area for doing online activities,
and 3.) the lack of a good Internet
connection for participating in online

On what theories/principles can this problem be anchored?

Gladhart (2001) developed a Levels of Adoption model by adapting the Apple

Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) study by Dwyer, Ringstaff, and Sandholtz (1992).
Gladhart’s model addressed the issues of teacher behavior, student behavior, and
technology tools regarding computer integration. The teacher behavior part of the

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

model lists the following five levels of computer technology integration: entry,
adoption, adaptation, appropriation, and invention.

Russell (1996) identified six stages that learners move through as they learn to use
technology: awareness, learning the process, understanding the application of the
process, familiarity and confidence, adaptation to other contexts, and creative
applications to new contexts. Russell’s action research specifically addressed the use of
email by over 400 teachers in postgraduate study. The students emailed metacognitive
reflections regarding their experiences, resulting in the emergence of six categories
“learners typically go through as they learn to use technology”.

Rogers (1995) defined diffusion as “the process by which an innovation is

communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social
system” (p. 5). An innovation is “an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by
an individual or other unit of adoption” (p. 11). Rogers’ rate of adoption model, most
applicable to this study, states that innovations are diffused over time in a pattern that
resembles an S-shaped curve. An innovation goes through a period of slow, gradual
growth before experiencing a period of relatively dramatic growth. Following this the
innovation’s rate of adoption gradually stabilizes and eventually declines. The rate of
adoption is the culmination of the decision-making processes of users regarding their
implementation of the innovation. Rogers established that individuals could be divided
into innovation adopter types: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority,
and laggards. He then specified that the early adopters are the key players in bringing
the innovation to the point of being self-sustaining.



What do I hope to address the problem/challenge/are of improvement in web-

conferencing app use? What change do you want to achieve?

The Zoom web-conferencing app could use some work to see if Zoom/Google Docs
integration is possible, as it would be great to be able to open a Zoom while co-editing a
shared document. And Zoom must be collecting a ton of data for each meeting, such as
when attendees enter and exit so that attendance can be easily checked. I'd like to have
a Zoom Analytics (Zoomalytics) dashboard that breaks down numbers by individual
meetings, as well as their interaction in the meeting.


M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

If you will conduct an action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers
in nos. 1-3)

The Use of the ZOOM Cloud Meetings Application in the Learning Process: Its
Effectiveness and Difficulties

4. ACT

What strategies/solutions/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the


I'll gather researchers and read articles to figure out how I can recommend
improvements to the Zoom app. I will also seek advice from teachers who can
introduce me to new perspectives and novel solutions. I'll think about asking a diverse
group of colleagues or peers what they would do in your situation. There are studies
that have the same study, and it will be a great help to me because I will be able to use
those in implying their conclusions and recommendations.

Work on my Artifacts

Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.

Able to utilize and see the

screen using the Sharing
Screen. It able to see the

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

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