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1.0 Executive Summary 3

2.0 Entrepreneur Profile 4

3.0 Entrepreneurial Competencies 5-7

4.0 Appendices 8

This case study is performed to achieve the objective of gaining a clear
understanding of entrepreneurship. As future entrepreneurs, this is a need for us. Besides
gaining knowledge about the business values, at the same time, We'll gain inspiration from
the experiences told by the entrepreneur. Overall this indicates the significance of this
assignment to the ENT300's students.

With the guidance of the lecturer for this subject, Sir Fadli, students are informed to
perform an interview session with a self-chosen entrepreneur about entrepreneurship. As
followed in the instructions, I've found a 60-year-old entrepreneur who has already been 21
years in business. Currently, He is the Chief Executive Officer of Konsortium Industri Kecil
Sederhana Sdn. Bhd. (KIKS) which is a local company located in Kelantan. With the vision
of the company which is to ensure the chickens in Malaysia's markets were raised as in
Islamic law, KIKS starts in 2010 and operating until now.

Mr. Suhaidin and I had a face-to-face interview at UiTM Raub on 31 October near the
guardhouse inside the campus. The proof is as shown in the Appendices part (page 8).
Fourteen questions gave to Mr. Suhaidin, the first segment is Entrepreneurial Profile which is
divided into two tables, Entrepreneur Profile, and Business Profile. The second section is
Entrepreneurial Competencies which relates to his advantages as an entrepreneur to spread
his wings in business. For the entrepreneurial competencies, there are 4 characteristics
have been mentioned. Persistence, Information Seeking, Sees and Acts on opportunities,
and Systematic Planning. These traits are discussed in detail with their examples, based on
the answers given from the questions.

The proofs of the interview and the elements related to the business existence are
shown in Appendices. Overall, the case study is completed without complications.

Entrepreneur Profile

NAME Suhaidin bin Sulaiman

DATE OF BIRTH 23 September 1961
PLACE OF BIRTH Kota Bharu, Kelantan
Academic Qualifications PMR & SPM: Maktab Sultan Ismail, Kota
Bharu Kelantan
Diploma: Institut Teknologi Mara (ITM)
Shah Alam

Work Background (2000-2003) Personal Assistant of

Executive Chairman, Encovision Holdings
Sdn. Bhd.

(2003-2005) Chief Executive Officer of

Envision Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.
(2010-2015) Chief Executive Officer of
Cahaya Piramid Sdn. Bhd.
(2015 till now) group Chief Executive Officer
of Envision Holdings Sdn. Bhd.
(2010 till now) Chief Executive Officer of
Konsortium Industri Kecil Sederhana Sdn.

Business Profile

NAME Konsortium Industri Kecil Sederhana Sdn.

OPERATIONS INVOLVED Raising and processing organic chicken
PLACE OF OPERATION Jeli and Labok, Kelantan
TARGET MARKET Tahfiz school students all over Malaysia

BUSINESS UNIQUE SELLING 1. More nutritious compared to nonorganic
 Lesser saturated fat
 Higher omega-3 fatty acids
2. Safer and healthier to eat compared to
nonorganic chicken
 No chemical injections

ACHIEVEMENT  Successfully helped locals in Jeli,

Kelantan in a project to eradicate
poverty there, given by Lembaga
Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan
(KESEDAR) which includes 78
participants and utilizes about RM
6.5 Million.
 Recognized by Jabatan Kemajuan
Islam Malaysia
 Recognized by Ministry of Urban


Entrepreneurial competencies are the fundamental attributes that contribute to the birth,
survival, and growth of a new enterprise, including traits, motivations, particular knowledge,
social positions, talents, and self-images (Bird, 1995). Every entrepreneur needs to
recognize their entrepreneurial competencies as their uniqueness to strengthen their identity
in the business world.

Back to the chosen entrepreneur chosen for this case study, four entrepreneurial
competencies have been identified to suit the person.

 Persistence

First, persistence. Persistence is the quality possessed by a person to continue doing work
although he faced difficulties in the process. Mr. Suhaidin acquires this trait. Mr. Suhaidin
repeated a few times the need to be patient as an entrepreneur, discipline the process, and
follow the flow. One strategy of marketing used by Mr. Suhaidin to expand his business is by
gaining connections with government agencies and collaborating with them. Unfortunately,
there are certain times where the collaboration has been rejected but this doesn't stop Mr.

Suhaidin and his team to continue their marketing strategy. Mr. Suhaidin has mentioned
once that there will be hard times in business where the plan doesn't go as we planned, but
we need to just continue doing it through whatever comes and believe in the concept of
risque where Allah will provide the best for us. Once again, persistence is a trait that needs
to be emphasized by entrepreneurs.

 Information seeking

Second, information seeking. Easy to be understood, it is an act of searching for information

from the sources of information. In this era, there are many sources of information available
such as social media, newspapers, television, and others. An entrepreneur needs to
consistently refresh and upgrade their knowledge to improve himself and his business, and
that is what Mr. Suhaidin does until now. To find ways to solve the chicken production issues
and develop his company, Mr. Suhaidin looked up articles on the chicken production industry
overseas, such as the technologies used for perfect hatchery, chicken food processing, and
others. Besides that, Mr. Suhaidin loves to ask people especially government agencies for
opinions and suggestions to improvise his business operation. This has helped a lot for
Konsortium Industri Kecil Sederhana Sdn. Bhd. to improve better from time to time, and from
the information's gained, Mr. Suhaidin and the team can help suggest solutions for many
chicken farmers that experienced problems in raising chickens, such as the presence of
airborne disease which attacked certain chickens. From this big benefit, we can see the
significance of information seeking for an entrepreneur.

 Sees and acts on opportunities

Third, sees and acts on opportunities. As it is common knowledge among the public, this trait
may be considered as a foundation attribute possessed by a good entrepreneur. Back to our
discussion on Mr. Suhaidin, before he becomes the Chief Executive Officer of Syarikat
Konsortium Industri Kecil Sederhana Sdn. Bhd., He was in Encovision Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.
He made some self-observation, together with some researches, and found out that the
supermarkets in Malaysia usually sell inorganic chicken which is less healthy compared to
organic chicken, which is not chemically injected. Since there are just a few companies that
provide organic chicken to society, He took the chance to build a company that emphasized
that action with its slogan, "Halal, Suci, Bersih". Later, the company develop its reputation,
expand bigger until now, and is still ongoing. The company's operations are highly
complimented by a few government agencies such as Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia
since it also emphasizes the Islamic way in the chick care system. This remark is the biggest
success currently for Mr. Suhaidin from the opportunity he saw and took action. This shows
us that an entrepreneur must always be aware of the surroundings, observe the issues and

problems faced by the public and later turn them into opportunities that we would use to gain
profits and help society as well.

 Systematic planning
Systematic planning refers to the action of an entrepreneur arranging its plan and ideas
organized. A plan that is not arranged well means that it's an ineffective plan that will just
become a mess. Mr. Suhaidin is a typical person that hates messy planning. Mr. Suhaidin
always said to me that discussing shadowless planning is meaningless and wastes time. As
in his company, for each operation done, some procedures need to be followed step by step
to obtain and maintain the quality of the chicken. As an example, to raise a chick into a high-
quality chicken, they have their livestock chicken cycle to make sure that the livestock is
always healthy. First, cages should be washed using a disinfectant 2 weeks before the
livestock arrive to make sure that the place is safe from bacteria and viruses. Once when the
chicks arrived, visual inspections were made to ensure no injuries or defects on the livestock
received. Then, the chicks from the cages will be moved into the coop and will be given food
such as sweet potatoes, corn, sesame leaves according to the schedule for the nutritional
system of the chicks. The sick livestock will be separated from the normal ones instantly and
will be referred to Malaysia's Veterinary Council. After reaching a period of adultness and
maturity, the livestock will be sealed. If there is no proper planning for the raise of a chicken
such as this, I'm positive that there will be many chicks exposed to bacteria and viruses, end
up causing deaths for certain ones. This shows how important for an entrepreneur to always
analyze risks and ambiguities that may happen alongside a plan. This characteristic marks
the end of the discussion for the entrepreneurial competencies possessed by Mr. Suhaidin,
the Chief Executive Officer of Konsortium Industri Kecil Sederhana Sdn. Bhd.

Company’s Logo Mr. Suhaidin with some big names from Malaysia
National Cooperative Movement (ANGKASA)
that visits the organic poultry farms

The company cooperate with a few government agencies in

an organic poultry project in Jeli, Kelantan

A selfie on the interview session Picture of the Interviewee

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