Post Test On The Indolence of The Filipino

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Reflecting on the indolence of the Filipinos

Write an essay reflecting on the ideas Rizal presented in his work, “On the Indolence of
the Filipinos.” Do you believe that indolence is an inherent trait among the Filipinos? Do
you agree or disagree with the reasons Rizal presented? Why or why not?

- The Indolence of the Filipinos is a study of the reasons why, during the Spanish
government, the people did not, as was said, labor hard. Rizal stated that the Filipinos
were industrious and hardworking even before the arrival of the Spaniards. Because of a
number of factors, the Spanish monarchy resulted in a drop in economic activity:

First, the founding of the Galleon Trade severed the Philippines' historical ties with other
Asian and Middle Eastern countries. As a result, only Mexico was used to conduct
commerce with Spain. As a result, the tiny companies and crafts industries that thrived
prior to the Spanish conquest progressively faded away.

Second, the imposition of forced labor in Spain diminished the indigenous' enjoyment of
work. The Filipinos were forced to labor in shipyards, roads, and other public works as a
result of the conflicts between Spain and other European countries, as well as the
Muslims in Mindanao. They had to forgo agriculture, industry, and commerce.

Third, Spain failed to defend its citizens from foreign invaders and pirates. The Indians
were slain, their homes were burned down, and their fields were ruined because they
lacked the means to protect themselves. As a result, the Filipinos were forced to become
nomads, lost interest in cultivating their lands or recreating the businesses that had been
shut down, and became completely reliant on God's grace.

Fourth, if schooling was to be regarded as an education, it was a crooked system. What

was being taught in schools were repetitious prayers and other things that the pupils
could not use to lead the country forward. There were no agricultural, industrial, or
business courses available.

Fifth, the Spaniards set a poor example to despising manual labor. The officials arrived
at work at midday and left early, doing nothing in accordance with their responsibilities.
The maids were constantly spotted following the women, dressing and fanning them -
personal tasks that they should have done for themselves.

Sixth, during those times, gaming was established and greatly spread. There were
cockfights almost every day, and on feast days, the government officials and friars were
the first to become involved in various gambles.

Seventh, there existed a twisted religious system. The friars persuaded the naive
Filipinos that a poor man had an easier time entering paradise, thus they opted not to
work and be poor so that they may easily reach heaven after they died.
Finally, taxes were extraordinarily high, to the point where a significant amount of their
earnings went to the government or the friars. They were reduced to inaction when the
aim of their labor was removed and they were exploited.

Rizal confessed that the Filipinos did not labor as hard as they should have since they
had learned to adapt to the warm, tropical climate. "An hour of labor under that scorching
sun, in the midst of destructive forces originating from nature at work, is comparable to a
day's labor in a temperate climate."

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