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Pinoy in an Organized System

Individuals compose the structure of the organization to attain its organizational
objectives. The same individuals join the organization to satisfy their personal ambitions and their
goals in life. There exists personal diversity in objective that may work to invent ones favorable
needs and wants to suit his personal needs.
The Pinoy behavior in organization is unpredictable as we see it in the preceding
discussions. It is rather complicated as it arises from deep seated needs and with other value
system of people individuality.
The science of management and psychology cannot fully solve the problem of people
diversity, yet we need to understand PINOY differences so that human relationship at work can
be improved. We can improve work relationship if organizational management is prepared to
think of individual PINOY in the human terms of their value system and culture.
Pinoy is generally clannish and family-oriented. He would prepare to work with people
whom he is familiar with and within his regional orientation. He could easily associate with peers
and friends as he is sociable and hospitable. He is careful not to hurt feelings and behaves
properly in organizational gatherings. There are those who believe in himself and would rather
drive his personal views that at times run counter to other people’s feelings.
Understanding Pinoy in Organization
PINOY should understand that organizational behavior is related to the interaction of
various people in the organized system. Organizations are created to serve its mission and vision.
It shall gear towards the goal for which they aim to achieve.
Organization is made up of PEOPLE that should work together in harmony with the set of
goals and objectives. Organizations have FORMAL STRUCTURE that follows a system of work flow
and carries with it a system of accountability and responsibility. It has TECHNOLOGY that is put
in place to make work simpler and easier for people in carrying their task at work.
PINOY in the organizational set up constitute the INTERNAL SY STEM of the organization.
They are in small groups or large groups of individuals coming from different regional orientations
and family values and culture. They have individual feelings, thinking, needs wants and problems,
yet they are bounded by the common objectives {0; which the organization has to achieve. They
must work harmoniously together to attain the desired organizational objectives and at the Same
time satisfy their personal needs and wants.
The organizational STRUCTURE sets the parameter of PINOY relationship. They have to
group together in different role relationship as people are required to perform their specific
assigned task. Works in an organization are many and these have to be divided proportionately
to avoid work overload. Assignments should be based on individual skills and specialization.
We have to assign Managers and supervisors to carry out supervision of work of people
so that targets and programs are carried out effectively. They carry a certain amount of authority
to perform effectively the task of management and supervision. That authority carries an equal
amount of responsibility, as the main structure relates to power and duties.
The organizational TECHNOLOGY is the mainspring of improved system at work. It is the
physical and economic condition that makes people work faster and easier. Computers and
advance electronic machines make work relationship at work in the production of better goods
and services. The designs of building are made conducive to the working environment so that
people can work with ease and comfort. Modern machineries are provided to produce more
goods and services to meet the growing demand of organizational clients.
Organization operates within the larger SOCIAL SYSTEM. The social environments
constitute the larger system that organization has to work in harmony for it to progress. The
success and failure of the organization are dependent on how the internal social system interacts
with the outside environment as it influences the attitudes of people and affects the working
conditions. This environment competes in the allocation of both material and human resources
and therefore has to relate effectively to maintain its social and economic balance with other
social system.
Along this line, PINOY has to understand his role behavior in his organization and those
of the other social environment. PINOY has to be assimilated with people in his internal social
system and those of the outside world of work for him to enjoy life and to satisfy his growing
needs and wants.
The Focus on Pinoy Development
The focus of any FILIPINO organization is the development of better behavior in
organization as it is the foundation of better management system. The behavior of any single
individual in the organizational setup, may he be a manager, a supervisor, the ordinary worker
or the janitor constitute the quality of life in that particular organization. They all influence the
behavioral attitudes and values of the internal system that affects working relationships.
Along this line Management must provide the following mechanism:
The higher management in the organizational structure should provide the mechanism to
improve PINOY behavior. It is the management role to integrate the Filipino culture and values
in the workings of the organization. Management must integrate the skills and knowledge in the
use of technology in order to improve organization and people relationship.
The PINOY employees must be motivated to work in harmony with establish norms and
values of the organization. Organizational behavior emanates from the workings of people and
how they behave to certain situations. People in organization are the important key element that
describes the whole organizational system. They work in an organized system. The failure of Juan
is the failure of the entire organization. ANG SAKIT NG KALINGKINGAN AY SAKIT NG BUONG
The working environment must be conducive to the working PINOY. The style of
autocratic management drives people initiative away. PINOY are not lazy they are only made that
way because they were not given the chance to prove his capability. Their creativity can produce
outputs more than their inputs.
Management has to develop teamwork and better coordination at work Team effort is
the result of better coordination in the work area. It is the duty of every manager to provide
effective time sequence in performing work activities to provide better cooperation among
Management must satisfy the basic human and social needs of every Pinoy in the
organization. PINOY works because he has to eat and provide his family with basic comfort in life.
It is not only M physiological needs that need to be satisfied but also his psychological needs. This
has to be taken care of for him to enjoy his work and hit relationship with the organization.
The organization and the working PINOY must work hand in hand in the realization of
their common objectives to maintain harmony. Organization wants to realize its objectives of
better service and profit while PINOY wants a share of his collective efforts. One cannot exist
Who is Pinoy According to Douglas McGregor
PINOY is no different from other people in the world of any organization. From the
experiences of other Personnel Managers in many organizations and the personal association of
the authors with the other group of people, we came up with the assumptions of the famous
author Douglas McGregor about his THEORY Y AND THEORY X.
The PINOY is the making of many autocratic experiences that we tend to classify his
behavior development in terms of Theory X. This theory assumes that -
1. A typical person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible.
To a certain extent this is still true to the present time as there are people who are
still lagging behind in performance. They want work but when given the opportunity they
refuse to give their best in the job.
2. A typical person lacks responsibility.
Still prevalent in most instances as we know our rights but refuse to accept
responsibility. We want the job but the responsibility to do the best still lacks in intensity.
3. PINOY has little ambition.
Some PINOY are left behind in the promotional ladder because they lack ambition
to succeed. They want shortcuts to promotions through the connections and PADRINO
SYSTEM rather than through hard work and personal improvements.

4. A typical pinoy seeks security above all.

We want to be employed permanently and have life time job yet, our marginal
performance is the key factor in lifelong employment. Job security is related to work

5. Most PINOY must be coerced, controlled, and threatened with punishment to get them
to work.
We need Managers and supervisors to keep watching people at work. Sometimes
they need to be threatened with suspension or termination to get things done properly
On the other hand, PINOY is not at all bad as we see him. The making of new PINOY is
brought about by the development of his education and the new value system that he sees fit for
him to advance in the organization. These values are seen by McGregor as the THEORY Y which
describes the new Filipino as:
1. People view work as natural as play or rest.
We could see hardworking PINOY in industry, in school, and some government
offices. We see them early in the office, always present, and work with ease as if he does
not get tired.

2. People are not inherently lazy.

They have become that way as a result of experience. PINOY becomes carefree
because he has not been given the right motivation for him to be productive at work. He
did not study well because the teacher had not provided the necessary motivation for him
to excel in class

3. People will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service of objectives to which
they are committed.
Given the right incentives and motivation, PINOY will evolve into a self-driven
individual with sense of responsibility and commitment to his chosen field of
specialization. We need to develop his interest and inner drive to excel. PINOY has
potential Under proper conditions, he learns to accept and seek responsibility. PINOY
needs the condition of trust and confidence to develop his potential. He must be given
the opportunity to prove his worth in the field of his interest.

4. They have imagination, ingenuity and creativity that can be applied to work.
This is evident on PINOY who became successful abroad as he was given all the
opportunity to use his talents. PINOY is known worldwide for his talents in many fields.
With these assumptions, the managerial role is to develop the potential in
employees and help them release that individual potential towards the common
objectives. Proper motivation is the product of proactive management in seeing the
needs of people at work.
Pinoy in the Organization
PINOY in general has much in common as he is an individual with needs and problems. He
is not different from other persons in this planet. Though he came from various regions with
different cultural orientation, values and aspiration, PINOY is the same as those other
nationalities. People throughout the world play different role behavior.
The study of Psychology made the following assumptions about people.
1. People have individual differences.
People have common features as we have two feet, two hands, head and all the
body parts that function in harmony with our earthly environment. We eat food in order
to nourish our body as we use our brain to think for ourselves of what is good or bad.
Studies showed that there is no common behavior among people as we respond
differently in any situation. Even identical twins differ in many ways. At birth we already
differ with other individual. These differences even make more people display different
behavior because of difference in experience with the environment where they grow up.
Relatively, these individual join an organized system with individual differences.
We cannot separate these differences in character, values and culture in making
organizational decisions. Organization and individual have different unique objectives.
Organizational and personal objectives must meet under common grounds. While
organizations have the responsibility to make decisions, it is still individuals either singly
or collectively who makes the decision. They have to act accordingly under the common
objective for which the organization is organized.
2. The whole PINOY in the Organization
When a person joins an organization we treat him as a whole individual. We
cannot separate the individual from his personal character and values in the pursuits of
organizational objectives. We do not employ individual for his talents and skills alone to
do the job for which the organization aims to achieve. PINOY has individual differences
and aspiration.
Individual knowledge and skills are the making of many forces in the life of the
person. His family background and the life he has with his family is a factor in his
emotional behavior. His daily affairs carry with it individual problems that may affect his
behavior in the organizational system.
Outside the family, the individual interacts with other formal or informal
organization. He has social or religious organizations and he plays different roles. Role
behavior can be improved and this could be assets that can be tapped by the organization.
Leadership behavior and personal relations can be the working force that binds individual.
Management objectives in the organized system should be the development of
the total person. The development strategy must be able to assimilate the individual
personality to that of the organization. While skills and talents are needed to make
organization move forward, such should be directed towards the development of a more
committed individual, working in harmony with the other members of the organization.
3. PINOY behavior is caused by his motives.
PINOY in his normal self has needs and wants that cause him to react to certain
situations depending on his perceptions. These perceptions are entirely alien to anyone
except to the individual personal feelings and beliefs. The positive reaction of the
individual is like the flow of gas into the engine chamber that determines the speed of the
vehicle. The more gas is fed into the engine chamber the faster the vehicle moves.
PINOY needs motivation for him to move into the di of the organizational
objectives. The modem machineries and equipment at hand in the production of goods
and services could just be there but it needs the necessary power to keep it moving. The
energy must be set into the system of these computers and machineries to keep them in
motion. Similarly, PINOY in his normal behavior needs to keep his mindset towards the
fulfilment of his personal objectives to keep him moving.
4. PINOY value his personal dignity.

PINOY is a very sensitive individual. He values his personal dignity that is willing to
risk his life if someone will trespass on his personal life values. Pinoy is like no other kinds
of animal as he has feelings that could be hurt. While this ethical philosophy applies to all
nationality, the Filipinos in general are more sensitive when it comes to the preservation
of his personal integrity.

Along this line, PINOY must be treated not as a mere tool in the production of
goods and services but as a partner in the pursuits of organizational objectives. He needs
to be respected as a person. He needs recognition for the good task that he contributed
to the organization goals. We must develop his positive values and give due praise to keep
that human dignity.
Organization and Pinoy
Organizations are made up of people. There can be no organization without people. There
exists a symbiotic relationship between people and organization. As organization is made up of
people, the following assumption is that they are a social system and that they share common
Pinoy in Formal Social System
As organization is with formal structure, the people therein move within the scope of their
duties and functions. People are socially and officially bounded by their respective responsibility
in the performance of their assigned tasks. People are grouped according to their talents and
skills. They have specific assignments in the organizational structure so that they move in
harmony within the defined objectives and goals.
The Top Management is usually headed by its Chief Operating Officer or President who
directs the whole organization. He makes decisions and everybody has to follow. The
organization moves toward pre-determined goals and objectives.
The President alone cannot do the job. He needs people to help him achieve the goals
and programs that he sets for the organization. He needs managers and supervisors. These
managers and supervisor are given a certain amount of authority and responsibility to carry the
task for effective supervision.
On the other hand, management alone cannot achieve the goal of an organization. It
needs more people down the line to carry the task of producing the goods and services. They
move in formal fashion according to their specific roles.
Pinoy in the Informal Social System
While PINOY moves into the formal social system, he cannot be detached in the informal
social stratum. He has to associate himself with other members of the formal structure. These
informal groups are bounded by common interest and behavior.
PINOY, being a social being, has to join his “barkada.” It is the group where he shares the
same life style. They may speak the same regional dialect. They eat the same kind of food or drink
satisfies their taste buds. Outside the work area, he joins social clubs that satisfies his sense of
belongingness. He plays different types of games for his physical development. All these activities
are within the informal groups that affect his behavior as a whole individual. These informal
groups influence to a certain extent his behavior in the organization. One may file a leave of
absence from work even if he is required to do rush work only to attend a birthday party of a
friend or relative. He may file a sick leave or leave of absence only to attend a religious ceremony
of his social group. There could be so many reasons for PINOY. KAPAG GUSTO MAY PARAAN,
Managerial Approach to Pinoy Individual Behavior
The ability to organize man’s effort has increasingly become important as PINOY life
becomes too complex. Proper organization of man’s effort enables him to use not only his muscle
but more so his brain. PINOY’s behavior will exceedingly increase beyond his dreams when
managerial process will effectively use his potent power and with the use of modern technology.
The management approach must develop the following:
1. Communicate strategies to all key elements.
Meaningful strategies should cascade down the line to managers who are in the
position to take action on plans and programs. Instructions must be clear to all concerned.
It Should be direct and easy to understand.

2. Develop and communicate planning premises.

Pinoy will better react to plans and programs if he participates in the planning
process. They must include key assumptions on the prevailing condition of the business
environment. Resources must be available and it must be directed to organizational goals
rather than personal assumptions.

3. Ensure that action plans reflect major objectives and strategies.

The profit motive must be taken into consideration in making action plans.
Managers and the working PINOY must contribute efficiently and effectively towards
decisions that will maximize profitability and work productivity.
4. Review Strategies regularly.
Strategies must be reviewed periodically to ascertain that it is still effective. PINOY
must look at the prevailing business condition. It requires analysis and evaluation of the
internal and external business environment as to its strength, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threat.
5. Develop contingency and alternative strategies and programs.
When the prevailing business environment changes considerably, contingency
plans should be developed in order avoid necessary lost in profit. PINOY must look for any
positive or negative development in the business environment and prepare alternative
approaches. Contingency plan requires coordinated efforts of all concerned in its

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