LABREL 1st Exam

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LABOR RELATIONS – 1ST EXAM industrial and agricultural enterprises and in religious,

charitable, medical, or educational institutions, whether

Xandredg Sumpt L. Latog operating for profit or not, shall have the right to self-
organization and to form, join, or assist labor organizations of
their own choosing for purposes of collective bargaining.
I Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers, self-employed
RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION people, rural workers and those without any definite employers
may form labor organizations for their mutual aid and
The Right to Self-Organization includes:
ART. 255. [245] Ineligibility of Managerial
a. The right to form, join, or assist labor organizations Employees to Join any Labor Organization; Right of
of their own choosing for purposes of collective Supervisory Employees. Managerial employees are not eligible
bargaining; to join, assist or form any labor organization. Supervisory
b. The right not to join any union; employees shall not be eligible for membership in the collective
c. The right to vote by 2/3 majority of its general bargaining unit of the rank-and-file employees but may join,
membership to cancel registration of its union in a assist or form separate collective bargaining units and/or
legitimate labor organizations of their own. The rank-and-file
meeting called for the purpose;
union and the supervisors' union operating within the same
d. The right to file a petition for cancellation of union establishment may join the same federation or national union.
registration and/or de-certification of the union on
grounds provided for by law. 2. Government Employees


Article IX-B, Section 2(5) provides:
1. Right to Self-Organization in the Private Sector
(5) The right to self-organization shall not be denied
a. Constitutional Bases to government employees.
Article II, Section 18 provides:
Article XI, Section 1 also provides:
SECTION 18. The State affirms labor as a primary
social economic force. It shall protect the rights of workers and SECTION 1. Public office is a public trust. Public
promote their welfare. officers and employees must at all times be accountable to the
people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty,
Article III, Section 8 also provides: and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest
SECTION 8. The right of the people, including those
employed in the public and private sectors, to form unions, b. Labor Code Bases
associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to law shall Article 254 and Article 291 provide:
not be abridged.
ART. 254. [244] Right of Employees in the Public
Lastly, Article XIII, Section 3 provides: Service. Employees of government corporations established
under the Corporation Code shall have the right to organize
SECTION 3. The State shall afford full protection to and to bargain collectively with their respective employers. All
labor, local and overseas, organized and unorganized, and other employees in the civil service shall have the right to form
promote full employment and equality of employment associations for purposes not contrary to law.
opportunities for all.
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self- ART. 291. [276] Government Employees. The terms
organization, collective bargaining and negotiations, and and conditions of employment of all government employees,
peaceful concerted activities, including the right to strike in including employees of government-owned and controlled
accordance with law. They shall be entitled to security of tenure, corporations, shall be governed by the Civil Service Law, rules
humane conditions of work, and a living wage. They shall also and regulations. Their salaries shall be standardized by the
participate in policy and decision-making processes affecting National Assembly as provided for in the New Constitution.
their rights and benefits as may be provided by law. However, there shall be no reduction of existing wages, benefits
XXX and other terms and conditions of employment being enjoyed by
them at the time of the adoption of this Code.
b. Labor Code Bases
Article 292(c) provides: Right to Self-Organization vs. Freedom of Association

(c) Any employee, whether employed for a definite Right to Self- Freedom of
period or not, shall, beginning on his first day of service, be Organization Association
considered as an employee for purposes of membership in Basis Statutory: Labor Constitutional: Bill of
any labor union. Code Rights
Purpose “in whole or in part” Any lawful purpose
An exception to Article 292(c) is when the position is not for the purpose of
collective bargaining
covered by the union and when there is qualification in the union
Right involved Economic right; Privileged right
itself. protected right
Articles 253 and 255 also provide: Juridical Carries with it the Does not carry with it
personality creation of a separate the right to have a
ART. 253. [243] Coverage and Employees' Right to and distinct separate and distinct
Self-Organization. All persons employed in commercial, personality by virtue personality
of registration
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E-Er Relationship Must exist Need not exist There is no prohibition in the law or in the implementing
Abridgement by Can be abridged and Cannot be abridged rules regarding the right of supervisory employees to organize a
State regulated labor organization or workers’ association of their own. They are,
Who can exercise Private sector Private and
employees only government however, not allowed to become members of a labor union
employees composed of rank-and-file employees. This is clear under Article
What it is called Labor Workers 255 of the Labor Code. In case there is mixed membership of
Organization/Union Association/Union in supervisors and rank-and-file employees in one union, the new rule
under the Labor Code General enunciated in Article 256 of the Labor Code, unlike in the old law,
is that it cannot be invoked as a ground for the cancellation of the
B. WHO MAY JOIN, FORM, OR ASSIST A LABOR registration of the union. The employees so improperly included
ORGANIZATION FOR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING are automatically deemed removed from the list of members of said
PURPOSES union. In other words, their removal from the said list is by
operation of law.
1. Labor Organization and Its Purpose
Article 219(g) of the Labor Code provides: e. Alien employees;
(g) "Labor organization" means any union or
Article. 284. [269] Prohibition Against Aliens; Exceptions. -
association of employees which exists in whole or in part for the
All aliens, natural or juridical, as well as foreign organizations are
purpose of collective bargaining or of dealing with employers
strictly prohibited from engaging directly or indirectly in all forms of
concerning terms and conditions of employment.
trade union activities without prejudice to normal contacts between
Philippine labor unions and recognized international labor centers:
2. In the Private Sector Provided, however, That aliens working in the country with valid
permits issued by the Department of Labor and Employment, may
Article 253. [243] Coverage and Employees' Right to Self- exercise the right to self-organization and join or assist labor
Organization. All persons employed in commercial, industrial and organizations of their own choosing for purposes of collective
agricultural enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical, or bargaining: Provided, further, That said aliens are nationals of a
educational institutions, whether operating for profit or not, shall have country which grants the same or similar rights to Filipino workers.
the right to self-organization and to form, join, or assist labor
organizations of their own choosing for purposes of collective As a general rule, all aliens, natural or juridical, as well
bargaining. Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers, self-
as foreign organizations are strictly prohibited from engaging
employed people, rural workers and those without any definite
employers may form labor organizations for their mutual aid and directly or indirectly in all forms of trade union activities without
protection. prejudice to normal contacts between Philippine labor unions and
recognized international labor centers.
Article 254. [244] Right of Employees in the Public Service.
For an alien employee to exercise his right to self-
Employees of government corporations established under the organize, the following requisites should be complied with:
Corporation Code shall have the right to organize and to bargain
collectively with their respective employers. All other employees in the (i) He should have a valid working permit issued
civil service shall have the right to form associations for purposes not by the DOLE; and
contrary to law. (ii) He is a national of a country which grants the
same or similar rights to Filipino workers or
Article 255. [245] Ineligibility of Managerial Employees to which has ratified either ILO Convention No.
Join any Labor Organization; Right of Supervisory Employees. 87 or ILO Convention No. 98, as certified by
Managerial employees are not eligible to join, assist or form any labor the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs.
organization. Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for
membership in the collective bargaining unit of the rank-and-file
f. Working children;
employees but may join, assist or form separate collective bargaining
units and/or legitimate labor organizations of their own. The rank and Working children have the same freedom as adults to
file union and the supervisors' union operating within the same join the collective bargaining union of their own choosing in
establishment may join the same federation or national union. accordance with existing law. Under PD 603, it is clearly provided
that neither management nor any collective bargaining union shall
The following are eligible to join, form or assist a labor threaten or coerce working children to join, continue or withdraw
organization in the private sector: as members of such union.
However, children cannot be officers of a union or labor
a. All persons employed in commercial, organization.
industrial and agricultural enterprises;
g. Homeworkers;
b. Employees of government-owned and/or Homeworkers have the right to form, join or assist
controlled corporations without original organizations of their own choosing in accordance with law. The
charters established under the Corporation registration of homeworkers’ organizations or associations
Code; following the requirements prescribed by law will vest legal
personality thereto.
c. Employees of religious, charitable, medical Household workers or domestic workers are excluded.
or educational institutions, whether
operating for profit or not; Homeworkers Household workers
Place of work Home of employee Home of the
d. Front-line managers, commonly known as Classification Industrial worker Non-industrial
supervisory employees; History Product of Industrial Antedates Industrial
Revolution Revolution

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DOLE Inspection Subject to Not subject to Section 16 is essentially a re-enactment of Section 7 of Article
and Visitorial XVI of the 1935 Constitution and Section 4 of Article XIV of the 1973
Powers Constitution.
Right to self- Yes No During the formulation of the 1935 Constitution, the Committee
organization on Franchises recommended the foregoing proscription to prevent the
pressure of special interests upon the lawmaking body in the creation of
h. Employees of cooperatives; corporations or in the regulation of the same. To permit the lawmaking
Members of a cooperative have no right to form or join body by special law to provide for the organization, formation, or
labor organizations for purposes of collective bargaining for being regulation of private corporations would be in effect to offer to it the
themselves co-owners of the cooperative. This prohibition covers temptation in many cases to favor certain groups, to the prejudice of others
employees of the cooperative who are at the same time members or to the prejudice of the interests of the country.
And since the underpinnings of the charter test had been
thereof [Cooperative Rural Bank v. Ferrer-Calleja]. However,
introduced by the 1935 Constitution and not earlier, it follows that the test
insofar as the cooperative’s employees who are not members or co- cannot apply to the petitioner, which was incorporated by virtue of Act No.
owners thereof are concerned, they are entitled to exercise their 1285, enacted on January 19, 1905. Settled is the rule that laws in general
right to self-organization and collective bargaining as guaranteed in have no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided. All statutes are
the Constitution and existing laws. It is the fact of ownership of the to be construed as having only a prospective operation, unless the purpose
cooperative and not involvement in the management thereof which and intention of the legislature to give them a retrospective effect is
disqualifies a member from joining any labor organization within expressly declared or is necessarily implied from the language used. In case
the cooperative. But employee-members of a cooperative may of doubt, the doubt must be resolved against the retrospective effect.
There are a few exceptions.  Statutes can be given retroactive
withdraw as members of the cooperative for purposes of joining a
effect in the following cases: (1) when the law itself so expressly provides;
labor union [Central negros Electric Corporation v. Secretary of (2) in case of remedial statutes; (3) in case of curative statutes; (4) in case
Labor]. of laws interpreting others; and (5) in case of laws creating new rights.
None of the exceptions is present in the instant case.
i. Employees of legitimate contractors – not The general principle of prospectivity of the law likewise
applies to Act No. 1459, otherwise known as the Corporation Law, which
with the principals but with the
had been enacted by virtue of the plenary powers of the Philippine
contractors. Commission on March 1, 1906, a little over a year after January 19, 1905,
An employee of a legitimate job contractor is entitled to the time the petitioner emerged as a juridical entity.  Even the Corporation
all the rights and privileges due a regular employee as provided in Law respects the rights and powers of juridical entities organized
the Labor Code, such as the right to self-organization, collective beforehand, viz:
bargaining and peaceful concerted activities, including the right to SEC. 75.  Any corporation or sociedad anonima formed,
strike. But this right cannot be exercised and invoked against the organized, and existing under the laws  of the  Philippine  Islands and  
principal but only against the independent contractor which lawfully  transacting business   in   the Philippine Islands on the date of the
passage of this Act, shall be subject to the provisions hereof so far as such
employed them, except if there is labor-only contracting.
provisions  may  be applicable  and  shall be entitled   at  its option either
to continue business as such corporation or to reform and organize under
j. Employees of GOCCs without original and by virtue of the provisions of this Act, transferring all corporate
charters established under the Corporation interests to the new corporation which, if a stock corporation, is authorized
Code; Charter Test to issue its shares of stock at par to the stockholders or members of the old
Under the present state of the law, the test in determining corporation according to their interests.  (Emphasis supplied).
whether a government–owned or controlled corporation is subject As pointed out by the OSG, both the 1935 and 1987
to the Civil Service Law is the manner of its creation such that Constitutions contain transitory provisions maintaining all laws issued not
inconsistent therewith until amended, modified or repealed.
government corporations created by special charter are subject to
In a legal regime where the charter test doctrine cannot be
its provisions while those incorporated under the general applied, the mere fact that a corporation has been created by virtue of a
Corporation Law are not within its coverage. special law does not necessarily qualify it as a public corporation.
However, the Philippine Society for Prevention of What then is the nature of the petitioner as a corporate entity? 
Cruelty to Animals, GOCCs with original charters severally liable What legal regime governs its rights, powers, and duties?
under Article 106 and 107 of the Labor Code, and the Philippine As stated, at the time the petitioner was formed, the applicable
National Red Cross are within the coverage of the Labor Code, law was the Philippine Bill of 1902, and, emphatically, as also stated above,
despite having original charters. no proscription similar to the charter test can be found therein.
The textual foundation of the charter test, which placed a
limitation on the power of the legislature, first appeared in the 1935
Philippine Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals v. Constitution.  However, the petitioner was incorporated in 1905 by virtue of
Commission on Audit Act No. 1258, a law antedating the Corporation Law (Act No. 1459) by a
Held: The petitioner is correct in stating that the charter test is year, and the 1935 Constitution, by thirty years.  There being neither a
predicated, at best, on the legal regime established by the 1935 general law on the formation and organization of private corporations nor a
Constitution, Section 7, Article XIII, which states: restriction on the legislature to create private corporations by direct
Sec. 7.  The National Assembly shall not, except by general law, legislation, the Philippine Commission at that moment in history was well
provide for the formation, organization, or regulation of private within its powers in 1905 to constitute the petitioner as a private juridical
corporations, unless such corporations are owned or controlled by the entity.
Government or any subdivision or instrumentality thereof. Time and again the Court must caution even the most brilliant
The foregoing proscription has been carried over to the 1973 scholars of the law and all constitutional historians on the danger of
and the 1987 Constitutions.  Section 16 of Article XII of the present imposing legal concepts of a later date on facts of an earlier date.
Constitution provides: The amendments introduced by C.A. No. 148 made it clear that
Sec. 16.  The Congress shall not, except by general law, provide the petitioner was a private corporation and not an agency of the
for the formation, organization, or regulation of private corporations.  government.  This was evident in Executive Order No. 63, issued by then
Government-owned or controlled corporations may be created or President of the Philippines Manuel L. Quezon, declaring that the
established by special charters in the interest of the common good and revocation of the powers of the petitioner to appoint agents with powers of
subject to the test of economic viability. arrest "corrected a serious defect" in one of the laws existing in the statute

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3. In the Public Sector management policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off,
In the public sector, all rank-and-file employees of all recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees. Supervisory
branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies of employees are those who, in the interest of the employer,
effectively recommend such managerial actions if the exercise
government, including government-owned and/or controlled
of such authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature but
corporations with original charters, can form, join or assist labor requires the use of independent judgment. All employees not
organizations called “employees organizations” of their own falling within any of the above definitions are considered rank-
choosing. and-file employees for purposes of this Book
As to collective bargaining, it is the legislature or, in
proper cases, the administrative heads of government and not the Article 255 is constitutional
collective bargaining process nor the concessions wrung by labor Although the definition of "supervisory employees"
unions from management that determine how much the workers in seems to have been unduly restricted to the last phrase of the
government-owned or controlled corporations may receive in terms definition in the Industrial Peace Act, the legal significance given
of salaries, 13th-month pay, and other conditions or terms of to the phrase "effectively recommends" remains the same. In fact,
employment. There are government institutions which can afford to the distinction between top and middle managers, who set
pay two weeks, three weeks, or even 13th-month salaries to their management policy, and front-line supervisors, who are merely
personnel from their budgetary appropriations. However, these responsible for ensuring that such policies are carried out by the
payments must be pursuant to law or regulation [Alliance of rank and file, is articulated in the present definition. When read in
Government Workers v. Minister of Labor]. relation to this definition in Art. 212(m), it will be seen that Art.
The general rule in the past and up to the present is that 245 faithfully carries out the intent of the Constitutional
"the terms and conditions of employment in the Government, Commission in framing Art. III, 8 of the fundamental law [United
including any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof are Pepsi-Cola v. Laguesma].
governed by law" (Section 11, the Industrial Peace Act, R.A. No. Nor is the guarantee of organizational right in Art. III, 8
875, as amended and Article 277, the Labor Code, P.D. No. 442, as infringed by a ban against managerial employees forming a union. 
amended). Since the terms and conditions of government The right guaranteed in Art. III, 8 " is subject to the condition that
employment are fixed by law, government workers cannot use the its exercise should be for purposes not contrary to law." 
same weapons employed by workers in the private sector to secure
concessions from their employers. The principle behind labor Rational Basis of prohibiting managerial employees
unionism in private industry is that industrial peace cannot be In the case of Art. 245, there is a rational basis for
secured through compulsion by law. Relations between private prohibiting managerial employees from forming or joining labor
employers and their employees rest on an essentially voluntary organizations. 
basis. Subject to the minimum requirements of wage laws and As Justice Davide, Jr., himself a constitutional
other labor and welfare legislation, the terms and conditions of commissioner, said in his ponencia in Philips Industrial
employment in the unionized private sector are settled through the Development, Inc. v. NLRC: 
process of collective bargaining. In government employment,
however, it is the legislature and, where properly given delegated In the first place, all these employees, with the exception
power, the administrative heads of government which fix the terms of the service engineers and the sales force personnel, are confidential
and conditions of employment. And this is effected through statutes employees. Their classification as such is not seriously disputed by
or administrative circulars, rules, and regulations, not through PEO-FFW; the five (5) previous CBAs between PIDI and PEO-FFW
explicitly considered them as confidential employees. By the very
collective bargaining agreements [Ibid].
nature of their functions, they assist and act in a confidential capacity
As such, the following cannot form, join, or assist labor to, or have access to confidential matters of, persons who exercise
organizations: managerial functions in the field of labor relations. As such, the
(a) High-level employees whose functions are normally rationale behind the ineligibility of managerial employees to form,
considered as policy-making or managerial or assist or joint a labor union equally applies to them.
whose duties are of a highly confidential nature;
(b) Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, In Bulletin Publishing
Police Officers, Policemen, Firemen, and Jail Co., Inc. v. Hon. Augusto Sanchez, this Court elaborated on this
Guards; and rationale, thus:
(c) Employees of international organizations or
institutions. . . . The rationale for this inhibition has been stated to
be, because if these managerial employees would belong to or
be affiliated with a Union, the latter might not be assured of
their loyalty to the Union in view of evident conflict of interests.
RIGHT OF SUPERVISORY EMPLOYEES The Union can also become company-dominated with the
presence of managerial employees in Union membership.  
Article 255. [245] Ineligibility of Managerial Employees to To be sure, the Court in Philips Industrial was
Join any Labor Organization; Right of Supervisory Employees. dealing with the right of confidential employees to organize. But
Managerial employees are not eligible to join, assist or form any labor the same reason for denying them the right to organize justifies
organization. Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for even more the ban on managerial employees from forming
membership in the collective bargaining unit of the rank-and-file unions. After all, those who qualify as top or middle managers
employees but may join, assist or form separate collective bargaining are executives who receive from their employers information
units and/or legitimate labor organizations of their own. The rank-and- that not only is confidential but also is not generally available to
file union and the supervisors' union operating within the same the public, or to their competitors, or to other employees. It is
establishment may join the same federation or national union. hardly necessary to point out that to say that the first sentence of
Art. 245 is unconstitutional would be to contradict the decision
Article 219(m) provides: in that case.

(m) "Managerial employee" is one who is vested 1. Types of Managerial Employees

with the powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute

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There are three (3) types of managerial employees for PMTI v. Ferrer-Calleja
purposes of determining whether they could exercise their right to Held: Members of the union are rank and file and not
self-organization. managerial employees notwithstanding their title or nomenclature in
position because:
a. Top Management They do not have the power to lay down and execute
management policies as they are given ready policies merely to execute and
Top management is composed of a comparatively small
standard practices to observe;
group of executives. It is responsible for the overall management of They do not have the power to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off,
the organization. It establishes operating policies and guides the recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees but only to recommend for
organization’s interactions with its environment. Typical titles of such actions as the power rests upon the personnel manager; and
top managers are CEO, President, or Senior VP. Actual titles vary They do not have the power to effectively recommend any
from one organization to another and are not always a reliable managerial actions as their recommendations have to pass through the
guide to membership in the management classification. department manager for review, the personnel manager for attestation and
general manager/president for final actions.
The recent amendments to the Labor Code contain separate
b. Middle Management
definitions for managerial and supervisory employees. Section 4 of
Middle management refers to more than one level in an Republic Act No. 6715 states that:
organization. Middle managers direct the activities of other "Managerial Employee"- is one who is vested with powers or
managers and sometimes also those of operating employees. The prerogatives to lay down and execute management policies and/or to hire,
middle managers’ principal responsibilities are to direct the transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees.
activities that implement their organization’s policies and to “Supervisory Employees”- are those who, in the interest of the
balance the demands of their superiors with the capacities of their employer, effectively recommend such management actions if the exercise
subordinates. A plant manager in an electronic firm is an example of such authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires
the use of independent judgment.
of a middle manager.
All employees not falling within any of the above definitions are
considered rank and file employees for purposes of this Book. Section 18
c. First-Line Management retains the provision on the ineligibility of managerial employees to join
First-line management is the lowest level in an any labor organization. Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for
organization at which individuals are responsible for the work of membership in a labor organization of the rank-and-file employees but may
others. First-line managers direct operating employees only; they join, assist or form separate labor organizations of their own.
do not supervise other managers. Examples are the “foreman” or
production supervisor in a manufacturing plant, the technical United Pepsi Cola v. Laguesma
supervisor in a research department, and the clerical supervisor in a Held: The Court with the finding of the Secretary of Labor that
large office. First-level managers are often called supervisors. the route managers are managerial employees as this is supported by
substantial evidence
2. Supervisory Employee Rule The Court now finds that the job evaluation made by the
Secretary of Labor is indeed supported by substantial evidence. The nature
Supervisors may organize their own union but are
of the job of route managers is given in a four-page pamphlet, prepared by
prohibited from joining the rank-and-file union. The reason for the the company, called "Route Manager Position Description.
segregation of supervisory and rank-and-file employees with The route managers as compared to the supervisors in this case
respect to the exercise of their right to self-organization is the Unlike supervisors who basically merely direct operating
difference in interests. Supervisory employees are more closely employees in line with set tasks assigned to them, route managers are
identified with the employer than with the rank-and-file employees. responsible for the success of the company's main line of business through
If supervisory and rank-and-file employees in a company are management of their respective sales teams. Such management necessarily
allowed to form a single union, the conflicting interests of these involves the planning, direction, operation and evaluation of their
individual teams and areas which the work of supervisors does not entail.
groups impair their relationship and adversely affect discipline,
The route managers cannot thus possibly be classified as mere
collective bargaining, and strikes. These consequences can obtain supervisors because their work does not only involve, but goes far beyond,
not only in cases where supervisory and rank-and-file employees in the simple direction or supervision of operating employees to accomplish
the same company belonging to a single union but also where objectives set by those above them. They are not mere functionaries with
unions formed independently by supervisory and rank-and-file simple oversight functions but business administrators in their own right.
employees of a company are allowed to affiliate with the same Thus, the route managers in this case are managerial employees.
national federation [La Salle University v. Laguesma].
3. Confidential Employee Rule
Managerial Employees vs. Supervisory Employees Within the context of labor relations, confidential
employees are those who meet the following criteria:
Managerial Supervisory
Have the power to decide and do Have the power only to a. They assist or act in a confidential capacity;
managerial acts recommend managerial acts such b. To persons or officers who formulate, determine,
as laying down policy, hiring, and
dismissal of employees and the
and effectuate management policies specifically in
like the field of labor relations.
Not allowed to join any labor Allowed to join a supervisory
organization union but not the union of rank- The two (2) criteria are cumulative and both must be met
and-file employees and vice versa if an employee is to be considered a confidential employee that
would deprive him of his right to form, join, or assist a labor
Under Labor Standards, a supervisory employee is a organization [TPMAB v. Asia Brewery].
managerial employee. In Labor Relations, however, a managerial A confidential employee may be a rank-and-file or
employee is not a supervisory employee in the sense that he cannot supervisory employee but because in the normal course of his
join any labor organization because supervisory employees can join duties, he becomes aware of management policies relating to labor
unions different from rank-and-file employees. relations, he is not allowed to assist, form or join a rank-and-file
union or supervisory union, as the case may be. To allow him to

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join a union would give rise to a potential conflict of interest. payment or non-payment of union dues be the determining factor of
Management should not be required to handle labor relations whether the challenged employees should be excluded from the bargaining
matters through employees who are represented by the union with unit since the union shop provision in the CBA applies only to newly hired
which the company is required to deal and who, in the normal employees but not to members of the bargaining unit who were not
members of the union at the time of the signing of the CBA.  It is, therefore,
performance of their duties, may obtain advance information on the
not impossible for employees to be members of the bargaining unit even
company’sn position with regard to collective bargaining though they are non-union members or not paying union dues.
negotiations, the disposition of grievances, or other labor relations
matter [San Miguel Supervisors and Exempt Employees Union v.
Laguesma]. Filoil Refinery v. Filoil Supervisory & Confidential
However, the mere access of an employee to confidential Employees Association
Held: The other principal ground of petitioner's appeal
labor relations information which is merely incidental to his duties
questioning the confidential employees' inclusion in the supervisors'
and, therefore, knowledge thereof is not necessary in the bargaining unit is equally untenable.  Respondent court correctly held that
performance of said duties, does not make such employee a since the confidential employees are very few in number and are by practice
confidential employee. If access to confidential labor relations and tradition identified with the supervisors in their role as representatives
information is to be a factor in the determination of an employee’s of management vis-a-vis the rank and file employees, such identity of
confidential status, such information must relate to the employer’s interest has allowed their inclusion in the bargaining unit of supervisors-
labor relations policies. Therefore, access to information which is managers for purposes of collective bargaining in turn as employees in
relation to the company as their employer.
regarded by the employer to be confidential from the business
No arbitrariness or grave abuse of discretion can be attributed
standpoint, such as financial information or technical trade secrets,
against respondent court's allowing the inclusion of the confidential
will not render an employee a confidential employee under this employees in the supervisors' association for as admitted by petitioner
rule. An employee may not be excluded from an appropriate itself, supra, the supervisors and confidential employees enjoy its trust and
bargaining unit merely because he has access to confidential confidence.  This identity of interest logically calls for their inclusion in the
information concerning the employer’s internal business operations same bargaining unit and at the same time fulfills the law's objective of
which is not related to the field of labor relations [NATU-Republic insuring to them the full benefit of their right to self-organization and to
Planters Bank Supervisors v. Secretary]. collective bargaining, which could hardly be accomplished if the
respondent association's membership were to be broken up into five
separate ineffective tiny units, as urged by petitioner.
Sugbuanon Rural Bank v. Laguesma
Held: Petitioner contends that it has only 5 officers running its
day-to-day affairs. They assist in confidential capacities and have complete Doctrine of Necessary Implication
access to the bank's confidential data. They form the core of the bank's The doctrine of necessary implication is the legal basis
management team. Petitioner explains that: for the ineligibility of a confidential employee to join a union. The
"...Specifically: (1) the Head or the Loans Department initially disqualification of managerial and confidential employees from
approves the loan applications before they are passed on to the Board for joining a bargaining unit of rank-and-file employees or supervisory
confirmation. As such, no loan application is even considered by the Board employees is already well-entrenched in jurisprudence. While
and approved by petitioner without his stamp of approval based upon his Article 255 of the Labor Code limits the ineligibility to join, assist,
interview of the applicant and determination of his (applicant's) credit
or form a labor organization to managerial employees,
standing and financial capacity. The same holds true with respect to
renewals or restructuring of loan accounts. He himself determines what jurisprudence has extended this prohibition to confidential
account should be collected, whether extrajudicially or judicially, and employees or those who, by reason of their positions or nature of
settles the problem or complaints of borrowers regarding their accounts; work, are required to assist or act in a fiduciary manner to
"(2) the Cashier is one of the approving officers and authorized managerial employees, and, therefore, are likewise privy to
signatories of petitioner. He approves the opening of accounts, withdrawals sensitive and highly confidential records [Standard Chartered
and encashment, and acceptance of check deposits, He deals with other Bank Employees Union v. Standard Chartered Bank].
banks and, in the absence of the regular Manager, manages the entire office Article 255 of the Labor Code does not directly prohibit
or branch and approves disbursements of funds for expenses; and
confidential employees from engaging in union activities. Their
"(3) the Accountant, who heads the Accounting Department, is
also one of the authorized signatories of petitioner and, in the absence of disqualification proceeds merely from the application of this
the Manager or Cashier, acts as substitute approving officer and assumes doctrine because what Article 255 singles out as ineligible to join,
the management of the entire office. She handles the financial reports and assist or form any labor organization are managerial employees. By
reviews the debit/credit tickets submitted by the other departments." necessary implication, confidential employees are similarly
Petitioner's explanation, however, does not state who among the disqualified. This doctrine states that what is implied in a statute is
employees has access to information specifically relating to its labor as much a part thereof as that which is expressed [Chua v. Civil
relations policies. Even Cashier Patricia Maluya, who serves as the
Service Commission].
secretary of the bank's Board of Directors may not be so classified. True,
the board of directors is responsible for corporate policies, the exercise of
corporate powers, and the general management of the business and affairs NATU-Republic Planters Bank Supervisors v.
of the corporation. As secretary of the bank's governing body, Patricia Secretary
Maluya serves the bank's management, but could not be deemed to have Held: As regards the other claim of respondent Bank that
access to confidential information specifically relating to SRBI's labor Branch Managers/OICs, Cashiers and Controllers are confidential
relations policies, absent a clear showing on this matter. Thus, while employees, having control, custody and/or access to confidential matters,
petitioner's explanation confirms the regular duties of the concerned e.g., the branch's cash position, statements of financial condition, vault
employees, it shows nothing about any duties specifically connected to combination, cash codes for telegraphic transfers, demand drafts and other
labor relations. negotiable instruments, pursuant to Sec. 1166.4 of the Central Bank Manual
regarding joint custody, this claim is not even disputed by petitioner. A
confidential employee is one entrusted with confidence on delicate matters,
Southern Philippines Federation of Labor v. Ferrer-
or with the custody, handling, or care and protection of the employer's
Calleja property. While Art. 245 of the Labor Code singles out managerial
Held: As regards the employees in the confidential payroll, employees as ineligible to join, assist or form any labor organization, under
the petitioner has not shown that the nature of their jobs is classified as the doctrine of necessary implication, confidential employees are similarly
managerial except for its allegation that they are considered by management disqualified. This doctrine states that what is implied in a statute is as much
as occupying managerial positions and highly confidential.  Neither can

Page 6 of 28
a part thereof as that which is expressed, as elucidated in several cases the whom they directly supervise in their own bargaining unit [Pepsi
latest of which is Chua v. Civil Service Commission where we said: Cola v. Secretary of Labor].
No statute can be enacted that can provide all the details The law now explicitly allows the more extreme situation
involved in its application. There is always an omission that may not meet a of a rank-and-file union and a supervisors’ union operating within
particular situation. What is thought, at the time of enactment, to be an all-
the same establishment joining one and the same federation or
embracing legislation may be inadequate to provide for the unfolding
events of the future. So-called gaps in the law develop as the law is
national union as affiliates thereof.
enforced. One of the rules of statutory construction used to fill in the gap is
the doctrine of necessary implication x x x x Every statute is understood, by 5. Effect of Inclusion as Members of Employees
implication, to contain all such provisions as may be necessary to effectuate Outside Bargaining Unit
its object and purpose, or to make effective rights, powers, privileges or
jurisdiction which it grants, including all such collateral and subsidiary Article 256. [245-A] Effect of Inclusion as Members of
consequences as may be fairly and logically inferred from its Employees Outside the Bargaining Unit. - The inclusion as union
terms. Ex necessitate legis x x x x members of employees outside the bargaining unit shall not be a
In applying the doctrine of necessary implication, we took into ground for the cancellation of the registration of the union. Said
consideration the rationale behind the disqualification of managerial employees are automatically deemed removed from the list of
employees expressed in Bulletin Publishing Corporation v. Sanchez thus: membership of said union.
"x x x if these managerial employees would belong to or be affiliated with a
Union, the latter might not be assured of their loyalty to the Union in view
of evident conflict of interests. The Union can also become company- The inclusion in a union of disqualified employees is not
dominated with the presence of managerial employees in Union among the grounds for cancellation, unless such inclusion is due to
membership." Stated differently, in the collective bargaining process, misrepresentation, false statement or fraud under the circumstances
managerial employees are supposed to be on the side of the employer, to enumerated in Sections (a) and (c) of Article 247 of the Labor
act as its representatives, and to see to it that its interests are well protected. Code [Air Philippines v. Bureau of Labor Relations].
The employer is not assured of such protection if these employees Clearly then, for the purpose of de-certifying a union, it
themselves are union members. Collective bargaining in such a situation is not enough to establish that the rank-and-file union includes
can become one-sided. It is the same reason that impelled this Court to
ineligible employees in its membership. Pursuant to Article 247 (a)
consider the position of confidential employees as included in the
disqualification found in Art. 245 as if the disqualification of confidential and (c) of the Labor Code, it must be shown that there was
employees were written in the provision. If confidential employees could misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in connection with the
unionize in order to bargain for advantages for themselves, then they could adoption or ratification of the constitution and by-laws or
be governed by their own motives rather than the interest of the employers. amendments thereto, the minutes of ratification, or in connection
Moreover, unionization of confidential employees for the purpose of with the election of officers, minutes of the election of officers, the
collective bargaining would mean the extension of the law to persons or list of voters, or failure to submit these documents together with the
individuals who are supposed to act "in the interest of" the employers. It is list of the newly elected-appointed officers and their postal
not farfetched that in the course of collective bargaining, they might
addresses to the BLR [Ibid].
jeopardize that interest which they are duty-bound to protect. Along the
same line of reasoning we held in Golden Farms, Inc. v. Ferrer-
Calleja reiterated in Philips Industrial Development, Inc. v. NLRC, that 6. Managerial Employees in the Public Sector
"confidential employees such as accounting personnel, radio and telegraph
operators who, having access to confidential information, may become the Executive Order No. 180
source of undue advantage. Said employee(s) may act as spy or spies of Sec. 1. This Executive Order applies to all employees of all
either party to a collective bargaining agreement." branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies, of the Government,
In fine, only the Branch Managers/OICs, Cashiers and including government-owned or controlled corporations with original
Controllers of respondent Bank, being confidential employees, are charters. For this purpose, employees, covered by this Executive Order
disqualified from joining or assisting petitioner Union, or joining, assisting shall be referred to as "government employees".
or forming any other labor organization. But this ruling should be Sec. 2. All government employees can form, join or assist
understood to apply only to the present case based on the evidence of the employees' organizations of their own choosing for the furtherance and
parties, as well as to those similarly situated. It should not be understood in protection of their interests. They can also form, in conjunction with
any way to apply to banks in general. appropriate government authorities, labor-management committees, works
councils and other forms of workers' participation schemes to achieve the
4. Separation of Unions Doctrine same objectives.
RA 9481 amended Article 255 by adding the phrase: Sec. 3. High-level employees whose functions are normally
considered as policy-making or managerial or whose duties are of a highly
“The rank-and-file union and the supervisors’ union operating
confidential nature shall not be eligible to join the organization of rank-and-
within the same establishment may join the same federation or
file government employees.
national union.” By reason of this amendment, the so-called Sec. 4. The Executive Order shall not apply to the members of
“separation of unions doctrine” enunciated in Atlas Litographic the Armed Forces of the Philippines, including police officers, policemen,
Services v. Laguesma, and in other related cases no longer applies. firemen and jail guards.
This doctrine prohibits the situation where the supervisory union Sec. 15. A Public Sector Labor Management Council,
and the rank-and-file union operating within the same hereinafter referred to as the Council, is hereby constituted to be composed
establishment are both affiliated with one and the same federation of the following:
1) Chairman, Civil Service Commission Chairman
because of the possible conflict of interest which may arise in the
2) Secretary, Department of Labor and Employment Vice
areas, inter alia, of discipline, collective bargaining and strike.
Thus, if the intent of the law is to avoid a situation where 3) Secretary, Department of Finance Member
supervisors would merge with the rank-and-file or where the 4) Secretary, Department of Justice Member
supervisors’ labor union would represent conflicting interests, then 5) Secretary, Department of Budget and Management Member
a local supervisors’ union should not be allowed to affiliate with The Council shall implement and administer the provisions of
the federation with which the rank-and-file union is also affiliated this Executive Order. For this purpose, the Council shall promulgate the
and where the federation actively participates in the union activities necessary rules and regulations to implement this Executive Order.
Sec. 16. The Civil Service and labor laws and procedures,
in the company. The intent of the law is clear especially where the
whenever applicable, shall be followed in the resolution of complaints,
supervisors will be co-mingling with the rank-and-file employees grievances and cases involving government employees. In case any dispute

Page 7 of 28
remains unresolved after exhausting all the available remedies under A. DEFINITION OF TERMS
existing laws and procedures, the parties may jointly refer the dispute to the
Council, for appropriate action. 1. Union
"Company union" means any labor organization whose
Jurisdiction over Intra-Union Disputes formation, function or administration has been assisted by any act
defined as unfair labor practice by this Code [Article 219].
Article 232. [226] Bureau of Labor Relations. - The Bureau of “Union” refers to any labor organization in the private
Labor Relations and the Labor Relations Divisions in the regional sector organized for collective bargaining and for other legitimate
offices of the Department of Labor shall have original and exclusive purposes [IRR].
authority to act, at their own initiative or upon request of either or
both parties, on all inter-union and intra-union conflicts, and all
2. Labor Organization
disputes, grievances or problems arising from or affecting labor-
management relations in all workplaces, whether agricultural or non- "Labor organization" means any union or association of
agricultural, except those arising from the implementation or employees which exists in whole or in part for the purpose of
interpretation of collective bargaining agreements which shall be the collective bargaining or of dealing with employers concerning
subject of grievance procedure and/or voluntary arbitration. terms and conditions of employment [Article 219].
The Bureau shall have fifteen (15) working days to act on "Labor organization" means any union or association of
labor cases before it, subject to extension by agreement of the parties. employees in the private sector which exists in whole or in part for
the purpose of collective bargaining, mutual aid, interest,
In Bautista v. Court of Appeals, it was held that: cooperation, protection, or other lawful purposes [IRR].

It is quite clear from this provision that BLR has the 3. Legitimate Labor Organization (LLO)
original and exclusive jurisdiction on all inter-union and intra- "Legitimate labor organization" means any labor
union conflicts.
organization duly registered with the Department of Labor and
An intra-union conflict would refer to a conflict
within or inside a labor union, and an inter-union controversy or Employment, and includes any branch or local thereof. [Article
dispute, one occurring or carried on between or among unions. 219].
The subject of the case at bar, which is the election "Legitimate labor organization" means any labor
of the officers and members of the board of KMKK-MWSS, is, organization in the private sector registered or reported with the
clearly, an intra-union conflict, being within or inside a labor Department of Labor and Employment [IRR].
union. It is well within the powers of the BLR to act upon.
Executive Order No. 180 (1987), particularly Section 4. Workers’ Association
16 thereof, is completely lucid as to the settlement of disputes
“Workers’ Association” refers to an association of
involving government employees, viz:
SEC. 16. The Civil Service and labor laws and workers organized for the mutual aid and protection of its members
procedures, whenever applicable, shall be followed in the or for any other purpose other than collective bargaining [IRR].
resolution of complaints, grievances and cases involving
government employees. 5. Legitimate Workers’ Association
Since Article 226 of the Labor Code has declared “Legitimate Workers’ Association” refers to an
that the BLR shall have original and exclusive authority to act association of workers organized for the mutual aid and protection
on all inter-union and intra-union conflicts, then there should be of its members or for any other purpose other than collective
no more doubt as to its jurisdiction.
bargaining registered with the Department [IRR].
Labor Organization vs. Workers’ Association
As to Labor Workers’
Organization Association
Existence of Er-E Necessary Not necessary
Article 253. [243] Coverage and Employees' Right to Self- Relationship
Organization. All persons employed in commercial, industrial and Purpose In whole or in part, For mutual aid and
agricultural enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical, or for collective protection
educational institutions, whether operating for profit or not, shall have bargaining
the right to self-organization and to form, join, or assist labor Formation or Can be registered as Registration is
organizations of their own choosing for purposes of collective registration an independent union provided under the
bargaining. Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers, self- or become a IRR
employed people, rural workers and those without any definite chartered local under
employers may form labor organizations for their mutual aid and the Labor Code
protection. Right to file a Can file Cannot file
Petition for
This refers to the right to engage in group action, Election
provided it is peaceful, to support the organization's objective Basis Right to Self- Constitutional right
which is not necessarily collective bargaining but, simply, to aid Organization of Freedom of
and protect its members. But this kind of group action must be
differentiated from strike which, because it is work stoppage, must
observe certain regulations; otherwise, the strike may be declared
illegal and its leaders may be thrown out of their jobs.
1. As to How Formed
a. Independent Union
This refers to a labor organization operating at the
enterprise level that acquired legal personality through independent
Page 8 of 28
registration via issuance of Certificate of Registration [Article 2. Effect of Registration
240]. Rule IV, Section 8 of the IRR provides:

b. Chartered Local Section 8. Effect of Registration. – The labor union

This refers to a labor organization in the private sector or workers’ association shall be deemed registered and vested
operating at the enterprise level that acquired legal personality with legal personality on the date of the issuance of its
certificate of registration or certificate of creation of chartered
through the issuance of a charter certificate by a duly registered
federation or national union, and reported to the national office Such legal personality may be questioned only
[IRR]. through an independent petition for cancellation of union
registration in accordance with Rule XIV of these Rules, and not
c. Affiliate by way of collateral attack in petition for certification election
This refers to (1) an independent union affiliated with a proceedings under Rule VIII.
federation, national union or (2) a chartered local which was
subsequently granted independent registration but did not After a certificate of registration is issued to a union, its
disaffiliate from its federation, reported to the Regional Office and legal personality cannot be subject to collateral attack. It may be
the Bureau [IRR]. questioned only in an independent petition for cancellation The
inclusion in a union of disqualified employees is not among the
2. As to Components grounds for cancellation, unless such inclusion is due to
misrepresentation, false statement or fraud under the
a. Federation circumstances enumerated [Tagaytay Highlands v. Tagaytay
A group of legitimate labor unions in a private Highlands Employees Union].
establishment organized for collective bargaining or for dealing
with employers concerning terms and conditions of employment Registration under the Corporation Code
for their member unions registered with the BLR. A labor organization may be organized under the
Corporation Law as a nonstock corporation and issued a certificate
b. National Union (Labor Center) of incorporation by the Securities and Exchange Commission. But
A group of legitimate labor unions in a private such incorporation has only the effect of giving to it juridical
establishment organized not for collective bargaining but for personality before regular courts of justice. Such incorporation
participating in the formulation of social and employment policies, does not grant the rights and privileges of a legitimate labor
standards and programs, registered with the BLR. organization.

c. Trade Union Center Cebu Seamen’s Association, Inc. v. Ferrer-Calleja

Any group registered national unions or federations Held: The determinative issue in this case is who is entitled to
organized for mutual aid and protection of its members, assisting in the collection and custody of the union dues? Cebu Seamen's Association
such collective bargaining or participating in the formulation of headed by Gabayoyo or Seamen's Association of the Philippines headed by
social and employment policies, standards and programs, duly
As stated in the findings of fact in the questioned resolution of
registered with the DOLE. Director Pura Ferrer-Calleja on October 23, 1950, a group of deck officers
organized the Cebu Seamen's Association, Inc., (CSAI), a non-stock
C. REGISTRATION corporation and registered it with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC). The same group registered the organization with the Bureau of
1. Requirements Labor Relations (BLR) as Seamen's Association of the Philippines (SAPI).
It is the registration of the organization with the BLR and not with the SEC
Article 240. [234] Requirements of Registration. - A which made it a legitimate labor organization with rights and privileges
federation, national union or industry or trade union center or an granted under the Labor Code.
independent union shall acquire legal personality and shall be entitled We gathered from the records that CSAI, the corporation was
to the rights and privileges granted by law to legitimate labor already inoperational before the controversy in this case arose. In fact, on
organizations upon issuance of the certificate of registration based on August 24, 1984, the SEC ordered the CSAI to show cause why its
the following requirements: certificate of registration should not be revoked for continuous inoperation
(a) Fifty pesos (P50.00) registration fee; (p. 343, Rollo). There is nothing in the records which would show that
(b) The names of its officers, their addresses, the principal CSAI answered said show-cause order.
address of the labor organization, the minutes of the organizational Also, before the controversy, private respondent Dominica
meetings and the list of the workers who participated in such meetings; Nacua was elected president of the labor union, SAPI. It had an existing
(c) In case the applicant is an independent union, the names CBA with Aboitiz Shipping Corporation. Before the end of the term of
of all its members comprising at least twenty percent (20%) of all the private respondent Nacua, some members of the union which included
employees in the bargaining unit where it seeks to operate; Domingo Machacon and petitioner Manuel Gabayoyo showed signs of
(d) If the applicant union has been in existence for one or discontentment with the leadership of Nacua. This break-away group
more years, copies of its annual financial reports; and revived the moribund corporation and issued an undated resolution
(e) Four copies of the constitution and by-laws of the expelling Nacua from the association (pp. 58-59, Rollo). Sometime in
applicant union, minutes of its adoption or ratification, and the list of February, 1987, it held its own election of officers supervised by the
the members who participated in it. Securities and Exchange Commission. It also filed a case of estafa against
Nacua sometime in May, 1986 (p. 52, Rollo).
The expulsion of Nacua from the corporation, of which she
The certification and attestation requirements are denied being a member, has however, not affected her membership with the
preventive measures against the commission of fraud. They labor union. In fact, in the elections of officers for 1987-1989, she was re-
likewise afford a measure of protection to unsuspecting employees elected as the president of the labor union. In this connection, We cannot
who may be lured into joining unscrupulous or fly-by-night unions agree with the contention of Gabayoyo that Nacua was already expelled
whose sole purpose is to control union funds or to use the union for from the union. Whatever acts their group had done in the corporation do
dubious ends [Progressive Development Corporation v. Secretary]. not bind the labor union. Moreover, Gabayoyo cannot claim leadership of

Page 9 of 28
the labor group by virtue of his having been elected as a president of the ratification shall be recorded in the minutes of the
dormant corporation CSAI. organizational meeting(s).
Under the principles of administrative law in force in this
jurisdiction, decisions of administrative officers shall not be disturbed by 5. Requirements for Federations and National
courts, except when the former acted without or in excess of their Unions
jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion. The application or registration of federations and national
Public respondent Bureau of Labor Relations correctly ruled on
unions shall be accompanied by the following documents:
the basis of the evidence presented by the parties that SAPI, the legitimate
labor union, registered with its office, is not the same association as CSAI,
the corporation, insofar as their rights under the Labor Code are concerned. a. A statement indicating the name of the applicant
Hence, the former and not the latter association is entitled to the release and labor union, its principal address, the name of its
custody of union fees with Aboitiz Shipping and other shipping companies officers and their respective addresses;
with whom it had an existing CBA. As correctly held by public respondent: b. The minutes of the organizational meeting(s) and
"It is undisputed from the records that the election of the so the list of employees who participated in the said
called set of officers headed by Manuel Gabayoyo was conducted under the meeting(s);
supervision of the SEC, presumably in accordance with its constitution and c. The annual financial reports if the applicant has
by-laws as well as the articles of incorporation of respondent CSAI, and the been in existence for one or more years, unless it has
Corporation Code. That had been so precisely on the honest belief of the not collected any amount from the members, in
participants therein that they were acting in their capacity as members of which case a statement to this effect shall be
the said corporation. That being the case, the aforementioned set of officers included in the application;
is of the respondent corporation and not of the complainant union. d. The applicant’s constitution and by-laws, minutes of
It follows, then, that any proceedings and actions taken by said set of its adoption or ratification, and the list of the
officers can not, in any manner, affect the union and its members. members who participated in it. The list of ratifying
"On the other hand, we rule and so hold that the other set of members shall be dispensed with where the
officers headed by Dominica C. Nacua is the lawful set of officers of SAPI constitution and by-laws was ratified or adopted
and therefore, is entitled to the release and custody of the union dues as during the organizational meeting. In such a case,
well as the agency fees, if any, there be. A record check with the Labor the factual circumstances of the ratification shall be
Organizations (LOD), this Bureau, shows that SAPI has submitted to it for recorded in the minutes of the organizational
file the list of this new set of officers, in compliance with the second meeting(s);
paragraph of Article 242 (c) of the Labor Code. This list sufficiently e. The resolution of affiliation at least ten (10)
sustains the view that said officers were lawfully elected, in the absence of legitimate labor organizations, whether independent
clear and convincing proof to the contrary." (pp. 9-10, Rollo) unions or chartered locals, each of which must be a
duly certified or recognized bargaining agent in the
establishment where it seeks to operate; and
3. Where to File Registration f. The name and addresses of the companies where the
Applications for registration of independent labor unions, affiliates operate and the list of all the members in
chartered locals, workers’ associations shall be filed with the each company involved.
Regional Office where the applicant principally operates. It shall be
processed by the Labor Relations Division at the Regional Office. 6. Approval
Applications for registration of federations, national It cannot be over-emphasized that the registration or the
unions, or workers’ associations operating in more than one region recognition of a labor union after it has submitted the
shall be filed with the Bureau or the Regional offices, but shall be corresponding papers is not ministerial on the part of the BLR. Far
processed by the Bureau. from it. After a labor organization has filed the necessary
registration documents, it becomes mandatory for the BLR to
4. Requirements for Registration for Independent check if the requirements under Article 240 of the Labor Code
Labor Unions have been sedulously complied with. If the union's application is
The application for registration of an independent labor infected by falsification and like serious irregularities, especial
union shall be accompanied by the following documents: those appearing on the face of the application and its attachments, a
union should be denied recognition as a legitimate labor
a. The name of the applicant labor union, the organization [S.S. Ventures International, Inc. v. S.S. Ventures
principal address, the name of its officers and Labor Union].
their respective addresses, approximate number of
employees in the bargaining unit where it seeks to 7. Registration of Chartered Local
operate, with a statement that it is not reported as
a chartered local of any federation or national
union; Article 241. [234-A] Chartering and Creation of a Local
b. The minutes of the organizational meeting(s) and Chapter. - A duly registered federation or national union may directly
the list of employees who participated in the said create a local chapter by issuing a charter certificate indicating the
meeting(s); establishment of the local chapter. The chapter shall acquire legal
c. The name of all its members comprising at lease personality only for purposes of filing a petition for certification
20% of the employees in the bargaining unit; election from the date it was issued a charter certificate.
d. The annual financial reports if the applicant has The chapter shall be entitled to all other rights and
been in existence for one or more years, unless it privileges of a legitimate labor organization only upon the submission
has not collected any amount from the members, of the following documents in addition to its charter certificate:
in which case a statement to this effect shall be (a) The names of the chapter's officers, their addresses, and
included in the application; the principal office of the chapter; and
e. The applicant’s constitution and by-laws, minutes (b) The chapter's constitution and by-laws: Provided, That
of its adoption or ratification, and the list of the where the chapter's constitution and by-laws are the same as that of
members who participated in it. The list of the federation or the national union, this fact shall be indicated
ratifying members shall be dispensed with where accordingly.
the constitution and by-laws was ratified or The additional supporting requirements shall be certified
adopted during the organizational meeting. In under oath by the secretary or treasurer of the chapter and attested by
such a case, the factual circumstances of the its president.

Page 10 of 28
the basic unit of the association free to serve the common interest
Chartered locals have two types of personalities. First, it of all its members, subject only to the restraints imposed by the
has provisional personality if it only has a charter certificate. The constitution and by-laws of the association [Progressive
chartered local is considered an LLO only for the purpose of filing Development Corporation v. Secretary].
a Petition for Certification Election. Second, it has full personality
if it submits all other documents for registration. It will be 1. Requirements of Affiliation.
considered as an LLO for all purposes (i.e., to file cases for its The report of affiliation of an independently registered
members, to purchase property in its name, etc.) and possesses full labor union with a federation or national union shall be filed with
powers of a LLO. the Regional Office that issued the certificate of registration [IRR].
A local or chapter need not be independently registered Moreover, the report of affiliation of independently
to acquire legal personality [Laguna Autoparts v. Office of the registered labor unions with a federation or national union shall be
Secretary]. A chapter acquires legal personality on "the date it was accompanied by the following documents:
issued a charter certificate" by its mother federation or national
union. The acquisition of legal personality seems to happen (a) Resolution of the labor union’s board of directors
automatically, but "only for purposes of filing a petition for a approving the affiliation;
certification election." (b) Minutes of the general membership meeting
approving the affiliation;
(c) The total number of members comprising the labor
Not required to acquire independent registration in order union and the names of members who approved the
to have legal personality affiliation;
Ordinarily, a labor organization attains the status of (d) The certificate of affiliation issued by the federation
legitimacy only upon the issuance in its name of a Certificate of in favor of the independently registered labor union;
Registration by the Bureau of Labor Relations pursuant to Articles
(e) Written notice to the employer concerned if the
241 and 242of the Labor Code. However, the procedure is not the
affiliating union is the incumbent bargaining agent.
only way by which a labor union may become legitimate,
however.  When an unregistered union becomes a branch, local or
2. Effects of Affiliation
chapter of a federation, some of the aforementioned requirements
The following are the effects of affiliation:
for registration are no longer require [San Miguel Foods v.
(a) The mother union becomes the agent, and the
affiliate union, the principal.
Distinguished from other unions
(b) The affiliate union becomes subject to the rules of
the mother union
Federation, national union, Chartered local
industry or trade union or (c) The appendage of the acronym of the mother union
independent union after the name of the affiliate union does not mean
Acquisition of legal personality Acquisition of legal personality that the affiliate cannot independently stand on its
under Article 240 in relation to under Article 241 in relation to own [THFEU-CGW vs. Tropical Hut].
IRR IRR (d) Affiliation does not give the mother union the
Acquires legal personality upon Acquires legal personality in 2 license to act independently of the affiliate union.
the issuance of a certificate of stages (provisional/partial and
registration full)
However, if the mother union negotiated the CBA,
More stringent because it requires Easier because it only requires the affiliate union cannot negotiate the renewal of
Certificate of Registration charter certificate the CBA without the consent and participation of
(notarized) the mother union [Abaria v. NLRC].
(e) The affiliate union and not the mother union has the
8. Action on and Denial of Application for power to administer and enforce the CBA with the
Registration employer [NAFLU v. Noriel].
(f) In case of illegal strike, the affiliate union, not the
Article 242. [235] Action on Application. - The Bureau shall mother union, is liable for damages [Filipino Pipe v.
act on all applications for registration within thirty (30) days from NLRC].
All requisite documents and papers shall be certified under
3. Significance of Affiliation
oath by the secretary or the treasurer of the organization, as the case
may be, and attested to by its president. Legal significance of affiliation is that the mother union,
acting for and in behalf of its affiliate, has the status of an agent
while the local union remains the basic unit of association free to
Article 243. [236] Denial of Registration; Appeal. - The
decision of the Labor Relations Division in the regional office denying
serve the common interest of all its members subject only to the
registration may be appealed by the applicant union to the Bureau restraints imposed by the constitution and by-laws of the
within ten (10) days from receipt of notice thereof. association [Pambansang Kapatiran v. Secretary].

An affiliate is (a) an independent union affiliated with a The right to disaffiliate by the local union from its
federation or national union; or (b) a chartered local which was mother federation or national union is a constitutionally-guaranteed
subsequently granted independent registration but did not right which may be invoked by the former at any time. It is
disaffiliate from its federation. axiomatic that an affiliate union is a separate and voluntary
In relation to an affiliate, the federation or national union association free to serve the interest of all its members – consistent
is commonly known as the mother union. The mother union, acting with the freedom of association guaranteed in the Constitution
for and in behalf of its affiliate, has the status of an agent while the [Volkschel Labor Union v. BLR].
affiliate or local chapter or chartered local remains the principal –

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It is not an act of disloyalty on the part of the local union PAFLU that the local union was expressly forbidden to disaffiliate from the
nor is it a violation of the union security clause in the CBA. federation nor were there any conditions imposed for a valid breakaway. 
Disaffiliation should always carry the will of the As such, the pendency of an election protest involving both the mother
majority. It cannot be effected by a mere minority group of union federation and the local union did not constitute a bar to a valid
disaffiliation.  Neither was it disputed by PAFLU that 111 signatories out of
members [Villar v. Inciong].
the 120 members of the local union, or an equivalent of 92.5% of the total
The right of a local union to disaffiliate from its mother union membership supported the claim of disaffiliation and had in fact
federation is not a novel thesis unillumined by case law.  In the disauthorized PAFLU from instituting any complaint in their behalf. 
landmark case of Liberty Cotton Mills Workers Union vs. Liberty Surely, this is not a case where one (1) or two (2) members of the local
Cotton Mills, Inc. we upheld the right of local unions to separate union decided to disaffiliate from the mother federation, but it is a case
from their mother federation on the ground that as separate and where almost all local union members decided to disaffiliate.
voluntary associations, local unions do not owe their creation and It was entirely reasonable then for PSI to enter into a collective
existence to the national federation to which they are affiliated but, bargaining agreement with PSEA-NCW.  As PSEA had validly severed
itself from PAFLU, there would be no restrictions which could validly
instead, to the will of their members.  The sole essence of
hinder it from subsequently affiliating with NCW and entering into a
affiliation is to increase, by collective action, the common collective bargaining agreement in behalf of its members.
bargaining power of local unions for the effective enhancement and There is a further consideration that likewise argues for the
protection of their interests.   Admittedly, there are times when granting of the petitions.   It stands unchallenged that PAFLU instituted the
without succor and support local unions may find it hard, unaided complaint for unfair labor practice against the wishes of workers whose
by other support groups, to secure justice for themselves. Yet the interests it was supposedly protecting.  The mere act of disaffiliation did not
local unions remain the basic units of association, free to serve divest PSEA of its own personality; neither did it give PAFLU the license
their own interests subject to the restraints imposed by the to act independently of the local union.  Recreant to its mission, PAFLU
cannot simply ignore the demands of the local chapter and decide for its
constitution and by-laws of the national federation, and free also to
welfare.  PAFLU might have forgotten that as an agent it could only act in
renounce the affiliation upon the terms laid down in the agreement representation of and in accordance with the interests of the local union. 
which brought such affiliation into existence [Philippine The complaint then for unfair labor practice lodged by PAFLU against PSI,
Skylanders v. NLRC]. PSEA and their respective officers, having been filed by a party which has
no legal personality to institute the complaint, should have been dismissed
Liberty Cotton Mills Workers’ Union v. Liberty at the first instance for failure to state a cause of action.
Cotton Mills Policy considerations dictate that in weighing the claims of a
local union as against those of a national federation, those of the former
Held: Likewise, the records show that the disaffiliation of the
must be preferred.  Parenthetically though, the desires of the mother
local union members from the PAFLU was caused by the alleged
federation to protect its locals are not altogether to be shunned.  It will
negligence of PAFLU and its lack of concern over the problems of the local
however be to err greatly against the Constitution if the desires of the
union and its members, particularly its neglect in not providing the local
federation would be favored over those of its members.  That, at any rate, is
union with a good lawyer who would attend to their ULP case against the
the policy of the law.  For if it were otherwise, instead of protection, there
company.  This apparent laxity or negligence of PAFLU invites suspicion.
would be disregard and neglect of the lowly workingmen.
The records also show that the local union members were
dissatisfied with the way PAFLU negotiated the Collective Bargaining
Agreement with the company because it did not fight for their demands and Tropical Hut Employees Union v. Tropical Hut
instead accepted the proposals of the company.   Held: This brings Us to the question of the legality of the
And furthermore, PAFLU expelled only six (6) union members, dismissal meted to petitioner employees. In the celebrated case of Liberty
because PAFLU erroneously contends that their disaffiliation and their Cotton Mills Workers Union v. Liberty Cotton Mills, L-33187, September
refusal to retract amounted to disloyalty.  It was not disloyalty; it was their 4, 1975, 66 SCRA 512, We held that the validity of the dismissals pursuant
dissatisfaction with PAFLU that compelled them to disaffiliate.  The to the union security clause in the collective bargaining agreement hinges
constitutional guarantee of security of tenure of the worker and his freedom on the validity of the disaffiliation of the local union from the federation.
of association - to join or not to join a union - are paramount and should The right of a local union to disaffiliate from its mother
prevail over a contractual condition for continued union membership and federation is well-settled. A local union, being a separate and voluntary
over whimsical or arbitrary termination of his employment. association, is free to serve the interest of all its members including the
Respondent PAFLU also overlooked the fact that only sixteen freedom to disaffiliate when circumstances warrant. This right is consistent
(16) out of the original thirty-two (32) signatories retracted their with the constitutional guarantee of freedom of association (Volkschel
disaffiliation.  PAFLU should have also expelled the remaining sixteen Labor Union v. Bureau of Labor Relations,  No. L-45824, June 19,1985,
members who did not retract, instead of only the six members, if indeed 137 SCRA 42).
their unretracted disaffiliation were an act of disloyalty instead of All employees enjoy the right to self organization and to form
dissatisfaction with the PAFLU's failure to promote and defend their and join labor organizations of their own choosing for the purpose of
interests. collective bargaining and to engage in concerted activities for their mutual
It is also worth considering here the fact that of the six members aid or protection. This is a fundamental right of labor that derives its
expelled by PAFLU and subsequently dismissed by the company, four (4) existence from the Constitution. In interpreting the protection to labor and
were officers of the local union and two were ordinary members. social justice provisions of the Constitution and the labor laws or rules or
The company also failed to notice this fact and proceeded regulations, We have always adopted the liberal approach which favors the
immediately to grant the request of PAFLU by dismissing the petitioner exercise of labor rights.
workers without giving them the opportunity to be heard. Relevant on this point is the basic principle We have repeatedly
These facts and circumstances on record further underscore the affirmed in many rulings: 
existence of conspiracy or connivance between the company and PAFLU in "x x x The locals are separate and distinct units primarily
the dismissal of the petitioner workers.  Respondent company is therefore a designed to secure and maintain an equality of bargaining power between
party to the illegal dismissal of the petitioner workers.  Under such a the employer and their employee-members in the economic struggle for the
situation, the respondent company should be jointly and severally liable fruits of the joint productive effort of labor and capital; and the association
with the respondent PAFLU for the payment of backwages to the petitioner of the locals into the national union (PAFLU) was in furtherance of the
workers. same end. These associations are consensual entities capable of entering
into such legal relations with their members. The essential purpose was the
Philippine Skylanders v. NLRC affiliation of the local unions into a common enterprise to increase by
collective action the common bargaining power in respect of the terms and
Held: Upon an application of the aforecited principle to the issue
conditions of labor. Yet the locals remained the basic units of association,
at hand, the impropriety of the questioned Decisions becomes clearly
free to serve their own and the common interest of all, subject to the
apparent.  There is nothing shown in the records nor is it claimed by
restraints imposed by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association, and

Page 12 of 28
free also to renounce the affiliation for mutual welfare upon the terms laid wages, hours of work and other terms and conditions of employment (pp.
down in the agreement which brought it into existence.'" (Adamson & 667-706, Rollo). Although NATU was designated as the sole bargaining
Adamson, Inc. v. CIR, No. L-35120, January 31, 1984, 127 SCRA agent in the check-off authorization form attached to the CBA, this simply
268; Elisco-Elirol Labor Union (NAFLU) v. Noriel, No. L-41955, means it was acting only for and in behalf of its affiliate. The NATU
December 29, 1977, 80 SCRA 681; Liberty Cotton Mills Workers Union v. possessed the status of an agent while the local union remained the basic
Liberty Cotton Mills, Inc., supra). principal union which entered into contract with the respondent company.
The inclusion of the word NATU after the name of the local When the THEU disaffiliated from its mother federation, the former did not
union THEU in the registration with the Department of Labor is merely to lose its legal personality as the bargaining union under the CBA. Moreover,
stress that the THEU is NATU's affiliate at the time of the registration. It the union security clause embodied in the agreements cannot be used to
does not mean that the said local union cannot stand on its own. Neither can justify the dismissals meted to petitioners since it is not applicable to the
it be interpreted to mean that it cannot pursue its own interests circumstances obtaining in this case. The CBA imposes dismissal only in
independently of the federation. A local union owes its creation and case an employee is expelled from the union for joining another federation
continued existence to the will of its members and not to the federation to or for forming another union or who fails or refuses to maintain
which it belongs. membership therein. The case at bar does not involve the withdrawal of
When the local union withdrew from the old federation to join a merely some employees from the union but of the whole THEU itself from
new federation, it was merely exercising its primary right to labor its federation. Clearly, since there is no violation of the union security
organization for the effective enhancement and protection of common provision in the CBA, there was no sufficient ground to terminate the
interests. In the absence of enforceable provisions in the federation's employment of petitioners.
constitution preventing disaffiliation of a local union, a local may sever its Public respondents considered the existence of Arturo Dilag's
relationship with its parent (People's Industrial and Commercial Employees group as the remaining true and valid union. We, however, are inclined to
and Workers Organization (FFW) v. People's Industrial and Commercial agree instead with the Arbitrator's findings when he declared: 
Corporation, No-37687, March 15, 1982, 112 SCRA 440). "x x x. Much more, the so called THEU-NATU under Dilag's
There is nothing in the constitution of the NATU or in the group which assumes to be the original THEU-NATU has a very doubtful
constitution of the THEU-NATU that the THEU was expressly forbidden to and questionable existence not to mention that the alleged president is
disaffiliate from the federation (pp. 62, 281, Rollo). The alleged non- performing supervisory functions and not qualified to be a bona fide 
compliance of the local union with the provision in the NATU Constitution member of the rank and file union." (p. 146, Rollo)
requiring the service of three months notice of intention to withdraw did not Records show that Arturo Dilag had resigned in the past as
produce the effect of nullifying the disaffiliation for the following grounds: President of THEU-NATU because of his promotion to a managerial or
firstly, NATU was not even a legitimate labor organization, it appearing supervisory position as Assistant Unit Manager of respondent Company.
that it was not registered at that time with the Department of Labor, and Petitioner Jose Encinas replaced Dilag as President and continued to hold
therefore did not possess and acquire, in the first place, the legal personality such position at the time of the disaffiliation of the union from the
to enforce its constitution and laws, much less the right and privilege under federation. It is therefore improper and contrary to law for Dilag to
the Labor Code to organize and affiliate chapters or locals within its group, reassume the leadership of the remaining group which was alleged to be the
and secondly, the act of non-compliance with the procedure on withdrawal true union since he belonged to the managerial personnel who could not be
is premised on purely technical grounds which cannot rise above the expected to work for the betterment of the rank and file employees.
fundamental right of self-organization. Besides, managers and supervisors are prohibited from joining a rank and
Respondent Secretary of Labor, in affirming the decision of the file union (Binalbagan Isabela Sugar Co., Inc. (BISCOM) v. Philippine
respondent Commission, concluded that the supposed decision to Association of Free Labor Unions (PAFLU), et al., L-18782, August 29,
disaffiliate was not the subject of a free and open discussion and decision 1963, 8 SCRA 700). Correspondingly, if a manager or supervisor organizes
on the part f the THEU-NATU general membership (p. 305, Rollo). This, or joins a rank and file union, he will be required to resign
however, is contradicted by the evidence on record. Moreover, We are therefrom (Magalit, et al. v. Court of Industrial Relations, et al., L-20448,
inclined to believe Arbitrator Villatuya's findings to the contrary, as May 25, 1965, 14 SCRA 72).
follows:  Public respondents further submit that several employees who
"x x x. However, the complainants refute this allegation by disaffiliated their union from the NATU subsequently retracted and
submitting the following: a) Letter dated December 20, 1973 signed by 142 reaffirmed their membership with the THEU-NATU. In the decision which
members (Exhs. 'B to B-5'); b) resolution dated January 12, 1974, signed by was affirmed by respondent Secretary of Labor, the respondent
140 members (Exhs. 'H to H-6'); c) letter dated February 26, 1974 to the Commission stated that: 
Department of Labor signed by 165 members (Exhs. 'I to 1-10'); d) letter "x x x out of the alleged one hundred and seventy-one (171)
dated January 30, 1974 to the Secretary of the National Defense signed by members of the THEU-CGW whose signatures appeared in the ‘Analysis of
144 members (Exhs. '0 to 0-5') and; e) letter dated March 6,1974 signed by Various Documents Signed by Majority Members of the THEU-CGW,
146 members addressed to the President of the Philippines (Exhs. 'HH to (Annex 'T', Complainants), which incidentally was relied upon by
HH-5'), to show that in several instances, the members of the THEU-NATU Arbitrator Villatuya in holding that complainant THEU-CGW commanded
have acknowledged their disaffiliation from NATU. The letters of the the majority of employees in respondent company, ninety?three (93) of the
complainants also indicate that an overwhelming majority have freely and alleged signatories reaffirmed their membership with the THEU-NATU and
voluntarily signed their union's disaffiliation from NATU, otherwise, if reanounced whatever connection they may have had with other labor
there was really deception employed in securing their signatures as claimed unions, (meaning the complainant THEU-CGW) either through resolution
by NATU/Dilag, it could not be possible to get their signatures in five or membership application forms they have unwittingly signed.’ ” (p.
different documents." (p. 144, Rollo) 306, Rollo)
We are aware of the time-honored doctrine that the findings of Granting arguendo, that the fact of retraction is true, the
the NLRC and the Secretary of Labor are binding on this Court if supported evidence on record shows that the letters of retraction were executed on
by substantial evidence. However, in the same way that the findings of facts various dates beginning January 11, 1974 to March 8, 1974 (pp. 278-
unsupported by sustantial and credible evidence do not bind this Court, 280, Rollo). This shows that the retractions were made more or less after
neither will We uphold erroneous conclusions of the NLRC and the the suspension pending dismissal on January 11, 1974 of Jose Encinas,
Secretary of Labor when We find that the latter committed grave abuse of formerly THEU-NATU President, who became THEU-CGW President,
discretion in reversing the decision of the labor arbiter (San Miguel and the suspension pending their dismissal of the other elected officers and
Corporation v. NLRC, L-50321, March 13, 1984, 128 SCRA 180). In the members of the THEU-CGW on January 15, 1974. It is also clear that some
instant case, the factual findings of the arbitrator were correct against that of the retractions occurred after the suspension of the first set of workers
of public respondents. numbering about twenty-four (24) on March 5, 1974. There is no use in
Further, there is no merit in the contention of the respondents saying that the retractions obliterated the act of disaffiliation as there are
that the act of disaffiliation violated the union security clause of the CBA doubts that they were freely and voluntarily done especially during such
and that their dismissal as a consequence thereof is valid. A perusal of the time when their own union officers and co-workers were already suspended
collective bargaining agreements shows that the THEU-NATU, and not the pending their dismissal.
NATU federation, was recognized as the sole and exclusive collective
bargaining agent for all its workers and employees in all matters concerning

Page 13 of 28
Disaffiliation of independently-registered union and Cancellation proceedings refer to the legal process
local chapter, distinguished leading to the revocation of the legitimate status of a union or
The disaffiliation of an independently-registered union workers’ association [IRR].
does nto affect its legitimate status as a labor organization.
However, the same thing may not be said of a union which is not 1. Grounds for Cancellation
independently-registered (Local chapter). Once a local chapter
disaffiliates from the federation, it ceases to be entitled to the rights Article 247. [239] Grounds for Cancellation of Union
and privileges granted to a legitimate labor organization. Thus, it Registration. - The following may constitute grounds for cancellation of
can no longer file a petition for certification election [Villar v. union registration:
Incion]. (a) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in connection
with the adoption or ratification of the constitution and by-laws or
amendments thereto, the minutes of ratification, and the list of
1. Effects of Disaffiliation members who took part in the ratification;
The following are the effects of disaffiliation: (b) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in
connection with the election of officers, minutes of the election of
(a) It terminates the right to check-off federation dues; officers, and the list of voters;
(b) It does not affect the CBA, it does not amend or (c) Voluntary dissolution by the members.
change the administration of the contract;
(c) Once the fact of disaffiliation has been manifested
hile a certificate of registration confers a union with
beyond doubt, a certification election is the most
expeditious way of determining which labor legitimacy with the concomitant right to participate in or ask for
organization is to be treated as the exclusive certification election in a bargaining unit, the registration may be
bargaining agent. canceled or the union may be decertified as the bargaining unit, in
which case the union is divested of the status of a legitimate labor
2. When Allowed to Disaffiliate organization.[15] Among the grounds for cancellation is the
A member can only disaffiliate during the 60-day commission of any of the acts enumerated in Art. 239(a) [16] of the
freedom period. Labor Code, such as fraud and misrepresentation in connection
However, the local can disaffiliate at any time even if the with the adoption or ratification of the union's constitution and like
constitution and by-laws of the CBA constitutes that the local can documents. The Court, has in previous cases, said that to decertify
disaffiliate during the 60-day freedom period because the a union, it is not enough to show that the union includes ineligible
federation is merely an agent of the local. employees in its membership. It must also be shown that there was
misrepresentation, false statement, or fraud in connection with the
E. PRIVATE SECTOR VS. PUBLIC SECTOR application for registration and the supporting documents, such as
the adoption or ratification of the constitution and by-laws or
Private Sector Public Sector amendments thereto and the minutes of ratification of the
Bargaining unit Organizational unit constitution or by-laws, among other documents [SS Ventures v. SS
Scope of collective bargaining Scope of collective negotiation Ventures Labor Union]. 
covers all terms and conditions of covers only those that are not
work and it must be higher than fixed by law.
that provided by law 2. Where to File
Labor organization – if not Employee’s organization – not Subject to the requirements of notice and due process, the
registered registered registration of any legitimate independent labor union, local
Legitimate labor organization – if Legitimate Employees’ chapter and workers’ association may be cancelled by the Regional
registered with the DOLE organization/Registered Director upon the filing of a petition for cancellation for union
employees’ organization – if
Bargaining representative – registered with the CSC and
registration, or application by the organization itself for voluntary
natural person if LLO DOLE (BLR) [registration and dissolution.
cancellation must be with both] The petition for cancellation or application for voluntary
Exclusive bargaining Accredited employees’ dissolution shall be filed in the Regional Office which issued its
agent/collective bargaining organization/Sole and Exclusive certificate of registration or creation.
agent/certified collective Representative – if LEO has
bargaining agent – is the LLO as a majority of employees or LEO
In the case of federation, national or industry unions and
juridical entity who emerges as emerges as the winner in a trade union centers, the Bureau Director may cancel the registration
the winner in a certification certification election and who can upon the filing of a petition for cancellation or application for
election and who can sit in the sit in the negotiating table. voluntary dissolution in the Bureau of Labor Relations [IRR].
bargaining table

Exclusive 3. Who may File

Representative/Exclusive Any party-in-interest may commence a petition for
Bargaining Representative – the cancellation of registration, except in actions involving violations
natural person if LLO is the EBA of Article 250 which can only be commenced by members in the
labor organization concerned [IRR].
Executive Order No. 180 states that certificates of  
registration of the legitimate employee representatives must be 4. Effect of a Petition for Cancellation
jointly approved by the CSC Chairman and the DOLE Secretary.
Executive Order No. 180 is not too helpful in determining whose Article 246. [238-A] Effect of a Petition for Cancellation of
opinion shall prevail if the CSC Chairman and the DOLE Secretary Registration. - A petition for cancellation of union registration shall not
arrive at different conclusions. At any rate, we shall deal with that suspend the proceedings for certification election nor shall it prevent
problem when it occurs. [ACAE v. Ferrer-Calleja]. the filing of a petition for certification election.
In case of cancellation, nothing herein shall restrict the right
F. CANCELLATION PROCEEDINGS of the union to seek just and equitable remedies in the appropriate

Page 14 of 28
Cancellation of registration does not affect the litigation. The union whose demand for collective bargaining was
The litigation continues because the union is a mere representative rebuffed by the employer, because the union was not the certified
party. The real parties in interest are the individual employees bargaining agent, has no right to stage a strike. The strike is illegal.
concerned. Such illegality is reason enough for the NLRC to declare that the
The labor organization may still be a party to the case but union officers have lost their employment status [Philippine
the decision is binding only to those who did not withdraw from Diamond Hotel v. Manila Diamond Hotel Employees Union].
the case before its trial and decision on the merits. Although the union has every right to represent its
If some members in the meantime execute a quit-claim or members in the negotiation regarding the terms and conditions of
waiver because they have been paid in advance, such members are their employment, it cannot negate their wishes on matters which
no longer covered by the decision. are purely personal and individual to them. In this case, the forty
The non-renewal of registration permit does not dismiss employees freely opted to be covered by the Old Plan; their
the cause because the court already acquired jurisdiction thereof. decision should be respected. The company gave them every
opportunity to choose, and they voluntarily exercised their choice.
5. Voluntary Cancellation The union cannot pretend to know better; it cannot impose its will
on them [Caltex Refinery Employees Association v. Brillantes].
Article 248. [239-A] Voluntary Cancellation of Registration. -
The registration of a legitimate labor organization may be cancelled by 2. Right to be Certified as Exclusive Bargaining
the organization itself: Provided, That at least two-thirds of its general Agent
membership votes, in a meeting duly called for that purpose to dissolve In order to represent its members in collective
the organization: Provided, further, That an application to cancel
bargaining, it is an LLO’s inherent right that it be allowed to file a
registration is thereafter submitted by the board of the organization,
attested to by the president thereof.
Petition for Certification Election.

3. Right to Request for Audited Financial

III Statement
LEGITIMATE LABOR ORGANIZATION In order to request for the Employer’s Audited Financial
Statement, the LLO must generally be an Exclusive Bargaining
A. RIGHTS OF LEGITIMATE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Agent. This right includes the right to the notes and other
documents in support thereof.
Article 251. [242] Rights of Legitimate Labor Organizations. - To better equip the union in preparing for or in
A legitimate labor organization shall have the right: negotiating with the employer, the law gives it the right to be
(a) To act as the representative of its members for the
furnished with the employer's audited financial statements. There
purpose of collective bargaining;
(b) To be certified as the exclusive representative of all the are four points in time when the union may ask in writing for these
employees in an appropriate bargaining unit for purposes of collective statements:
(c) To be furnished by the employer, upon written request, (a) after the union has been recognized by the employer
with its annual audited financial statements, including the balance as sole bargaining representative of the employees in the
sheet and the profit and loss statement, within thirty (30) calendar days bargaining unit; or
from the date of receipt of the request, after the union has been duly (b) after the union is certified by DOLE as such sole
recognized by the employer or certified as the sole and exclusive
bargaining representative; or
bargaining representative of the employees in the bargaining unit, or
within sixty (60) calendar days before the expiration of the existing (c) within the last 60 days of the life of a CBA; or
collective bargaining agreement, or during the collective bargaining (d) during the collective bargaining negotiation.
(d) To own property, real or personal, for the use and The audited financial statements, including the balance
benefit of the labor organization and its members; sheet and the profit and loss statement, should be provided by the
(e) To sue and be sued in its registered name; and employer within 30 calendar days after receipt of the union's
(f) To undertake all other activities designed to benefit the request.
organization and its members, including cooperative, housing, welfare
and other projects not contrary to law.
Notwithstanding any provision of a general or special law to Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union v. Confesor
the contrary, the income and the properties of legitimate labor Held: We, likewise, find that the Union failed to substantiate its
organizations, including grants, endowments, gifts, donations and claim that the Bank refused to furnish the information it needed.
contributions they may receive from fraternal and similar While the refusal to furnish requested information is in itself an
organizations, local or foreign, which are actually, directly and unfair labor practice, and also supports the inference of surface
exclusively used for their lawful purposes, shall be free from taxes, bargaining, in the case at bar, Umali, in a meeting dated May 18, 1993,
duties and other assessments. The exemptions provided herein may be requested the Bank to validate its guestimates on the data of the rank and
withdrawn only by a special law expressly repealing this provision. file. However, Umali failed to put his request in writing as provided for in
Article 242(c) of the Labor Code:
Article 242. Rights of Legitimate Labor Organization…
The first three rights mentioned in this article do not (c) To be furnished by the employer, upon written request, with
pertain to just about any union but only to the union that has been the annual audited financial statements, including the balance sheet and the
selected as the bargaining representative of the employees in the profit and loss statement, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of
bargaining unit. receipt of the request, after the union has been duly recognized by the
employer or certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining representatives of
1. Right to Act as Representative the employees in the bargaining unit, or within sixty (60) calendar days
before the expiration of the existing collective bargaining agreement, or
In order to act as a representative for purposes of
during the collective negotiation;
collective bargaining, the LLO must generally be the exclusive The Union, did not, as the Labor Code requires, send a written
bargaining agent. request for the issuance of a copy of the data about the Bank’s rank and file
employees. Moreover, as alleged by the Union, the fact that the Bank made

Page 15 of 28
use of the aforesaid guestimates, amounts to a validation of the data it had purpose of enforcing the provisions of the CBA. When a union
used in its presentation. files a case "for and in behalf of its members," a member or several
members of that union will not be permitted to file in the same case
4. Right to Own Property a complaint-in-intervention even if it alleges that the union was not
As a consequence of having a separate personality, LLOs pursuing the case diligently. Such complaint, together with the
can acquire personal and real property under its name. motion for intervention, will have to be denied upon a finding that
those members are already well represented by their union. The
5. Right to Sue and be Sued in its Registered Name intervention may be allowed, however, when there is a suggestion
It is the function of a labor union to represent its of fraud or collusion or that the representative will not act in good
members against the employer's unfair labor practices. It can file an faith for the protection of all interests represented by [the union]. In
action in their behalf without the cumbersome procedure of joining this case the members who desire to intervene have not shown
each and every member as a separate party [Davao Free Workers fraud, collusion, or lack of good faith on the part of their union
v. CIR]. [Acedera v. International Container Terminal Services].
The union and its attorney should be allowed to
participate in making compromise settlements with employees who Negotiation Phase vs. Administration Phase
are union members. In one case, the company was adjudged to While in the negotiation phase, the union is the EBA for
have acted with evident bad faith and malice when it secured the 53 the purpose of collective bargaining. Thus, the employee can
quitclaim agreements individually with the complainant workers compel representation.
without the intervention of court and without involving the union. However, during the administration proceedings (i.e.,
This subterfuge is tantamount to a sabotage of the interest of the filing complaints arising from the CBA), the union is no longer the
association. Needless to say, the means employed by the employer EBA because any group of employees or a single employee can
in dealing with the workers individually, instead of collectively bring a grievance to management. Hence, the employee cannot
through the union and its counsel, violates good morals as they compel representation. He can do so by himself.
undermine the unity of the union and fuels industrial disputes,
contrary to the declared policy in the Industrial Peace Act 6. Right to Undertake all other Activities not
[Pampanga Sugar v. CIR]. Contrary to Law
This is the right to undertake all other activities designed
LAKAS v. Marcelo Enterprises to benefit the organization and its members, including cooperative,
Held: In NARIC Workers' Union vs. CIR, We ruled that, "(a) housing, welfare and other projects not contrary to law.
labor union would go beyond the limits of its legitimate purposes if it is
given the unrestrained liberty to prosecute any case even for employees 7. Right to Tax Exemption
who are not members of any union at all. A suit brought by another in Notwithstanding any provision of a general or special
representation of a real party in interest is defective." Under the law to the contrary, the income and the properties of legitimate
uncontroverted facts obtaining herein, the aforestated ruling is applicable,
labor organizations, including grants, endowments, gifts, donations
the only difference being that, here, a labor federation seeks to represent
members of a registered local union never affiliated with it and members of and contributions they may receive from fraternal and similar
registered local unions which, in the course of the proceedings before the organizations, local or foreign, which are actually, directly and
industrial court, disaffiliated from it. exclusively used for their lawful purposes, shall be free from
This is not to say that the complaining employees were without taxes, duties and other assessments. The exemptions provided
any venue for redress. Under the aforestated considerations, the respondent herein may be withdrawn only by a special law expressly repealing
court should have directed the amendment of the complaint by dropping this provision.
LAKAS as the complainant and allowing the suit to be further prosecuted
in the individual names of those who had grievances. A class suit under
Rule 3, Section 12 of the Rules of Court is authorized and should suffice for
the purpose.
Article 250. [241] Rights and Conditions of Membership in a
Labor Organization. - The following are the rights and conditions of
Money Claims
membership in a labor organization:
The rule in this jurisdiction is that money claims due to (a) No arbitrary or excessive initiation fees shall be required
laborers cannot be the object of settlement or compromise effected of the members of a legitimate labor organization nor shall arbitrary,
by the union, union officers or counsel without the specific excessive or oppressive fine and forfeiture be imposed;
individual consent of each laborer concerned. This is so because (b) The members shall be entitled to full and detailed reports
the aggrieved parties are the individual complainants themselves. from their officers and representatives of all financial transactions as
Their representative can only assist but not decide for them. In the provided for in the constitution and by-laws of the organization;
(c) The members shall directly elect their officers in the local
light of the categorical denial by the employees that Peran was
union, as well as their national officers in the national union or
authorized to enter into an amicable settlement as regards their
federation to which they or their local union is affiliated, by secret
claims, the Court holds that public respondent Secretary of ballot at intervals of five (5) years. No qualification requirement for
labor ruled correctly in upholding the Regional Director's rejection candidacy to any position shall be imposed other than membership in
of the agreement [Marquez v. Secretary of Labor]. good standing in subject labor organization. The secretary or any other
For a waiver thereof to be legally effective, the individual responsible union officer shall furnish the Secretary of Labor and
consent or ratification of the workers or employees involved must Employment with a list of the newly-elected officers, together with the
be shown.  Neither the officers nor the majority of the union had appointive officers or agents who are entrusted with the handling of
funds within thirty (30) calendar days after the election of officers or
any authority to waive the accrued rights pertaining to the
from the occurrence of any change in the list of officers of the labor
dissenting minority members, even under a collective bargaining organization;
agreement which provided for a "union shop." [General Rubber v. (d) The members shall determine by secret ballot, after due
Drilon] deliberation, any question of major policy affecting the entire
The authority of a union under Article 251 to act as membership of the organization, unless the nature of the organization
representative of its members for the purposes of collective or force majeure renders such secret ballot impractical, in which case,
bargaining includes the power to represent its members for the
Page 16 of 28
the board of directors of the organization may make the decision in of all members present, the votes cast, the purpose of the special
behalf of the general membership; assessment or fees and the recipient of such assessment or fees. The
(e) No labor organization shall knowingly admit as members record shall be attested to by the president.
or continue in membership any individual who belongs to a subversive (o) Other than for mandatory activities under the Code, no
organization or who is engaged directly or indirectly in any subversive special assessments, from any amount due to an employee without an
activity; individual written authorization duly signed by the employee. The
(f) No person who has been convicted of a crime involving authorization should specifically state the amount, purpose and
moral turpitude shall be eligible for election as a union officer or for beneficiary of the deduction; and
appointment to any position in the union; (p) It shall be the duty of any labor organization and its
(g) No officer, agent or member of a labor organization shall officers to inform its members on the provisions of its constitution and
collect any fees, dues, or other contributions in its behalf or make any by-laws, collective bargaining agreement, the prevailing labor relations
disbursement of its money or funds unless he is duly authorized system and all their rights and obligations under existing labor laws.
pursuant to its constitution and by-laws; For this purpose, registered labor organizations may assess
(h) Every payment of fees, dues or other contributions by a reasonable dues to finance labor relations seminars and other labor
member shall be evidenced by a receipt signed by the officer or agent education activities.
making the collection and entered into the record of the organization to Any violation of the above rights and conditions of
be kept and maintained for the purpose; membership shall be a ground for cancellation of union registration or
(i) The funds of the organization shall not be applied for any expulsion of officers from office, whichever is appropriate. At least
purpose or object other than those expressly provided by its thirty percent (30%) of the members of a union or any member or
constitution and by-laws or those expressly authorized by written members specially concerned may report such violation to the Bureau.
resolution adopted by the majority of the members at a general The Bureau shall have the power to hear and decide any reported
meeting duly called for the purpose; violation to mete the appropriate penalty.
(j) Every income or revenue of the organization shall be Criminal and civil liabilities arising from violations of above
evidenced by a record showing its source, and every expenditure of its rights and conditions of membership shall continue to be under the
funds shall be evidenced by a receipt from the person to whom the jurisdiction of ordinary courts.
payment is made, which shall state the date, place and purpose of such
payment. Such record or receipt shall form part of the financial 1. Rights of Membership
records of the organization.
Any action involving the funds of the organization shall
prescribe after three (3) years from the date of submission of the a. Right against arbitrary or excessive
annual financial report to the Department of Labor and Employment initiation fees, fines, and forfeiture
or from the date the same should have been submitted as required by No arbitrary or excessive initiation fees shall be required
law, whichever comes earlier: Provided, That this provision shall apply of the members of a legitimate labor organization nor shall
only to a legitimate labor organization which has submitted the arbitrary, excessive or oppressive fine and forfeiture be imposed.
financial report requirements under this Code: Provided, further, That Article 292 (a) provides:
failure of any labor organization to comply with the periodic financial
reports required by law and such rules and regulations promulgated
(a) All unions are authorized to collect reasonable
thereunder six (6) months after the effectivity of this Act shall
membership fees, union dues, assessments and fines and other
automatically result in the cancellation of union registration of such
contributions for labor education and research, mutual death and
labor organization;
hospitalization benefits, welfare fund, strike fund and credit and
(k) The officers of any labor organization shall not be paid
cooperative undertakings
any compensation other than the salaries and expenses due to their
positions as specifically provided for in its constitution and by-laws, or
in a written resolution duly authorized by a majority of all the b. Right to full and detailed reports
members at a general membership meeting duly called for the purpose. The members shall be entitled to full and detailed reports
The minutes of the meeting and the list of participants and ballots cast from their officers and representatives of all financial transactions
shall be subject to inspection by the Secretary of Labor or his duly as provided for in the constitution and by-laws of the organization
authorized representatives. Any irregularities in the approval of the such as financial statements, balanced sheet, and income
resolutions shall be a ground for impeachment or expulsion from the statements.
(l) The treasurer of any labor organization and every officer
c. Right to election of officers by secret ballot
thereof who is responsible for the account of such organization or for
the collection, management, disbursement, custody or control of the The members shall directly elect their officers in the
funds, moneys and other properties of the organization, shall render to local union, as well as their national officers in the national union
the organization and to its members a true and correct account of all or federation to which they or their local union is affiliated at
moneys received and paid by him since he assumed office or since the intervals of five (5) years.
last day on which he rendered such account, and of all bonds, securities No qualification requirement for candidacy to any
and other properties of the organization entrusted to his custody or position shall be imposed other than membership in good standing
under his control. The rendering of such account shall be made: in subject labor organization.
(1) At least once a year within thirty (30) days after the close
The secretary or any other responsible union officer shall
of its fiscal year;
(2) At such other times as may be required by a resolution of furnish the Secretary of Labor and Employment with a list of the
the majority of the members of the organization; and newly-elected officers, together with the appointive officers or
(3) Upon vacating his office. agents who are entrusted with the handling of funds within thirty
The account shall be duly audited and verified by affidavit (30) calendar days after the election officers or form the occurrence
and a copy thereof shall be furnished the Secretary of Labor. of any change in the list of officers of the labor organization.
(m) The books of accounts and other records of the financial Only members of the union can participate in the election
activities of any labor organization shall be open to inspection by any
of union officers. The question of eligibility to vote may be
officer or member thereof during office hours;
determined through the use of the applicable payroll period and
(n) No special assessment or other extraordinary fees may be
levied upon the members of a labor organization unless authorized by a employee's status during the applicable payroll period. The payroll
written resolution of a majority of all the members in a general of the month next preceding the labor dispute in case of regular
membership meeting duly called for the purpose. The secretary of the employees and the payroll period at or near the peak of operations
organization shall record the minutes of the meeting including the list

Page 17 of 28
in case of employees in seasonal industries [Tancinco v. Ferrer- Other than mandatory activities under the Code, no
Calleja]. special assessments, attorney’s fees, negotiation fees or any other
extraordinary fees may be checked off from any amount due to an
d. Right to vote in determination of major employee without an individual written authorization duly signed
policies by secret ballot by the employee. The authorization should specifically state the
The members shall determine by secr3et ballot, after due amount, purpose and beneficiary of the deduction.
deliberation, any question of major policy affecting the entire It is very clear from the above-quoted provision that
membership of the organization, unless the nature of the attorney's fees may not be deducted or checked off from any
organization or force majeure renders such secret ballot amount due to an employee without his written consent except for
impractical, in which case, the Board of Directors of the mandatory activities under the Code.  A mandatory activity has
organization may make the decision on behalf of the general been defined as a judicial process of settling dispute laid down by
membership. the law.  In the instant case, the amicable settlement entered into by
the management and the union cannot be considered as a
e. Right to a receipt of any payment to the mandatory activity under the Code.  It is true that the union filed a
union claim for emergency cost of living allowance and other benefits
Every payment of fees, dues, or other contributions by a before the Ministry of Labor.  But this case never reached its
member shall be evidenced by a receipt signed by the officer or conclusion in view of the parties’ agreement.  It is not also shown
agent making the collection and entered into the record of the from the records that Atty. Benjamin Sebastian was instrumental in
organization to be kept and maintained for that purpose. forging the said agreement on behalf of the union members
[Vengco v. Trajano].
f. Right against unauthorized expenditures For special assessment, attorney’s fees, negotiation fees,
The funds of the organization shall not be applied for any and other extraordinary fees, automatic check-offs require (1)
purpose or object other than (a) those expressly provided by its written resolution of the majority of all the members at a general
constitution and by-laws or (b) those expressly authorized by membership meeting called for the purpose; and (2) individual
written resolution adopted by the majority of the members at a written authorization for check-off duly signed by the employee
general meeting duly called for the purpose. concerned.
For this purpose, registered labor organizations may Article 228 provides:
assess reasonable dues to finance labor relations seminars and other
labor education activities. Article 228. [222] Appearances and Fees. - (a) Non-
lawyers may appear before the Commission or any Labor
g. Right to report from the treasurer or other Arbiter only:
1. If they represent themselves; or
responsible officer to render an account
2. If they represent their organization or members
The treasurer of any labor organization and every officer thereof.
thereof who is responsible for the account of such organization or (b) No attorney’s fees, negotiation fees or similar
for the collection, management, disbursement, custody or control charges of any kind arising from any collective bargaining
of the funds, monies, and other properties of the organization, shall agreement shall be imposed on any individual charged against
render to the organization and to its members a true and correct union funds in an amount to be agreed upon by the parties. Any
account of all moneys received and paid by him since he assumed contract, agreement or arrangement of any sort to the contrary
office or since the last day on which he rendered such account, and shall be null and void.
of all bonds, securities and other properties of the organization
entrusted to his custody or under his control. The rendering of such When individual authorization not required
account shall be made: i. Assessment from non-members of the
(1) At least once a year within thirty (30) days after the bargaining agent of “Agency Fees;”
close of its fiscal year; ii. Deductions for fees for mandatory activities;
(2) At such other times as may be required by a iii. Check-off for union service fees authorized by
resolution of the majority of the members of the organization; and law;
(3) Upon vacating his office. iv. Deductions for withholding tax (NIRC);
The account shall be duly audited and verified by v. Deductions for withholding of wages because
affidavit and a copy thereof shall be furnished the Secretary of of employee’s deb to the employer which is
Labor. already due;
vi. Deductions made pursuant to a judgment
h. Right to inspect financial records during against the worker under circumstances where
office hours the wages may be subject to attachment or
The books of accounts and other records of the financial execution but only for debts incurred for food,
activities of any labor organization shall be open to inspection by clothing, shelter, and medical attendance;
any officer or member thereof during office hours. vii. Deductions from wages ordered by the court;
viii. Deductions authorized by law such as
i. Right against unauthorized assessment or premiums for PhilHealth, SSS, Pag-IBIG, ECC
fees and the like.
No special assessment or other extraordinary fees may be
levied upon the members of a labor organization unless authorized Agency Fee
by a written resolution of a majority of all the members in a general Article 259(e) provides:
membership meeting duly called for the purpose.
(e) x x x. Employees of an appropriate bargaining
unit who are not members of the recognized collective
j. Right against unauthorized deductions bargaining agent may be assessed a reasonable fee equivalent to
from salary the dues and other fees paid by members of the recognized

Page 18 of 28
collective bargaining agent, if such non-union members accept relations system and all their rights and obligations under existing
the benefits under the collective bargaining agreement: labor laws.
Provided, That the individual authorization required under
Article 250, paragraph (o) of this Code shall not apply to the
2. Conditions of Membership
non-members of the recognized collective bargaining agent;

a. Individuals belonging to subversive

Agency Fee means a fee deducted by an employer from
organization or engaged in subversive
the salary or wages of an employee who is not a member of an
employee organization, which is paid to the employee organization
No labor organization shall knowingly admit as members
that is the exclusive bargaining agent for the bargaining unit of the
or continue in membership any individual who belongs to a
employee [IRR].
subversive organization or who is engaged directly or indirectly in
This fee is collected when the bargaining agent
any subversive activity.
successfully negotiates a CBA with the employer. It is imposed on
non-members who are employees covered by the bargaining unit
b. Persons convicted of a crime involving
being represented by the bargaining agent – in case they accept the
moral turpitude
benefits under the CBA.
No person who has been convicted of a crime involving
The fact that the non-member is also paying union dues
moral turpitude shall be eligible for election as a union officer or
to their own unions does not free them from their obligations to pay
for appointment to any position in the union.
the agency fee, and vice versa. Thus they are required to pay (a)
union dues and special assessments of their own union; and (b)
c. Collection or disbursement of funds
agency fee to the bargaining agent.
No officer, agent or member of a labor organization shall
It is neither contractual nor statutory but quasi-
collect any fees, dues, or other contributions in its behalf or make
contractual. Payment of agency fee to the bargaining union/agent
any disbursement of its money or funds unless he is duly
which negotiated the CBA is but a reasonable requirement
authorized pursuant to its constitution and by-laws.
recognized by law, to prevent non-union members from enriching
themselves at the expense of union members [Holy Cross of Davao
d. Action involving funds
v. Joaquin]. The non-member does not become a member when he
Any action involving the funds of the organization shall
pays the agency fee.
prescribe after three (3) years from the date of submission of the
annual financial report to the Department of Labor and
Employment or from the date the same should have been submitted
Check-off is a method of deducting by the employer
as required by law, whichever comes earlier: Provided, That this
from the employee’s pay at prescribed periods, any amount due for
provision shall apply only to a legitimate labor organization which
fees, fines or assessments [AL Ammen Transportation v. Bicol
has submitted the financial report requirements under this Code:
Transportation Employees]. Strictly speaking, it is a process or
Provided, further, That failure of any labor organization to comply
device whereby the employer, on agreement with the union
with the periodic financial reports required by law and such rules
certified as the SEBA, or on prior authorization from its
and regulations promulgated thereunder six (6) months after the
employees, deducts union dues or agency fees from the latter’s
effectivity of this Act shall automatically result in the cancellation
wages and remits them directly to the union [Gabriel v. Secretary
of union registration of such labor organization;
of Labor].
This only applies to the SEBA and not to the minority
Who can file a complaint
If it is a general complaint, the complaint must be under
Check-off may refer to two (2) things:
oath with written consent of at least 20% of the total membership
of the labor organization, or it may be exercised by the Secretary of
i. Collection of union dues, special assessments
DOLE motu proprio.
and fees (such as attorney’s fees, negotiation
The Regional or Bureau Director may inquire into the
fees or any other extraordinary fees by the
financial activities of any legitimate labor organization and
SEBA from its members; and
examine their books of accounts and other records to determine
ii. Collection of agency fees from non-members
compliance with the law and the organization’s constitution and
of the SEBA but covered by and included in
by-laws. Such examination shall be made upon the filing of a
the collective bargaining unit (CBU) who
request or complaint for the conduct of an accounts examination by
accept the benefits provided in the Collective
any member of the labor organization, supported by the written
Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
consent of at least 20% of its total membership [IRR].
If it is a specific complaint and it involves the member
The first kind mentioned requires for its validity, the
only, there is no need for the written consent of 20% of the
execution by the employees of individual written authorization
members. If it involves the entire membership, it must be supported
which should specifically state the amount, purpose, beneficiary of
by the written consent of 30% of the total membership.
the deduction; but the second kind does not require any such
Any complaint or petition with allegations of
authorization since the law itself recognizes and allows it upon the
mishandling, misappropriation, or non-accounting of funds in
non-SEBA member’s acceptance of benefits resulting from the
violation of Article 250 shall be treated as an intra-union dispute. It
CBA [Holy Cross v. Joaquin].
shall be heard and resolved by the Mediator-Arbiter pursuant to the
To effect the check-off of agency fees, no individual
provisions or Rule XI [IRR].
authorization is necessary unlike members under Article 250(o).
Where the issue involves the entire membership of the
labor organization, the complaint or petition shall be supported by
k. Right to information
at least 30% of its members [IRR].
It shall be the duty of any labor organization and its
officers to inform its members on the provisions of its constitution
e. Compensation of officers
and by-laws, collective bargaining agreement, the prevailing labor
Page 19 of 28
Any action involving the funds of the organization shall d. Employment status doctrine
prescribe after three (3) years from the date of submission of the
annual financial report to the Department of Labor and Inclusion of excluded employees
Employment or from the date the same should have been submitted In DLSU v. DLSU Employees Association, it was held:
as required by law, whichever comes earlier: Provided, That this
provision shall apply only to a legitimate labor organization which The Court agrees with the Solicitor General that the
has submitted the financial report requirements under this Code: express exclusion of the computer operators and discipline officers
Provided, further, That failure of any labor organization to comply from the bargaining unit of rank-and-file employees in the 1986
collective bargaining agreement does not bar any re-negotiation for
with the periodic financial reports required by law and such rules
the future inclusion of the said employees in the bargaining unit.
and regulations promulgated thereunder six (6) months after the During the freedom period, the parties may not only renew the
effectivity of this Act shall automatically result in the cancellation existing collective bargaining agreement but may also propose and
of union registration of such labor organization; discuss modifications or amendments thereto. With regard to the
alleged confidential nature of the said employees’ functions, after a
3. Effect of Violation of Rights and Conditions of careful consideration of the pleadings filed before this Court, we rule
Membership that the said computer operators and discipline officers are not
Any violation of the above rights and conditions of confidential employees. As carefully examined by the Solicitor
General, the service record of a computer operator reveals that his
membership shall be a ground for cancellation of union registration
duties are basically clerical and non-confidential in nature. As to the
or expulsion of officers from office, whichever is appropriate. At discipline officers, we agree with the voluntary arbitrator that based
least thirty percent (30%) of the members of a union or any on the nature of their duties, they are not confidential employees and
member or members specially concerned may report such violation should therefore be included in the bargaining unit of rank-and-file
to the Bureau. The Bureau shall have the power to hear and decide employees.
any reported violation to mete the appropriate penalty. Criminal The Court also affirms the findings of the voluntary
and civil liabilities arising from violations of above rights and arbitrator that the employees of the College of St. Benilde should be
conditions of membership shall continue to be under the excluded from the bargaining unit of the rank-and-file employees of
Dela Salle University, because the two educational institutions have
jurisdiction of ordinary courts.
their own separate juridical personality and no sufficient evidence was
shown to justify the piercing of the veil of corporate fiction.
Under this doctrine, the employees sought to be
As defined in Department Order No. 40-03 which is now represented by the collective bargaining agent must have
the revised Book V of the Rules Implementing the Labor Code, community or mutuality of interest in terms of employment and
"bargaining unit" refers to a group of employees sharing mutual working conditions as evinced by the type of work they perform. It
interests within a given employer unit, comprised of all or less than is characterized by similarity of employment status, same duties
all of the entire body of employees in the employer unit or any and responsibilities and substantially similar compensation and
specific occupational or geographical grouping within such working conditions [San Miguel Corporation Employees Union v.
employer unit. Confesor].
It may also refer to a group of employees of a given In San Miguel Corporation v. Laguesma, the Supreme
employer, comprise of all or less than all of the entire body of Court applied this principle in the petition of the union which seeks
employees, which the collective interests of all the employees, to represent the sales personnel in the various Magnolia sales office
consistent with equity to the employer, indicated to be best suited in Northern Luzon. Petitioner took the position that each sales
to serve reciprocal rights and duties of the parties under the office should constitute one bargaining unit. In disagreeing this
collective bargaining provisions of the law [Belyca Corporation v. proposition of petitioner, the Court said: “What greatly militates
Ferrer-Calleja]. against this position is the meager number of sales personnel in
An employee does not become a member of a bargaining each of the Magnolia sales office in Northern Luzon. Even the
unit. He becomes a member of the union. His position falls under bargaining unit sought to be represented by respondent union in the
the positions covered by the bargaining unit being represented by entire Northern Luzon sales area consists only of approximately 55
the union. If the employee does not belong to that community of employees. Surely, it would not be for the best interest of these
interest represented by the bargaining unit, the union has the employees if they would further be fractionalized. The adage ‘there
freedom to reject him. The union may, however, accept him but he is strength in number’ is the very rationale underlying the
is not covered by the benefits of the CBA. formation of a labor union.”
There is no hard and fast rule in how the Med-Arbiter In San Miguel Corporation Supervisors and Exempt
should determine an appropriate ( not most appropriate) bargaining Employees Union v. Laguesma, the fact that the 3 plants
unit. The test whether the designation of a bargaining unit is comprising the bargaining unit are located in 3 different places was
appropriate is whether it will best assure to all employees the declared immaterial. Geographical location can be completely
exercise of their collective bargaining rights. There should be a disregarded if the communal or mutual interests of the employees
community of interest which should be reflected in groups having are not sacrificed. The distance among the 3 plants is not
substantial similarity of work and duties or similarity of productive of insurmountable difficulties in the administration of
compensation and working conditions, among other criteria union affairs. Neither are there regional differences that are likely
[Democratic Labor Association v. Cebu Stevedoring]. to impede the operations of a single bargaining representative.
In International School Alliance of Educators v. In University of the Philippines v. Ferrer-Calleja, all
Quisumbing, there are certain tests which may be used in non-academic rank-and-file employees of UP Diliman, Quezon
determining the appropriate collective bargaining unit, to wit: City, Padre Faura, Manila, Los Banos, Laguna and the Visayas
were allowed to participate in a certification election as one
a. Community or mutuality of interest doctrine; bargaining unit.
b. Globe doctrine;
c. Collective bargaining history doctrine; and San Miguel Corporation Employees Union v. Confesor

Page 20 of 28
Held: With respect to the second issue, there is, likewise, no of dairy products[23] while SMFI is involved in the production of feeds and
merit in petitioner-union’s assertion that the employees of Magnolia and the processing of chicken.[24] The nature of their products and scales of
SMFI should still be considered part of the bargaining unit of SMC. business may require different skills which must necessarily be
Magnolia and SMFI were spun-off to operate as distinct commensurated by different compensation packages.  The different
companies on October 1, 1991.  Management saw the need for these companies may have different volumes of work and different working
transformations in keeping with its vision and long term strategy as it conditions.  For such reason, the employees of the different companies see
explained in its letter addressed to the employees dated August 13, 1991: the need to group themselves together and organize themselves into
x x x As early as 1986, we announced the decentralization distinctive and different groups.  It would then be best to have separate
program and spoke of the need for structures that can react fast to bargaining units for the different companies where the employees can
competition, a changing environment, shorter product life cycles and shifts bargain separately according to their needs and according to their own
in consumer preference.  We further stated in the 1987 Annual Report to working conditions.
Stockholders that San Miguel’s businesses will be more autonomous and
self sufficient so as to better acquire and master new technologies, cope We reiterate what we have explained in the case of University of the
with a labor force with different expertises and expectations, and master Philippines v. Ferrer-Calleja that:
and satisfy the changing needs of our customers and end-consumers.  As [T]here are various factors which must be satisfied and
subsidiaries, Magnolia and FLD will gain better industry focus and considered in determining the proper constituency of a bargaining unit.  No
flexibility, greater awareness of operating results, and speedier, more one particular factor is itself decisive of the determination.  The weight
responsive decision making. accorded to any particular factor varies in accordance with the particular
xxx question or questions that may arise in a given case.  What are these
We only have to look at the experience of Coca-Cola Bottlers factors?  Rothenberg mentions a good number, but the most pertinent to our
Philippines, Inc., since this company was organized about ten years ago, to case are: (1) will of the employees (Globe Doctrine); (2) affinity and unit of
see the benefits that arise from restructuring a division of San Miguel into a employees’ interest, such as substantial similarity of work and duties, or
more competitive organization.  As a stand-alone enterprise, CCBPI similarity of compensation and working conditions; (3) prior collective
engineered a dramatic turnaround and has sustained its sales and market bargaining history; and (4) employment status, such as temporary, seasonal
share leadership ever since. and probationary employees x x.
We are confident that history will repeat itself, and the xxx
transformation of Magnolia and FLD will be successful as that of CCBPI. An enlightening appraisal of the problem of defining an
appropriate bargaining unit is given in the 10th Annual Report of the
Undeniably, the transformation of the companies was a National Labor Relations Board wherein it is emphasized that the factors
management prerogative and business judgment which the courts can not which said board may consider and weigh in fixing appropriate units are:
look into unless it is contrary to law, public policy or morals.  Neither can the history, extent and type of organization of employees; the history of
we impute any bad faith on the part of SMC so as to justify the application their collective bargaining; the history, extent and type of organization of
of the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil. [18] Ever mindful of the employees in other plants of the same employer, or other employers in the
employees’ interests, management has assured the concerned employees same industry; the skill wages, work, and working conditions of the
that they will be absorbed by the new corporations without loss of tenure employees; the desires of the employees; the eligibility of the employees
and retaining their present pay and benefits according to the existing CBAs. for membership in the union or unions involved; and the relationship
 They were advised that upon the expiration of the CBAs, new between the unit or units proposed and the employer’s organization,
agreements will be negotiated between the management of the new management, and operation x x.
corporations and the bargaining representatives of the employees x x In said report, it is likewise emphasized that the basic test in
concerned.  As a result of the spin-offs: determining the appropriate bargaining unit is that a unit, to be appropriate,
1. Each of the companies are run by, supervised and controlled must affect a grouping of employees who have substantial, mutual interests
by different management teams including separate human in wages, hours, working conditions and other subjects of collective
resource/personnel managers. bargaining (citing Smith on Labor Laws, 316-317; Francisco, Labor Laws,
2. Each Company enforces its own administrative and 162) x x.
operational rules and policies and are not dependent on each other in their Finally, we take note of the fact that the separate interests of the
operations. employees of Magnolia and SMFI from those of SMC has been recognized
3. Each entity maintains separate financial statements and are in the case of Daniel Borbon v. Laguesma.[26] We quote:
audited separately from each other. Even assuming in gratia argumenti that at the time of the
Indubitably, therefore, Magnolia and SMFI became distinct election they were regular employees of San Miguel, nonetheless, these
entities with separate juridical personalities.  Thus, they can not belong to a workers are no longer connected with San Miguel Corporation in any
single bargaining unit as held in the case of Diatagon Labor Federation manner because Magnolia has ceased to be a division of San Miguel
Local 110 of the ULGWP v. Ople. We elucidate: Corporation and has been formed into a separate corporation with a
The fact that their businesses are related and that the 236 personality of its own (p. 305, Rollo).  This development, which was
employees of Georgia Pacific International Corporation were originally brought to our attention by private respondents, necessarily renders moot
employees of Lianga Bay Logging Co., Inc. is not a justification for and academic any further discourse on the propriety of the elections which
disregarding their separate personalities.  Hence, the 236 employees, who petitioners impugn via the present recourse (p. 319, Rollo).
are now attached to Georgia Pacific International Corporation, should not
be allowed to vote in the certification election at the Lianga Bay Logging
University of the Philippines v. Ferrer-Calleja
Co., Inc.  They should vote at a separate certification election to determine
Held: When first confronted with the task of determining the
the collective bargaining representative of the employees of Georgia Pacific
proper collective bargaining unit in a particular controversy, the Court had
International Corporation.
perforce to rely on American jurisprudence. In Democratic Labor
Petitioner-union’s attempt to include the employees of Magnolia
Association vs. Cebu Stevedoring Company, Inc., decided on February 28,
and SMFI in the SMC bargaining unit so as to have a bigger mass base of
1958, the Court observed that "the issue of how to determine the proper
employees has, therefore, no more valid ground.
collective bargaining unit and what unit would be appropriate to be the
Moreover, in determining an appropriate bargaining unit, the
collective bargaining agency" * * * "is novel in this jurisdiction; however,
test of grouping is mutuality or commonality of interests.  The employees
American precedents on the matter abound ** (to which resort may be had)
sought to be represented by the collective bargaining agent must have
considering that our present Magna Carta has been patterned after the
substantial mutual interests in terms of employment and working conditions
American law on the subject." Said the Court:
as evinced by the type of work they performed. [22] Considering the spin-
" * * Under these precedents, there are various factors which
offs, the companies would consequently have their respective and
must be satisfied and considered in determining the proper constituency of
distinctive concerns in terms of the nature of work, wages, hours of work
a bargaining unit. No one particular factor is itself decisive of the
and other conditions of employment.  Interests of employees in the different
determination. The weight accorded to any particular factor varies in
companies perforce differ.  SMC is engaged in the business of beer
accordance with the particular question or questions that may arise in a
manufacturing.  Magnolia is involved in the manufacturing and processing
given case. What are these factors? Rothenberg mentions a good number,
Page 21 of 28
but the most pertinent to our case are: (1) will of the employees (Globe very little in common with the University clerks and other non-academic
Doctrine); (2) affinity and unit of employees' interest, such as substantial employees as regards responsibilities and functions, working conditions,
similarity of work and duties, or similarity of compensation and working compensation rates, social life and interests, skills and intellectual pursuits,
conditions; (3) prior collective bargaining history; and (4) employment cultural activities, etc. On the contrary, the dichotomy of interests, the
status, such as temporary, seasonal and probationary employees. * *. dissimilarity in the nature of the work and duties as well as in the
" * * * * * * compensation and working conditions of the academic and non-academic
"An enlightening appraisal of the problem of defining an personnel dictate the separation of these two categories of employees for
appropriate bargaining unit is given in the 10th Annual Report of the purposes of collective bargaining. The formation of two separate bargaining
National Labor Relations Board wherein it is emphasized that the factors units, the first consisting of the rank-and-file non-academic personnel, and
which said board may consider and weigh in fixing appropriate units are: the second, of the rank-and-file academic employees, is the set-up that will
the history, extent and type of organization of employees; the history of best assure to all the employees the exercise of their collective bargaining
their collective bargaining; the history, extent and type of organization of rights. These special circumstances, i.e., the dichotomy of interests and
employees in other plants of the same employer, or other employers in the concerns as well as the dissimilarity in the nature and conditions of work,
same industry; the skill, wages, work, and working conditions of the wages and compensation between the academic and non-academic
employees; the desires of the employees; the eligibility of the employees personnel, bring the case at bar within the exception contemplated in
for membership in the union or unions involved; and the relationship Section 9 of Executive Order No. 180. It was grave abuse of discretion on
between the unit or units proposed and the employer's organization, the part of the Labor Relations Director to have ruled otherwise, ignoring
management, and operation. * *. plain and patent realities.
" * * In said report, it is likewise emphasized that the basic test
in determining the appropriate bargaining unit is that a unit, to be
Belyca Corporation v. Ferrer-Calleja
appropriate, must affect a grouping of employees who have substantial,
Held: Hence, still later following the substantial-mutual interest
mutual interests in wages, hours, working conditions and other subjects of
test, the Court ruled that there is a substantial difference between the work
collective bargaining (citing Smith on Labor Laws, 316-317; Francisco,
performed by musicians and that of other persons who participate in the
Labor Laws, 162). * *. "
production of a film which suffice to show that they constitute a proper
The Court further explained that "(t)he test of the grouping is
bargaining unit. (LVN Pictures, Inc. v. Philippine Musicians Guild 1 SCRA
community or mutuality of interests. And this is so because ‘the basic test
132 (1961]).
of an asserted bargaining unit's acceptability is whether or not it is
Coming back to the case at bar, it is beyond question that the
fundamentally the combination which will best assure to all employees the
employees of the livestock and agro division of petitioner corporation
exercise of their collective bargaining rights’ (Rothenberg on Labor
perform work entirely different from those performed by employees in the
Relations, 490)." Hence, in that case, the Court upheld the trial court's
supermarts and cinema. Among others, the noted difference are: their
conclusion that two separate bargaining units should be formed, one
working conditions, hours of work, rates of pay, including the categories of
consisting of regular and permanent employees and another consisting of
their positions and employment status. As stated by petitioner corporation
casual laborers or stevedores.
in its position paper, due to the nature of the business in which its livestock-
Since then, the "community or mutuality of interests" test has
agro division is engaged very few of its employees in the division are
provided the standard in determining the proper constituency of a collective
permanent, the overwhelming majority of which are seasonal and casual
bargaining unit. In Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Company,
and not regular employees (Rollo, p. 26). Definitely, they have very little in
et al. vs. Alhambra Employees' Association (PAFLU), 107 Phil. 23, the
common with the employees of the supermarts and cinemas. To lump all
Court, noting that the employees in the administrative, sales and dispensary
the employees of petitioner in its integrated business concerns cannot result
departments of a cigar and cigarette manufacturing firm perform work
in an efficacious bargaining unit comprised of constituents enjoying a
which have nothing to do with production and maintenance, unlike those in
community or mutuality of interest. Undeniably, the rank and file
the raw lead (malalasi), cigar, cigarette, packing (precintera) and
employees of the livestock-agro division fully constitute a bargaining unit
engineering and garage departments, authorized the formation of the former
that satisfies both requirements of classification according to employment
set of employees into a separate collective bargaining unit. The ruling in
status and of the substantial, similarity of work and duties which will
the Democratic Labor Association case, supra, was reiterated in Philippine
ultimately assure its members the exercise of their collective bargaining
Land-Air-Sea Labor Union vs. Court of Industrial Relations, 110 Phil. 176,
where casual employees were barred from joining the union of the
permanent and regular employees.
Applying the same "community or mutuality of interests" test, B. GLOBE DOCTRINE
but resulting in the formation of only one collective bargaining unit is the This principle is based on the will of the employees. It is
case of National Association of Free Trade Unions vs. Mainit Lumber called Globe doctrine because this principle was first enunciated in
Development Company Workers Union-United Lumber and General the United States case of Globe Machine and Stamping Co., where
Workers of the Phils., G.R. No. 79526, December 21, 1990, 192 SCRA
it was ruled, in defining the appropriate bargaining unit, that in a
598. In said case, the Court ordered the formation of a single bargaining
unit consisting of the Sawmill Division in Butuan City and the Logging
case where the company’s production workers can be considered
Division in Zapanta Valley, Kitcharao, Agusan Norte of the Mainit Lumber either as a single bargaining unit appropriate for purposes of
Development Company. The Court reasoned: collective bargaining or as three (3) separate and distinct
"Certainly, there is a mutuality of interest among the employees bargaining units, the determining factor is the desire of the
of the Sawmill Division and the Logging Division. Their functions mesh workers themselves consequently, a certification election should be
with one another. One group needs the other in the same way that the held separately to choose which representative union will be
company needs them both. There may be difference as to the nature of their chosen by the workers [Mechanical Department Labor Union v.
individual assignments but the distinctions are not enough to warrant the
formation of a separate bargaining unit."
In the case at bar, the University employees may, as already
In International School Alliance of Educators v.
suggested, quite easily be categorized into two general classes: one, the Quisumbing, the High Court ruled that foreign-hired teachers do
group composed of employees whose functions are non-academic, i.e., not belong to the bargaining unit of the local hires because the
janitors, messengers, typists, clerks, receptionists, carpenters, electricians, former have not indicated their intention to be grouped with the
grounds-keepers, chauffeurs, mechanics, plumbers; and two, the group latter for purposes of collective bargaining. Moreover, the
made up of those performing academic functions, i.e., full professors, collective bargaining history of the school also shows that these
associate professors, assistant professors, instructors -- who may be judges groups were always treated separately.
or government executives -- and research, extension and professorial
staff. Not much reflection is needed to perceive that the community or
mutuality of interests which justifies the formation of a single collective
bargaining unit is wanting between the academic and non-academic This principle puts premium to the prior collective
personnel of the university. It would seem obvious that teachers would find bargaining history and affinity of the employees in determining the

Page 22 of 28
appropriate bargaining unit. However, the existence of a prior Once certified, what is represented by the SEBA are not
collective bargaining history has been held as neither decisive nor only its members but also those who are members of other unions,
conclusive in the determination of what constitutes an appropriate called “minority” unions, who are included in the CBU [National
bargaining unit [San Miguel Corporation v. Laguesma]. Brewery & Allied Industries Labor Union v. San Miguel Brewery].
It was ruled in National Association of Free Trade An unorganized establishment becomes an “Organized
Unions v. Mainit Lumber Development Company Workers Union Establishment” where there exists a recognized or certified sole
that there is mutuality of interest among the workers in the sawmill and exclusive bargaining agent.
division and logging division as to justify their formation of a The SEBA of the employees in a CBU may be
single bargaining unit. This holds true despite the history of said determined through any of the following modes:
two divisions being treated as separate units and notwithstanding
their geographical distance from each other. (a) Request for SEBA certification (which repealed and
In San Miguel v. Laguesma, despite the collective replaced “Voluntary Recognition” as a mode of
bargaining history of having a separate bargaining unit for each securing SEBA status);
sales office, the Supreme Court applied the principle of mutuality (b) Certification election;
or commonality of interests in holding that the appropriate (c) Consent election;
bargaining unit is comprised of all the sales force in the whole of (d) Run-off election.
Northern Luzon.
D. EMPLOYMENT STATUS DOCTRINE Before, it was voluntary recognition, which refers to the
The determination of the appropriate bargaining unit free and voluntary act of the employer of extending and conferring
based on the employment status of the employees is considered an full recognition to a union as the sole and exclusive bargaining
acceptable mode. For instance, casual employees and those representative of the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit,
employed on a day-to-day basis do not have the mutuality or for purposes of collective bargaining.
community of interest with regular and permanent employees. Department Order No. 40-I-15, Series of 2015 has
Hence, their inclusion in the bargaining unit composed of the latter expressly repealed the entire set of Rules applicable to Voluntary
is not justified [Philippine Land-Air-Sea Labor Union v. CIR]. Recognition in the Labor Code’s Implementing Rules and replaced
it with the freshly-minted mode of securing the status of a SEBA
International School Alliance of Educators v. Quisumbing through a Request for SEBA Certification or simply “Request.”
Held: A bargaining unit is "a group of employees of a given Any legitimate labor organization may file a Request in
employer, comprised of all or less than all of the entire body of employees, the DOLE Regional Office which issued to it its Certificate of
consistent with equity to the employer indicate to be the best suited to serve Registration or Certificate of Creation of Chartered Local, as the
the reciprocal rights and duties of the parties under the collective bargaining
case may be [IRR].
provisions of the law." The factors in determining the appropriate collective
bargaining unit are (1) the will of the employees (Globe Doctrine); (2)
affinity and unity of the employees' interest, such as substantial similarity B. CERTIFICATION ELECTION
of work and duties, or similarity of compensation and working conditions Certification election refers to the process of determining
(Substantial Mutual Interests Rule); (3) prior collective bargaining history; through secret ballot the SEBA of the employees in an appropriate
and (4) similarity of employment status. The basic test of an asserted CBU for purposes of collective bargaining with the employer. A
bargaining unit's acceptability is whether or not it is fundamentally the certification election is conducted only upon the order of the Med-
combination which will best assure to all employees the exercise of their Arbiter of the BLR [IRR].
collective bargaining rights.
It does not appear that foreign-hires have indicated their
intention to be grouped together with local-hires for purposes of collective
Pendency of a petition for cancellation
bargaining. The collective bargaining history in the School also shows that The pendency of a petition for cancellation of union
these groups were always treated separately. Foreign-hires have limited registration does not preclude certification election or collective
tenure; local-hires enjoy security of tenure. Although foreign-hires perform bargaining.
similar functions under the same working conditions as the local-hires,
foreign-hires are accorded certain benefits not granted to local-hires. These 1. Nature of Certification Election
benefits, such as housing, transportation, shipping costs, taxes, and home Certification election is the most democratic method of
leave travel allowance, are reasonably related to their status as foreign-
determining the choice of the employees of their bargaining
hires, and justify the exclusion of the former from the latter. To include
foreign-hires in a bargaining unit with local-hires would not assure either
representative [PAL Employees’ Association v. Ferrer-Calleja]. It
group the exercise of their respective collective bargaining rights. is held to ensure that the employees are properly represented in the
exercise of their right to collective bargaining with their employer
[FOITAF v. Noriel]. No obstacle must be placed to the holding of a
certification election for it is the statutory policy that it should not
be circumvented [Trade Unions of the Philippines v. Laguesma]. It
is not a litigation proceeding in a sense in which this term is
The term sole and exclusive bargaining agent (SEBA) commonly understood. It is a mere investigation of a non-adversary
refers to a legitimate labor union duly certified as the sole and fact-finding character in which the DOLE plays the part of a
exclusive bargaining representative or agent of all the employees in disinterested investigator seeking merely to ascertain the desires of
a collective bargaining unit (CBU). A labor union certified as a the employees as to the matter of determining which labor
SEBA means that it shall remain as such during the existence of the organization will represent the employees in their collective
CBA, to the exclusion of all other labor organizations existing and bargaining with the employer [The Heritage Hotel v. Secretary of
operating in the same CBU, and no petition for certification Labor]. It is not therefore bound by the technical rules of evidence
election (PCE) questioning its majority status shall be entertained [Associated Labor Unions v. Ferrer-Calleja]. In case of doubt, the
nor shall certification election be conducted outside the 60-day PCE should be resolved in favor of the holding of a certification
freedom period immediately before the expiry date of the 5-year election [National Federation of Labor v. Secretary of Labor].
term of the CBA.

Page 23 of 28
The facts sought to be determined in a certification unorganized establishment with only one (1)
election are: first, whether the Bargaining Unit wants legitimate labor organization; or
representation; and second, who will represent them if they want (ii) From the date of issuance of certification as
representation. SEBA and not from the date of the conduct of
A certification election proceeding directly involves two valid certification, consent, run-off or re-run
(2) issues, namely: (a) the proper composition and constituency of election [IRR].
the bargaining unit; and (b) the validity of majority representation
claims. It is therefore incumbent upon the Med-Arbiter to rule on In the first instance, the period is counted from the
the appropriateness of the bargaining unit once its composition and issuance of the SEBA certification which shall have the effect of
constituency is questioned [Holy Child v. Sto. Tomas]. barring the filing of a PCE by any labor organization. It is only
upon the expiration of this 1-year period that any legitimate labor
2. Who may File organization may file a PCE in the same collective bargaining unit
A petition for certification election may be filed by: (CBU) represented by the certified SEBA, unless a CBA between
the employer and the certified SEBA was executed and registered
a. A legitimate labor organization, including: (i) a with the DOLE Regional Office [IRR].
national union or federation that has issued a charter In the second, there must be a distinction made between
certificate to its local chapter/chartered local. The the reckoning of the 1-year statutory bar and the 1-year
former is filing the PCE for and on behalf of the certification year bar. The 1-year period in the former should be
latter; or (ii) the local chapter/chartered local itself counted from the date of election; while the 1-year period in the
which has been issued a charter certificate by the latter should be from the date of certification of the SEBA. The
national union or federation; or (iii) an union will be deprived of its entitlement to the critical one (1) year
independently registered union; as a certified SEBA if this period is reckoned from the actual date
b. An employer, when requested to bargain when the certification, consent, run-off or re-run election was
collectively in a bargaining unit where no registered conducted. The union is certainly entitled to a full 12 months as
CBA exists and the status of the union is in doubt. SEBA. Until certification is made in its favor, its status as SEBA is
not definite.
Role of Employer in Certification Election Where an appeal has been filed from the order of the
Med-Arbiter certifying the results of the election, the running of
Article 271. [258-A] Employer as Bystander. - In all cases, the one (1) year period is deemed suspended until the decision on
whether the petition for certification election is filed by an employer or the appeal has become final and executory [IRR].
a legitimate labor organization, the employer shall not be considered a If the SEBA fails to commence the collective bargaining
party thereto with a concomitant right to oppose a in such proceedings process within said period, its being the SEBA may be questioned
shall be limited to: (1) being notified or informed of petitions of such
by another union through the filing of a new PCE. This is best
nature; and (2) submitting the list of employees during the pre-election
conference should the Med-Arbiter act favorably on the petition.
illustrated by the case of KAMPIL-KATIPUNAN v. Trajano, where
the SEBA failed to initiate the collective bargaining process within
a period of more than 4 years thereby enabling another union to file
In issues as to the appropriateness of employees in a
a new petition for certification election.
bargaining unit, the employer has a proper role. He can object to
the appropriateness of the bargaining unit through a motion or a
b. Negotiations Bar Rule
manifestation. Once the bargaining unit is already established,
Under the negotiations bar rule, a certification election
neither the employer nor the employees can change its
petition may not be filed while the SEBA and employer have
commenced and sustained negotiations in good faith in accordance
with Article 261 within one (1) year from the date of entry of
3. When to File the Petition for Certification
SEBA certification, or from the date of a valid certification,
consent, or run-off election or from the date of issuance of the
In the absence of a CBA duly registered in accordance
SEBA certification by the DOLE Regional Director in cases of
with Article 237, a petition for certification lection may be filed at
Request for SEBA Certification.
any time.
Once the CBA negotiations have commenced and while
However, no certification lection may be held under the
the parties are engaged in this process, no challenging union is
following rules:
allowed file a PCE that would disturb the negotiation process and
(a) Certification year-bar rule;
unduly delay, preempt or forestall the prompt and timely
(b) Negotiations-bar rule;
conclusion thereof.
(c) Bargaining deadlock-bar rule; or
It must be noted that there is no law or rule that imposes
(d) Contract-bar rule.
a time limitation or caps as to when the parties should negotiate
and conclude a CBA. The parties have all the freedom and leeway
a. Certification Year Bar Rule
to negotiate the CBA’s terms and conditions without being
Although the Labor Code does not contain any provision
constrained by any time restriction. In other words, the negotiation
on when the CBA negotiation process should start after a union is
process may last for days, weeks, months, even years, and during
duly certified as the SEBA of the employees it seeks to represent in
the entire duration thereof, no PCE may be filed by any challenging
a given bargaining unit, there is, however, this provision in the
Rules when the Med-Arbiter may dismiss the PCE if the same is
filed within one (1) year reckoned and counted:
c. Bargaining Deadlock Bar Rule
Collective bargaining deadlock refers to a situation
(i) From the date the SEBA certification is issued
where there is failure in the collective bargaining negotiations
by the DOLE Regional Director in cases of
between the SEBA and the employer resulting in an impasse or
Request for SEBA Certification filed in an
stalemate [San Miguel Corporation v. NLRC]. This happens when,

Page 24 of 28
despite their efforts at bargaining in good faith, the parties have strike or lockout.' To be sure, there are in the record assertions by NAFLU
failed to resolve the issues and it appears that there are no other that its attempts to bring VIRON to the negotiation table had been
definite options or plans in sight to break the standoff. Simply unsuccessful because of the latter's recalcitrance, and unfulfilled promises
stated, there is a deadlock when there is a complete blocking or to bargain collectively; but there is no proof that it had taken any action to
legally coerce VIRON to comply with its statutory duty to bargain
stoppage in the negotiation resulting from the action of equal and
collectively. It could have charged VIRON with unfair labor practice; but it
opposing forces [Capitol Medical Center Alliance of Concerned did not. It could have gone on a legitimate strike in protest against VIRON's
Employees v. Laguesma]. refusal to bargain collectively and compel it to do so; but it did not. There
Under this rule, a certification election petition may not are assertions by NAFLU, too, that its attempts to bargain collectively had
be filed when a bargaining deadlock to which an incumbent SEBA been delayed by continuing challenges to the resolution pronouncing it the
is a party has been submitted to conciliation, compulsory or sole bargaining representative in VIRON; but there is no adequate
voluntary arbitration or has become the subject of a valid notice of substantiation thereof , or of how it did in fact prevent initiation of the
strike or lockout [IRR]. bargaining process between it and VIRON."
Although the statements pertinent to this case are merely obiter,
still the fact remains that in the Kaisahan case, NAFLU was counselled by
CMCEA-AFW v. Laguesma this Court on the steps that it should have undertaken to protect its interest,
Held: Was there a bargaining deadlock between CMC and but which it failed to do so.
respondent union, before the filing of petitioner of a petition for This is what is strikingly different between the Kaisahan case
certification election, which had been submitted to conciliation or had and the case at bench for in the latter case, there was proof that the certified
become the subject of a valid notice of strike or lockout? bargaining agent, respondent union, had taken an action to legally coerce
In the case of Divine Word University of Tacloban v. Secretary the employer to comply with its statutory duty to bargain collectively, i. e.,
of Labor and Employment, we had the occasion to define what a deadlock charging the employer with unfair labor practice and conducting a strike in
is, viz: protest against the employer's refusal to bargain. [25] It is only just and
"A 'deadlock' is xxx the counteraction of things producing entire equitable that the circumstances in this case should be considered as similar
stoppage; xxx There is a deadlock when there is a complete blocking or in nature to a "bargaining deadlock" when no certification election could be
stoppage resulting from the action of equal and opposed forces xxx. The held. This is also to make sure that no floodgates will be opened for the
word is synonymous with the word impasse, which xxx 'presupposes circumvention of the law by unscrupulous employers to prevent any
reasonable effort at good faith bargaining which, despite noble intentions, certified bargaining agent from negotiating a CBA. Thus, Section 3, Rule
does not conclude in agreement between the parties. ' " V, Book V of the Implement Rules should be interpreted liberally so as to
Although there is no "deadlock" in its strict sense as there is no include a circumstance, e. g. where a CBA could not be concluded due to
"counteraction" of forces present in this case nor "reasonable effort at good the failure of one party to willingly perform its duty to bargain collectively.
faith bargaining, "such can be attributed to CMC's fault as the bargaining
proposals of respondent union were never answered by CMC. In fact, what
happened in this case is worse than a bargaining deadlock for CMC d. Contract Bar Rule
employed all legal means to block the certification of respondent union as Under this rule, the existence of the CBA, the contract
the bargaining agent of the rank-and-file; and use it as its leverage for its referred to therein, bars the filing of a PCE. Once a CBA is duly
failure to bargain with respondent union. Thus, we can only conclude that registered and validly subsisting, no PCE or any other action
CMC was unwilling to negotiate and reach an agreement with respondent should be entertained that may disturb the administration of the
union. CMC has not at any instance shown willingness to discuss the duly registered existing CBA [IRR]. Neither party should terminate
economic proposals given by respondent union. nor modify such agreement during its lifetime. Inter-union electoral
As correctly ratiocinated by public respondent, to wit:
contests are therefore not allowed [Foamtex Labor Union v.
"For herein petitioner to capitalize on the ensuing delay which
was caused by the hospital and which resulted in the non-conclusion of a Noriel].
CBA within the certification year, would be to negate and render a mockery For the entire 5-year lifetime of the CBA, no PCE
of the proceedings undertaken before this Department and to put an questioning the majority status of the incumbent SEBA shall be
unjustified premium on the failure of the respondent hospital to perform its entertained and no certification election shall be conducted by the
duty to bargain collectively as mandated in Article 252 of the Labor Code, DOLE outside of the 60-day freedom period immediately before
as amended, which states." the date of expiry of such five-year term of the CBA.
"Article 252. Meaning of duty to bargain collectively - the duty
to bargain collectively means the performance of a mutual obligation to
meet and convene promptly and expeditiously in good faith for the purpose
of negotiating an agreement with respect to wages, hours of work and all The contract bar rule admits of several exceptions where
other terms and conditions of employment including proposals for adjusting a PCE may be validly filed:
any grievance or questions arising under such agreement and executing a
contract incorporating such agreements if requested by either party but such (i) During the 60-day freedom period immediately
duty does not compel any party to agree to a proposal or to make any prior to the expiry date of a CBA.
concession." (ii) When the CBA is not registered with the BLR
The duly certified bargaining agent, CMCEA - AFW, should not or any of the DOLE Regional Offices.
be made to further bear the brunt flowing from the respondent hospital's
(iii) When the CBA, although registered, contains
reluctance and thinly disguised refusal to bargain."
If the law proscribes the conduct of a certification election when provisions lower than the standards fixed by
there is a bargaining deadlock submitted to conciliation or arbitration, with law or illegal per se clauses.
more reason should it not be conducted if, despite attempts to bring an (iv) When the documents supporting the CBA’s
employer to the negotiation table by the certified bargaining agent, there registration are falsified, fraudulent or tainted
was "no reasonable effort in good faith" on the employer to bargain with misrepresentation.
collectively. (v) When the CBA is not complete as it does not
In the case of Kaisahan ng Manggagawang Pilipino vs. Trajano, contain any of the mandatory provisions which
201 SCRA 453 (1991), penned by Chief Justice Andres R. Narvasa, the
the law requires. Such kind of agreement
factual milieu of which is similar to this case, this Court allowed the
holding of a certification election and ruled that the one year period known cannot promote industrial peace as it leaves out
as the "certification year" has long since expired. We also ruled, that: matters which the parties should have
  "xxx prior to the filing of the petition for election in this case, stipulated [Buklod ng Saulog Transit v.
there was no such 'bargaining deadlock xx (which) had been submitted to Casalla].
conciliation or arbitration or had become the subject of a valid notice of

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(vi) When the CBA was extended during its term as continues to bind the members of the new or disaffiliated and independent
when it was negotiated and entered into prior to union up to the CBA's expiration date.
the 60-day freedom period. The agreement in
this case is deemed hastily entered into in order Substitutionary Doctrine
to frustrate the will of the employees in Under this doctrine, employees are allowed to change
choosing their bargaining representative their SEBA, but the CBA continues to bind them up to its
[Associated Trade Union v. Noriel]. expiration date. They may bargain however for the shortening of
(vii) When there is a schism in the union resulting in said expriation date.
an industrial dispute wherein the CBA can no Thus, the new SEBA cannot negotiate a new CBA, it can
longer foster industrial peace. The conduct of a only administer the old CBA, but the new SEBA is not bound by
certification election in such a situation the personal obligations imposed by the old CBA such as the “no
becomes imperative to clear any doubt as to the strike, no lockout rule.”
real and legitimate representative of the
employees [Firestone Tire and Rubber Benguet Consolidated v. BCI Employees
Company Employees Union v. Estrella]. Held: In support of an affirmative answer to the first question,
(viii) When there is an automatic renewal provision BENGUET first invokes the so-called “Doctrine of Substitution" referred to
in the CBA but prior to the date when such in General Maritime Stevedore's Union v. South Sea Shipping Lines, L-
automatic renewal became effective, the 14689, July 26, 1960. There it was remarked:
employer seasonably filed a manifestation with “We also hold that where the bargaining contract is to run for
more than two years, the principle of substitution may well be adopted and
the BLR of its intention to terminate the said
enforced by the CIR to the effect that after two years of the life of a
agreement if and when it is established that the bargaining agreement, a certification election may be allowed by the
SEBA does not represent anymore the majority CIR; that if a bargaining agent other than the union or organization that
of the workers in the bargaining unit [PLDT executed the contract, is elected, said new agent would have to respect said
Employees’ Union v. PLDT]. contract, but that it may bargain with the management for the shortening of
the life of the contract if it considers it too long, or refuse to renew the
60-Day Freedom Period contract pursuant to an automatic renewal clause.” (Italics supplied)
The submission utterly fails to persuade Us. The above-quoted
The 60-day freedom period is superior to all other rules.
pronouncement was obiter dictum. The only issue in the General Maritime
During this period, a petition for certification election and a motion
Stevedores’ Union case was whether a collective bargaining agreement
or intervention can be filed. Outside of this, the petition should be which had practically run for 5 years constituted a bar to certification
dismissed outright. proceedings. We held it did not and accordingly directed the court a quo to
During this period, the union security clause is not order certification elections. With that, nothing more was necessary for the
effective and the employees are free to form or join another union disposition of the case. Moreover, the pronouncement adverted to was
without fear of getting fired. However, they are not free from rather premature. The possible certification of a union different from that
paying union dues and agency fees because the EBA representation which signed the bargaining contract was a mere contingency then since the
elections were still to be held. Clearly, the Court was not called upon to rule
status is still conclusive up to the expiration of the CBA term.
on the possible effects of such proceedings on the bargaining agreement
Upon the expiration of the period, the employer should But worse, BENGUET’s reliance upon the Principle of
continue to recognize the majority status of the incumbent EBA Substitution is totally misplaced. This principle, formulated by the
where no petition for certification election challenging such NLRB[7] as its initial compromise solution to the problem facing it when
majority status is filed by any other union. there occurs a shift in employees’ union allegiance after the execution of a
bargaining contract with their employer, merely states that even during the
Schism effectivity of a collective bargaining agreement executed between employer
Excepted from the contract bar rule are certain types of and employees thru their agent, the employees can change said agent but
the contract continues to bind them up to its expiration date. They may
contracts which do not foster industrial stability, such as contracts
bargain however for the shortening of said expiration date.
where the identity of the representative is in doubt. Any stability In formulating the “substitutionary” doctrine, the only
derived from such contracts must be subordinated to the consideration involved was the employees’ interest in the existing
employees’ freedom of choice because it does not establish the bargaining agreement. The agent’s interest never entered the picture. In
type of industrial peace contemplated by law. Where, therefore, the fact, the justification for said doctrine was:
fact of disaffiliation has been demonstrated beyond doubt, a ". . . that the majority of the employees, as an entity under the
certification election is the most expeditious way of determining statute, is the true party in interest to the contract, holding rights through the
which labor organization is to be the exclusive bargaining agency of the union representative. Thus, any exclusive interest claimed by
the agent is defeasible at the will of the principal.. .” (Italics supplied)
representative [Firestone Tire and Rubber Company Employees
Stated otherwise, the “substitutionary” doctrine only provides
Union v. Estrella]. that the employees cannot revoke the validly executed collective bargaining
contract with their employer by the simple expedient of changing their
Associated Workers Union-PTGWO v. NLRC bargaining agent. And it is in the light of this that the phrase “said new
Held: While it is true that AWUM as a local union, being an agent would have to respect said contract” must be understood. It only
entity separate and distinct from AWU, is free to serve the interest of all its means that the employees, thru their new bargaining agent, cannot renege
members and enjoys the freedom to disaffiliate, such right to disaffiliate on their collective bargaining contract, except of course to negotiate with
may be exercised, and is thus considered a protected labor activity, only management for the shortening thereof.
when warranted by circumstances.  Generally, a labor union may The “substitutionary” doctrine, therefore, cannot be invoked to
disaffiliate from the mother union to form a local or independent union only support the contention that a newly certified collective bargaining agent
during the 60-day freedom period immediately preceding the expiration of automatically assumes all the personal undertakings — like the no-strike
the CBA. Even before the onset of the freedom period (and despite the stipulation here — in the collective bargaining agreement made by the
closed-shop provision in the CBA between the mother union and deposed union. When BBWU bound itself and its officers not to strike, it
management) disaffiliation may still be carried out, but such disaffiliation could not have validly bound also all the other rival unions existing in the
must be effected by a majority of the members in the bargaining unit. This bargaining units in question. BBWU was the agent of the employees, not of
happens when there is a substantial shift in allegiance on the part of the the other unions which possess distinct personalities. To consider UNION
majority of the members of the union.  In such a case, however, the CBA

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contractually bound to the no-strike stipulation would therefore violate the latter is always conducted under the control and
legal maxim that res inter alios acta alios nec prodest nec nocet. supervision of the DOLE [IRR].
Of course, UNION, as the newly certified bargaining agent, c. The former is being conducted as a voluntary mode
could always voluntarily assume all the personal undertakings made by the of resolving labor dispute; while the latter, although
displaced agent. But as the lower court found, there was no showing at all
non-adversarial, is a compulsory method of
that, prior to the strike,[11] UNION formally adopted the existing
CONTRACT as its own and assumed all the liabilities imposed by the same
adjudicating a labor dispute.
upon BBWU. d. The former is given the highest priority; while the
latter is resorted only when the contending unions
4. Conduct of Certification Election fail or refuse to submit their representation dispute
The process of certification election requires the through the former [IRR]. This is so because under
application of the double majority rule for the following twin the Implementing Rules, as amended, even in cases
purposes: where a PCE is filed, the Med-Arbiter, during the
(a) To have a valid certification election; and preliminary conference and hearing thereon, is
(b) To declare the winning union that will be certified tasked to determine the possibility of a consent
as a SEBA. election. It is only when the contending unions fail
to agree to the conduct of a consent election during
a. First Majority: To be a valid certification the preliminary conference that the Med-Arbiter will
election, at least a majority of all eligible proceed with the process of certification election by
voters in the bargaining unit should have conducting as many hearings as he may deem
cast their votes necessary up to its actual holding. But in no case
The first majority is essential to validate the certification shall the conduct of the certification election exceed
election process itself. According to Article 268, in order to have a 15 days from the date of the scheduled preliminary
valid certification election, it is required that at least a majority of conference/hearing after which time, the PCE is
all eligible voters in the bargaining unit must have cast their votes considered submitted for decision.
[Samahan ng Manggagawa v. Laguesma]. If less than such e. The former necessarily involves at least 2 or more
majority have cast their votes, the certification election process contending unions; while the latter may only
itself is not valid and, therefore, not one of the contending unions involve 1 petitioner union.
therein, even if chosen by the majority of the votes cast, can be f. The former may be conducted in the course of the
certified as the SEBA to represent the CBU. proceeding in the latter or during its pendency.
g. The purpose of the former is only to determine (i)
b. Second Majority: Majority vote of the valid who has the majority representation of all the
votes cast in order to be chosen as the workers in the appropriate collective bargaining
SEBA unit; where as the purpose of the latter is to
After establishing the validity of the certification election determine (i) whether the bargaining unit wants
process itself, the next point to ascertain and establish is whether representation; and (ii) who will represent them if
the petitioning union, in a single-union contest, or any of the they want representation.
unions, in a multi-union election, has garnered the majority of the
valid votes cast. D. RUN-OFF ELECTION
Under the same Article 268, it is required that only “the A run-off election refers to an election between the labor
labor union receiving the majority of the valid votes cast shall be unions receiving the two (2) highest number of votes when a
certified as the exclusive bargaining agent of all the workers in the certification election which provides for three (3) or more choices
unit” and under Article 267, it is likewise provided that the labor result in no choice receiving a majority of the valid votes cast;
organization designated or selected by the majority of the provided, that the total number of votes for all contending unions is
employees in an appropriate CBU is the exclusive representative of at least fifty percent (50%) of the number of votes cast.
the employees in such unit for purposes of collective bargaining Thus, a run-off election may only be conducted under the
[Peral v. United Employees Welfare Association]. following elements:

C. CONSENT ELECTION a. There are three (3) or more unions competing in a

Consent election refers to the process, voluntarily and certification or consent election;
mutually agreed upon by the contending unions, of determining b. None of the contending unions garnered the
through secret ballot the SEBA of the employees in an appropriate majority of the valid votes cast;
CBU for purposes of collective bargaining with the employer. It is c. But the total number of votes for all contending
conducted with or without the intervention of the DOLE [IRR]. unions, if added, is at least fifty (50%) of the
number of valid votes cast;
Consent Election vs. Certification Election d. If the above three (3) elements are present, a run-off
Consent election is but a form of certification election. election will be conducted between the labor unions
They may be distinguished from each other in the following receiving the two (2) highest number of votes in
manner: such certification election or consent election. The
third union and the others, if any, will no longer be
a. The former is held upon the mutual agreement of allowed to participate in such election. And for
the contending unions; while the latter does not obvious reason, the choice of “No Union” should no
require the mutual consent of the parties as it is longer be included in the run-off election [IRR].
conducted upon the order of the Med-Arbiter [IRR].
b. The former may be conducted with or without the If the above conditions that justify the conduct of a run-
control and supervision of the DOLE; while the off election are present and there are no objections or challenges
which, if sustained, can materially alter the election results, the

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Election Officer should motu proprio conduct a run-off election
within 10 days form the close of the election proceeding between
the labor unions receiving the two highest number of votes [IRR].

This mode of choosing the SEBA is not expressly
provided in the Labor Code nor in the rendering of its
implementing rules. It was only in 2015 that an issuance of the
DOLE Secretary has introduced this term for the first time as an
amendment to the Rules to Implement the Labor Code and defines
it as follows:

“‘Re-run election’ refers to an election doncuted to

break a tie between contending unions, including between ‘no
union’ and one of the unions. It shall likewise refer to an
election doncuted after a failure of election has been declared by
the Election Officer and/or affirmed by the Mediator-Arbiter.”

A re-run election is obviously in the nature of a

corrective action meant to cure a seriously defective and distorted
certification election. Consequently, a third ground that may be
cited as would justify the conduct of a fair re-run election is when
the certification, consent or run-off election has been invalidated or
nullified due to certain serious irregularities that have been
committed during the conduct thereof, such as, inter alia,
disenfranchisement of the voters, lack of secrecy in the voting,
fraud or bribery or acts of terrorism, force, threat and intimidation
employed by any of the contending unions or the employer. Such
invalidation would necessitate the conduct of a re-run election
among the contending unions to determine the true will and desire
of the employees-electorate [Confederation of Citizens Labor
Unions v. Noriel].

Re-Run Election vs. Failure of Election

Re-Run Election Failure of Election

There is a valid certification There is no valid certification
election but because of certain election because the number of
circumstances, the election is votes cast is less than the majority
nullified and another one is of the number of eligible voters
ordered to truly reflect the will and there are no challenged votes
and sentiment of the electorate- that could materially change the
employees. results.

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