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Respiratory Muscle

A s s e s s m e n t i n Cl i n i c a l
Michael I. Polkey, MB ChB, PhD, FRCP

 Diaphragm  Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure  Magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation
 Expiratory muscle strength

 Inspiratory muscle weakness should always be considered in unexplained breathlessness, respira-
tory failure, or an inability to wean from mechanical ventilation.
 Inspiratory muscle weakness can often be excluded by simple tests.
 Inspiratory muscle strength is a continuous variable. Even where proven neuromuscular disease ex-
ists, values may be normal.
 Expiratory muscle weakness is prevalent in neurologic disease and increases susceptibility to chest

INTRODUCTION identical at a molecular level to, for example, the

quadriceps. The inspiratory muscles contract
Respiratory muscle weakness is relatively rare in only in response to signals received via motor
clinical practice and, therefore, it is seldom a clini- nerves, of which the most important are the 2
cian’s first thought. However, it should always phrenic nerves, which innervate each hemidiaph-
be considered where a patient has unexplained ragm. Automatic control of the respiratory muscles
breathlessness see, for instance, cases # 5 occurs at the brainstem, which is sensitive in
and #6 Unraveling the Causes of Unexplained particular to increasing levels of carbon dioxide,
Dyspnea: The Value of Exercise Testing, respira- but can be overridden by the cortex to permit
tory failure, or experiences difficulty weaning from speech and other functions. Importantly, all voli-
mechanical ventilation (see also in The Control of tional tests of respiratory muscle function require
Breathing during Mechanical Ventilation). Partic- intact cortical function and subnormal values are
ular vigilance must be exercised when managing obtained where cortical disease is present or
patients with known neuromuscular disease. The where the patient is unable (or indeed unwilling)
aim of this article was to explain normal physiology to make a fully maximal effort.
and suggest a hierarchical approach whereby res-
piratory muscle weakness may be excluded or
included in the differential diagnosis.
All volitional tests of respiratory muscle func-
Normal Physiology tion require intact cortical function and sub-
normal values are obtained where cortical
Unlike cardiac muscle, which has an inherent disease is present or where the patient is unable
rhythmicity, respiratory muscle is histologically (or indeed unwilling) to make a maximal effort.
and functionally composed of skeletal muscle,

Disclosure Statement: Dr M.I. Polkey discloses personal and or institutional financial support for advice or
research, lecture fees from the following companies: Novartis, Biomarin, Amicus, Orion, GSK, and Genzyme-
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, Fulham Road, Lon-
don SW3 6NP, UK
E-mail address:

Clin Chest Med 40 (2019) 307–315
0272-5231/19/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Fig. 1. Overview of normal physiology (blue); measurement opportunities indicated by red arrows. EMG, electro-
myogram; USS, ultrasound scan.

Anatomically, the inspiratory muscles are Because the respiratory muscles are striated
composed of the 2 hemidiaphragms and the extra- skeletal muscle, they are influenced by factors
diaphragmatic muscles (scalenes, sternomastoid, known to influence other skeletal muscles. Of
and intercostals). Traditionally, the diaphragm is these factors, the most important is length; in
thought to account for 60% to 70% of lung volume isolated skeletal muscle, there is an optimal
change,1 but there is sufficient capacity in the non- length at which tension is generated and lower
diaphragmatic muscles that patients with bilateral tensions are elicited at lengths shorter, and to
diaphragm paralysis can manage without ventila- some extent, longer than this6; in practice, in
tory support.2 During inspiratory muscle contrac- human respiratory muscle the greatest pressures
tion, the dome of the diaphragm is pulled caudally, are elicited close to the residual volume and
which increases lung volume both through its own the lowest at total lung capacity,7 so reduced
craniocaudal movement, but also through outward tension generation owing to lengthening is
movement of the rib cage mediated by transmission not an issue. Shortening of the diaphragm is
of the rising intrabdominal pressure through the a consequence of hyperinflation that accom-
zone of apposition.3 The increased volume within panies chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
the thorax leads to a subatmospheric pressure, Hyperinflation also decreases the effective trans-
which in turn results in inward airflow. Expiration is mission of tension to reduce intrathoracic pres-
passive at rest in normal humans, but may be sure and reduces the size of the zone of
increased, in the absence of flow limitation,4 by apposition.
expiratory muscle contraction. Expiratory muscles
are also necessary to generate the supraatmo- Clinical Causes of Respiratory Muscle
spheric intrathoracic pressures associated with an Weakness
effective cough.5 Understanding physiology in turn
The causes of respiratory muscle weakness are
leads to identification of the ways in which respira-
summarized in Table 1. Broadly speaking from
tory muscle strength may be measured (Fig. 1).
a clinician’s perspective, respiratory muscle
weakness may either be a known and anticipated
feature of an existing diagnosis (eg, as in
During inspiratory muscle contraction, the dome muscular dystrophy) or may be a cause of a
of the diaphragm is pulled caudally, which in- new presentation with breathlessness or respira-
creases lung volume (60%–70% of total change
tory failure.
at rest) through (a) its own craniocaudal move-
ment and (b) outward movement of the rib cage Clinical features suggesting respiratory muscle
mediated by transmission of the rising intrabdo- weakness include breathlessness characteristi-
minal pressure through the zone of apposition. cally worse when bending forward (eg, when tying
shoelaces or getting out of a car) or lying flat,
Respiratory Muscle Assessment in Clinical Practice 309

Table 1
Causes of respiratory muscle weakness

Pathology Nerve Neuromuscular Junction Muscle

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Myasthenic syndromes Muscular dystrophies
Guillain Barre Botulism ICUAW
ICUAW Lambert Eaton syndrome Pompes (Acid Maltase def.)
Enevnomation Poisoning (nerve agents) Hypokalemia/other biochemical
by speed of onset Rapid Onset (h/d) Slow Onset (mo/y)
Evenomation Past polio syndrome
Guillin Barrre Muscular dystrophies
Myasthenic decompensation Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Hypokalemia/other biochemical Pompes
Acute polio
Poisoning (nerve agents)

Abbreviation: ICUAW, intensive care unit–acquired weakness.

although the latter can be feature of other cardio- J. Alberto Neder and colleagues’ article,
respiratory conditions. Classically, patients with “Incorporating Lung Diffusing Capacity for
diaphragm weakness are more breathless in wa- Carbon Monoxide in Clinical Decision Making in
ter,8 although many patients referred for assess- Chest Medicine,” in this issue).10
ment do not swim for other reasons. An Chest radiography may show elevation of one or
examination may yield signs consistent with both hemidiaphragms, although the latter is diffi-
more generalized neurologic disease, but the car- cult to distinguish from a submaximal inspiration.
dinal feature of isolated diaphragm weakness— Chest radiography is only moderately predictive
paradoxic abdominal motion—is only present of hemidiaphragm function when judged against
where intact extradiaphragmatic muscles remain. the gold standard of phrenic nerve stimulation.11

Bedside Tests
Clinical features suggesting respiratory muscle
weakness include breathlessness characteristi- Bedside measurement of respiratory muscle
cally worse when bending forward (eg, when strength can be obtained by measuring pressure.
tying shoelaces or getting out of a car) or lying Classically, pressure is measured during a
flat although the latter can be feature of other maximal inspiratory effort against a closed shutter
cardiorespiratory conditions. (maximum inspiratory pressure) undertaken near
the residual volume and during an expiratory effort
(maximum expiratory pressure) undertaken at total
Standard Clinical Investigations
lung capacity. The American Thoracic Society
Respiratory muscle weakness is associated with a guidelines stipulate that the highest 1-second
reduced vital capacity, which occurs because average be recorded, as opposed to the highest
inspiratory muscle weakness decreases total individual pressure12 (Fig. 2). An alternative test
lung capacity and expiratory muscle weakness in- of inspiratory muscle function is the sniff nasal
creases residual volume. Clinician should be inspiratory pressure, which intuitively one might
aware that substantial inspiratory muscle weak- imagine is easier for patients to do; unlike the
ness may be present with a near normal vital ca- static maneuver, the highest single value observed
pacity.9 The normal change in vital capacity on is recorded. Limits of agreement between the sniff
adopting the supine position (<20%) may be nasal inspiratory pressure and maximum inspira-
increased in respiratory muscle weakness and an tory pressure are wide13,14 and thus both tests
unequivocally normal supine vital capacity ex- can be used together on the basis that it is impos-
cludes important respiratory muscle weakness. sible to get a falsely high result. Several reference
The lung transfer factor for carbon monoxide is equations are available to define normality but
typically reduced but its coefficient adjusted for Rodrigues and colleagues15 showed recently that
lung volume is classically supernormal (see also 3 of the equations available provided the best
310 Polkey

Fig. 2. Measurement of maximum inspiratory (A) and expiratory (B) mouth pressures. (From American Thoracic
Society/European Respiratory Society. ATS/ERS Statement on respiratory muscle testing. Am J Respir Crit Care
Med 2002;166(4):518–624.)

correspondence to patients with a phenotype of Phrenic nerve stimulation (PNS) can test the
inspiratory muscle weakness. function of the nerve–diaphragm unit. PNS was
originally undertaken with electrical stimulation,
but reproducible values are hard to achieve even
Advanced Tests in experienced hands16 and, except where the pa-
Pressures tient has implanted ferrous metal, has been super-
Greater insight into the performance of the respira- seded by magnetic nerve stimulation. A detailed
tory muscles can be obtained by measurement of discussion of this technique is beyond the scope
intrathoracic pressure by measurement of pres- of this review (fuller details may be found in Man
sure in the esophagus (Poes). This is often com- and colleagues17), but briefly a strong magnetic
bined with measurement of pressure in the field is created over the phrenic nerve that induces
stomach (Pgas) and the arithmetical difference a nerve impulse that travels to the diaphragm. The
Pgas–Poes is the transdiaphragmatic pressure operator may then measure either the pressure
(Pdi). Although Poes and Pdi can be measured dur- change termed twitch Pdi (Tw Pdi) or the action po-
ing both static and sniff maneuvers, for the assess- tential elicited by diaphragm contraction (dis-
ment of strength they seldom offer an advantage cussed elsewhere in this article). Stimulation may
over noninvasive measurements (indeed this is be given to one or the other phrenic nerve in isola-
the basis for validating noninvasive measures). tion or to both nerves together. The indications for
Occasionally, however, nasal obstruction (owing PNS are shown in Box 1. The unpotentiated the
to polyps) or glottic dysfunction (common in Tw Pdi in healthy adults, depending to some extent
some neurologic diseases) can result in significant on the technique used should be greater than 18 to
underestimation of intrathoracic pressure by nasal 20 cm H2O and for unilateral stimulation
or mouth pressure measurements. values greater than 7 cm H2O may be considered
Continuous monitoring of pressures during a normal; the effect of age is modest,18 but normal
stress (eg, exercise) can provide insights into respi- values in the very elderly remain unknown. Where
ratory mechanics. The work done by the respiratory the technique is used to follow sequential change
muscles, if expressed as a product of pressure and (with disease or treatment) or to detect fatigue it
time (pressure–time product) can then be used to is important to rigorously control for the other fac-
measure the impact of therapeutic interventions, tors that affect Tw Pdi, principally prior contractile
such as noninvasive ventilation (Fig. 3). activity19 (a phenomenon termed potentiation)
and lung volume.20 Fig. 4 shows an example of
pressures elicited by bilateral PNS in a patient
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Greater insight into the performance of the res-
As is the case with the sniff the esophageal
piratory muscles can be obtained by measure-
ment of intrathoracic pressure: Poes, in the pressure elicited by PNS may be measured in
stomach (Pgas) and the arithmetical difference the upper airways as twitch mouth pressure,21 or
(Pgas–Poes) representing Pdi. in intubated patients as endotracheal or tracheot-
omy pressure.22 One problem with this approach
Respiratory Muscle Assessment in Clinical Practice 311

Magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation can be used

to follow sequential change (with disease or
treatment) or to detect fatigue. However, it is
important to rigorously control for factors
such as prior contractile activity (potentiation)
and lung volume, which can interfere with the
pressure change induced by muscle activation
(twitch Pdi)

Like pressure, the electrical activity of the dia-
phragm may be measured continuously or in
response to stimulation. Electrodes may be
placed on the skin surface,23 in the diaphragm
as a needle, or recorded from the crural dia-
phragm using an esophageal electrode. Needle
electrodes are favored by some neurophysiolo-
gists, but are not widely used in patients with res-
piratory disease because of the fear of
pneumothorax; surface electrodes can be
Fig. 3. The areas subtended by Poes (broad dashed
contaminated by extradiaphragmatic muscles
line). Pgas (dots), and Pdi (short dashed line) can be
measured to calculate the pressure–time product.
even where great care is exercised. Conse-
Flow is shown with the solid line and is necessary quently, recent studies have favored esophageal
to separate inspiratory and expiratory phases. (A) A electromyography, which has been reviewed in
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease detail elsewhere.24 Normal phrenic nerve con-
at rest. (B) The same patient at the end of exercise. duction times depend on the stimulation modality
(C) The same patient at the end of a similar exercise used,25 so it is important to observe local normal
task where breathing was supported by noninvasive ranges.
ventilation, with a demonstrable decrease in res- When used for continuous monitoring,
piratory muscle work. (Reproduced with permission diaphragm electromyogram has been used
of the Ó ERS 2019. From Kyroussis D, Polkey MI,
to demonstrate the relationship between res-
Hamnegard CH, et al. Respiratory muscle activity in
patients with COPD walking to exhaustion with
piratory muscle activity and breathlessness in
and without pressure support. Eur Respir J. 2000 lung disease and obesity and to show, in
Apr;15(4):649–55.) the case of dynamic hyperinflation, that
neural drive, rather than minute ventilation, best
is that, as noted, the esophageal component of Tw tracks dyspnea,26 leading to the concept of
Pdi is disproportionately influenced by lung volume neuromechanical dissociation (Fig. 5) (further
change so this variable must be carefully discussion on the topic is provided in also
controlled. discussed in The Pathophysiology of Dyspnea
and Exercise Intolerance in COPD). The tech-
nique has also been used to evaluate upper
Box 1 airway resistance27 and to adjudicate whether
Indications for phrenic nerve stimulation apneas or central or obstructive in nature during
studies sleep.28
 Measurement of phrenic nerve conduction
time (in demyelinating neuropathies)
 Evaluation of hemidiaphragm function
 Evaluation of bilateral diaphragm function When used for continuous monitoring, dia-
where phragm electromyogram has been used to
demonstrate that, in the case of dynamic hyper-
 Submaximal patient effort is suspected inflation, inspiratory neural drive, rather than
 Patient cooperation is impossible (eg, minute ventilation best tracks intensity of dys-
intensive care unit, cognitive difficulties) pnea.
312 Polkey

Fig. 4. Twitch pressures from a patient with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Note even at func-
tional residual capacity (FRC), the end-expiratory Poes is positive owing to air trapping. Twitches recorded at
increasing lung volumes shows no impact on Tw Pgas but a decrease in Tw Poes and consequently Tw Pdi. (Image
from the author’s own thesis.)

Imaging thickness32 and the shortening during inspiration

can be quantified.33 Ultrasound examination has
As noted, an elevated hemidiaphragm has only a
several features that make it an attractive method
modest relationship with hemidiaphragm function
for assessing respiratory muscle strength; specif-
assessed using phrenic nerve stimulation.11 Ultra-
ically, it is radiation free and suitable for use at
sound examination (and previously fluoroscopy)
the bedside. It has been particularly studied for
can be used to track diaphragm movement, but
the purpose of predicting weaning success; in
this approach is not quantitative and a 6% false-
2014 DiNino and associates34 reported the out-
positive rate for the detection of abnormal move-
comes of 63 patients undergoing mechanical
ment has been reported.29
ventilation. They measured diaphragm thickening
The first identification of the diaphragm using ul-
during a trial of either spontaneous breathing or
trasound was reported in 197930 and was soon fol-
pressure support ventilation and showed that
lowed by the observation that its movement
those able to mount a greater increase (>30%) in
following phrenic nerve stimulation could be
diaphragm thickening with inspiration were more
detected by ultrasound examination.31 Diaphragm
likely to successfully wean. Both diaphragm thin-
thickness, when measured by experienced opera-
ning and decreased excursion occur soon after
tors, has a good relationship with measured
the initiation of mechanical ventilation35 and are
associated with a poor prognosis and a prolonged
stay in the intensive care unit.36 One study has
compared diaphragm ultrasound data with the
endotracheal tube pressure elicited by phrenic
nerve stimulation in critically ill patients; Dubé
and colleagues37 found that the best correlates
of Tw Ptr were thickening and excursion rather
than thickness. Of note, and as might be ex-
pected, data recorded during assist control venti-
lation did not convey prognostic information. Their
cutoff value for diaphragm thickening which indi-
cated a good prognosis was very similar to that
of DiNino and coworkers.
Fig. 5. Data relate breathlessness to the electromyo-
gram (EMG) signal (solid line) and minute ventilation
in a group of patients with chronic obstructive pulmo-
nary disease during an exercise protocol. Because min- Ultrasound examination (and previously fluo-
ute ventilation cannot increase (owing to ventilatory roscopy) can be used to track diaphragm move-
constraints), the relationship with dyspnea is poor, ment. The method can also be used to assess
but well-captured by an EMG. (Data from Jolley CJ, diaphragm thickness and to quantify short-
Luo YM, Steier J, et al. Neural respiratory drive and ening during inspiration.
breathlessness in COPD. E Respir J 2015;45(2):355–64.)
Respiratory Muscle Assessment in Clinical Practice 313

Assessment of Respiratory Muscle Function in the brain and spinal motor neurons is irreversibly
Children interrupted, but the path of the phrenic nerve itself
is intact; a classical example is a high spinal lesion
Experienced operators can pass esophageal and
as a result of trauma. A demonstration of the integ-
gastric balloons in older children to measure respi-
rity of the peripheral nerve is straightforward using
ratory muscle function and mechanics,38 but few
the techniques as described, but assessing the
centers globally possess this ability. Therefore,
integrity of the corticospinal pathway was more
except for intubated and sedated children in
problematic. Historically, although electrical stim-
whom phrenic nerve stimulation is possible,39
ulation of the cortex was possible,48 the small
minimally invasive tests are preferred. Children
size of the diaphragm motor area made the tech-
over the age of approximately 6 years are usually
nique unsuitable for clinical use. However, it has
able to undertake the sniff maneuver and normal
been reported that magnetic stimulation of the
values for this age range are available.40,41
cortex can reliably detect a corticospinal pathway
that, in some patients, will eventually recover,
Expiratory Muscle Function rendering a diaphragm pacemaker unnecessary.49
Although the expiratory muscles are not used for
quiet respiration in healthy adults, they are acti- SUMMARY
vated during exercise42 and are necessary for
coughing, which serves as a useful protection In general clinical practice, diaphragm weakness
against foreign body intrusion into the airway and can often be ruled out by careful application of his-
for expectoration of secretions. The most wide- tory, examination, and noninvasive bedside tests.
spread method of measuring expiratory muscle However, more quantitative tests also exist that
function is as maximum expiratory pressure (dis- can be of value in the research environment and
cussed elsewhere in this article), but many units for patients requiring sequential assessment. In
prefer to measure the peak cough expiratory conditions where the predominant problem is res-
flow; reduced values (<270 L/min is used by piratory muscle weakness these tests convey use-
many units) are considered to be associated with ful prognostic information,36,37,50 which can be
an increased risk of chest infection and, conse- used both for the management of an individual pa-
quently, in patients with neuromuscular disease, tient but also to enrich study populations allowing
an indication for the use of mechanical insuffla- reduced sample size in clinical trials.
tion–exsufflation (MI-E), although the threshold
for MI-E is typically <160 L/min.43 However, phys- REFERENCES
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