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Desiring Her

I. Characters:
a. Berry Lacamana – the heir of the Lacamanan Group of Companies, a depressed young who
wants to end her misery by killing herself.
b. Cadmus Valcarcel – the owner of Valcarcel Group of Companies, Cherry’s ex husband, know
to be a cruel and frightening boss and businessman, and a father to Snow Valcarcel.
c. Cherry (Lacamana)/ Cindy Fulgar – Cadmus ex-wife, Snow’s biological mother.
d. Ariel Lacamanan – Berry’s cousin
e. Luther – Cadmus cousin
f. Blake and Blaze – twin brother and Cadmus close friend
g. Cadmus adoptive parents
h. Katherine Valcarcel – Cadmus cousin
i. Jenna Rebadulla


Berry Lacamana, Cadmu Valcarcel, Luther, Blake and Blaze, Cadmus’ parents, Katherine


Cherry (Lacamana)/Cindy Fulgar), Ariel Lacamana, Jenna Rebadulla

II. Settings:
The story “Desiring Her” was set in the Valcarcel houses, Lacamana GoC Building, Valcarcel GoC
Building, Snow’s School, Heaven’s gate Resort and Bachelor’s Village.

III. Plot:
The story was about how Berry faces her depression and anxieties. The way she cope with all
her demons, get helped and have her revenge to those who have hurt her.
a. Exposition
Berry wakes up from her nightmares just like every night and continue crying then suddenly
she look at her bandaged wrist and thought of cutting it again. Filling herself being
weakened by the cut she smile as she lost her consciousness only to hear someone trying to
help her and put her in an ambulance and out of nowhere the ambulance was smashed in
the side.
b. Rising Action
Berry wakes up again but this time she’s in a hospital like room and the doctor called her
Mrs. Valcarcel and she told the doctor she’s not who they think she is and panic so the
doctor sedated her. The owner of the house was Cadmus who had mistaken Berry as his ex-
wife he loathed the most because of what she’d done. At first Cadmus believe that Berry
was still his ex-wife pretending to be someone else even after Berry confessed. After seeing
Berry’s scarred back Cadmus starts to doubt the she’s her wife and started investigating her,
only to find out that she’s an heir of a big group of company that looks exactly like his wife.
After the he discovered he started to treat Berry differently.
c. Climax
Cadmus treatment to Berry changes exponentially and has developed a closer bond
especially when little Snow enters the picture. While Berry hates being close to people
specially men but she has a soft spot for innocent children. At first meeting Show thought
Berry was her mommy and run away from her but eventually Berry have manage to get
close to Snow. Instead of letting Berry go after knowing she’s not her wife, Cadmus have
grown affectionate by her and didn’t want her to go at all. So he told her that he will help
her recover and get back to those who harmed her.
d. Falling Action
Because of the help she acquired from Cadmus and the people around her, Berry was able
to recover and found out that, Cindy Fulgar his cousin’s girlfriend, had copied her face and
was acting as her to get money from her company with the help of an executive officer
Jenna Rebadulla and Berry’s cousin Ariel lacamana. After figuring this out, Berry wanted
revenge and justice for herself and start seeking it.
e. Resolution
After planning and training with the help from people known by Cadmus, Berry was able to
achieve her goals and brought what is rightfully hers. Along the way Cadmus and Berry
develop feeling to each other and eventual become a couple and got married.

IV. Conflict
The story have conflicts of man versus self and man versus man. Man versus self, is when Berry
wanted to end her life because of her past experiences. Man versus Man, is when Berry plan her
revenge against those who harmed her.

V. Theme
The story’s theme is about romance and self-care. It’s about how Berry overcomes her demons
and the unfolding of her feelings toward Cadmus.

VI. Point of View

The story is in the third person point of view. The story uses the pronoun she/her, he/him it and

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