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Poblacion, Borbon, Cebu

Summative Assessment in Business Math

Name: ___________________________ Yr. & Se. _____________ Date _____________ Score _____

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided before the
________1. It is a set of procedures for changing or transforming broad strategic goals
and plans into specific that are applicable and needed in one unit/portion of
the organization.
a. Strategic Planning c. Operational Planning
b. Tactical Planning d. Organizational Planning
________2. These plans are specifically developed to implement courses of action that
are relatively unique and are unlikely to be repeated.
a. Standing Plan c. Program Plan
b. Budget Plan d. Single-Use Plan
________3. It is a written document that states the quantity of output a company must
produce in broad terms and by product family.
a. Marketing Plan c. Human Resource Plan
b. Financial Plan d. Production Plan
________4. A top-level management planning wherein it defines the organization’s
a. Strategic Planning c. Operational Planning
b. Tactical Planning d. Organizational Planning
________5. These are plans that are used again and again, and they focus on managerial situation that recur
a. Standing Plan c. Program Plan
b. Budget Plan d. Single-Use Plan
________6 It is an intellectual process of thinking resorted to decide a course of action
which helps achieve the pre-determined objectives of the organization in the future.
a. Leading b. Organizing c. Planning d. Staffing
________7. A lower-level management planning wherein it identifies specific procedures
and processes required at the lower levels of the organization.
a. Strategic Planning c. Operational Planning
b. Tactical Planning d. Organizational Planning
________8. It is a document that summarizes the current financial situation of the firm, analyzes financial
needs and recommends a direction for financial activities.
a. Marketing Plan c. Human Resource Plan
b. Financial Plan d. Production Plan
________9. It is a document that indicates the manpower needs of a company in terms
of quantity and quality and based on the requirements of the company’s strategic plan.
a. Marketing Plan c. Human Resource Plan
b. Financial Plan d. Production Plan
_______10. It is the written document or blueprint for implementing and controlling an
organization’s marketing activities related to a strategy.
a. Marketing Plan c. Human Resource Plan
b. Financial Plan d. Production Plan
______11. It is the search for the best practices among competitors or non competitors that lead to their
superior performance.
a. Benchmarking c. Scheduling
b. Budgeting d. Searching
______12. It is a numerical plan for allocating resources to specific activities. It is used to improve time,
space, and use of material.
a. Benchmarking c. Scheduling
b. Budgeting d. Searching
______13. It is a widely used resource allocation techniques to help managers determine
breakeven point.
a. Break even plan c. Break even analysis
b. Break even sample d. Break even technique
______14. It is the screening of information used by managers to anticipate and interpret changes in the
a. Forecasting c. Environmental scanning
b. Environmental planning d. Environmental forecasting

_______15. A forecasting category which applies a set of mathematical rules to a series of past data to
predict outcomes. This type of category is called _________.
a. Quantitative forecasting c. Weather forecasting
b. Qualitative forecasting d. Data forecasting
_______16. A forecasting category which in contrast, uses the judgment and opinions of
knowledgeable individuals to predict outcomes. This technique is typically used when
precise data are limited or hard to obtain. This type of category is called _________.
a. Quantitative forecasting c. Weather forecasting
b. Qualitative forecasting d. Data forecasting
________17. Plans that allocate resources by detailing what activities must be done, the order in which they
are to be completed, who is to do it, and when they are to be
completed. This type of technique is called _____________.
a. Operating c. Budgeting
b. Scheduling d. Allocating
_______18. It is a flow chart diagram that depicts the sequence of activities needed to complete a project
and the time or costs associated with each activity. This type of scheduling
device is called ____________.
a. Gantt Chart c. Load Chart
b. PERT analysis d. Organizational Chart
________19. A process by which the organizations gather information about their competitors and get
answers to questions Who they are? What they are doing? How will they affect
us? This type of environmental scanning is called _____________.
a. Reverse engineering c. Global scanning
b. Competitive intelligence d. Benchmarking
________20. It is a critical business responsibility that is often overlooked, particularly by smaller
companies with limited time and personnel resources.
a. Planning c. Programming
b. Budgeting d. Selling

PAMP/archie 2021

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