Kemendikbudristek ITS Teknik Mesin

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ITS Teknik Mesin

Evaluasi Tengah Semester (ETS)

Mata Kuliah : Metalurgi
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa / 19/10/ 2021
Waktu/sifat : 100 menit / Buku textbook terbuka
Dosen : Suwarno

1. a. Give brief statement the correlation between lattice point, unit cell, lattice parameter, and the crystal
b. Sketch the following index Miller [1 2 2], [2 1 3], [3 0 1]
c. Determine index Miller of the plane show at figure below
d. Describe the differences between polymorphism and allotropic transformation

2. Please explain with an example how to make metals stronger (minimal 3 methods)?

3. Following is tabulated data that were gathered from a series of Charpy impact tests on ductile
cast iron.

a) Plot the data as impact energy versus temperature.

b) Determine a ductile-to-brittle transition temperature as that temperature corresponding to the
average of the maximum and minimum impact energies.
c) Determine a ductile-to-brittle transition temperature as that temperature at which the impact energy is
80 J.

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