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ENGLISH I - 2020

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 1


Lesson 1: Greeting people 3

Lesson 2: Saying and spelling names 5

Lesson 3: Providing personal information 7

Grammar reference 1: Verb to be
Grammar reference 2: Pronouns
Reading in mind: Parts of speech


Lesson 1: Jobs and routines 23

Grammar reference 1 27
Lesson 2: Leisure activities 31
Grammar reference 2 33
Lesson 3: Descriptions 37
Reading in mind: Nouns, articles, prepositions 37


Lesson 1: Learning about dictionaries 44

Lesson 2: Let’s read 49


Suggested English interactive software and websites for further 55


This booklet material was selected, adapted and designed for instructional purposes
and to be used in the classroom and as a study guide for students.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 2


Matt: Good morning,Sarah. How are you?

Sarah: Good.How are you, Matt? Rob: Hello. I´m Rob Jones.
Matt: I´m fine, thanks Sandra: Hi, I´m Sandra Davis. Nice to meet you
Rob: Nice to meet you.

A. Listen. Are Matt and Sarah friends? How about Rob and Sandra?
Practice the conversations.

B. Can you complete these conversations? Then practice with a partner. Use your own names.

1) A: Hello. I´m Chris. 2) A: Hi, Pam. How you?

B: Hi. Nice to meet you. Sam B: I’m . How are ?
A: Nice to meet . A: Good, thanks.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 3
C. Listen. Are these people saying hello or good-bye?

Emily: Good night.

Mark: Good night. Have a good evening. Steve: Bye. See you tomorrow.
Emily: Thank you. You too. Pam: Bye. See you.



Hi Bye
Hello Bye-bye
How are you? / How do you do? Nice meeting you / Good to see you again
Good morning Good-bye. Have a nice day
Good afternoon See you tomorrow/ later/ next week
Good evening Good night
Nice to meet you

D. Match expression 1-6 to responses a-f. Check with your teacher. Which of these expressions are
used to say hello to someone you know? Which are used to introduce someone?

1. Hello. My name’s Alex Gordon a) No. How do you do Ms. Tell?

2. Do you know Elizabeth Tell? b) Nice to meet you.
3. I’m Ely, Marie Da Roche’s assistant c) Of course! You’re Bob!
4. This is my assistant, Paula Smith d) Pleased to meet you, Ely.
5. How are you? e) I’m fine, thanks.
6. Hello, do you remember me? f) How do you do, Mr. Gordon?

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 4

A. Listen to these people saying their names.

Hi, I’m Liz Kim. Hi, my name is Don. Hello, I’m Ana Sanchez.
My first name is Elizabeth, My full name is Don Allen Ray Turner. My first name is Maria.
But everyone calls me Liz My nickname is Dart. Ana is my middle name.

Name: MARIA AnA SAN chez

Name: ElizABeth – Kim First Middle Last
First Middle Last Name: Don Allen RAy Turner
First Middle Last SINGLE MARRIED

B. Complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner.

1. My first name is and my middle name is .

2. My last name is .
3. My nickname is . Everyone calls me _ .

Miss, Mrs., Ms., Mr?


Mr. We use “Mr.” with a last name to address a man formally. Good morning, Mr. Turner.
Miss We use “Miss” with a last name to address a single woman formally. Hello, Miss Kim.
Mrs. We use “Mrs.” with a last name to address a married woman formally Good afternoon, Mrs. Sanchez.
Ms. We use “Ms.” with a last name to address a single or married woman Dear Ms. Alvarez…

Liz We use a first name or nickname without a title to address someone Hi, Elizabeth/Hi Liz.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 5
C. Listen and say the alphabet. Circle the letters in your first name. to practice

Spelling is important for difficult words and names.

How do you spell these words?
lawyer engineer
teacher housewife
student cleaner

How do you spell other words? Play the hangman.

D. Listen. How do you spell Catherine’s last name?

Practice the conversation with a partner. Use your own names. Katherine?
A: What’s your name?
B: Catherine Ravelli.
A: How do you spell Catherine?
B: C-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E
A: Thanks. And your last name?
B: R-A-V-E-L-L-I

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 6

A. Listen to your teacher and repeat the numbers.

0 zero / oh 10 ten 20 twenty 100 one-hundred

1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 101 one hundred (and) one
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 102 one hundred (and) two
3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 200 two hundred
4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 300 three hundred
5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty …
6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 1,000 one thousand
7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 1,001 one thousand (and) one
8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 1,100 one thousand (and) one hundred
9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety

B. Listen and write the numbers.




Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 7

What’s…? It’s…
What’s your name? My name’s Victor López.
What’s your email address? It’s
[at] [dot]
What’s your phone number? It’s 646-555-3048

What´s your address? It´s 342 Kennedy Avenue,

What’s= What is name’s= name is It’s= It is

C. Match the questions and answers. Then practice.

1. What´s your teacher’s name? a. It’s Ms. Gardino

2. What’s your first name? b. 586-555-9720
3. What’s your email address? c. Rachel
4. What’s your phone number? d. It’s yoyo3@
5. What’s your last name? e. My last name is Lee

D. Make a list of the names, ages, phone numbers and addresses of three classmates.

Name E-mail Age Phone number Address

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 8
E. Give information about:
Your country Your nationality
Your language The countries near Chile

Listen to your teacher and underline the stress in these countries, nationalities, and languages:

Brazil The USA The UK Poland China Mexico
I’m… Brazilian American British Polish Chinese Mexican
I speak Portuguese English English Polish Chinese Spanish

D. Where are you from? Work in pairs and complete these sentences.

Example: I am from Chile. I’m Chilean. I speak Spanish.

1. I am from France. I’m . I speak

2. I am from Poland. I’m . I speak

3. I am from Portugal. I’m . I speak

4. I am from Australia. I’m . I speak

5. I am from Italy. I’m .I speak

6. I am from Japan. I’m .I speak

7. I am from the United States. I’m . I speak

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 9

In general, we use the verb ‘to be’ for:

I’m Robert (’m = am)

 Names My name’s Susan (’s = is)
They’re Barbara and Carol (’re=are)
I’m 28 (years old).
 Ages Chloe is 15.
My brothers are 14 and 20 years old.
I’m Australian.
 Nationalities Francisco’s Chilean.
You’re Canadian.
I’m an engineer.
 Jobs She’s a dentist.
They’re teachers.


I am (I’m) I am not (I‘m not)
You are (you’re) You are not (you aren’t)
He is (he’s) He is not (he isn’t)
She is (she’s) She is not (she isn’t)
It is (it’s) It is not (it isn’t)
We are (we’re) We are not (we aren’t)
They are (they’re) They are not (they aren’t)


Am I? I am. I am not.
Is He? He is. He is not.
Is She? She is. She is not.
Is It? YES, It is. NO, It is not.
Are You? You are. You are not.
Are We? We are. We are not.
Are They? They are. They are not.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 10
A) Change the sentences from affirmative to negative and vice versa as in the example.

1. She’s 20. She isn’t 20.

2. We aren’t architects.

3. They’re Paula and David.

4. It isn’t Taiwanese.

5. You are 60 years old.

6. He isn’t from the UK.

7. I’m Pedro.

8. You aren’t engineers.

B) Write yes/no questions and short answers using the prompts.

1. / you / Chinese ? (+)

2. / we / in room 101 ? ( -)

3. / Chris / 21 ? (+)

4. / your name / Max ? ( -)

5. / you / students ? (+)

6. / Jenny / Spanish ? ( -)

7. / they / accountants ? (+)

8. / the PC / French ? ( -)

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 11

A) Robert is in a car hire office. Read the conversation and write his personal details in the form.

CLERK: Good afternoon. Welcome to Happy Car Hire Office. How can I help you?
ROBERT: Good afternoon. I need to rent a car for three days.
C: Right. I need some personal details.
R: OK.
C: What’s your surname, please?
R: It’s Matthews.
C: And how do you spell that?
R: M-A- double T-H-E-W-S.
C: OK. What’s your first name?
R: It’s Robert.
C: And what’s your nationality?
R: I’m from the UK. I’m British.
C: OK. What’s your address?
R: It’s 46 Green Road, Manchester.
C: And what’s your postcode?
R: It’s M46 7TY
C: OK. What’s your phone number?
R: It’s 61056 46 3445
C: And what’s your mobile number?
R: It’s 0896 637009
C: Right. Finally, what’s your email address?
R: it’s
(at) (dot)

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 12


Subject pronouns I You he she it we they

Possessive adjectives my Your his her its our their

Example: She is a student and her name is Tania

* We use subject pronouns with verbs.  She is a student.

* We use possessive adjectives before nouns  Her nickname is Chucky or before adjectives
and nouns Her funny nickname is Chucky


We use “a” with words that begin
Peter is a musician. He studies music in a
A with a consonant sound or a semi
We use “an” with words that begin
An Sam is an engineer.
with a vowel sound.
Compare these sentences:
We use “the” when we are talking Maryisateacher(=oneofmanyteachersinChile).She
about one particular thing. is thebest teacher in herschool (aparticular

A. Complete the dialogs with the right subject pronoun, possessive adjective. Add a/an/the
when necessary.

1. Frank: Is Miss White good teacher?

Sara: Yes, is a great teacher. classes are interesting.

2. Mary: Is Paul new instructor?

Pam: Yes, he is. is American. He is from United States.

3. Tom: Where are Mary and Pam?

Bill : are in the cafeteria.

4. Chris: Is Mr. Smith accountant?

Teresa: Yes, is. job is very stressful.

5. Andrea: Is your family from Chile?

Nancy: Yes, we are a typical Chilean family. husband’s name is Juan and is a
taxi driver. daughter’s name is Carmen and is ten years old.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 13
B. Look at these sentences from a letter. Make changes, using he, she, it or they.
It it
a. I like Rio. Rio de Janeiro is a big city, but Rio is very beautiful. Hi. My name’s Carlos. I’m
25 years old, and I’m from
b. My parents are teachers. My parents teach at the university.
Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil…

c. I have a brother. My brother is 15, and my brother is still at school

d. My wife’s name is Lucia. Lucia is a student. Lucia studies Spanish.

e. I have a motorbike. The motorbike is very old.

f. I have two sisters. My sisters live in Sao Paulo.

C. Imagine you are in a business conference. How do you introduce yourself to other people in
the conference? Practice in pairs.

My name’s… I’m a/an … (job or position)

I work for… (company) I work in… (department)

D. Three people talk about their jobs. Listen and complete the chart.

Pierre Olga Anna

What is his or her job?

Where is he or she from?

Where is his or her office?

Who is his or her boss?

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 14
E. 1-Listen to three conversations. Mark each statement TRUE or FALSE.

Conversation one: Conversation two:

1. Patrick is a sales assistant 1. Hiroshi Ito is Mayumi’s assistant
2. Diana Vincent is a sales manager 2.Dan Marshall is in finance

Conversation three:
1. Jimmy is pleased to meet Dave
2.Business is good

E. 2-Listen again and complete the conversation.

From conversation one:

A: Hello (1)…I’m…. Patrick Keller (2) .............the new sales assistant.

B: Oh, hello (3) ......................... to meet you. I’m Diana Vincent.

From conversation two:

A: Good morning. My (4)……………… Hiroshi Ito (5)........................... is Mayumi Nitta, my assistant.

B: Nice to (6) both. I’m Dan Marshall from Marketing.

From conversation three:

A: Hello, Jimmy.

B: Hi, Dave

A: (7) ....................... to see you again.

B: You too (8) .................................................?

A: Not too good.

B: Oh really? Sorry to hear that. What’s the problem?

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 15
Possessive adjectives
Pam is watching TV with George. Is the show interesting for him?


The Williams sisters


… Oh, and there’s Adele. She’s my

Brad Pitt favourite singer. Her voice is amazing.
… and look - the Williams sisters,
my favourite tennis players. Their
Sandra: I love these shows matches are always exciting. You’re
about celebrities, Hmm. Who’s a tennis fan, right? George?...
that guy? Oh, look. It’s Brad Pitt. George? Wake up!!
He’s so good-looking. His new
movie is great.

A. Can you complete the sentences? Use the information above to help you.

1. Brad Pitt is an actor. His movies are very good.

2. Adele is a famous singer. new video is great.
3. The Williams sisters are tennis players. matches are fantastic.
4. You are a tennis fan. favourite sport is tennis.
5. I love Black Eyed Peas, it’s favourite band. new album is excellent.
6. All my family is a Friends fan. It’s favourite TV show.

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B. LET’S TALK! My favorite celebrities.
Write the names of your favourite celebrities. Then talk about them with a partner. How many
things can you say? Tell the class.

Actor: Band:
Singer: Team:
Writer: Artist:

“My favourite actor is Chris Evans. He´s so good-looking. His movies are great.
His nationality is American.His most famous character is Captain America.”

C) Can you complete this conversation? Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
Use capital letters when necessary. Then practice with a partner.

Michael: Hi, Kelly. How are you?

is Kelly: fine, thanks. Is that your car?
are Michael: No. my brother’s car. on vacation.
I’m Kelly: Cool. So, where’s brother?
you’re Michael: He and wife are in Miami, with her parents.
he’s family from Miami, you know.
it’s Kelly: Oh, right. So, are children in Miami, too?
we’re Michael: No, with my parents and me.
they’re house is crazy. all so busy with the kids.
his Kelly: I bet tired.
her Michael: Yeah, I really am… Uh-oh, I’m late!
my Kell: OK. See you later.
your Michael: Wait! Where are my car keys? I mean, where are
our brother’s car keys?
their Kelly: Are these his keys? Under the car? Here you go.
Michael: Oh, thanks, Kelly. You’re wonderful!.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 17


The parts of speech are classified according to the work they do or their function (s) in a


A noun is the name of a person, thing, place, idea, or activity.

Nouns can be classified into:
COMMON NOUNS (they name any one of a class of people, thing, or place such as writer, state,
PROPER NOUNS (they name a specific person, place or thing. They always use Capital Letters as in
Chile, John, Monday, etc).

EXAMPLE: The toolbox is on the floor.

My best friend’s name is Ralph.

engineer - report - January - factory - industry - toolbox - advertising

- market – magazine – newspaper – journalist – slogan - stock - American –
Sunday – the U.S.A - Jackson - the Bible - the White House

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or group of words acting as a noun.
They can be subject pronouns (used before verbs) or object pronouns (used after verbs)

EXAMPLE: John is in love with Marie. He loves her

I Me
You you
Marie He him
She her
It it
We us
They them

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 18
An adjective is used to describe a noun. It modifies the meaning slightly, it qualifies a noun making
its meaning clearer, fuller, or more exact. They are always used BEFORE nouns.
If you want to use more than one adjective in a sentence, you have to organize them as follows:
1. First, use those adjectives that express personal opinion (beautiful, ugly, nice, etc.)
2. Second, size or number (small, big, enormous, twenty, great, etc.)
3. Third, age (new, old, young, little, antique, etc.)
4. Fourth, shape (square, round, rectangular, wide, etc.)
5. Fifth, colour (red, white, black, greenish, etc.)
6. Sixth, origin (Japanese, Chilean, Asian, etc.)
7. Then, material (paper, glass, plastic, etc.)
8. Finally, purpose (industrial [company], washing [machine], etc.)
She´s got beautiful long curly black hair.

opinion size shape colour

These are four red metal kitchen stools.

Number colour material purpose

Verbs express the idea of action or being and support that a person or thing is, does or suffers


She is very busy. She works very hard.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 19

An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or another verb.

An adverb that modifies a verb will answer one of these four questions: Where? When? In what
manner? To what extent?


Where? When?

He’s going outside now.

In what manner? To what extent?

The computer is working slowly. It is really old.

They make clear which noun is referred to or give information about quantity.

POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES my/ your / his / her / our / their Example: His job is dangerous.
ARTICLES a / an / the Example: a machine – an angle – the car
QUANTIFIERS a lot of / a few / many / a little Example: There are a lot of materials.
DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES this / that / these / those In singular, we use this or that.
In plural, we use these or those.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 20

Prepositions show the relationship between the noun or a pronoun and another word in the
sentence. There are different kinds of prepositions, for example:
Prepositions of place or location: in, under, in front of, across, next to, etc.
Prepositions of time: at, on, in, etc.

EXAMPLE: Amy wakes up at 7 o’clock in the morning on Mondays.

Her alarm clock is next to the bed

Conjunctions are used to join words, phrases or clauses.
Some common conjunctions are and, but, or, because, however, and so.

 He works hard because he wants to succeed.
 There are several cars and trucks in the street.
 Karate is tiring but fun.
 Do we turn right or left?
 Let’s write down the address so we don’t forget it.
 The computer is old. However, it is very reliable.

They express a sudden feeling or emotion. (No syntactical construction of a sentence).

 Ouch! Oh dear! Well done!

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 21

I. Identify the PARTS OF SPEECH. Choose words from the box to label the underlined words in each

a) Amazon sells1 books and2 hundreds of3 other products4. You pay by credit card and Amazon5
sends your6 products by mail7. It’s an excellent8 website.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

b) Oh no! 1 It’s too late2, the movie3 is starting right now4. I need5 to buy two6 tickets please.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

c) My1 boss usually is in2 his office at3 8.30 on Mondays4. He works very hard5 .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

II. Read the following invitation. Complete the table using words from the text.

World famous photographer Ethan Armstrong has

pleasure in inviting you to the opening reception of his
On Wednesday, June 10 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm VERBS
At the Armstrong Gallery ADJECTIVES
Some photographs from his new book “A Bird’s Eye View” NOUNS
will be sold. Part of the proceeds from the sale will be ADVERBS
donated to the fteredith Sullivan foundation for young
contemporary artist.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 22


A. Write the words from the box under the correct heading.

accountant – finance - human resources – director – telephone operator – marketing -

personal assistant (PA) – technician – engineer – production – sales assistant – cashier -
doctor - manager - receptionist - public relations - lawyer - journalist

Job Department
Accountant Finance

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 23
B. Write sentences as the example

My name is Daniel Torres. I am an accountant. I work in the finance department.






Garbage colllector
Construction worker

Police officer Taxi driver

Mail carrier
Dairy farmer

 
A. LET’S TALK! Discuss these questions with the class.
a) Which job do you think is the worst?
b) Which jobs are dangerous?
Best Not very good
c) Name three difficult jobs in Chile.
Wonderful Very bad
d) What´s your favorite job? Great Really bad
Excellent Boring
Very good Stressful
Really good Awful
Interesting Terrible
Quite good Worst

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 24
B. WORK IN PAIRS. Write each of these words in the corresponding box below.

secretary - TV host - waitress - chef - office clerk – rock singer -

tour guide – flight attendant – accountant – journalist – editor –
musician – cleaner – marketing director - producer

Think of two more jobs for each category.

Office work Food service

C.E.O Waiter

Travel industry Entertainment business
Pilot Actress

C. Listening: “I have a part-time job, too”.

1. Listen to the conversation between Jason and Andrea. Write T (true), F (false) or NM
(not mentioned).

1. Andrea is a tour guide.

2. She works in North America.
3. Andrea doesn’t like her job.
4. Jason is a university student.
5. He works in a fast food restaurant.
6. He works full-time.

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2. What does Jason do exactly? Listen to the rest of the conversation. Does he like his job?


D. Listening. “What’s a typical morning like in your home?”

Listen and read. Are you like any of these people?
Ron Howard

Liam Stern

“Well, I’m pretty busy. I get up early. I check “Well, my wife and I read the newspaper. I
my email, and I listen to the radio. I don’t have breakfast and my wife has coffee.
watch TV on weekdays. Then, I study.” We’re pretty quiet. We don’t talk a lot.”

Mary O’ Neal
Jackie Lane

“Noisy. I try to study but my brother and my

sister make a lot of noise, but they don´t care. “It’s crazy. We get up late, so I eat breakfast in
My sister watches TV, and my brother plays the car. My husband doesn’t have breakfast –
games on the computer.” he drives.”

E. ABOUT YOU. What do you do in the morning? Check the boxes and tell the class.

I get up early. I do my homework. I listen to the radio.

I watch TV. I talk a lot. I check my e-mail.

We use simple present for:

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 26

 Describing habits and routines We have lunch at work on weekdays.

 Repeated actions The plane leaves at 2 o’clock every day.

 Talking about frequency They always go to parties on Saturdays.

Simple present statements

+ -
I eat lunch. I don’t eat breakfast.
You have juice. You don’t have soda.
We get up early. We don’t get up late.
They read magazines. They don’t read the newspaper.
He listens to pop music. He doesn’t listen to rock.
She watches cable TV. She doesn’t watch satellite TV.

Remember: We add ‘S’ to all verbs when the sentence is affirmative and the subject are he, she,
it, for example: David plays the piano, because he likes music.

 Verbs ending in s, z, o, ch, sh, x add ‘es’: My sister goes home at 6 o’clock.
 ‘Y’ becomes ‘ies’ when the verb ends in consonant + y: The actress cries everyday.
 Have becomes has: Robert usually has breakfast at 7.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 27
have breakfast
have lunch
have dinner

A. Complete these sentences. have tea

1. I don’t like (not / like) horror movies.

2. In my family, we have (have) lunch together on Sundays
3. My father doesn't go (not / go) to work on weekends.
4. My mom doesn't drink(not /drink) wine.
5. My parents enjoy (enjoy) going to the cinema.
6. You don't study (not / study) English once a week.
7. My boss checks (check) her e-mail in the mornings.


B. Listen and repeat the words in the bubble. Notice the verb endings. /s/ likes
/z/ listens
C. Listen to these sentences. Do the verbs end in /s/, /z/ or /iz/? /iz/ relaxes
Check the correct column. Listen and repeat.

/s/ /z/ / iz /
1. My mom sings in the shower.

2. My dad gets up early.

3. My mom uses an alarm clock.

4. My friend exercises in the morning.

5. My brother goes on the internet.

6. My co-worker checks his e-mail.

7. My sister likes mornings.

8. My dad relaxes on the weekends.

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Simple Present: interrogative forms

Yes / No questions
Yes, I do. I study About
one hour a day.
Do you study
English every DAY?

No, she doesn’t. She

Does your sister study
studies French.
English As well?

Do you go to classes in the evening? Do you and your friends play football after class?
Yes, I do. / No, I don´t. Yes, we do. / No, we don’t.

Does your friend work in an office? Do your colleagues work overtime on weekends?
Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

Do I...?
Do you...? Time expressions: in the morning(s) before breakfast
Do we...? On Monday(s) in the afternoon(s) after class
Do they...?
On/at (the)weekends in the evening(s) every day
Does he...?
Does she..? On the weekend at night
Does it...?

DID -PASADO Answers:

A. Complete these questions. Compare with a partner. Yes, I do / you do/ we do / they do

1. Do
No, I don't / you don't/ we don't / they don't
you drink a lot of coffee every day?
Yes, she does / he does / it does.
2. Does your teacher speak another language?
3. _______you
Do do the laundry on the weekend? No, she doesn't / he doesn't / it doesn't

4. Do your friends go out a lot on weekdays?

Do the laundry = echar a lavar la ropa
5. Does your boss make a lot of phone calls in the afternoon?
6. Do
____ you do your homework after class? DO THE SHOPPING= hacer las comprar

7. Does your father watch TV at night? Do yoga

Do the homework
do research
Does she do the laundry in the mornings?
hacer= do
Yes, she does. weekdays = días de semana
Weekend= fin de semana

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 29
What time...?(time/hour)

How often...? ( frequency) ¿Cuán a menudo...?) WhAt do you do in

How many...
How much.. time/ money do you have? I have 1 your free time?

Information questions

Who (person)
Well, I go to the movies
WHAT (thing)
with my friends.
When (time)
Where (PLACe)
Why (reASon) Because,...
Who does she study with? How (MANner)
She studies with her friends.

What do you do at work? I answer the phone and send e-mails.

Who do you live with? I live with my husband and my children.
Where does she work? She works in a multinational company.
How often does he practice sports? He practices sports twice a week. once a week ( 1 vez a la
When do they have lessons? They have lessons on Wednesdays.twice a week ( 2 veces)

B. Complete this conversation with the verbs in parenthesis.

does do
A: What...........Henry............ (do)?
B: He’s a teacher. He……………………………. (teach) English at a school in Vancouver.
where does she…………………………….
A: And what about Lisa? ….………….. work (work)?
B: She...............
works (work) for a big computer company in San Diego.
A: What ……..…… do
does she ................(do) exactly?
B: She’s a Web-site designer. She …………..…………. (design) fantastic Web sites.

C. Unscramble the words to make questions. Compare with a partner.

1. do / you / do/ what / on Friday nights ? WhAt do you do on FriDAy nights?

2. Who/ you / do / with / go out / on Saturdays ? Who do you go out on Saturdays with?

3. does / together / your family / When / have lunch ? When does your family have lunch together?
4. you / get up / What time / do / on weekdays ? What time do you get up on weekdays?
5. after class / Where / you / your friends / and /do/ go? Where do you and your friends go after class?

I usually eat out/ take out food ...with my family. // I sleep early HOME
I go out with my sister to the cinema once a month. I arrive home...
My family and I have lunch together sometimes. // every day. I leave home..
I stay home... / stay in...
I usually get up at 8 a.m. ( I get up late in the morning at 11. I go home...
We usually go to our homes. / We go to the park. You come home...

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 30
D. Listen to the conversations. Write the questions you hear. Then, check your answers and
repeat them.
1. A Do you relAx in your free time? 2. A
B Well, yes, on the weekends. B Yes, I do. I like movies a lot.
B I sleep late, read, watch TV… B Two or three times a week.


A. Write the name of the leisure activity below the corresponding picture.

1. Running
2. Watching TV
3. Eat out
4. Go out
5. swimming
6. Biking
7. Go for a drink
8. Trekking
9. Go shopping
10. Stay in

3 5



Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 31
B. Complete the leisure activities below. Use words from the box. You can use each word
more than once.

I like... going to playing watching listening to reading

I don't like...
1. golf playing golf

2. magazines reading magazines

3. TV watching TV
4. the cinema going to: the cinema
pubs or club
5. pubs or clubs restaurants
6. restaurants
7. football playing football / watching football games

8. movies watching movies -- going to THE movies

9. CDs Listening to CDs - music - Spotify
10. the gym going to the gym
11. rock music listening to rock music

12. parties going to parties

13. tennis playing tennis
14. a book reading a book

C. Now write the sentences according to your routine. Tell the class. LIKE
 = I love….
Example: I like going to the cinema but I don’t like reading.  = I really like….
 = I like….
 = I hate ……
 = I can’t stand…..
 = I don’t like….

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 32

Frequency adverbs and Expressions of frequency

We often use adverbs of frequency and expressions of frequency with the present simple to
say how often we do things.
He often spends time in the evening writing e-mails.
He always makes two trips to Asia.
How often does he get up at 5:30 a.m.? Expressions of frequency
They usually go at the end of a sentence.
He works late at the office two nights a
Always often hardly ever
Usually sometimes never week.
He works from home once a month.
Once day
100% 0% Twice a week
Three times month
Four times year

A. Listen to the conversation. Fill the gaps with the missing frequency adverbs.
Practice the conversation.

Steve: This soup is delicious. What’s in it?... Mandy? Mandy?

Mandy: I’m sorry, what?
Steve: You know, I think you watch too much TV.
Mandy: Oh, I watch TV.
Steve: Are you serious?
Mandy: Well, sometimes I watch the morning shows.
And I watch the late movie.
Steve: And you have dinner in front of the TV!
I mean, you talk to me.
Mandy : Yes, I do! I talk to you during the commercials.

B. Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs in brackets correctly.

1. She gets up early (usually)…………………………………………

2. They start their first meeting at 9 o´clock (always) ………………………………
3. We are late for meetings (never) …………………………………………
4. I am busy in the afternoon (three times a week) ………………………………………
5. I go out with my friends (every Saturday night) ………………………………………

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C. Let’s read. How often do you connect to the Internet?
I. Read this short article and answer the questions.

Are you a smart phone addict?

So, you love your mobile phone. It’s a great way to find information, go shopping and be
connected with family and friends. It’s fun, but do you spend a lot of time using your smart
phone? Experts say most of smart phone users are smart phone addicts – they are
always online. “Smartphone addicts are often young people”, says one expert, “and they
usually have problems with family, friends, work, and school”.
Take this quiz. If you answer yes to all these questions, maybe you are a smart phone
1. Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet?
2. Do you think or talk about the mobile phone apps all the time?
3. Are all your friends connected to Whatsapp or Facebook by the phone?
4. Is your smart phone your only hobby?
5.Do you ever miss appointments or important things because you’re
connected to your phone?
6. Do you check your mobile phone every minute?

So, what do you do if you think you are an addict? Go to a counseling service.
Where are they? On the Internet! of course!

II. Answer the questions about the article. Compare your answers with a partner.
1. What problems do Smartphone addicts have?
2. Where do Smartphone addicts go for help?
3. What are some things Smartphone addicts do?
4. Do you know any Smartphone addict? Who?

III. IN GROUPS. Discuss these questions. Do you use smart phones for the same things?

*How often do you use a smart phone? *Do you have e-mail?
What do you use it for? How often do you send e-mails?

*Do you go on the Internet? *Do you ever shop online?

What do you do online? What do you buy?

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D. Read the pairs of sentences. Circle the correct adverbs to have the same meaning.
1. a) He reads the papers every day.
He always / sometimes reads the newspapers.
2. a) We eat in the company cafeteria four times a week.
We usually / sometimes eat in the company cafeteria.
3. a) I work late once a week.
I usually / sometimes work late.
4. a) The managers don’t go to business dinners on the weekend.
The managers never / sometimes go to business dinners on the weekend.
5. a) The company director travels on business twice a week.
The company director always / often travels on business.

E. LET’S TALK! Do you watch too much TV?

Discuss these questions. Do you have the same TV-watching habits?

*How many TVs do you have at home? *How often do you watch TV?
*Do you watch the commercials on TV? *Do you watch the news on TV?
*Do you have breakfast in front of the TV? *Do you ever watch TV in bed? In restaurants?

F. Listening: Do you have plans for the weekend?

I. Listen and complete the sentences.

Nick is probably Kelly’s …………………. a) brother b) classmate c) husband

II. Listen again. Check ( person.

spend time go out with go to the work out at relax

with family friends movies the gym

III. Circle the correct choices.

Nick asks Kelly to: a) meet his friend b) see a movie c) visit his family tonight at 8:45.

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Let’s write! How often do you do these activities on vacations?
Write sentences about what you do in your holidays. Use the verbs from the box. Tell the class.

Get up EArly WAtch movies

Do homework go to the BEACH
EAt FAst food check e-MAil
PlAy soccer use the “Metro”
TAke photos write MESSAges

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 36


Read the following description. Underline the singular nouns and circle the plural nouns.

On Penguin IslAnd….

…There isn’t A bAnk AND there isn’t A

bus STATion. There AREn’t ANY hotels ANd

there AREN’t ANY CAR pARks. There’s only A

lighthouse – ANd A lot of birds.

When using the plural form of nouns, pay attention to the following spelling rules.

Y becomes ies in nouns ending in consonant + y. For example: party – parties;

dictionary- dictionaries.

FE and F become ves. For example: wife- wives; shelf – shelves.

Some nouns are always plural. For example: glasses, jeans, shorts, scissors.

Some nouns do not follow any rule: man- men; woman –women; mouse- mice;
child-children; fish- fish; person-people; foot- feet.

Nouns ending in: s / x / o/ z / ch/ sh add es. For example: bus- buses; box- boxes;
tomato-tomatoes; buzz- buzzes; church- churches; dish- dishes.

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Articles: a - an - some

- A computer
- An answering machine
- One briefcase
- Some pens
- Six folders
- A lot of papers on the desk

When we name things we use “a/an/one” when you talk about one object and “six/some/a lot
of” when you talk about two or more objects.

Let’s see how it works:

1. A / an / one are used with singular objects.

For example: A telephone, an envelope, one pen, etc.

Be careful with this! but one envelope,

An envelope (not a envelope) one telephone
A telephone (not an telephone)

2. Numbers / some / a lot of are used with plural objects.

For example: two telephones, some envelopes, a lot of pens, etc.

Be careful with this!

Two telephones (not: two telephone)
Some telephones (not: some telephone)
A lot of telephones (not: a lot of telephone)
some water, some coffee
(not waters or coffees)

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When we mention one thing or a singular object, we use there is; when we refer to many things
or plural objects we use there are. For example:

There is a computer and a mouse pad on the desk.

There is a green calculator and a trophy.
There are two speakers next to the monitor.
There are two printers in the room.
There isn’t anybody in the room.
There aren’t any plants here.

It’s more common
to use there’s.

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Prepositions of location

The stick is in the cup The waste basket is next

to the table

The book is under the table The bottle is on the table

The boy is behind the man The chair is opposite the computer

The man is among the The ball is between the rackets


Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 40
A. Look at the picture below. Write questions and answers to describe the drawing. Followthe
1. Where’s the umbrella?
It’s behind the couch.

2. _
briefcase 3.

Eye glasses
Waste basket


purse umbrella

B. LET’S TALK. Think about the neighborhood around the university. Say what´s in this
neighborhood and its location. Ask and answer questions with your partner. (You can use words
from the box to help you).

Student A: There’s a supermarket near the university.

Student B: Where´s the supermarket?
Student A: It’s behind VKII campus.

CINEMA museum sTAdium

THEAter gyms cAr service
Bookstores sTAtionery shop

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 41
C. Listen. Where are Kate’s things?
Match the things with their locations.

1. Earrings ( ) a. Under the table

2. Watch ( ) b. On the chair

3. Sunglasses ( ) c. In front of the television

4. Address book ( ) d. In her purse

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 42


Discuss these questions about reading.

1. Do you like reading?

2. What kind of books do you usually read?
3. How often do you buy books, magazines, etc.?
4. Do you read the newspaper every day? How often do you read it?
5. What kind of material have you read in English lately?

What is Reading?
Reading is one of the four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is a
receptive skill. This means that reading involves responding to text, rather than producing it.
We can also say that reading involves making sense of the text. To do this, we need to
understand the language of the text at word level, sentence level and the whole-text level. We
also need to connect the message of the text to our knowledge of the world.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 43

A) Using a dictionary

You should use two dictionaries: a good bilingual dictionary (= English and Spanish) and a good
English-English dictionary.
The bilingual dictionary is easier to understand, but the English-English dictionary can give you
more information about a word or phrase. It’s good to work in English as much as possible.

B) What information does a dictionary give?

Each entry gives:

 The meaning(s). Sometimes there is more than one meaning.
 The pronunciation (= the way that you say a word) using the phonetic alphabet.
 Grammar information (if the word is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.).
 example phrases or sentences.
 Common word combinations and expressions (in some dictionaries they are written in bold).
 Words with opposite meaning, if there are any.

A dictionary Entry

 1 a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of
provisions, livestock, and other commodities.
■ an open space or covered building where vendors convene to sell
their goods.
 2 a demand for a particular commodity or service.
■ [often as modifier] the free market; the operation of supply and
demand: market forces.

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C) How should I use my dictionary? Here are some ideas to help you.

 Many words have more than one meaning. The first meaning is not always the one that you want.
Look at all the different meanings.
 When you look up a word, put a √ next to it. When you go back to the page later and see the √,
check that and you’ll remember the word without looking at the meaning.
 If you see an English word in a text, try to guess the meaning and continue to read.
Then use your dictionary to check the meaning.
 If you look up an English word in a bilingual dictionary and find several different words in your own
language, look up the English word in an English-English dictionary to find the right meaning.

Let’s practice. Take a look at these dictionary entries. They were taken from WordReference
English Thesaurus © 2012 ( As you can see, it’s an English-English
online dictionary.

1. Look at this entry for ‘heavy’, and answer the questions below.

▶ adjective (heavier, heaviest)
 1 of great weight; difficult to lift or move.
 2 of great density; thick or substantial.
■ (of food) hard to digest; too filling.
■ (of ground) muddy or full of clay.
 3 of more than the usual size, amount, or force: a heavy cold.
■ (of a smell) overpowering.
■ (heavy on) using a lot of.
■ doing something to excess: a heavy smoker.

a) How many meanings are there?

b) Write the word in the phonetic alphabet.

c) Is it a noun, a verb, or an adjective?

d) What is its opposite?

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2. Look at this entry for ‘job’ and answer the questions below.

 1 a paid position of regular employment.
 2 a task or piece of work.
■ a responsibility or duty.
■ computing an operation or group of operations treated as a distinct unit.
3 informal a procedure to improve the appearance of something: a nose job.

▶verb (jobs, jobbing, jobbed)
 1 (usu. as adj. jobbing) do casual or occasional work.
 2 buy and sell (stocks) as a broker-dealer, especially on a small scale.
be (or have) a job be or have a difficult task.
a good job informal, chiefly Brit. a fortunate fact or circumstance.

a) Can you use this word in the plural?

b) Are there any example phrases or sentences? (Write one)
c) In which expressions can you use the word ‘job’?
d) Is it a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb?

3. Now, look at this entry for ‘engineer’.

1 a person qualified in engineering.
 2 a person who maintains or controls an engine or machine.
 1 design and build.
 2 skilfully arrange for (something) to happen.
– ORIGIN : from OFr. engigneor, from med. L. ingeniator, from ingeniare ‘contrive’, from L.
ingenium (see engine).
RELATED WORDS: builder, maker, producer; director, handler, leader,

a) How many meanings does it have?

b) How many related words can you find?
c) Is it a noun, a verb or an adjective?

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4. Read the entry for ‘build’.

▶verb (past and past part. built)
 1 construct by putting parts or materials together.
■ (build something in/into) incorporate something
as a permanent part of.
i.e They’re building over the old market.
 2 increase in size or intensity over time.
■ (build on) use as a basis for further development.
i.e. The new wing was built on the hospital last year.
 1 the proportions of a person's or animal's body.
 2 the style or form of construction of something.
builder noun.
– ORIGIN OE byldan, from bold, botl ‘dwelling’, of Gmc origin; rel. to bower.
- SYNONYMS: construct, frame, raise, make, manufacture, put together, fit together, fabricate.

Now answer the following questions:

a) Write the pronunciation of the word.

b) Write the past forms of the word.

c) Is it a noun, adverb or verb?

d) Write two example sentences. :

e) How many meanings does the word have? :

f) Identify and write one expression using this word.

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Match the words with the vowel sounds. Check in your dictionary.

aren’t eight harbour boat centre he library between post cheap

I Car they two yes dry next zoo you no

1. /ei/

2. /i:/

3. /e/

4. /ai/ 
5. /u:i/  www.ldoceonline.comdictionary
6. /ou/

7. /a:/ aren’t

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 48



1 Facebook and MySpace are *popular social networking sites in the Internet.
Millions of people visit these websites and they make millions of dollars from
advertisements. People use social networking sites to make friends and now
some businesses are asking employees to use them for work. For example, the
company SERENA SOFTWARE employs nearly 1000 people. Everyone reads the
company news on Facebook and the site also helps internal communication because SERENA
SOFTWARE employees work in different parts of the world. So one employee in California can
quickly contact another in the Sidney office and build a closer working relationship. The company
also believes they can *create better teams between the twenty nine offices in fourteen different
countries by using social networking sites.

2 Social networking sites are good for your profits because you can *network with clients and tell
them about new products. Human Resources *Departments also use the sites to help them find
out about new employees and recruit them. The sites can also allow more employees to work
from home or from any location. Some companies also have lower travel costs because they use
the sites for international meetings.

3 Not all companies want employees to visit these sites for two reasons. Firstly, employees might
contact friends and plan their social lives during working hours. Secondly, ,many companies
believe there are security problems –you can get computer viruses from the sites and you might
not want all your company information available for everyone to read online. But
many businesses now believe there are more advantages than disadvantages. As one
business owner said “If you don’t understand the importance of social networking in the
business world today, you won’t have a business in the future”.

*Create : Make something new
*Departments: Parts of a company
*Network : Meet and talk with other business people
*Popular ; Liked by many people

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 49

I. - Work with a partner and discuss these questions:

a) How does your company use the internet?

b) How does the Internet help your company?

II. - Read the text quickly. Which paragraph of the text (1 – 3) describes:

a) Two disadvantages?
b) How a company uses a social networking site?
c) More advantages?

III.-Read paragraph 1 of the text again and answer these questions:

1. - What do millions of people visit?

2. - Why do people use social networking sites?

3. - How many employees does SERENA SOFTWARE have?

IV. - Paragraph 2 describes the advantages of social networking sites. Number the
advantages a – e in the order you read about them.

a) increase profits: 1 b) online meetings:

c) advertise new products: d) working from home:
e) employ new people:

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 50
V. - Work with a partner and decide what the underlined words in the text refer to?
Circle a or b.

1.-they in paragraph 1 A) Facebook and MySpace B) Millions of people

2. - them in paragraph 1 A) A social networking sites B) Businesses
3. - another in paragraph 1 A) A website B) Employee
4. - them in paragraph 2 A) Employees B) Clients
5. - they in paragraph 2 A) Companies B) Human Resources Departments

VI. - Complete sentences 1 – 7 with the verbs in the list. Look back at the text to help you if

Make Visit Tell Read Make Network Recruit

1.-I often this website because it has lots of useful information.

2. - Social networking sites are a good way to new business contacts.
3. - We only new employees with good qualifications.
4. - Did you the newspaper this morning?
5. - How much money dies the company a year?
6. - Did you Ryan about the meeting this morning?
7. - I always go to this conference because I can with new clients.

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Austria / Austrian
Bolivia / Bolivian People Things
Canada / Canadian Young old Good – bad
Denmark / Danish Ugly – pretty New – old
Egypt / Egyptian Tall – short Interesting - boring
England / English Thin - overweight Easy – difficult
Germany / German
Intelligent – stupid Right – wrong
Greece / Greek
Friendly – shy Cheap – expensive
Iran / Iranian
Funny – serious Fast – slow
Iraq / Iraqi
Irish Republic / Irish
Ireland / Irish
Korea / Korean Months of the Year Days of the week
Morocco / Moroccan January Monday
Norway / Norwegian February Tuesday
Peru / Peruvian March Wednesday
Russia / Russian April Thursday
Scotland / Scottish June Friday
Spain / Spanish July Saturday
Sweden / Swedish August Sunday
Switzerland / Swiss September
Taiwan / Taiwanese October Seasons of the year
Turkey / Turkish November Summer
Wales / Welsh December Autumn / Fall

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 52

Accountant Wake up Go out
Anesthetist Brush the teeth Phone family / friends
Agronomist Comb / brush the hair Visit family / friends
Actor – actress Leave home / work Have a coffee / a drink
Attorney Start work / classes Do sports
Builder Study / work Watch TV /movies/videos
Butcher Finish work / classes Eat out
Chef Take the bus/subway/tube Stay in
CEO Drive Chat with family / friends
Cleaner Ride a bike/horse Meet friends
Dentist Board the train/plane
Doctor Walk
Driver Get home / work
Engineer Sleep / take a nap
Factory worker
Police officer PREPOSITIONS
Waiter – waitress

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 53



Language Library
Parts of speech Bookstore Fiction
Important subject Bookworm Research
Inquisitive Messages Poetry
Interesting Vocabulary Autobiography
Biography Literature Librarian
Quiet Stories Nonfiction
Author Table of contents Words
Text Card catalog Sentences
Novel Index Paragraphs
Book Learning


Browse: To look over reading material in a leisurely manner.

Citation: A reference to or quote from an authority.
Definitions: They tell you what each word means; some words have more than one meaning.
Entry (in a reference book): Each word defined in a dictionary is called an entry word; entry words
show you how to spell the words.
Etymology: The origin and history of a word.
Guide words: Words that are on the top of every page.
Homonym: Words with same pronunciation but different meaning.
Lexicon: The vocabulary of a particular subject or group.
Phonetics: The study of the sounds of a language.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 54
Suggested English interactive software and Websites for further practice

1. Recursos virtuales National Geographic – Cengage Learning disponibles mediante clave institucional.

Bases de datos interactivas:


2. Webgrafía:
- Práctica de vocabulario y gramática de la unidad:
- Práctica de pronunciación y comprensión auditiva:
- Videos gramaticales

*Todas las imágenes de este booklet fueron descargadas desde sitios de uso público en Internet.

This booklet material was selected, adapted and designed for instructional purposes
and to be used in the classroom and as a study guide for students.

Material diseñado y/o adaptado por el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile 55

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