Chapter Iii Draft 2

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This chapter contains the research design, locale of the study, materials and procedure,


Research design

This study would aim to determine the effectiveness of rice hull and saw dust in

prolonging the shelf life of tomato. It will determine how well the materials perform based on the

visual quality rating, color index, chilling injury, color quality rating, shriveling index, firmness

index and percent rotting of the fruits. The researchers will seek to know how different the

tomatoes depending on the kind of treatment used. The researchers will use three kinds of

treatments of tomato to investigate. The effectiveness of rice hull and saw dust in prolonging the

shelf life of tomato will be examined.

This study will use the quantitative research specifically, experimental research design

along with three (3) treatments that has four (4) replicates each, respectively. One (1) replicate

from each treatment will be use as a spare in a case of certain circumstances. The replicates were

laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD).

Locale of the Study

The locale of this study is at General Artemio Ricarte Senior High School at #35 Bil-loca,

City of Batac, Ilocos Norte from December 2019 to February 2020.

Materials and Procedures

Materials. Rice hull, saw dust, paper box and tomato fruit Ilocos red and Diamante max

are the materials. Rice hull will be gathered at #33-S Rayuray while the researchers will gather

sawdust at Bacnat’s Furniture Shop at #35 Bil-loca also with the paper box. They will obtain the

tomato fruit Diamante max and Ilocos Red at #30-W Baoa west and #30-E Baoa east, City of

Affordability of the materials used in this study shown below.

Material Unit Price

Ilocos red 15 kgs. Php 20.00/kgs.
Diamante max 16 kgs. Php 5.00/kgs.

Procedures. The following steps in obtaining the needed data for the study were adapted

from Gabriel, Atis, Dumaoal, & Esteban, 2014.

Preparation for the materials. The researchers prepared two tomato varieties with four

treatments with four replicates of treatment 1 to treatment three while one replicate for treatment

4 which is the control. Treatment one (1) were pure rice hull, treatment two (2) were pure

sawdust, treatment three (3) were the combination of rice hull and sawdust and treatment (4)

were the control.

Preparation of treatments. The materials (saw dust or rice hull and tomato) will be

putted inside a paper box alternately. Thirty (30) tomato fruits will be placed on each boxes.

Gathering of Data. In seventy-nine (79) days, the twenty-four (26) replicates will be

observed once a week in terms of visual quality rating, color index, chilling injury, color quality

rating, shriveling index, firmness index and percent rotting of the fruits.

Visual quality rating. The visual quality rating was evaluated once a week using the

following index.

9-8 - field fresh, excellent

7-6 - good, defects minor

5-4 - fair, defects moderate

3 - poor, defects serious, limit of salability

2 - limit of edibility

1 - non-edible, fully deterioration

Color index. The following color index was used (adapted from United States

Department of Agriculture USDA visual aid, Color Classification Requirement in


1 - surface of tomato is completely green varying from light to dark.

2 - definite break in color from green to tannish-yellow, pink or red not more

than 10% of the surface.

3 - more than 10% but no more than 30% of the surface in the aggregate

shows a definite change in color from green to tannish yellow, pink, or red or a

combination of thereof.

4 - more than 30% but not more than 60

Chilling injury. It is a physiological disorder that occurs in fruits and vegetables and is

caused by exposure to low, non-freezing temperatures (Lyson, 1973).

5 - no visible symptoms

4 - trace (small pits), 2-5% of the total fruit surface damaged

3 - slight, up to 25% pitting and/or scalding

2 - moderate, 25-50% chilling damage

1 - severe, <50% of the fruits surface showing damage

Color quality rating. This was taken when the fruit reached chilling injury (Cl) 5. The

following is the color quality rating:

7 - deep red

6 - light red

5 - red with yellow or orange patches

4 - orange

3 - orange with yellow patches

2 - yellow with orange patches

1 - yellow

Shriveling index. Shriveling index of the fruits was ranked by appearance once a week

using the following index.

5 - no shriveling

4 - 25% of the fruit surface shriveled

3 - 50% of the fruit surface shriveled

2 - 75% of the fruit surface shriveled

1 - 100% of the fruit surface shriveled

Firmness index. Firmness index was determined once a week. In each treatment, two

fruits of each replication were randomly selected and used as sample. After determining

the firmness index, the fruits were returned back to their respective treatments.

1 - very soft

2 - slightly soft

3 - intermediate

4 - moderately hard

5 - very hard

Percent rotting. This was taken when sign of rotting was observed. Rotten fruits were

discarded after getting the data. It was computed using the formula:

% Rotting = Number of sound – rotten fruits x 100

Sounds fruits
Treatment of Data

Three treatments were used in determining the effectiveness of rice hull and saw dust in

prolonging the shelf life of tomato with four replicates each.

Treatment Formula
1 Pure rice hull

2 Pure saw dust

3 Combination of rice hull and saw dust

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The statistical treatment to be apply will be the mean.

% (F/N x 100)


%= Percentage

F= Frequency

N= Number of subject

The mean will be used to test the effectiveness of rice hull and saw dust in prolonging the

shelf life of tomato.

Dummy Table for the Collection of Raw Data


Treatment 1

Gathering Data Replicates

1 2 3 4
Visual quantity

Color index

Color quantity

Firmness index
Percent rotting

Treatment 2

Gathering Data Replicates

1 2 3 4
Visual quantity

Color index

Color quantity

Shriveling index
Firmness index
Percent rotting

Treatment 3

Gathering Data Replicates

1 2 3 4
Visual quantity

Color index

Color quantity

Firmness index
Percent rotting

Dummy Table for the Collection of Raw Data


Treatment 1

Gathering Data Replicates

1 2 3 4
Visual quantity

Color index

Color quantity

Firmness index
Percent rotting

Treatment 2

Gathering Data Replicates

1 2 3 4
Visual quantity

Color index

Color quantity

Firmness index
Percent rotting

Treatment 3

Gathering Data Replicates

1 2 3 4
Visual quantity

Color index

Color quantity

Firmness index
Percent rotting

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