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Teacher : Janice M.

Mamporte Grade Level : Grade 3

Subject : English Time Frame : 60 mins.

Lesson Plan in English 3

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson the student must be able to :

Knowledge : Identify action words being watched from the video clip and being used sentences.
Skills : Perform or act out all the action words found in different sentences.
Attitude : Display cooperation and appreciation in doing activities.

II. Subject Matter

Content : English 3, Action Words

Learning Resources : Building English 3 book
Materials : Laptop, Power Point Presentation, ball pen/ pencil, paper.
Core Values : Cooperation, Appreciation.
Bible Text : “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
----Philippians 4:13----
III. Procedure

A . Explore
. Prayer
. Checking of Attendance
. State rules in class
. Motivation : The teacher will let the student watch a short video clip. After that,
she will asks questions to test student understanding about it.

Questions :
1. What can you see about the video? Was it fun or interesting?
2. What have you noticed from the video? Are they doing something?
3. Have you ever tried doing it before?

B. Firm - up
The teacher will show some pictures that have actions words and called a student to
answer the following questions

Run Eat Write

Jump Dance

Questions :
1. In the first picture what have the athlete do?
2. How about in the 2nd picture?
3. In the 3rd picture?
4. On the 4th picture?
5. And on the last picture?
6. What do you think is our lesson for today?

C. Deepen

Action Words

Action words are verbs, as you might guess, which are words that
described actions..Every time you write about an action that has happened,
is happening, or is going to happen, you use action words

Examples :
>.drive, walk, laugh, drink,

D. Transfer of Learning
The teacher will read some sentences then let the student act out of the sentence
that the teacher read.

1. The dog run in hurry.

2. She yelled when she hit her toe.
3. In the summer, we will swim in our pool.
4. We ate dinner then walked around the park.
5. The bird sing a cheery song every morning.

IV. Evaluation
Underline the word that have action words in the sentence.

1. It`s fun sliding down.

2. Peter waters the plant.
3. The boys play table tennis.
4. Ana and Joy are singing in the stage.
5. Jenny is cooking for their dinner.

V . Enrichment/ Assignment
Create 10 sentences that have action words.

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